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Darkspace, Mgla to play in Montreal in November

[Aug 27,2012 12:48pm - arilliusbm ""]

Messe des Morts II FEST

Darkspace, the Swiss ambient/space black metal outfit... Exclusive north american appearance.
they are known for their intense light/fog show when they play live. Should be AMAZING.

Nargaroth dropped.
[Aug 27,2012 12:51pm - Burnsy ""]
Yeah I'm planning on going to this.
[Aug 27,2012 12:53pm - LucidCurse ""]
yeah, this was great last year. wont be across the street again but will still be there
[Aug 27,2012 12:53pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Nice lineup. Seeing Mgla a week earlier in Helsinki.
[Aug 27,2012 12:56pm - Uh ""]
Last years Messe des Morts was awesome and this lineup looks pretty fucking awesome. Wtf, its happening the day of thanksgiving now.
[Aug 27,2012 1:18pm - AndrewBastard ""]
"So according to this it seems that Nargaroth has cancelled and that Revenge (!!) and Black Witchery are going to play this!"
[Aug 27,2012 1:20pm - Yeti ""]
whoa, i would love to see Darkspace.
[Aug 27,2012 1:52pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Cool that Nargaroth dropped
[Aug 27,2012 2:29pm - chrisREX ""]
Fukk. It's going to be hard to explain why I have to skip thanksgiving this year.
[Aug 27,2012 2:33pm - Alx_Casket ""]
thanksgiving is a false holiday. only smallpox blankets were real.
[Aug 27,2012 2:34pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Thankgiving is kvlt.
[Aug 27,2012 2:36pm - permafrost ""]
Fucking livid its during Thanksgiving.
[Aug 27,2012 2:39pm - AndrewBastard ""]
yeah what the fuck...i wanna see Darkspace / DNS AND give thanks.

[Aug 27,2012 2:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
Canada does not celebrate our stupid Thanksgiving holiday. And besides, the French caring about the arrival of British midgets? Yea, they don't care.
[Aug 27,2012 2:46pm - chrisREX ""]
Canada has thanksgiving, but it's in fucking October.

[Aug 27,2012 2:48pm - chrisREX ""]
We should all go up dressed like pilgrims and indians.

[Aug 27,2012 3:40pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I'll totally wear that slutty pilgrim costume.
[Aug 28,2012 1:54pm - Eurolymius  ""]
Messe des Morts was so fucking awesome last year, I am so excited holy fuck. Montreal has such a bad ass metal scene.
[Aug 28,2012 1:56pm - nekronaut ""]
This is old news.
[Aug 28,2012 2:01pm - trioxin245 ""]
ITT: notshaver didn't get the memo letting everyone know that you can't post 'old news' 18 posts into a thread.
[Aug 28,2012 2:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
I heard about it a while ago
[Aug 28,2012 2:06pm - xmikex ""]
Which day is Darkspace playing? I don't care about anything else.
[Aug 28,2012 2:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
I dont think its announced yet but I'm really hoping its saturday.
[Aug 28,2012 2:41pm - Eurolymius  ""]
Haha, Csjethe...nobody at the show last year could figure out how to pronounce it.
[Aug 28,2012 2:43pm - trioxin_245 ""]

Eurolymius said:Haha, Csjethe...

only this Csjethe is real.

[Aug 28,2012 3:47pm - MikeOv  ""]
If Darkspace is confirmed for either Friday or Saturday, I'm there.
[Aug 28,2012 3:58pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I'm glad so many peeps are down to go...

Lets arrange a carpool. I know Andrew Hock is going too
[Aug 28,2012 4:05pm - 2002 Kinslayer  ""]

AndrewBastard said:I'm glad so many peeps are down to go...

Lets arrange a carpool. I know Andrew Hock is going too

I don't ride with jews...
[Aug 28,2012 4:05pm - Kimothy Kelly  ""]
Space, the final frontier. With a sound that brings to mind classic black metal bands like Blood of the Black Owl, Yellow Eyes and Woe Darkspace are forging new pathways in old school raw satanic black metal.

Perhaps most shocking of all outside of the extreme music they're making that's hardly the high pitched wails of Bruce Halford in Iron Maiden is the fact that they're from an insular mountain kingdom that's walled itself off from the rest of the world for the past 666 years. A kingdom where all music but yodeling is frowned upon and punished harshly with forced labor on the Matterhorn. I'm talking about the most inhospitable place on Earth for our heavy metal brethren, Switzerland.
[Aug 28,2012 4:11pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

AndrewBastard said:I'm glad so many peeps are down to go...

