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Agalloch announced as headliner of The Winter Is Coming Fest

[Jul 17,2012 12:34pm - chernobyl ""]
shit just got Bennisized
[Jul 17,2012 12:42pm - xmikex ""]

arilliusbm said:

inb4 big name bands "cancel" last minute. release facebook statement that they never knew anything about the fest.
[Jul 17,2012 12:42pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:El N Gee Club, New London CT
[Jul 17,2012 12:47pm - CRYBABY PROMOTER  ""]
[Jul 17,2012 12:48pm - Lamp ""]
I don't even really know what this fest is, but the fact that it's at the El 'n' Gee tells me something is going to go wrong.
[Jul 17,2012 12:54pm - Yeti ""]

why said:so many cringeworthy aspects of this fest. facebook event thread is lulz.

"188! 12 TILL WE GET TO 200! oNCE WE ANNOUNCE THE HEADLINER I'M SURE WE'LL GET THERE. Kepp spreading the word people, we want this show to be as immense as possible. Do it for the music, do it for the scene, do it for the bands, and most important of all, Do It for David Gold. remember, this fest is dedicated to him. You do not want to miss out on this Festival!!!"

wait....do it for the scene and the bands, by charging 85 bucks for a 3 days "fest"? NE Deathfest was 2 days and wasn't half of that. and where has this Lord Viall been since the Perpetual Winter days? maybe i'm blind but i can't recall having seen him since 2006 at least. sorry to sound cynical, but something about this whole thing irks me.
[Jul 17,2012 1:00pm - CRYBABY PROMOTER  ""]
[Jul 17,2012 1:02pm - xmikex ""]

Lamp said:I don't even really know what this fest is, but the fact that it's at the El 'n' Gee tells me something is going to go wrong.

I'm sure Agalloch will be pleased as punch with whatever moron house audio engineer gets picked to work that night. Their usual impression of Millhouse adjusting Bart's rental car radio while mixing live bands will go over great.
[Jul 17,2012 1:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
We got LOOSE ALLIGATORS up in there! Chomp on some STICK MEAT! Come have SEX with the IRON SHEIK! And did we mention... baaaands?! There's gonna be DONKEY CRUST! GUNT! And don't miss a very special encore performance... by MRS. POTATO DICK!

[Jul 17,2012 1:16pm - Moichendizing  ""]
[Jul 17,2012 1:17pm - amorok666 ""]

xmikex said:
arilliusbm said:

inb4 big name bands "cancel" last minute. release facebook statement that they never knew anything about the fest.

Yea this whole show looks like a sketchy disaster waiting to happen. Also vattnets on it which is never a good sign..
[Jul 17,2012 1:22pm - chernobyl ""]

amorok666 said:
xmikex said:
arilliusbm said:

inb4 big name bands "cancel" last minute. release facebook statement that they never knew anything about the fest.

Also vattnets on it which is never a good sign..

[Jul 17,2012 1:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm just excited to hear a few words from Ass Dan's mother.


[Jul 17,2012 1:31pm - Family is Coming  ""]
[Jul 17,2012 1:34pm - LORD SHAGGY 2 DOPE  ""]
[Jul 17,2012 1:40pm - xmikex ""]
....Ass Dan
[Jul 17,2012 2:38pm - chrisREX ""]
I'll probably drive down for one at least one of these days.
[Jul 17,2012 2:49pm - chernobyl ""]
no local New England bands besides Obsidian Tongue should play this. Too many bands no to wants to sit through either because they suck or everyone's seen them a million times.

I will go to see Evoken, Agalloch and some of the Canadian bands though for sure.
[Jul 17,2012 4:32pm - eyeroller  ""]

KEVORD said:Chuck Shuldiner's second cousin will be in the parking lot saying a few words

[Jul 17,2012 6:38pm - Ghoulash ""]
I don't give a shit, I'm going to this thing.
[Jul 17,2012 11:15pm - boottottheteeth  ""]
[Jul 17,2012 11:17pm - boottottheteeth  ""]
[Jul 17,2012 11:18pm - boottottheteeth  ""]
All you long haired hippies should go to the 2000 TONS OF TNT and get a boot to the teeth!!!
[Jul 17,2012 11:21pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Ghoulash said:I don't give a shit, I'm going to this thing.

agreed (well to an extent)

I wish I could go to this actually. It'd be awesome to see some of the Canadian bands and some of the Connecticut bands who don't come up here often (if ever).

That said, I must echo some of my metal colleagues concerns and criticisms of this fest. There are too many weirdnesses about it.
[Jul 18,2012 12:43am - TRUCK BALLS  ""]






[Jul 18,2012 1:35am - Blackethanyou666  ""]
Everyone trashing this fest is an asshole. Who gives a fuck where the money is coming from and you must be a pretty immature little shit to talk poke fun at a mother that lost her son.
[Jul 18,2012 1:56am - Garth Algar  ""]
^ The answer is none. None more black.
[Jul 18,2012 7:18am - arilliusbm ""]

Blackethanyou666 said:Everyone trashing this fest is an asshole. Who gives a fuck where the money is coming from and you must be a pretty immature little shit to talk poke fun at a mother that lost her son.

The money is a valid point for a few reasons:
a.) bands ask for a lot of money, especially ones from other parts of the country or world.
b.) If they do not make the money they were offered, the shit will hit the fan
c.) It's a first time fest and is quite a venture in itself. It's not easy to do shit like this. it requires funds, patience, and organizational and people skills.

