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New Orleans, good bye.. so long... farewell

[Aug 29,2005 9:14am - the_reverend ""]
no more marte gras
[Aug 29,2005 9:15am - succubus ""]
hopefully people filled up last night
[Aug 29,2005 9:28am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 29,2005 9:36am - litacore ""]
the roof of the superdome is leaking.

soggy socks.
[Aug 29,2005 9:39am - Mess  ""]
the line to the superdome looks like the welfare line
[Aug 29,2005 9:47am - babyshaker ""]
whats weird is fox or somthign had a made for t.v movie about just this situation not to long ago and in the movie the hurricane hit the oil plants and knocked them out and the country went into a depression...strange
[Aug 29,2005 9:56am - the_reverend ""]
hm... time to save up my scene points.
[Aug 29,2005 10:06am - largefreakatzero ""]
They were saying on NPR this AM, that if the flooding is bad enough, then New Orleans could turn into the largest toxic waste pool ever.

This should at least inspire some thrash lyrics.
[Aug 29,2005 10:11am - anonymous  ""]
largefreakatzero said:They were saying on NPR this AM, that if the flooding is bad enough, then New Orleans could turn into the largest toxic waste pool ever.

This should at least inspire some thrash lyrics.

Quick,someone notify Eric Paone:NEWHORNS:
[Aug 29,2005 10:13am - the_reverend ""]
hm... I must have missed that on NPR.
but the is already a republican in the white house. what more do you need to have to write lyrics? you want them handed to you from above (or below)?
[Aug 29,2005 10:23am - litacore ""]
I'm suprised no one's mentioned the mauseleums (sp?) gettin' flooded

there's going to be some very wet skeletons today people, I wonder if the toxic waste will turn 'em into zombies. It's not unprecedented.
[Aug 29,2005 10:24am - litacore ""]
oops, bad english


hmm, okey-doke. Strunk and White. Chicago Manual. I have a $75K roll of TP.
[Aug 29,2005 10:31am - thedeparted ""]
heh, thast nuts
[Aug 29,2005 11:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
litacore said:I'm suprised no one's mentioned the mauseleums (sp?) gettin' flooded

there's going to be some very wet skeletons today people, I wonder if the toxic waste will turn 'em into zombies. It's not unprecedented.

We can only hope this will happen. The song and B-horror possibilities will then be endless.

The guy on NPR was also talking about crocs, snakes and assorted swamp-dwelling nasties being washed into the city. Reptiles + toxic waste = Godzilla. I think.
[Aug 29,2005 12:23pm - the_reverend ""]
they'd best kill it before it hits new jersey.
[Aug 29,2005 12:33pm - powerkok ""]
largefreakatzero said:litacore said:I'm suprised no one's mentioned the mauseleums (sp?) gettin' flooded

there's going to be some very wet skeletons today people, I wonder if the toxic waste will turn 'em into zombies. It's not unprecedented.

We can only hope this will happen. The song and B-horror possibilities will then be endless.

The guy on NPR was also talking about crocs, snakes and assorted swamp-dwelling nasties being washed into the city. Reptiles + toxic waste = Godzilla. I think.

[Aug 29,2005 12:40pm - babyshaker ""]
litacore said:I'm suprised no one's mentioned the mauseleums (sp?) gettin' flooded

there's going to be some very wet skeletons today people, I wonder if the toxic waste will turn 'em into zombies. It's not unprecedented.

i could only hope
[Aug 29,2005 12:42pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 29,2005 12:49pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
some crazy voodoo master conjured up this storm hoping to cause the zombie apocalypse...oh yeah
[Aug 29,2005 12:51pm - babyshaker ""]
lol bloodstruck and sacreligion we may be mall metal but we'll survive the zombie apocalypse
[Aug 29,2005 12:58pm - the_reverend ""]
andy might have something there...
[Aug 29,2005 1:08pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Aug 29,2005 1:30pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
btw laser tag is great zombie apocalypse training
[Aug 29,2005 1:36pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 29,2005 1:40pm - succubus ""]
aaron like the name katrina
[Aug 29,2005 1:51pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
you're straying from the main point of this...the zombie apocalypse
[Aug 29,2005 3:06pm - doortop ""]
Hope everyone has their Zombie Survival Guide handy!
[Aug 29,2005 3:07pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that's for suckers

you need to follow the sac to survive anything zombie related
[Aug 29,2005 3:58pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 29,2005 4:06pm - litacore ""]
Mississippi's gettin' peed on too, ya know.
[Aug 29,2005 9:52pm - anonymous  ""]
new orleans ? gone! where did it go? dont know!
[Aug 29,2005 10:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
what the fuck no one else has said
[Aug 29,2005 11:53pm - brian_dc ""]
a good friend of mine goes to college in Mississippi and when I try to call her I get a "all circuits are busy" thing...been like that pretty much all day

shitty. worried.
[Aug 30,2005 12:12am - anonymous  ""]
brian_dc said:a good friend of mine goes to college in Mississippi and when I try to call her I get a "all circuits are busy" thing...been like that pretty much all day

shitty. worried.

im sure your pals fine man but laughing at natural disasters is the only thing you can do about them ..worrying wont help
[Aug 30,2005 12:14am - brian_dc ""]
true...this is a person who basically saved my life once...so I've become irrationally protective
[Aug 30,2005 12:16am - row row row yer boat  ""]
[Aug 30,2005 12:16am - row row row yer boat  ""]
55 confirmed dead.
[Aug 30,2005 12:17am - anonymousretard  ""]
brian_dc said:true...this is a person who basically saved my life once...so I've become irrationally protective

cant stop mother nature man , im sure shes fine i have family in that area so i know how you feel but really all you do is sit back and hope for the best
[Aug 30,2005 12:20am - paganmegan ""]
Imagine standing on your roof and watching a coffin float by

[Aug 30,2005 12:21am - row row row yer boat  ""]
[Aug 30,2005 12:21am - anonymousretard  ""]
paganmegan said:Imagine standing on your roof and watching a coffin float by

id be more worried about crocogators!
[Aug 30,2005 12:23am - anonymousretard  ""]
i dont mean to minimize the tragedy or whatever but if you build a home 3 feet above sea level and it gets flooded out you cant act to surprised
[Aug 30,2005 12:41am - BornSoVile ""]
wait til global warning kicks into full gear and we get these fuckers every other month!!! i'm sure we'll just cry a river and pray to god, probably blame it on no one and think mother nature is uncontrollable. good job!
[Aug 30,2005 1:16am - anonymousretard  ""]
BornSoVile said:wait til global warning kicks into full gear and we get these fuckers every other month!!! i'm sure we'll just cry a river and pray to god, probably blame it on no one and think mother nature is uncontrollable. good job!

mother nature is uncontrollable fuckstick..and global warming is about as real as the easter bunny wake up!
[Aug 30,2005 1:17am - BornSoVile ""]
log in, you fucking christian.
[Aug 30,2005 1:18am - anonymousretard  ""]
i cant dude ill get busted what difference does it make?
[Aug 30,2005 1:19am - BornSoVile ""]
I win.
[Aug 30,2005 1:21am - anonymousretard  ""]
BornSoVile said:I win.

thats right folks hes won the right to sit at his computer with his cock in his hand at 1;19 in the morning and bust my balls...hows life treatin ya hotshot?
[Aug 30,2005 1:24am - BornSoVile ""]
100% better, because I won.
You suck at internet fighting.
[Aug 30,2005 1:25am - brian_dc ""]
you are also on the computer at this hour...he's listening to the rev's radio show like myself, I'm sure.

what are you up to?

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