Lets arrange a carpool. I know Andrew Hock is going too

Yeah his brother talked to me about going up, I'm in as well. I have to get a new passport though :( unless I can get away using my friend Tom's Passport who has short brown hair like me I guess not sure if that would work but it could.
[Aug 28,2012 4:12pm - AndrewBastard ""]
youd fuck everyone else over if you didnt get through with that fake passport.
[Aug 28,2012 4:12pm - Captain Obvious  ""]

nekronaut said: I never heard of Darkspace until 3 months ago but this this is old news.
[Aug 28,2012 4:13pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

AndrewBastard said:youd fuck everyone else over if you didnt get through with that fake passport.

Oh yeah true...Hmm I guess I'll have to get a new passport then if i feel like it if i wanna go up.
[Aug 28,2012 4:14pm - MikeOv  ""]

AndrewBastard said:youd fuck everyone else over if you didnt get through with that fake passport.

[Aug 28,2012 4:15pm - MikeOv  ""]
Also, has anyone heard the new Darkspace ep "Minus One"? Came out about 2 months ago I believe?
[Aug 28,2012 4:17pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
I think I am banned from either going to Canada or just driving up there. My car broke down at the border years ago and they TURNED ME BACK
[Aug 28,2012 4:18pm - Kimothy Kelly  ""]

MikeOv said:Also, has anyone heard the new Darkspace ep "Minus One"? Came out about 2 months ago I believe?

Being the official merchandise girl of metal I heard it before the last Darkspace LP came out...
[Aug 28,2012 4:20pm - MikeOv  ""]
It's just a re-recording of the demo anyway, but still might be cool. Like how Neige re-recorded Le Secret.
[Aug 28,2012 10:17pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

AndrewBastard said:you'd be camping out in swanton, VT if you didnt get through with that fake passport.

[Aug 28,2012 10:32pm - Snowden ""]
Lineup is weird, I think they have more Anglo Canadian bands than Quebecqois this year. Looks awesome though, I picked up Ephemer's demo last year and will be stoked to see them play.
[Aug 28,2012 10:33pm - Snowden ""]

Kimothy%20Kelly said:Space, the final frontier. With a sound that brings to mind classic black metal bands like Blood of the Black Owl, Yellow Eyes and Woe Darkspace are forging new pathways in old school raw satanic black metal.

Perhaps most shocking of all outside of the extreme music they're making that's hardly the high pitched wails of Bruce Halford in Iron Maiden is the fact that they're from an insular mountain kingdom that's walled itself off from the rest of the world for the past 666 years. A kingdom where all music but yodeling is frowned upon and punished harshly with forced labor on the Matterhorn. I'm talking about the most inhospitable place on Earth for our heavy metal brethren, Switzerland.

Your trolling has me non-ironically lolling.
[Aug 29,2012 2:27am - quintessence_nli  ""]
Fuck thanksgiving. I'll be at this. I HATE family holidays. Fuck family.
[Aug 29,2012 7:38am - Burnsy ""]

quintessence_nli said:Fuck thanksgiving.

[Aug 29,2012 7:49am - arilliusbm ""]
Thanksgiving is retarded, although I love food. I'm kind obliged to do something on that day. Other than that, I'm really hoping the good bands play on the weekend.
What is the passport turnaround? 5 weeks? I need a new one..
[Aug 29,2012 8:46am - AndrewBastard ""]
i like thanksgiving cause I like the food/beer/family time (mostly being an asshole with my niece) but this year it can suck a dick...

[Aug 29,2012 11:28am - Eurolymius ""]
Drove up for this last year on Thanksgiving, and the roads were empty. It was really cool, like all of civilization had perished, and there was no line at the border.

arilliusbm said:What is the passport turnaround? 5 weeks? I need a new one..

A friend of mine just expedited her passport and got it in less than a week, but I think you need some kind of travel documentation to do so.
[Aug 29,2012 11:43am - trioxin_245 ""]
fuck, I totally spaced on the fact that you need a passport just to go to Canada these days. FUCK OFF NOWADAYS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL
[Aug 29,2012 12:57pm - xmikex ""]
The Kim Kelly troll is winning this thread.
[Aug 29,2012 1:08pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah. that and that indian girl.. oh mama feathers not dots.
[Aug 29,2012 1:09pm - nekronaut ""]

xmikex said:Janssen is winning this thread.

