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Jul 28 (Fri) - SUFFOCATION w/ Goatwhore, Deconformity, Life at Zero, Hand Choke Neck, NeverSayNever, & Coffin Birth 18+ $15 starts at 7pm Buy tickets at myspace.com/deconformity - Mark's Show Place Bedford, NH +

SUFFOCATION w/Deconformity, Life at Zero, & Coffin Birth July 28th @ Mark's Show Place Buy tickets from us!

Mark's Showplace (Bedford, NH) - [coffin_birth][deconformity][goatwhore][hand_choke_neck][life_at_zero][neversaynever][randomshots][suffocation]
[show listing]  _________________________________________________
[Jul 28,2006 12:19am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
largefreakatzero said:I usually assume that the drum monitor will either suck or be non-existent (though Mark's system is pretty nice), so I point 1 cab at my drummer's head. Therefore no lame drummer excuses like "Shit, I couldn't hear you guys". Regardless, the Line 6 full stack will be coming to the show. Fuck yeah.

this is why well be setting up right on the floor !
[Jul 28,2006 12:21am - brian_dc ""]
stereotypical move for a grind band... :-0
[Jul 28,2006 12:22am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:stereotypical move for a grind band... :-0

we can only dream about being THENIGHTMARECONTINUES...
[Jul 28,2006 12:25am - brian_dc ""]
I definitely prefer being eye level with the people who are listening to you. So I'm not knocking it.
[Jul 28,2006 12:27am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:I definitely prefer being eye level with the people who are listening to you. So I'm not knocking it.

[Jul 28,2006 12:27am - brian_dc ""]
this one went to law school!
[Jul 28,2006 1:00pm - pryoryofsyn ""]
who else is going to this?
I'm planning to be there if I dont get lost in the NH wilderness.
[Jul 28,2006 2:56pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Bedford, NH = not much wilderness.
[Jul 28,2006 4:12pm - Ichabod_ken  ""]
Is this show in NH tonight cuz its listed as so for tomorrow too. ??
[Jul 28,2006 4:15pm - MadOakDevin ""]
suffocation is playing both nights, so you should go to Plague Bringer tonight and Suffocation tomorrow :-) haha.
[Jul 28,2006 5:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm over in manchester, hanging with my brother for a bit before the show.

it's raining like cizzaay.
[Jul 28,2006 5:59pm - powerkok ""]
I got home from work 30 mins ago....Im heading out in a few.
[Jul 28,2006 6:41pm - the_reverend ""]
need gas and food, but I was heading that way. the stupid gas station didn't have CCs working
[Jul 29,2006 2:36am - the_reverend ""]
ok, just got home.
working on pictures
[Jul 29,2006 3:23am - the_reverend ""]
pictures should be uploading as your hangover sets in.
[Jul 29,2006 4:58am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
You spelled DECONFORMITY wrong for their pic link.
[Jul 29,2006 9:59am - vomitthesoul ""]
How was the turnout last night?
[Jul 29,2006 10:35am - Aegathis ""]
it was decent
[Jul 29,2006 10:51am - porphyria  ""]
sweet lineup last night...all the bands sounded awesome. coffin birth was evil.
[Jul 29,2006 12:33pm - sever nli  ""]
pay to play is pretty gay.
[Jul 29,2006 1:02pm - infant_skin_suitcase ""]
how was the security last nite? any tolerance for moshing/headbanging? I've heard this place is strict
[Jul 29,2006 1:10pm - Aegathis ""]
yea the security there fuckin sucked, i got yelled at for repeatedly going out to my car. Fucking stupid, on top of paying a few hundred bucks outa my own pocket to play, if it werent for a decent sized crowd this woulda easily been our worst show.
[Jul 29,2006 1:10pm - Aegathis ""]
no reviews rev?
Any one?!
[Jul 29,2006 1:15pm - dreadkill ""]
the reverend molested me all night. i got to the show during hcn's set. life at zero's drummer impressed the shit out of me. the show was fun.
[Jul 29,2006 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
my review: mr. kill kept trying to put a beer bottle in my ass. I bocked his every attempt.
[Jul 29,2006 1:45pm - mikeatzero ""]
Last night was sick! I have completely lost my voice, not from our set, but for screaming for other bands. Hell If Downsey were there, you would have had every member that was ever in LaZ there.
[Jul 29,2006 2:40pm - the_reverend ""]
since tom(rusted angel) has joined the witness relocation protection program, he's grown and almost full beard. I heard once steroids come in vogue again, he's going to start a regiment and get built. the end results land him in a syrian jail awaiting public hanging after trying to start a jihad against the jihad.

