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Dec 1 (Fri) - Blind Guardian & Leaves' Eyes - Palladium (Worcester, Ma) +

Blind Guardian / Leaves Eyes - Fall/Winter Tour this year!

the Palladium (Worcester, Ma) - [blind_guardian][leaves_eyes][randomshots]
[show listing]  _____________________________________________
[Dec 2,2006 3:22pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
Rev, your pics are awesome but, you didnt get one like this!!
[Dec 2,2006 3:25pm - RichHorror ""]
That picture is brought to you in full Rape-Vision.
[Dec 2,2006 3:26pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
[Dec 2,2006 4:07pm - anonymous  ""]
... would've liked it? Were you there? They did play ATTWS. Perhaps I just misread something...
[Dec 2,2006 5:28pm - DREADkill ""]
that show was great. my favorite part was meeting joe christianni and asking him if certain facts were true.
[Dec 2,2006 9:33pm - the_reverend ""]
blind guardian: wow... First off there were no amps on the stage at all. They just had a white sheet down behind then on which they showed movies. At the set went on, the colors of the movie got better and better. The next wow is the fact that that vocal... the blind guardian's singer ran right out and was in your face. Let me tell you, you could feel his vocie right in front. there were plenty of crowd surfers but they would be almost off the crowd and someone in the front row pulled off so many sneakers. That was pretty awesome. I hope whom ever did that posts here. Hilarious. the crowd surfers didn't seem to find it to be too awesome. When they got down the would just up like "WTF" at the crowd. About 5-ish songs into the set, they played FLY and so many people sang along. Looks liek someone bought the single! eh, that's not fair. The entire place was singing along to every song. I music admit, I only know:
mourning hall
bright eyes
bard song
and I sort of knew valhalla.
Oh and when time stands still.
I waited around until bard song was played. but then headed towards the back door as they played it to capture all the lighters. Great show.

the JC session outback was A++.
[Dec 2,2006 10:10pm - HeavensJail ""]
the guy pulling off sneakers was Ryan Davison from Endless Ruin. messing with people is kind of one of his hobbies.
[Dec 2,2006 10:16pm - Neverpurified ""]
was that ryan?! shit, i saw him earlier in the night and didnt realize he got that close to the front. kudos to him
[Dec 3,2006 4:30pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
I can say with confidence that I had a better time returning VHS tapes last night.

[Dec 3,2006 5:06pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said:blind guardian: wow... First off there were no amps on the stage at all. They just had a white sheet down behind then on which they showed movies. At the set went on, the colors of the movie got better and better. The next wow is the fact that that vocal... the blind guardian's singer ran right out and was in your face. Let me tell you, you could feel his vocie right in front. there were plenty of crowd surfers but they would be almost off the crowd and someone in the front row pulled off so many sneakers. That was pretty awesome. I hope whom ever did that posts here. Hilarious. the crowd surfers didn't seem to find it to be too awesome. When they got down the would just up like "WTF" at the crowd. About 5-ish songs into the set, they played FLY and so many people sang along. Looks liek someone bought the single! eh, that's not fair. The entire place was singing along to every song. I music admit, I only know:
mourning hall
bright eyes
bard song
and I sort of knew valhalla.
Oh and when time stands still.
I waited around until bard song was played. but then headed towards the back door as they played it to capture all the lighters. Great show.

the JC session outback was A++.

i music admit, that JC session was A++
[Dec 3,2006 8:46pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
ArrowHead NLI said:What exactly is going on here?


That's Bobby Dolan, the next rev, and my fellow red headed metal brethern. We gave him a ride back to cambridge, the whole way throwing century media samplers at pedestrians (my friend is on the street team) and singing 80's songs.
[Dec 3,2006 9:03pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:ArrowHead NLI said:What exactly is going on here?


That's Bobby Dolan, the next rev, and my fellow red headed metal brethern. We gave him a ride back to cambridge, the whole way throwing century media samplers at pedestrians (my friend is on the street team) and singing 80's songs.

That still doesn't explain why he's molesting that kid with a sly smile on his face.
[Dec 3,2006 11:15pm - eddie ""]
i've never seem so many people from stoughton in my life...
[Dec 5,2006 5:40pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I love Blindguardian, but I wasn't blown away.
[Aug 1,2009 9:12pm - boblovesmusicinnh  ""]
I was at this show! One of my favorites of all time!

(I became a huge fan of BG at this show!)
[Aug 1,2009 10:21pm - Pires ""]
I almost shit my pants thinking Blind Guardian was touring the states. God damn you for bumping old threads.
[Aug 2,2009 12:14am - beleth ""]
Hahahaha, I'm seeing them in England in about two weeks.
[Aug 2,2009 12:20am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

Pires said:I almost shit my pants thinking Blind Guardian was touring the states. God damn you for bumping old threads.

+1 Asshat.

At least Pagan's Mind is still coming!
[Aug 2,2009 12:38am - the_reverend ""]
pagan mind's boring. this thread tricked me for a microsecond.
[Aug 2,2009 12:40am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

the_reverend said:pagan mind's boring.

I'd heartily disagree. Check out the last 2 albums. I'd say PM is the most original power/progressive metal band to come around in quite a while. I will say that the original recording of the first record was boring, but even the remix of that is pretty awesome.

[Aug 2,2009 12:44am - the_reverend ""]
the album I have has shitty 3d cover art and sounds terrible electronic.
[Aug 2,2009 12:46am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

the_reverend said:the album I have has shitty 3d cover art and sounds terrible electronic.

That could be any cover, they're all similar, and the keyboard player writes a ton of the material, so that could really be any album.

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