[Aug 29,2012 1:13pm - trioxin_245 ""]

the_reverend said:yeah. that and that pilgrim boy.. oh mama balls not boobs.
[Aug 31,2012 3:16pm - Yeti ""]
rumor has it Anaal Nathrakh is touring Canada in November.....
[Aug 31,2012 3:45pm - AndrewBastard ""]
partied with a couple of those dudes on tour in the UK...
[Aug 31,2012 3:49pm - Alx_Casket ""]

AndrewBastard said:partied with a couple of those dudes on tour in the UK...

[Aug 31,2012 3:52pm - AndrewBastard ""]
that IS me right now
[Aug 31,2012 3:53pm - Alx_Casket ""]
It bore a striking resemblance
[Aug 31,2012 4:33pm - ark  ""]
fuck, that cat is so cool.
[Aug 31,2012 7:27pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

ark said:fuck, that cat is so cool.

Yea definitely.
[Sep 2,2012 4:36pm - Eurolymius ""]
Full line-up announced:

Genèse (22 novembre) :
(1635 St-Laurent)

- Darkspace (Switzerland, first North-American show ever!!)
- Thantifaxath (Ontario)
- Sortilegia (Ontario, first Montréal show)
- Verglas (Québec)

Psaume I (23 novembre) :
Théâtre Plaza
(6505, rue Saint-Hubert)

- Revenge (Alberta, first Canadian show ever!!)
- Seth (France, first North-American show ever!!)
- Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult (Germany, first Canadian show ever!!)
- Isvind (Norway, first North-American show ever!!)
- Panzerfaust (Ontario)
- Scum Sentinel (Québec)
- Haeres (Québec)

Psaume II (24 novembre) :
Théâtre Plaza
(6505, rue Saint-Hubert)

- Ragnarok (Norway, first North-American show ever!!)
- Black Witchery (USA, first Québec/Ontario show ever!!)
- Mgla (Poland, first North-American show ever!!)
- Neige Éternelle (Québec)
- Sylvus (Ontario)
- Mortuas (Québec)
- Sarcomancy (USA, first Canadian show ever!!)
[Sep 2,2012 6:22pm - Czarnobog ""]
oh shit, ragnarok and revenge are playing? definitely going now.
[Sep 2,2012 6:26pm - nekronaut ""]
Good looks, Sarcomancy dudes!
[Sep 2,2012 6:45pm - arilliusbm ""]
Fuck, I was hoping Darkspace would play on another day!
[Sep 2,2012 8:19pm - trioxin245 ""]
You're so cool Andrewster.
[Sep 2,2012 9:14pm - trioxin245 ""]

Czarnobog said:oh shit, ragnarok and revenge are playing? definitely going now.
I always loved Nattferd for some reason. Overlooked album.
[Sep 2,2012 11:45pm - andrewbastard nli  ""]
[Sep 3,2012 12:04am - BSV  ""]
This fest last year was NO JOKE. Can't wait to raise hell.
[Sep 3,2012 8:52am - chrisREX ""]
I could see going up for Friday, Saturday.
[Sep 3,2012 1:16pm - quintessence ""]
Too bad its not at Katacombs all 3 days this year.
[Sep 3,2012 1:33pm - Beleth ""]
[Sep 3,2012 2:08pm - trioxin245 ""]

trioxin245 said:You're so cool Andrewster.

[Sep 3,2012 2:10pm - trioxin245 ""]

Czarnobog said:oh shit, ragnarok and revenge are playing? definitely going now.

also, the UK Ragnarok is also good shizzle.

[Sep 3,2012 3:50pm - unchain_the_wolves ""]
[Sep 4,2012 8:31am - 2007 BobNOMAAMRooney  ""]
This fest looks amazing, I don't think I'd ever get tired of any of these bands especially Mgla!
[Sep 4,2012 8:38am - LEGIT QUESTION  ""]
Whos dick did BSV suck to get on this fest?
[Sep 4,2012 9:10am - ark  ""]
the question is not who, but just how many baguettes were gobbled on for this fucking sweet opportunity.
[Sep 4,2012 4:53pm - BSV  ""]
Crisse....Je n'ai pas sucer pénis, je parle français. TABARANACK.