Speak of the devil. Mr dugauy (ex-l@z vocals) showed up at this show. I haven't see him since the "my pants are falling off" photographying incident at the bombshelter. Also present was nolin (ex-l@z guitar). He's been showing up to shows lately which Is awesome. Most notibly was the dehumanized show where he was seen having a blast and acting like a fanatory. Those are the 2 missing l@z crew who still live in the area..

NeverSayNever: mcmahon's vocals were weird. He was obviously drunk and lacking the vicious growl that he's developed since I first saw them. His vocals reverted back a little towards pantera-ish. Honestly, the mix there for most bands was missing the bass and the low end on the vocals was gone so their set sounded surprisingly good for the first band in this venue. usually the first band gets the poop-mud sound.
[Jul 29,2006 2:53pm - the_reverend ""]
hand choke neck: aka the "other stevus" set. so hoser was wicked wicked late, but when he showed up at the last minute (cue mighty mouse music), it was obvious why. one word: Moustache. obviously right off his dayjob of trying to bust highschool kids for buying oregano. This new Narc was sporting the stereotypical Police officer stache that announces his entry into a room louder than the sirens on his undercover pickup truck. Their set sounded great. The singer, mark , got the thing on his neck,brian , removed. Brian was forced to retire from the band after "some one" got health insurance. He is now living a beach community in Del Boca Vista, Fl (which is awesome due to the waiting list on available unit). they cut atleast one song from their set and still ended 5 minutes late, but for their last song, they switched up their line up. Drums to vocals. Vocals to bass. Bass to drums. Proving once more that guitarists are a dime a dozen.
[Jul 29,2006 3:02pm - the_reverend ""]
life at zero: last show? yeah right mike. Didn't look like it. you made me a liar over air last monday. Their set was tight and probably had the most people in the crowd. At one point, I remarked that the "guitars that sounded like they are being played under water" were gone. then they busted them out. I was commenting to dugauy that the thing that changed them was well.. Time... And changing the guitists. Before, you had 2 guys that played similar with (from what I remember) andy trying to do the leads. both andy and nolin came from a similar music background. The new guy brought a lot different abilities to the band (also I believe he's a sound engineer and recorded the new CD).
[Jul 29,2006 3:05pm - powerkok ""]

[Jul 29,2006 3:09pm - powerkok ""]
actually....thats a molestauche foward slash diarrhea face pic.
[Jul 29,2006 3:09pm - powerkok ""]
I seriously just spelled out foward slash..........Im going to bed.
[Jul 29,2006 3:20pm - mikeatzero ""]
Hey Rev, you're not a liar. it's my last show for a bit till i get my shit straightened out. This was after Figuring shit out, and knowing what i have to do for myself, so i can continue to be an active part of my band. My head is just not in the game right now, and i think that is obvious from my last few performances. Compaired to all the other singers, i look like I have singermortis. Soon as I have my shit together, i will be back, and better. Last night prooved one thing to me, I'm not pushing the envelope, and i need to step up my game. When we come back, we will hopefully have some new songs, it's time for reinvention.
[Jul 29,2006 3:24pm - the_reverend ""]
well, that's not a bad thing, asshole.

coffin birth: I think they were late or something? Aegathis showed up and seemed really pissed off. Maybe they got lost on the way. They seemed to have brought a bunch of kids who were just there to see them and goatwhore. These kids all sort of sat around when the other bands played, but went crazy for CB. Anthony had a hate eternal style fan going on to make his hair flail about as he played. The sound for them was also awesome. They sounded less like black metal and more like Hate Eternal.
[Jul 29,2006 3:27pm - Aegathis ""]
We brought people with us?
[Jul 29,2006 3:38pm - the_reverend ""]
brought=drawn. originally, I thought they had come with you guys, but then I realized they were their before you.

