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New Orleans, good bye.. so long... farewell

[Aug 30,2005 1:25am - anonymousretard  ""]
BornSoVile said:100% better, because I won.
You suck at internet fighting.

im new to it...but im relly getting a schooling here tonite!!
[Aug 30,2005 1:28am - anonymousretard  ""]
brian_dc said:you are also on the computer at this hour...he's listening to the rev's radio show like myself, I'm sure.

what are you up to?

im working ,well im at work anyway pretty much getting paid {quite well} to argue on the internet..i dont own or want a computer in my home but i stumbled upon the day shift boss,spassword and ive been screwing off everynite since!
[Aug 30,2005 1:44am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
anonymousretard said:BornSoVile said:I win.

hes won the right to sit at his computer with his cock in his hand at 1;19 in the morning and bust my balls

His cock is in MY hand. Shows how much YOU know.
[Aug 30,2005 1:47am - anonymousretard  ""]
ArrowHead nli said:anonymousretard said:BornSoVile said:I win.

hes won the right to sit at his computer with his cock in his hand at 1;19 in the morning and bust my balls

His cock is in MY hand. Shows how much YOU know.

ha ha ha no doubt...have you taken the gay test?
[Aug 30,2005 2:00am - ArrowHead nli  ""]
Don't have to. I hate homosexuals, so I can't be gay. I just like the cock a lot.

Everyone knows, it's only gay if you cuddle.
[Aug 30,2005 2:07am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 30,2005 2:08am - anonymousretard  ""]
anonymous said:new orleans ? gone! where did it go? dont know!

[Aug 30,2005 2:08am - brian_dc ""]
my god, that is probably the best thing ever made
[Aug 30,2005 2:09am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hurricane zangief?
[Aug 30,2005 6:34am - Spaldino on a fucking mac... lame  ""]
the_reverend said:[img]

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! fuckin pwn3rdriversd!
[Aug 30,2005 9:53am - dirteecrayon nli  ""]
i'm hoping darwinism takes its course on over zealous stupid newsreporters
[Aug 30,2005 10:09am - row row row yer boat  ""]
130 dead and climbing...
[Aug 30,2005 10:30am - largefreakatzero ""]
dirteecrayon nli said:i'm hoping darwinism takes its course on over zealous stupid newsreporters

I saw some douchebag reporter on CNN running around in the storm. The best part was when a strong gust caused him to take a massive faceplant. Obviously it would have been better if a building or a tree fell on him instead. I'm sure his extremely retarded behavior will get him a Fox News offer.
[Aug 30,2005 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 30,2005 2:55pm - BornSoVile ""]
Wow, the Superdom has no AC, toliets are over flooding, and one man reportedly jumped to his death inside the stadium, FUCT!!
[Aug 30,2005 2:59pm - the_reverend ""]
no AC? I've kill myself too.
why don't they just all go to arby's?
[Aug 30,2005 3:05pm - the_reverend ""]
I think that they should touch down on the roofs to get the people and then hand them a bill for being morons and not leaving.
then they have to pay it before they are allowed to go up in the helicopter.
[Aug 30,2005 9:29pm - dirteecrayon nli  ""]
syndicated feed

and marital law has been declared...

[Aug 30,2005 9:30pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 30,2005 9:40pm - dirteecrayon nli  ""]
lol i was going to post that pic with your arbys comment
[Aug 31,2005 12:10am - DEATH2ALL ""]
BornSoVile said:Wow, the Superdom has no AC, toliets are over flooding, and one man reportedly jumped to his death inside the stadium, FUCT!!

Just like the Paladium.
[Aug 31,2005 12:26am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the_reverend said:http://www.cnn.com/2005/WEATHER/08/29/hurricane.katrina/index.html
no more marte gras

i still can't get over the size of thing

...that's officially the gayest thing i've ever said

[Aug 31,2005 12:30am - anonymous  ""]

Just like the Paladium.>>

ha ha ha..
[Aug 31,2005 12:32am - christraper ""]
we got the tail end of that shit on our way to florida. couldnt see out the goddamn windshield. bastards.
[Aug 31,2005 12:33am - anonymous  ""]
I'm sincerely hoping every last human dies really soon...
[Aug 31,2005 12:33am - davefromthegrave ""]


I guess something good did come out of this
[Aug 31,2005 12:33am - christraper ""]
and now.....deep thoughts....
[Aug 31,2005 12:42am - the_reverend ""]
the palladium comment is the best
[Aug 31,2005 12:42am - BornSoVile ""]
jay, where are you now?
[Aug 31,2005 6:13am - dirteecrayon nli  ""]
read the captioning on the photos


more looters
[Aug 31,2005 6:15am - dirteecrayon nli  ""]
arg fuck

my links dont work
[Aug 31,2005 8:07am - RustedAngel ""]
Looters hit a drug store in the French Quarter district of New Orleans in New Orleans, Louisiana, following Hurricane Katrina. Fresh floods, fires and looting rode in the destructive wake of Hurricane Katrina, deepening a humanitarian crisis that left hundreds feared dead and sections of New Orleans submerged to the rooftops.
[Aug 31,2005 8:18am - Mess  ""]
i've never seen such a big smile on someones face before
[Aug 31,2005 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 31,2005 9:46am - Christraper ""]
BornSoVile said:jay, where are you now?

Im home now. got home sunday. tired as shit. although not nearly as many horror stories as you had.

[Aug 31,2005 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 31,2005 1:58pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
what is going on in that last picture? is that an oil rig floating around the ocean?
[Aug 31,2005 2:51pm - anonymous  ""]
i didn't know they could float?
[Aug 31,2005 2:55pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
me either but that's what it looks like
[Aug 31,2005 2:58pm - the_reverend ""]
it floated loose and got stuck under a bridge.
[Aug 31,2005 3:00pm - the_reverend ""]
New Orleans mayor says Katrina killed hundreds -- maybe thousands -- of people in city, Associated Press reports. More soon.
[Aug 31,2005 3:00pm - anonymous  ""]
lol, yah they were talking about it on the news during the storm, but I was thinking a boat, not one of those puppies
[Aug 31,2005 3:04pm - litacore ""]

*I'm safe up here*
[Aug 31,2005 3:06pm - anonymous  ""]
hhaha and thus begins the ice age, a few hundred years of whaky weather and then bam bam bigelo snow cones for all.
[Aug 31,2005 3:06pm - succubus ""]
do you still have a thing for Katrina?
[Aug 31,2005 3:11pm - nate ""]
it is an oil rig that was washed up onshore... it happened to a couple of them
[Aug 31,2005 3:14pm - the_reverend ""]
yes, 2 of them.

[Aug 31,2005 3:18pm - Christraper ""]
[Aug 31,2005 3:22pm - BornSoVile ""]
yea so all these oil rigs washed up, there are a few reports comming in predicting $4.00 a gallon now. They have estimated 3 to 6 months to pump the water out of the city. New Orleans Mayor believes thousands are dead.
[Aug 31,2005 3:57pm - BornSoVile ""]
This is the perfect job for the National guard not Homeland Security, the NATIONAL Guard, oh their all in Iraq nevermind.
Jack Cafferty rules.

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