Definitely buy tickets, last year was sold out at Katakombes and this year it appears there are alot more RSVPs. I haven't been to this new club yet but the pictures look classy.
[Sep 4,2012 4:54pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Congrats for getting on this show guys, hope it goes well.
[Sep 4,2012 5:29pm - quintessence ""]
Kind of under the radar but Im psyched to see Seth from France.. a kinda weird bm band nobody really talks about but I enjoy and own a couple of their albums. Totally cool stuff.

[Sep 5,2012 4:51pm - Darkness  ""]
He will be the great redeemer.. He will be the misanthrope
[Sep 18,2012 3:42pm - permafrost ""]
[Sep 18,2012 5:03pm - LucidCurseNLI  ""]
Can't wait.
[Sep 19,2012 6:09am - ZirconAlmighty  ""]
Curses to all who oppose! I piss on your faces all day every day. I can feel your jealous hate swelling within.. Let go of your anger my envious enemies.. I Feel the powers of the Zircon side seething within you.. Your Mom was great last night BTW.. Your women and your daughters are next.. They'll enjoy eating shit from my ass.. then going home and kissing you.. Ah Ha! I have plans for all of you.. I just want to thank my #1 haters in here... Scott Wily and I couldn't have done it without you..
[Oct 26,2012 9:58am - BSV  ""]
Probably getting hotel next week. I'm going with my woman in my truck. I know Ark is heading up with Mike Sarcomancy. Anyone else pull the trigger on tickets?
[Oct 26,2012 9:59am - arilliusbm ""]
Nah, cant afford it at the moment. good luck guys.
[Oct 26,2012 10:37am - Yeti ""]
i really want to see Darkspace but yeah it's just not in the cards.
[Oct 26,2012 10:39am - AndrewBastard ""]
officially bailing on this gig :/
[Oct 26,2012 12:16pm - quintessence ""]
Pussies. Days Inn booked, all 4 days tickets bought.
[Oct 26,2012 12:21pm - quintessence ""]

[Oct 26,2012 12:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
Nice, Frank.
[Oct 30,2012 12:00pm - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
CANCELLATION of DARKSPACE and replacement by ARCHGOAT we have been informed by Darkspace that they unfortunately had to cancel their participation in the mass of the dead due to "unforeseen personal complications. You should be able to read an official statement on the website of their label Avantgarde Music soon. We are really sorry to this unexpected!

As a replacement for the evening of November 22, announcing at the same time the first show to life at the Canada of the bestial Black/Death of Archgoat Finnish veterans! We would like to thank the group who agreed to come and play at the mass of the dead off the cuff and very brief deadline!

With regard to tickets, we grant no refunds on passes of 3 days (you'll still get quite a show for just $5 more than for Friday and Saturday!), by against people who bought individual tickets for Thursday and would like to have them reimbursed following the withdrawal of DarkspacePlease contact us for more details.

For those who want tickets for Archgoat, nothing has changed, so contact us or go to www.brownpapertickets.com!

(Taken from Messe des Morts facebook status update)
[Oct 30,2012 12:03pm - Burnsy ""]
Just saved me a bunch of cash. Still sucks, would've loved to see them.
[Oct 30,2012 12:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Oct 30,2012 12:16pm - Burnsy ""]
At least they're getting replaced by metal veterans.
[Oct 30,2012 12:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea but they aren't hockey players.
[Oct 30,2012 12:18pm - Burnsy ""]
They probably have sensitive fingertips, then. I bet Tuuka Rask listens to them.
[Oct 30,2012 12:23pm - LucidCurse ""]
[Oct 30,2012 12:43pm - arilliusbm ""]

Burnsy said:They probably have sensitive fingertips, then. I bet Tuuka Rask listens to them.

LOL. ..i've heard Rask listens to metal.
[Oct 30,2012 12:49pm - Burnsy ""]
Yeah I've heard that too lol. I get the feeling it's Spinefarm City in his collection though.
[Oct 30,2012 12:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
Someone post a pic of Rask practicing in his Beherit shirt plz.
[Oct 30,2012 1:14pm - Yeti ""]
[Oct 30,2012 1:15pm - Burnsy ""]

arilliusbm said:Someone post a pic of Rask practicing in his Beherit shirt plz.