I am happy that this fest is happening. Yea, I'm not a fan of every band playing, but that doesn't matter. I think it's cool that someone is taking initiative to set up the fest, albeit the method of it being promoted is quite goofy. I've known (acquainted myseld with is more like it) Lord Viall since my band played with Perpetual Winter in March 2005. He had been running Haunted Gates for a while before that, and had been setting a few shows up in his spare time. Obviously I hadn't seen or heard much from him in the past 5 years, but more power to him.
I could easily critique his promotional method and other things, but none of it matters as the fest seems to be happening.
Judging by the facebook attendee list, it looks like a bunch of younger metal kids and overnighters will be there. It's not a fest that will drag the old school metal people out of the woodwork. The bands that are playing have a draw amongst younger crowds. It will be an interesting few days to say the least, and has the potentional to piss a lot of people (bands off), or make a bunch of people happy.

As far as the David Gold thing goes, I know a lot of people were cool with him. The fest is indeed dedicated to him, but the way it is announced as such makes it seem as a promotional tool.
[Jul 18,2012 7:51am - DuckPenis  ""]
This festival needs more Goatwhore and Blackguard.
[Jul 18,2012 9:27am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

DuckPenis said:This festival needs more Goatguard and Blackwhore.
[Jul 18,2012 9:39am - dreadkill ""]
aril pretty much summed up my feelings about the fest
[Jul 18,2012 9:40am - arktouros ""]
[Jul 18,2012 9:41am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jul 18,2012 9:42am - arilliusbm ""]
I just reread what I said then remembered that Evoken is playing.
[Jul 18,2012 10:03am - KEVORD ""]
They would be better off with Goatwhore with the size of a crowd they are trying to draw. I don't know that Evoken or Agalloch are gonna draw more than 150 tops.
[Jul 18,2012 10:07am - xmikex ""]
I had my tickets as soon as I found out Blackie Lawless' aunt was doing a beatbox duet with Michael Winslow. I didn't even know bands were playing until now.
[Jul 18,2012 10:20am - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Blackie Lawless died?
[Jul 18,2012 10:29am - Czarnobog ""]
i don't think there is any mystery where the money is coming from. they're charging $85 for three day passes and none of the bands get a guest list.
[Jul 18,2012 10:41am - dreadkill ""]

Czarnobog said:i don't think there is any mystery where the money is coming from. they're charging $85 for three day passes and none of the bands get a guest list.
this is exactly where the money is coming from, unless lord viall recently won the mega millions.

if they don't sell enough of these three day passes, there won't be enough money and the headliners will back out.
[Jul 18,2012 10:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i feel bad in advance for obsidian tongue. the will probably be the only good band that ends up playing and wont get paid shit. hope i'm wrong though.
[Jul 18,2012 10:59am - arilliusbm ""]
Ugh, just read the FB wall.. padawans.

Also, Lord Viall reads this forum I'm sure. He used to post. Not sure why there's no official posts about this fest here unless he saw the "THE WINTER IS COMING FEST LOOKS GAY" thread
[Jul 18,2012 11:09am - nekronaut ""]

arilliusbm said:Ugh, just read the FB wall.. padawans.

Also, Lord Viall reads this forum I'm sure. He used to post. Not sure why there's no official posts about this fest here unless he saw the "THE WINTER IS COMING FEST LOOKS GAY" thread

He did see it and he bitched about in on fbook.
[Jul 18,2012 11:12am - nekronaut ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i feel bad in advance for obsidian tongue. the will probably be the only good band that ends up playing and wont get paid shit. hope i'm wrong though.

I'm demanding drinks. I don't give a fuck about money... I WANT GIRLY BOAT DRINKS ALL NIGHT
[Jul 18,2012 11:31am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]
Apparently Evoken is on this and they're headlining the first day.
[Jul 18,2012 11:49am - trioxin_245 ""]
I actually don't get all the hate for this 'fest.' I don't know anything about the background or the people putting it on though, but to me it just looks like a bunch of random black metal bands playing together, not that weird of a thing.
[Jul 18,2012 11:56am - Czarnobog ""]
eh, there's plenty to poke fun at about how this fest came together and some of the details around it, and i guess its a wait and see over whether some of the bigger names drop or not, but all in all i'd say this thing definitely shaped up better than i originally expected. at least the line-up anyways. we'll see how things run on the ground in october.
[Jul 18,2012 3:46pm - LEGION  ""]
Where do you want me to put this SVT?
[Jul 18,2012 4:35pm - Ghoulash ""]

boblovesmusic said:
Ghoulash said:I don't give a shit, I'm going to this thing.

agreed (well to an extent)

I wish I could go to this actually. It'd be awesome to see some of the Canadian bands and some of the Connecticut bands who don't come up here often (if ever).

That said, I must echo some of my metal colleagues concerns and criticisms of this fest. There are too many weirdnesses about it.

Not my fest, not my problem bro, haha.

seriously, I don't give a shit about the politics. I'll get to see a lot of
awesome bands that I've never seen before AND a lot of cool folks will
be be there. I'm pretty sure its these guys first fest and you cant expect
it to run like clockwork the way MDF does. So go, get drunk and let the
guy booking the fucking thing worry about the details...
[Jul 18,2012 4:36pm - Ghoulash ""]
and so what if the name is gay...
[Jul 18,2012 4:37pm - Alx_Casket ""]
^need more of this attitude in the area

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