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ITT: Everyone point and laugh at "Still Well Angel" pay-to-playing an "audition for Warner Bros. Records"

[Dec 10,2014 9:43am - Robb‘s AWOL Left Nut  ""]

Apparently Boston needs Stillborn Angels to put them BACK on THE map FOR WORLD DOMINATIONALIZING or something.

Still want to know what Robb's mental infirmity is, because it's amazing. Who would trust this guy to work with electricity and not lick the wires? And what's with their fat roadie/hype man?

Layers of mystery to this band. I am intrigued.
[Dec 10,2014 9:46am - Robb‘s AWOL Left Nut  ""]

This is like Christmas. Watch Robb have a giant temper tantrum halfway down the page because nobody is booking them, while trying to say at the same time that the booking is going great and they're on their way to world domination.
[Dec 10,2014 9:55am - Alx_Casket ""]
On the one hand, there are so many potential replies to their posts. On the other, watching Rob be the only commenter on that event is a thing of beauty.
[Dec 10,2014 10:00am - Robb‘s AWOL Left Nut  ""]
Plus, you know he'll just delete anything that contradicts their image of themselves as these super huge rock stars anyway.
[Dec 10,2014 10:10am - Uncle Tom's Kendall Sq Lofts  ""]
When I first read this thread I thought it was as puerile and stupid as the folks who post here regularly-hobby rockers with cowboy hats is no worse that a bunch of fat, greasy, mid 30s long hairs at a shit bar in a shit city with an outright creepy dick to vagina ratio.

Then the whole 'we're going for it' vibe at a late stage in life. At some point having dreams becomes a little faggy. A little sad, but meh.

Then the cancer weirdness.

Then the delusions-13000 fans and 30 person crowds after 15 years of sub-mediocrity should send your internal Bayesian network into a tizzy.

The crash and burn factor on this is a little higher than flight 175, keep up the pathetic but necessary work gentlemen.
[Dec 10,2014 10:17am - A Jealous Baby with Huge Tumors  ""]
After getting ripped off for all my cancr funds I wish I was a stillborn angel. Which in Rob speak means I was almost aborted.
[Dec 10,2014 10:20am - Rod swells  ""]

Alx_Casket said:On the one hand, there are so many potential replies to their posts. On the other, watching Rob be the only commenter on that event is a thing of beauty.

Reminds me of Garfield without Garfield

[Dec 10,2014 10:35am - Alx_Casket ""]
Haha, I'd contribute to a gofundme for Rob Wells minus facebook replies comic strip.
[Dec 10,2014 10:51am - Priceless Bass Strings  ""]
[Dec 10,2014 10:52am - Priceless Bass Strings  ""]
[Dec 10,2014 10:55am - Priceless Bass Strings  ""]
[Dec 10,2014 10:55am - RTTP thread mechanic  ""]

Uncle%20Tom said:When I first read this thread I thought it was as puerile and stupid as the folks who post here regularly-hobby rockers with cowboy hats is no worse that a bunch of fat, greasy, mid 30s long hairs at a shit bar in a shit city with an outright creepy dick to vagina ratio.

Well, here's the problem - looks like you're a fagget! That'll be $18 P&L, please.
[Dec 10,2014 11:11am - Priceless Bass Strings  ""]
[Dec 10,2014 11:13am - Priceless Bass Strings  ""]
[Dec 10,2014 11:24am - Indonesia  ""]
[Dec 10,2014 11:28am - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]
Who the fuck do these Hot Topics Godsmack Kool aid hair 90's throwback rejects think they are? Nobody wants your fucking autograph you ego maniacal self aggrandizing fuckwad ingrate motherfuckers. Matching outfits are for faggets that care more about image than what their sucky band sounds like and this band sounds so bad I hope their bad music makes all their shitfuck glow in the dark Marilyn Manson douche fans slit their wrists.
[Dec 10,2014 12:00pm - Yeti ""]
[Dec 10,2014 12:44pm - Jealous losers  ""]
you just wish you had awesome sponsors like us

[Dec 10,2014 1:07pm - The Real Truth  ""]
It's funny how all these funderground faggots jump in on the bandwagon of making fun of a nu metal band buy get all butthurt when people make fun of their shitty "metal" band.
[Dec 10,2014 1:11pm - Rodd swells  ""]

The%20Real%20Truth said:It's funny how all these funderground faggots jump in on the bandwagon of making fun of a nu metal band buy get all butthurt when people make fun of their shitty "metal" band.