[Oct 30,2012 2:12pm - Uh ""]

Burnsy said:Just saved me a bunch of cash. Still sucks, would've loved to see them.

That's how I felt as first... But now that I know I'm not missing Darkspace, I'm tempted to go for Friday and Saturday.
[Oct 30,2012 3:23pm - quintessence ""]
Trying to get a refund for Thursday now :( fucking hell. Other days will still rule though.
[Oct 30,2012 3:26pm - permafrost ""]
bummed about darkspace, looking forward to seeing archgoat again.
[Oct 30,2012 3:33pm - quintessence ""]
Is it bad that I am that spoiled that ive seen Archgoat like 4 times and don't care about seeing em again that much?

Dammit you fucking SWISS! ugh
[Nov 20,2012 3:19pm - permafrost ""]
[Nov 20,2012 11:06pm - Snowden ""]
[Nov 21,2012 1:30am - Uh ""]
eh. leaving friday.
[Nov 21,2012 2:56am - truequintessence_nli  ""]
I sadly have to skip thursday. ah well I've seen Archgoat twice in like 6 months anyhow.
[Nov 22,2012 11:29am - permafrost ""]
NORTHBOUND. Sooooo fucking stoked.
[Nov 22,2012 11:30am - KEVORD ""]
Have fun. Wish I was going.
[Nov 22,2012 11:43am - nekronaut ""]
What Kevin said.
[Nov 22,2012 11:53am - boblovesmusic ""]
Wish I could go too. Plus Montreal is an awesome city!
[Nov 22,2012 1:14pm - Snowden NLI  ""]
Ate cow tongue and horse last night. Might try and check out the crazy guitar pedal and synth stores on St. Laurent. Standing by for show #1.
[Nov 22,2012 1:21pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I'm enjoying some poutine in the Montreal airport with smoked meat on it, but if you want some epic shit, hit up Hachoir on St Denis and spoil yourself with their duck poutine.
[Nov 22,2012 3:54pm - lucidcursenli  ""]
I have a 3 day pass but too much shit going on. Might try and go for the last day
[Nov 22,2012 6:54pm - permafrost ""]
Walked by like 67841 army surplus stores and sex shops. The monopoly money is seethough and plastic! So ready for tonights show to start. Wish I found more free wifi since I can't use my phone...
[Nov 22,2012 7:24pm - Burnsy ""]
Tim Horton's should have WiFi.
[Nov 22,2012 8:28pm - Uh ""]

Damn good smoked meat in Montreal. Waited in a 40 minute line last time I went. Worth it.
[Nov 22,2012 8:46pm - Burnsy ""]
Go to moishes. Their food is delicious.
[Nov 22,2012 9:37pm - permafrost ""]
Whoever said katacombes is extremely hot was completely correct. This venue rules though. Sorteligia is fucking killing it right now. So mesmerizing to watch.
[Nov 22,2012 11:05pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

Uh said:http://www.schwartzsdeli.com

Damn good smoked meat in Montreal. Waited in a 40 minute line last time I went. Worth it.

total tourist trap, goto "the main" right across the street get same quality food without the annoying crowds
[Nov 23,2012 12:51am - permafrost ""]
So mtl has blow not just speed. Archgoat fucking destroyed katacombes. Holy fuck. I guess canada sells liquor in convenient stores only til 11? At a bar. Day 1 was fucking great.
[Nov 23,2012 1:07pm - Snowden NLI  ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:
Uh said:http://www.schwartzsdeli.com

Damn good smoked meat in Montreal. Waited in a 40 minute line last time I went. Worth it.

total tourist trap, goto "the main" right across the street get same quality food without the annoying crowds

I don't know man, haven't seen many tourists at Schwartz's. Rush hour lines do suck though. Zero wait at 7 before the show yesterday!
[Nov 23,2012 1:10pm - Snowden NLI  ""]
Bad news: Mgla got stopped on some passport technicality. I'm hoping maybe they tap Forteresse to fill in, since pretty much all of them were at last night's show...

Major bummer though. But it'd cool to have more good locals. Verglas was pretty weak last night, especially compared to the two awesome Anglo Canadian bands after them.
[Nov 23,2012 1:34pm - lucidcurseNLI  ""]

Snowden%20NLI said:Bad news: Mgla got stopped on some passport technicality. I'm hoping maybe they tap Forteresse to fill in, since pretty much all of them were at last night's show...

