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Agalloch announced as headliner of The Winter Is Coming Fest

[Oct 13,2012 3:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Oct 13,2012 3:28pm - Burnsy ""]
Leaving soon.
[Oct 13,2012 4:50pm - KEVORD ""]

Burnsy said:Leaving soon.
Please post what the turn out is like tonight.
[Oct 13,2012 6:30pm - the_reverend ""]
Would love to be there, but I also skipped rock and shock.
[Oct 13,2012 6:44pm - Uh ""]
Turn out was probably less than half full yesterday. I'm sure there will be much more people today though. Evoken was great last night. Definitely worth going yesterday.
[Oct 13,2012 8:55pm - chrisREX ""]
I might of come down for one of the fest days but my pops is in the hospital.
[Oct 13,2012 9:09pm - Burnsy ""]
There's about 85-90 people so far. I think obsidian is on next.
[Oct 13,2012 9:12pm - Spence ""]
The great not attending winter is coming thread 2012
[Oct 13,2012 9:15pm - Burnsy ""]
Shutuo shitdick. I'm about to see fen and the turnout is pretty decent.
[Oct 13,2012 9:16pm - Burnsy ""]
Lol the great I'm turning my heat on in September fest. Fuckin pussy.
[Oct 13,2012 9:29pm - Spence ""]
haha :P

So SIG:AR:TYR just posted a facebook status that they just successfully crossed the border. Still upset that i'm not seeing them(well, him) tomorrow.
[Oct 13,2012 10:03pm - LucidCurse ""]

Spence said:haha :P

So SIG:AR:TYR just posted a facebook status that they just successfully crossed the border. Still upset that i'm not seeing them(well, him) tomorrow.

because going to/from canada is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO difficult
[Oct 13,2012 10:05pm - Spence ""]
*Insert Morbid Angel joke here*
[Oct 14,2012 3:44am - Burnsy ""]
Obsidian tongue, fen, agalloch. Killer triumvirate. Long drive back but definitely worth it. Excellent second half of the show.
[Oct 14,2012 6:26am - Spence ""]
How was Agalloch's setlist?
[Oct 14,2012 10:00am - xmikex ""]

Orcy%20Adams said:This is theme to Orcy's show, the Planet Orcy Show.

This is the part that you hear after the flash and before the show, we're almost to the part where Orcy starts to grunt then it will be the Planet Orcy Show.

[Oct 14,2012 11:21am - Burnsy ""]
It was pretty good. They opened with Limbs, closed with our fortress is burning. Dead winter days was in there. I don't remember hearing anything from the mantle.

Cheap beer. $2 burgers. $1 hot dogs. Hats off to the legion. I was definitely a skeptic when the show was first announced. Nicely done.
[Oct 14,2012 11:54am - trioxin245 ""]
tip the cup, feed the fire, and forget about useless hope...
[Oct 14,2012 12:38pm - Happy Hipster  ""]
This show was fucking awesome!!! Hats off to all organizers and bands that played, one of the best festivals in recent years!!!

[Oct 14,2012 7:31pm - robotpie ""]
Was there for the first 2 days, Evoken, Obsidian Tongue, Fen and Agalloch all had great sets. The sound was by far the best i've heard for Agalloch out of the 3-4 times i've seen them. Was skeptical of this fest but it turned out awesome.
[Oct 14,2012 10:10pm - Uh ""]
Ritual was great. Place is almost empty tonight and everyone seems tired.
[Oct 14,2012 11:32pm - Spence ""]
How was the good band? Sig:Ar:Tyr, I mean.

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