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Now Find a show to go to!

Jul 28 (Tue) - Drive-By Bukkake, The Summoned, Dysentery, HYEO, Conforza, and Blood of the Gods - Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA)

Tuesday July 28th in Haverhill - Drive-By Bukkake, The Summoned, Dysentery, HYEO, Conforza & Blood of the Gods

Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA) - [blood_of_the_gods][conforza][drive_by_bukkake][dysentery][empty_orchestra][randomshots][the_summoned]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[Jul 28,2009 2:47pm - RustyPS ""]
I'll def take one of those
[Jul 28,2009 4:16pm - boblovesmusic ""]
woah guys, tonight!
[Jul 28,2009 4:42pm - archaeon ""]
I'm trying to get the ex-Archaeon drummer to go to this. lives in haverhill now. He <3's dysentery.
[Jul 28,2009 4:48pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I won't take an Archaeon shirt if it's black, but any other color I'm down
[Jul 28,2009 4:51pm - archaeon ""]
[Jul 28,2009 5:12pm - PLongfellow  ""]
Set times? I really don't wanna miss too much of this
[Jul 28,2009 5:13pm - archaeon ""]
use your math skills to guess.
[Jul 28,2009 5:31pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving soon. I smell bad too.
[Jul 28,2009 6:16pm - RustyPS ""]

PLongfellow said:Set times? I really don't wanna miss too much of this

630- blood of the gods
715- conforza
800- hyeo
845- dysentery
930- the summoned
1000- drive by bukkake
[Jul 28,2009 6:22pm - PLongfellow  ""]
Thanks Rusty, My math skills are ill.
[Jul 28,2009 7:33pm - the_reverend ""]
it is ridiculous hot in here.

blood of the gods: don't tell anyone, but between you and I, this band is the reason I came to the show.
[Jul 28,2009 7:36pm - the_reverend ""]
even the back of my neck is sweating..
[Jul 28,2009 9:24pm - the_reverend ""]
empty orchestra played without incident.

dysentery played and ended with a self KO
[Jul 28,2009 10:05pm - the_reverend ""]
the summoned is like that friend who has a gf that you just hate and they fight all the time. every now and then that bitch fucks off for a while and then your friend "gets over her". you always hope that he does, but they always end up back together. for a week or two, they are all happy, but then they go back to fighting like a lion vs a shark. the best thi and the worst this is that you fucked your friends gf while they were broken up and he doesn't know that. the summoned's double serving of steve is just like that with out the hate or fighting... but I think I know a few other bands that he fucked while you were separated.
[Jul 28,2009 11:43pm - archaeon ""]
I'm going to hate myself tomorrow. MOSHTOOHARD
[Jul 28,2009 11:43pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 28,2009 11:45pm - archaeon ""]
Enjoy your T-shirts. FAGGOTS
[Jul 28,2009 11:48pm - archaeon ""]
I'm clothing dysentery on this tour btw.
[Jul 28,2009 11:52pm - the_reverend ""]
self KO is the best shot of the night. that and airchaeon.
[Jul 29,2009 12:03am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
[Jul 29,2009 12:05am - DrewBloodMobile  ""]
Grant needs to open a mosh dojo
[Jul 29,2009 12:08am - BoarcorpseJimbo ""]
Fun show. Grant i can't thank you enough for the music and the shirt... and your dancing was VERY surprising.
If Dysentery plays like that on tour, they'll do just fine.
The drive by summoned tour will also be very entertaining. DBBs' set was enthralling. that is all, good night.
[Jul 29,2009 12:15am - RichHorror ""]
I see no self KO.
[Jul 29,2009 12:20am - the_reverend ""]
end of dysentery.
[Jul 29,2009 12:21am - archaeon ""]
eric looks naykid
[Jul 29,2009 12:22am - RichHorror ""]

the_reverend said:end of dysentery.

I still don't.
[Jul 29,2009 12:22am - the_reverend ""]
there is a better airchaeon in dbb
[Jul 29,2009 12:23am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 29,2009 12:23am - RichHorror ""]

RichHorror said:I still don't.
[Jul 29,2009 12:23am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 29,2009 12:29am - archaeon ""]
[Jul 29,2009 12:31am - RustyPS ""]
if you look up "fun metal show" in the dictionary, a picture from this show will be next to the definition
[Jul 29,2009 12:43am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Jul 29,2009 12:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
This show was mad fun and well worth my time.

My van's check engine light came on on the way home, and Reverse stopped working.

[Jul 29,2009 12:48am - RustyPS ""]
FUCK is fucking right....not good news for us

but here's looking at you sweetheart
[Jul 29,2009 12:51am - archaeon ""]
"here's looking at you, kid"

Get your Bogart right, asshole.
[Jul 29,2009 12:53am - RustyPS ""]
I wasn't going for Bogart, I was going for Bogart mixed with Rusty
[Jul 29,2009 12:54am - archaeon ""]
Gayest combo ever.
[Jul 29,2009 12:56am - RustyPS ""]
that's the goal
[Jul 29,2009 1:27am - boblovesmusic ""]
Well that was a fun show! Would post my twitter reviews, but didn't have time to do them! haha

Thanks Jim and Rusty for the shout out during the HYEO set. Thanks Grant for the CDs and shirts! Thanks Jim again for the Boarcorpse CD! Thanks Grant and Blue for sexing me up!
[Jul 29,2009 1:45am - the_reverend ""]
what about thanking the person that bought your drink?
[Jul 29,2009 1:58am - PLongfellow  ""]
Thanks rev for making me look more reeedddiculous than I do myself. I now can add embarrassment to the list of black eye and dead car in the four mile jam up on 495.
[Jul 29,2009 2:05am - the_reverend ""]
fuck 495.
[Jul 29,2009 2:07am - SteveSummoned ""]

the_reverend said:the summoned is like that friend who has a gf that you just hate and they fight all the time. every now and then that bitch fucks off for a while and then your friend "gets over her". you always hope that he does, but they always end up back together. for a week or two, they are all happy, but then they go back to fighting like a lion vs a shark. the best thi and the worst this is that you fucked your friends gf while they were broken up and he doesn't know that. the summoned's double serving of steve is just like that with out the hate or fighting... but I think I know a few other bands that he fucked while you were separated.

What? lol
[Jul 29,2009 2:08am - PLongfellow  ""]
dude, it was stupid. A 4 mile back up for less than 700 feet of road work. Not to mention my battery almost shit the bed while I was stuck there, Thankfully it died while at a gas station. BTW, it was not a self KO, I would say I TKO'd myself.
[Jul 29,2009 2:09am - the_reverend ""]
I wasn't suppose to say that immortal13 is back in the band.
[Jul 29,2009 2:18am - SteveSummoned ""]

the_reverend said:I wasn't suppose to say that immortal13 is back in the band.

Hahahaha when John and I read that we were so baffled it was ridiculous. He THOUGHT it might have to do something about Greg and turns out we were right lol.

Yes Greg is back in the band.
[Jul 29,2009 9:33am - boblovesmusic ""]

the_reverend said:what about thanking the person that bought your drink?

I already thanked her! Besides, she doesn't frequent the forums! hehe
[Jul 29,2009 9:53am - BrianDBB ""]
SERIOUSLY, this was such a great show! This was the first show i've ever put together and been the "promoter" for. 50+ kids on a Tuesday night in Haverhill is an amazing turnout! All the bands were solid, and this was the perfect tour kickoff for us. Thanks again!
[Jul 29,2009 9:54am - BrianDBB ""]
And Rev... awesome pics! They're all goofy as shit

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