Major bummer though. But it'd cool to have more good locals. Verglas was pretty weak last night, especially compared to the two awesome Anglo Canadian bands after them.

Glad I didnt go.
[Nov 23,2012 1:35pm - permafrost ""]
WHAT?! No mgla?! Fuck, I'm going back to bed. Ugh that's a major bummer. Goddamn it. Revenge tonight! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck so bummed ahout mgla.
[Nov 23,2012 1:41pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Damn that's gonna make a lot of people pissed off.
[Nov 23,2012 3:47pm - permafrost ""]
Not like they'll ever try coming to north america ever again. So so sooooo disappointed. Trying to figure out the replacement. Would rather archgoat play again than forteresse.
[Nov 24,2012 12:40am - permafrost ""]
I am truly in disbelief I just saw revenge. Dns had no stage prescence and their set took tooo long so revenge didn't do an encore.
[Nov 24,2012 1:20am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Nov 24,2012 2:26am - called it  ""]
Yeah, DNS was wicked overrated. Meh.
[Nov 24,2012 10:23am - trioxin245 ""]
I dont feel like reading the whole the. Did Darkspace play or no?
[Nov 24,2012 10:36am - Uh ""]

called%20it said:Yeah, DNS was wicked overrated. Meh.

[Nov 24,2012 10:36am - Uh ""]

trioxin245 said:I dont feel like reading the whole the. Did Darkspace play or no?

[Nov 24,2012 10:45am - amorok666 ""]
No darkspace or mgla = bogus. I still would have went for archgoat and revenge if I had the cash
[Nov 24,2012 10:54am - Snowden NLI  ""]
No replacement for Mgla but I guess they're gonna try to guilt him into coming back next year, and anyone who hangs onto their ticket from tonight will get a discount. The second venue is a drag though, kind of a palladium upstairs vibe.

On the plus side, went to Chez Claudette after Revenge. I've been a la banquise loyalist for years but holy shit. Poutine with fried ham, bacon, sausage, baked beans, and maple syrup.
[Nov 24,2012 10:58am - Snowden NLI  ""]
Honestly, I hope they scale it back next year. Not as into the GAMBLING ON BIG INTERNATIONAL BANDS IN A PRO CLUB vibe this time around.
[Nov 24,2012 1:10pm - permafrost ""]
Right?! Too many fucking strobe lights. So unnecessary. $25 for a revenge tee. What the fuck. On the other hand, they had the diehad version of the newest release for only $20 and it had a poster, flag and patch in it. Didn't buy it because I already have the regular version....whatever.
[Nov 24,2012 2:19pm - amorok666 ""]
I bought a revenge shirt online for $15 yesterday
[Nov 24,2012 2:59pm - chrisREX ""]
The latest Revenge lp rules.
[Nov 24,2012 3:10pm - KEVORD ""]
I hate to keep harping on it but I do not hear what people like about Revenge. They give me a headache.
[Nov 24,2012 3:17pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]

its noise
[Nov 24,2012 3:20pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
people like it cause helmkamps in it which admittedly had me interested at first but then i listened...a few times...and was like. DO NOT NEED.
[Nov 24,2012 4:17pm - amorok666 ""]

chrisREX said:The latest Revenge lp rules.
[Nov 24,2012 4:21pm - amorok666 ""]
All the other ones do too
[Nov 24,2012 4:31pm - trioxin245 ""]
Helmkamp hasnt been in Revenge in some time, nor was he an original member. I like Revenge because of the atomosphere of complete controlled chaos they create so well. SO extreme and hateful sounding, no other band sounds like them.
[Nov 24,2012 4:32pm - trioxin245 ""]
J. Reads vocals are disgusting.
[Nov 24,2012 6:47pm - Beleth.Poutine.Eradication  ""]
Revenge is the reason I made this trip. In my opinoin, their set was weak. Revenge's live set should just be a mix cd over a PA with James Read throwing a vocal-drum temper tantrum. 25$ for a shirt, 15$ for a record - wasn't pleased.
[Nov 24,2012 6:56pm - trioxin245 ""]
lol at 'vocal-drum temper tantrum'
[Nov 25,2012 2:52am - permafrost ""]
Dude are you kidding? $20 for the diehard? Insane. Talked to the guitarist and he said it was a gamble they played canada after nwn. Just so happened to be the next stop. He was pretty underwhelmed about playing the the show. Whatever, they fucking blew me away!
[Nov 25,2012 7:09pm - Snowden ""]
I don't think it was really their playing, but the mix for Revenge was so underwhelming that it killed the energy and vibe. Black Witchery's set worked out so much better, weirdly.

