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ITT: Everyone point and laugh at "Still Well Angel" pay-to-playing an "audition for Warner Bros. Records"

[Jan 24,2015 12:47am - whoa  ""]

Alx_Casket said:Robb Wells = King Gofundmestool

Is Vital Remains looking for a bass player?
[Jan 24,2015 10:23am - bumpmaster_flex  ""]
keeping this travesty on the front page yo
[Jan 24,2015 11:36am - Sacreligion ""]

Oh Millman.
[Jan 24,2015 12:17pm - paulgreeley  ""]
20 more bucks donated to their gofundme.Lady spitfire must have been feeling generous.
[Jan 24,2015 1:34pm - paulgreeley  ""]
20 more bucks donated to their gofundme.Lady spitfire must have been feeling generous.
[Jan 25,2015 5:57pm - Alx_Casket ""]
rttp is the #2 source for "still well angel sucks" behind this guy
[Jan 25,2015 6:33pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Jan 27,2015 5:11pm - Robb Wells Bullies Me  ""]
"Anti-bullying song"
Nope, just gibberish that occasionally rhymes.
They have managed to soften their sound to a Theory Of A NickelGrace level here, making his horrible vocal delivery even worse (!!!!!).
Bonus points for terrible, offbeat double pedal attempts from the less-developed clone (Go Team Venture!).

EXTRA Bonus points for including this in the chorus:
"This cancer in my system will never, ever-----Diiiiie"

Nice of them to shout out their almost-cancer-ridden 63 yr old bassist.
[Jan 27,2015 6:18pm - Sacreligion ""]


Good lord.
[Jan 27,2015 6:39pm - paulgreeley  ""]
I want you to come along with me........BASS!
[Jan 27,2015 8:41pm - narkybark ""]
I feel like I just lost a beloved family pet.
[Jan 28,2015 7:13am - King Thûndérstøol  ""]

I HAVE A TEN INCH PENIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jan 28,2015 10:15am - SWA IS NUMBA ONE!  ""]
Hurrrrrrrrrrhhh YEAH!
[Jan 28,2015 11:45am - SWAit a minute  ""]
"I beat it in my head over and over again"
[Jan 28,2015 12:22pm - DID YOU KNOW?  ""]

"Rob played his bass for an hour a day for 365 days straight?"

THIS must be how he pulled off that insane bass solo we saw.
[Jan 28,2015 1:14pm - Snowden ""]
Oh man, imagine this guy's rigorous 1-hour practice regimen.

0:00 - 0:15 Wait for nails to dry
0:15 - 0:25 Dig red and black outfit out of hamper, put on mask
0:25 - 0:50 Practice rock moves in front of mirror
0:50 - 1:00 Play pentatonic scale as fast as possible, alternating with strummed power chords
[Jan 28,2015 1:24pm - SWAit a minute  ""]
hey you ruined the secret of teh bass solo! are you died??
[Jan 28,2015 1:44pm - THE OPINION  ""]
The Still Well Angel thing was funny for a while but now it's getting old. Find a new joke.
[Jan 28,2015 1:55pm - Sacreligion ""]
Still well hilarious.
[Jan 28,2015 1:56pm - casual bystander  ""]
i'd like to order a loop video with the audio segment of the "poop push" at the beginning of their latest single.
[Jan 28,2015 2:54pm - wise old man on a hill  ""]
I was about to say the same thing. It sounds like he's pushing out a really dry and hardened log at the 10 second mark. All it needs is a toilet splash.
[Jan 28,2015 7:14pm - paulgreeley  ""]

And of course Rawb's ego has gotten to everyones favorite meatball guitarist.Chasse now has an 'ask me' video segment.
[Jan 28,2015 7:17pm - paulgreeley  ""]

And...Stillwell have a new promo video.Promoting their fake 'band of the year shit'.Worst.Promo.Ever. They are like the Roman Reigns of video promos.
[Jan 28,2015 7:54pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Jan 28,2015 8:12pm - Puzzle piece numbah three  ""]

paulgreeley said:http://youtu.be/2QNWJiIZNJk

And of course Rawb's ego has gotten to everyones favorite meatball guitarist.Chasse now has an 'ask me' video segment.

