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MDF VIII - 2010... OMG!

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Mar 21,2010 2:20pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Krallice is filling in
[Mar 21,2010 5:14pm - NuclearWinter ""]
[Mar 28,2010 10:58pm - Lamp ""]
I managed to get a cheap hotel for this even if it is a bit of a ways out of town. Everything right in Baltimore is so fucking expensive, over $200 a night, fuck that.

Still can't wait.
[Mar 28,2010 11:29pm - the_reverend ""]
I think I've got $400 for 3 nights.
[Mar 28,2010 11:30pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I still have to figure out that part... Anyone want to have me as a roommate? :-D
[Mar 28,2010 11:30pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
I wish I wasn't gonna be in El Salvador during this...Oh well maybe next year.
[Mar 29,2010 11:38am - Lamp ""]

the_reverend said:I think I've got $400 for 3 nights.

Are you going to the pre-fest too?

I got about $270 for four nights at a Super 8 just under half an hour away from Sonar on US-40(right near 95). Shit hotel central! However, I believe this is the same exit I got off at when I went to Richmond the weekend before the one that just happened, so if I am, I'm right near a Sheetz.

[Mar 29,2010 11:39am - Lamp ""]
Also, I'll make it a point to demolish some Waffle House at least one of these mornings.
[Mar 29,2010 1:41pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Hotel prices are fucking ridiculous this year because of whatever other events are happening in that area the same weekend. I bit the bullet and spent the money so I don't have to take my car down there and spend additional small fortunes on parking, tolls, gas, and whatever fucked up shit could potentially happen on the road. Hooray for free train rides.
[Mar 29,2010 9:41pm - sniip_snap  ""]
it's also pricey b/c it's memorial day weekend.
[Mar 29,2010 9:49pm - the_reverend ""]
yes pre-fest.
I'm working so I'm walking
[Mar 29,2010 11:53pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

sniip_snap said:it's also pricey b/c it's memorial day weekend.

It wasn't even half as expensive last year; MDF is always on Memorial Day weekend.
[Mar 30,2010 5:33pm - Lamp ""]
My tickets just showed up in the mail today! This is going to rule.
[Mar 30,2010 5:36pm - ouchdrummer ""]

AndrewBastard said:Naglfar canceled.

[Apr 11,2010 1:35pm - Lamp ""]
Needs a hump and a bump because this shit's only a month and a half away.
[May 26,2010 11:27pm - Lamp ""]
Somehow nobody's been bumping this thread. Fuck you guys.

I leave in the AM!
[May 26,2010 11:30pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Fuck you and your faggot crabcakes, Maryland. Fuck you.
[May 26,2010 11:57pm - the_reverend ""]
Leaving in 5 hrs

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