Mostly I was pretty disappointed that this felt like a generic Metal Fest in Montreal, rather than a Montreal Metal Fest.
[Nov 26,2012 12:52pm - Uh ""]
First day, Seth and Isvind were my highlights. I was pretty drunk for Revenge, and don't remember much of it but enjoyed them. Panzerfaust was decent. Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult were really boring, I could never really get into any of their albums either. Second day, Sarcomancy sounded fucking great on stage. Mortuas and Sylvus ended up being really good. Black Witchery sounded better here than at MDF. Ragnarok was decent. But mainly pissed there was no Mgla.

Overall last year seemed better, better atmosphere, better beers on tap, smaller venue, better area, etc.
[Nov 26,2012 2:04pm - KPANZER ""]
Huge REVENGE fan right here. But do I feel the need to own every single release? Nope...
Besides CONQUEROR they are the only band doing this style I give a shit about.
I have a huge respect for their entire approach- from the music to the graphics. It all fits together perfectly to convey their desired affect.
[Nov 26,2012 4:29pm - chrisREX ""]

KEVORD said:I hate to keep harping on it but I do not hear what people like about Revenge. They give me a headache.

That was my initial reaction to their previous output. But their latest album is much more structured and I now enjoy their earlier stuff more.
[Nov 26,2012 5:25pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
the best part about this thread is the OP subject "
Darkspace, Mgla to play in Montreal in November"

cause neither of those bands actually played.
[Nov 26,2012 5:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Well look who your OP is. Nuff said.
[Nov 26,2012 6:53pm - robotpie ""]
The Thursday night show ruled, Highlights were easily Archgoat & Sortilegia. Katacombes (the venue) ruled, great sound & layout, relatively cheap beers on tap. Bumped into 2/3 of Archgoat & the promoter on Wednesday, met Annick of Morbid Tales/Cauchmar at the show. Had a blast and will head up for the whole thing next year for sure.
[Nov 26,2012 7:34pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]

robotpie said:, met Annick of Morbid Tales/Cauchmar at the show. Had a blast and will head up for the whole thing next year for sure.

after the bombs girl?
[Nov 27,2012 9:32am - robotpie ""]
Not familiar with after the bombs, but looking on the archives it could very well be. Don't have the same musician profile though.
[Nov 27,2012 12:17pm - arquebecois  ""]

Beleth.Poutine.Eradication said:

[Nov 27,2012 2:59pm - Eurolymius ""]
[Nov 27,2012 3:00pm - KPANZER ""]
AB- the AFTER THE BOMBS singer/owner of Katakombes is Jannick. Annick wrote Leather n Spikes 'zine, that heavy metal cookbook & sings for CAUCHEMAR.
[Nov 27,2012 3:05pm - Czarnobog ""]
after the bombs was good shit. saw them in haverhill a few years ago. definite standout band in a scene (dbeat) of generic clones.
[Nov 27,2012 5:50pm - ABastard NLI  ""]
KP, youre right..

Mark, I saw them at a basement show in Somerville (i think it was) years back and they killed it.
[Nov 28,2012 1:09pm - the_reverend ""]
After the bobs and Jannick both rule.
[Nov 28,2012 1:12pm - AndrewBastard ""]
this show

[Nov 28,2012 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]
Lol at after the bobs. After the bombs. Buy their 7"s. All good stuff.
[Nov 28,2012 6:41pm - BSV  ""]
Cons - Expensive boring beer selection, not enough pot, spliffs, shops close by 10 so you can't buy more rolling papers and beer, buying tickets to off nights you don't play, no mgla or darkspace

Pros - Best stage I've ever played on, backstage meal cooked by Chez Annick, drink tickets, amazing homegrown white widow, poutine, smoking hot chicks everywhere, gorgeous drive up and back, new contacts...more quebecois bands down here in 2013!!!!

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