Nice fucking guy-liner and Disturbed singer piercings you fucking twat
[Jan 28,2015 8:31pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

paulgreeley said:http://youtu.be/EQHcadlwhJ4

And...Stillwell have a new promo video.Promoting their fake 'band of the year shit'.Worst.Promo.Ever. They are like the Roman Reigns of video promos.

[Jan 28,2015 10:44pm - Longdeadgod_nli  ""]
I constantly am amazed at how bad these guys really are, no friend of mine sounds like a junior high band. They either really are the all time greatest rttp trolls, or are retarded.
[Jan 29,2015 2:13am - Sacreligion ""]
FINALLY! I have been waiting for them to make one of their big announcements!


[Jan 29,2015 2:15am - Sacreligion ""]
Apparently I am in the wrong business. You mean to tell me there are people willing to pay $25 for a post on my FB page and a copy-and-pasted letter giving advice on how to make a more cohesive song with better production ?
[Jan 29,2015 2:31am - paulgreeley  ""]
The post about swa on the cmc fb page has three likes.All from members of stillwell.Hahaa 13k likes,eh?
[Jan 29,2015 6:22am - Sacreligion ""]
So I couldn't sleep and this was the end result:

Jim Ross Calls The Robb Wells Bass Solo

[Jan 29,2015 9:38am - reggie support  ""]
HAhahahahaha you are fucking insane, but that was funny.
[Jan 29,2015 9:49am - pissingblazers  ""]

Sacreligion said:FINALLY! I have been waiting for them to make one of their big announcements!



Soo this means they hit the big time now?

[Jan 29,2015 11:09am - Yeti ""]
ok "No Friend of Mine" has to be a joke. the EHR's are so bad I refuse to believe he is serious.
[Jan 29,2015 5:13pm - Beating it in my head  ""]
That song is about anti-bullying? Sounds more like a sad break up...
[Jan 29,2015 5:29pm - Narcosis ""]
that new song though.


bury these guys in fecal matter and they'll probably grab shovels and try to help you out.
[Jan 29,2015 9:25pm - Robb‘s Cancer Victim-Victim  ""]

They continue to amaze....
[Jan 29,2015 9:32pm - lol  ""]
fuck. only SWA would offer autographed downloads.
[Feb 2,2015 8:23pm - What the????  ""]
Fun facts? are you fucking kidding me?!?!? Fun fact fatzo ghoul guitarist once played metallicas entire black album while internet peeping freshmen.
[Feb 4,2015 12:19am - Reggie Farnsworth  ""]
It seems Robb is trying to start up State of Corrections again. Could he have been kicked out of the the mighty SWA.
[Feb 4,2015 12:22am - Sacreligion ""]

The long-awaited reunion is here!
[Feb 4,2015 12:24am - Sacreligion ""]
[Feb 4,2015 3:29am - paulgreeley  ""]
Age limit of 32? Nice to see 64 year old Robb giving a younger generation a chance.
[Feb 4,2015 7:26am - Alx_Casket ""]

Reggie%20Farnsworth said:It seems Robb is trying to start up State of Corrections again. Could he have been kicked out of the the mighty SWA.

Another possible explanation is that Robb's 2 bands will be touring as a diverse package deal that club owners would be fools to pass up.
[Feb 4,2015 8:31am - Yeti ""]

Sacreligion said:PRO

[Feb 4,2015 11:11am - Narcosis ""]
sadly, still well angel appears to have relocated to finland.

[Feb 5,2015 12:23am - Sacreligion ""]

Sweet video shoot bro.
[Feb 5,2015 8:52am - pissingblazers  ""]
oh man I cant wait for this video.
[Feb 5,2015 9:00am - Anonymous  ""]
Right? This is going to be epic. I can't wait to hear the malformed twins grunt and shit themselves over a video of a nun lecturing.
[Feb 5,2015 9:15am - No friend of meeeeeiiiiinnnneeee  ""]
This new video will be an instant classic!

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