Deconformity: during their set, there were lots of head banging individuals which made the security nervous. They kept circling through the "pit" and even stopped a few people. it mostly started during deconformity. I couldn't here the bass at all during their set. The bassist was a new guy. Plus, again, no low end on their vocals. It made them sound a lot different than they "should". still, it seemed like a lot of people dug them.

goatwhore: when ever I see them live, I realize that they are basically the perfect band. Some weird ballady sing-songy almost crypt-talk vocals which great blackmetal. When I listen to their CDs, I can never seem to find a track that perfectly encompasses their live show. ben was in awesome form as a front man. someone yelled for "freebird" he offer his verion of it bck to them. they played um.. I think 3 songs off the CD coming out in september. the tracks sounded good. it's odd seeing them as a 4 piece now.
[Jul 29,2006 3:41pm - dreadkill ""]
anthony's hair looked like an octopus flailing about.
[Jul 29,2006 3:48pm - the_reverend ""]
that's what I was thinking. hence the HE reference.
[Jul 29,2006 3:50pm - dreadkill ""]
i didn't even read that and just now realized we both said flail about
[Jul 29,2006 3:52pm - Aegathis ""]
Everytime ive seen goatwhore theyve always been a 4 piece band, i dont think they really need another guitarist like they did before honestly. No solos/harmonies or anything. I dont understand why bands like that feel the need to have 2 guitarists, its hard enough for us to find another one good enough and wants to actually play. Fun show! And yea i was pissed, mainly at the people yelling at me for going outside repeatedly.
[Jul 29,2006 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
suffocation: their set was awesome. They started off with thrones of blood (my second favorite suffo song) into infecting the crypts (my most played iPod-wise song). then a new track, Catatonia, and then I stopped paying attention. They also pierced from within (my favorite suffo song) and Subconciously enslaved. Why do I document all that? Well, they are playing all different songs at the show tonight. So basically, they have no other peirced from within songs to play. They also played a bunch off souls to deny. I'm guessing they will focus on the other 1/2 of souls to deny, effigy, play a different new track and if you are lucky, something off human waste. The bassist broke his leg so he was sitting down for their set. It's funny seeing Guy as an integral part of this band now. I remember back when he played his first show with them. I asked something like "what's it like just joining and playing with an iconic band like suffocation? is it overwhelming?" now, his as natural to that band as uncle frank.
[Jul 29,2006 4:55pm - zykloned ""]
Fuck! I log on my email this morning and I have 43 new messages from RTTP. Haha, fucking awesome! What absolutely amazing show last night! The sound was great! Everyone showed a lot of support and dispite the "no mosh" policy, the response was really impressive. Definitely our best show to date. Thanks to everyone for coming out last night! Rev, sick fucking pics man!
[Jul 29,2006 5:09pm - hutch ""]
ya that was an awsome show, it sucked the security were such dicks. but whatever i was very impressed with life at zero i thought they were really awsome, coffin birth was sick, and of course goatwhore and suffocation kicked ass. it sucked cause i couldnt go get high outside i was freakin!!!
[Jul 29,2006 5:46pm - the_reverend ""]
hm.. I need to make a check to cut down on the number of messages one gets from a thread.

the security was actually a million times nicer than the other NHbooking shows I've been too.
[Jul 29,2006 6:09pm - zykloned ""]
Yeah, they weren't assholes, but it was way too constricting about their door policy. Stupid NH laws.
[Jul 29,2006 6:54pm - powerkok ""]
Not NH laws....Marks Showcase laws.....Any other venue in NH lets you go to your car to get high.
[Jul 29,2006 7:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought that was actually put into the NH constitution.
[Jul 29,2006 9:31pm - Aegathis ""]
Nicks gotta sport the perm more often

[Jul 29,2006 10:34pm - largefreakatzero ""]
This show was awesome. Deconformity -- holy shit, where did those guys come from? I was pleasantly suprised/impressed. Goatwhore and Suffocation ate my brains, NSN, HCN, Coffin Birth played great sets. Security was still painfully present (I thought TNT got fired?) but they didn't do anything to royally piss me off. I think we played pretty good, but Suffocation made us look like friggin amateurs, as they should. Thanks to everyone who came out, bought tickets from us, etc. And no, this is not Mike's last show -- we helped him remove his nuts from his purse (JK Mike) and he's all set now to sell his soul to Life at Zero.
[Jul 30,2006 2:23am - reconformity68 ""]

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