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Doom and grindcore festival

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Dec 30,2004 11:54am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The first annual will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday July 15, 16, and 17th.

Line up and venue announcements will be made shortly.

Expect great things though.
[Dec 30,2004 12:47pm - mary ""]
If you can pull off getting all of the bands that you pervioiusly listed...

[Dec 30,2004 1:02pm - dave from the grave nli  ""]
bout time we had some doom round here.
[Dec 30,2004 2:12pm - spitfire ""]

[Dec 30,2004 4:48pm - Blue ""]
from what ive heard about this shizzle, there will be some AMAZING bands on this show. and maybe some suprises.
[Dec 30,2004 5:11pm - KeithMutiny ""]
who wants to make a bet i will be there all three days and be tanked...?
[Dec 30,2004 5:13pm - Blue ""]
fuck betting. ill just guarantee.
[Dec 30,2004 5:25pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im bringin a sleeping bag and a big fuckin cooler
[Dec 30,2004 5:26pm - BornSoVile ""]
I am impressed. Keep up the good work Joe.
[Dec 31,2004 11:50am - SINOFANGELS-RAY ""]
Sin of angels would love to be on this
[Dec 31,2004 8:48pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Drogheda, WetNurse and Syzslak are confirmed
[Dec 31,2004 9:09pm - El Justin  ""]
drogheda is the most un-intense band i have ever seen live. decent on cd though.
[Dec 31,2004 9:15pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I haven't seen them live yet, but I think they are great on cd.
[Jan 1,2005 3:01am - El Justin  ""]
i've only heard their split with this band riphead. they're good on cd for sure.
[Jan 1,2005 1:55pm - pessimist ""]
[Jan 1,2005 1:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
doood... we need a spazz revival for this show...

and disrupt
[Jan 1,2005 2:10pm - pessimist ""]
spazz would be nuts
[Jan 1,2005 2:12pm - KeithMutiny ""]
im gonna make an attempt to get them... sweet fuckin ass
[Jan 1,2005 2:14pm - ninkaszi  ""]
eyehategod would be amazing. outlaw order would be great as well. it's all ehg members but has more of a blatant black flag influence.

get villains from nyc. i know they want to play boston.
[Jan 1,2005 2:19pm - KeithMutiny ""]
my ex is friends with them... i can ask her to get them....

we need charles BRONSON
[Jan 1,2005 2:19pm - KeithMutiny ""]
....the villinas that is...

sorry, im drunk
[Jan 1,2005 2:33pm - KeithMutiny ""]
seriously though... if i can convince spazz to get thier ass alll the way up here, i need incentive....

im broke... so do we got like, sluts, drugs, and booze to give up?

ps- i also need a miracle
[Jan 1,2005 2:34pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
is it the same villains with members/ex members of the dying light, hemlock, unearthy trance, thralldom, cattlepress? there a few bands called villains. this one sounds like a mix of hellhammer, and venom.

[Jan 1,2005 2:53pm - Randy  ""]
Ninkaszi187 said:is it the same villains with members/ex members of the dying light, hemlock, unearthy trance, thralldom, cattlepress? there a few bands called villains. this one sounds like a mix of hellhammer, and venom.


Yes. The same.
[Jan 1,2005 3:20pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
didn't spazz break up? if not, I'll help to get them to play some New England dates.

but i wanna make sure they're still a band first.
[Jan 1,2005 3:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
they did break up... so it will take incentive... much incentive
[Jan 1,2005 3:33pm - KeithMutiny ""]
we need....

code 13
the struggle
real reggae


...i have a boner thinkin of a show like that
[Jan 1,2005 5:31pm - anonymous  ""]
EYEHATEFUCKINGGOD, I will drive anywhere to see them
[Jan 1,2005 6:10pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Unearthly Trance, Kevorkian's Angels and Continued without A Finding are confirmed.
[Jan 1,2005 7:17pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hot !!! but yeah ask eyehategod or Outlaw Order, plus why isn't Conifer on this yet or my band Ha !
[Jan 1,2005 7:19pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh yeah Goatwhore or Soilent Green would rock too !
[Jan 1,2005 7:19pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Crowbar, Entombed, Cathedral as well, oh i'll think of more Haha !
[Jan 1,2005 11:33pm - anonymous  ""]
http://www.myspace.com/crq C.R.Q
[Jan 2,2005 9:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:oh yeah Goatwhore !

how about Goatsblood?
[Jan 2,2005 9:18am - pessimist ""]
only if you want me to shit my pants nick kevorkian style
[Jan 2,2005 9:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i just emailed asshole parade
[Jan 2,2005 11:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Joe/NotCommon said: "how about Goatsblood?"

that would work too, also i checked up on it, i don't see either eyehategod or Outlaw Order playing since Mike is on probation and can't leave the state.

umm but yeah we'd more then love to be on this bill !!!!!

Weed Eater, Order of the Tusk, Om, 5ive, i know they're just start up death metal but you should see about getting a Compost Pile reunion !

besides that Ocean, Conifer, Corrupted would rock, Floor, Lair of the Minotaur, Mouth of the Architect, Porn (The Men Of), Rotten Sound, Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine or Zeke !

ok i'm done, for now !!!!
[Jan 3,2005 12:44am - greggdeadface ""]
thenighnarecontinues.../xsufferingbastardx/sin of angels and i,destroyer are confirmed as well ya just dont know it yet.666
[Jan 3,2005 6:06pm - assuck ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:

[Jan 3,2005 6:23pm - pessimist ""]
Yes! Someone else knows Lair of the Minotaur! I just got that cd. good fucking christ. it won't leave my cd player. How do you make a guitar sound that heavy???!?
[Jan 3,2005 6:48pm - El Justin  ""]
assuck said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:

holy shit yes
[Jan 3,2005 7:19pm - projectilevomit ""]
good luck getting corrupted on unless you wanna pay for thier palen ticket out of japan(dont get me wrong i would LOVE to see them live)...and whty the fuck would you wanna get spazz to do a reunion...they a horrible second rate hardcore band..no disrespect to ya but their fuckin lame
[Jan 3,2005 7:24pm - KeithMutiny ""]
...on that note, assholeparade said theyd be down for working something out
[Jan 3,2005 7:32pm - blow‘n chunks on cunts  ""]
how about GRIEF........although no longer a band..randy and jeff are in noosebomb..terry is in superpower now..eric lives in the area..this is highly possible..with a little leg work...meaning bribes of booze,drugs and women..in no particular order i'm sure
[Jan 3,2005 7:45pm - anonymous  ""]
assholeparade would fuckin RULE...i got that live 8" of them on the radio in cali they do like an infest cover and a citzens arrest cover fuckin good band....joe i dont know if oyu like that band gonkulator but you should get them on that HAIL THE BLACK NOISE!!!!
[Jan 3,2005 10:13pm - Bradness ""]
[Jan 3,2005 10:19pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
and Joe if you could get Corrupted i'm sure we could fnd enough people to help pay their tab !
[Jan 4,2005 8:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Circle of Dead Children and Goatsblood are on it.

Possible chance of Grief, will know soon.
[Jan 4,2005 8:36am - korpse  ""]
[Jan 4,2005 8:36am - korpse  ""]

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