Clearly, making passive-aggresive comments to unspecified targets and without logging in is the high road to take.
[Dec 10,2014 1:15pm - old wise man on a hill  ""]
Except no one in the funderground autographs used bass strings and grow cancer cells in petri dishes in case they need them someday. It's entirely possible to be real and play for fun without proclaiming yourself a messiah in your own mind.
[Dec 10,2014 1:16pm - The Real Truth  ""]
Yea, just like this whole thread. Why dont you toughguys say this to their faces. What I'm doing is the same as what you are doing. Stop being part of the funderground .
[Dec 10,2014 1:20pm - Rodd swells  ""]
whats a funderground? i dont think that word is real. which is "funny" considering your handle on this board.
[Dec 10,2014 1:25pm - muddy may sugginz  ""]
Here's the entire conversation between Robb and Sully yesterday. Presented in gorgeous shitty Tumblr format

[Dec 10,2014 1:33pm - TheRobbWellsUndeletionProject  ""]
You should probably post that to imgur where you can have it in order and not retarded.
[Dec 10,2014 1:34pm - DYA is LITERATE LULZ LIBRARIAN  ""]

The%20Real%20Truth said:Yea, just like this whole thread. Why dont you toughguys say this to their faces. What I'm doing is the same as what you are doing. Stop being part of the funderground .

You appear to have a very hazy grasp of what that term means, sir.
[Dec 10,2014 1:50pm - The Real Truth  ""]
Says the man who plays in a funderground party thrash band
[Dec 10,2014 1:50pm - Yeti ""]
I'm a proud basement dweller in a shitty metal band.
[Dec 10,2014 1:51pm - Aril is mad bro  ""]
excessive use of "funderground" term = troll identified
[Dec 10,2014 1:54pm - Yeti ""]

TheRobbWellsUndeletionProject said:You should probably post that to imgur where you can have it in order and not retarded.

if it was listed in order, it wouldn't make it any less retarded.
[Dec 10,2014 1:57pm - DYA is LITERATE LULZ LIBRARIAN  ""]
Dude how has this not actually been posted, yet. This is the most MEHHYEAHHHEYARRRRRR that any band has ever been, ever. *bonus points for douchebag 50s mic cradling and "hand patting heart" faux sincerity*

[Dec 10,2014 1:58pm - DYA is LITERATE LULZ LIBRARIAN  ""]
Plus now we know why Robb talks about cum so much.
[Dec 10,2014 1:59pm - DYA is LITERATE LULZ LIBRARIAN  ""]
It's like Staind took a bunch of thalidomide and then had a baby with Days of the NEHHH-HYEAAAHHHH
[Dec 10,2014 2:03pm - muddy may sugginz  ""]

Here's the conversation on imgur. It just reads backwards because Fuck technology
[Dec 10,2014 2:08pm - muddy may sugginz  ""]

muddy%20may%20sugginz said: http://imgur.com/a/Ym5uA

Here's the conversation on imgur. It just reads backwards because Fuck technology

it's still in no order. Fuck it, I give up. Its all there. You can figure it out.
[Dec 10,2014 2:08pm - Yeti ""]
I'm pretty sure by the tone the bass drum in that song is a 5 gallon bucket.
[Dec 10,2014 2:10pm - muddy may sugginz  ""]

[Dec 10,2014 2:24pm - TheRobbWellsUndeletionProject  ""]
When you upload the images, make sure they are listed from 1-whatever. When I have time I will organize it.
[Dec 10,2014 2:34pm - Some Guy  ""]
I don't know If anyone actually has made it as far as 2:00 into That fucking terrible "Circum" Video but you should hear how he sings the Lyric "Taken Backaaaahhh"
[Dec 10,2014 2:35pm - Some Guy  ""]
"10 steps Backaahhhhhh"
[Dec 10,2014 2:37pm - Sacreligion ""]
The best part is definitely their overall enthusiasm about the song they are playing.
[Dec 10,2014 2:42pm - 13000 fans!  ""]
The views on this thread are creeping up on the amount of "fans" STA have! Maybe they should buy ad space here.

[Dec 10,2014 2:43pm - Sacreligion ""]
Or how he spells like he sings. It takes a special kind of stupid to turn "succumb" into "circum".
[Dec 10,2014 2:52pm - DYA is LITERATE LULZ LIBRARIAN  ""]
I can't stop giggling at "TICKERTS"
[Dec 10,2014 2:57pm - arilliusbm  ""]

Aril%20is%20mad%20bro said:excessive use of "funderground" term = troll identified

Yeah, because I'm the only person who has ever used that stupid fucking term.
Also, the sky is blue and a bear shits in the woods.
[Dec 10,2014 3:02pm - DYA is LITERATE LULZ LIBRARIAN  ""]

arilliusbm said:
Aril%20is%20mad%20bro said:excessive use of "funderground" term = troll identified

Yeah, because I'm the only person who has ever used that stupid fucking term.
Also, the sky is blue and a bear shits in the woods.

See, I would've said "not quite understanding the term funderground, T.I." - but accualy was not Arl al algno.

[Dec 10,2014 3:04pm - arilliusbm  ""]
Thread needs more

[Dec 10,2014 3:05pm - DYA is LITERATE LULZ LIBRARIAN  ""]

arilliusbm said:Thread needs more


Hit me up on STEREHEYEAM
[Dec 10,2014 4:08pm - question for rob  ""]
Just curious what's up with the backwards N in your logo? Is there a secret meaning? I'll post a pic of their logo so you know what I'm talking about.

Thanks guys!

[Dec 10,2014 4:12pm - TheRobbWellsUndeletionProject  ""]

muddy%20may%20sugginz said:http://imgur.com/a/biksr




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