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the Kave (Bucksport, Me) - [abominable][cryptopsy][hatred_alive][my_dying_breath][porphyria][randomshots][your_funeral]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Apr 6,2005 2:57am - movetherabbit ""]
porphyria and cryptopsy were CLEARLY the best bands there, the vocals for porphyria are so fuckin brutal it makes me shit my pants.

the extra drummer for my dying breath was totally unnecessary. you guys are clearly ripping off slipknot blatantly, theres no need for that douche to be up there with you guys. you sounded awful, the riffs were real bad. the vocals i thought were decent and the actual drummer wasnt bad --- but that doesnt change the fact that you guys are all mallcore losers with no skillz. heh. /rant.

www.movetherabbit.com for a band thats better than my dying breath
[Apr 6,2005 3:56am - MDB  ""]
We will never trash other bands, and we have heard worse bands than us. SO... Why do u feel powerful saying shit about us rabbit?
[Apr 6,2005 4:13am - Anthony nli  ""]
This thread has too much bickering and not enough talk about how awesome Daniel Mongrain is.

Did anyone get a look at that guitar's headstock that he was playing? It seemed like a custom instrument based on the Jackson Warrior body shape.
[Apr 6,2005 7:31am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
MDB said: We will never trash other bands, and we have heard worse bands than us. SO... Why do u feel powerful saying shit about us rabbit?

because they are clearly better than you.
[Apr 6,2005 9:04am - Hatred  ""]
Anthony nli said:This thread has too much bickering and not enough talk about how awesome Daniel Mongrain is.

Did anyone get a look at that guitar's headstock that he was playing? It seemed like a custom instrument based on the Jackson Warrior body shape.

Yes it was fucking killer
[Apr 6,2005 11:50am - PERCUSSIONIST  ""]
well I see i am unessary and i mean maybe you are right seems how you do know more then us and you are just so high up in the industry, that last show we were just thrown in as an opening band. we were expected to get dissed yet people still cam up to us and were like you guys are good, maybe they felt bad who knows but either way we had fun.
[Apr 6,2005 12:56pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
ive yet to see a band with more than one percussionist where the other drummers did anything that really made a difference in the band.
[Apr 6,2005 1:14pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

[Apr 6,2005 1:18pm - Hatred  ""]
shit guys come on the shows done I hate all music that is not black,death,thrash, or just stright metal. But at lest both of your bands are giving all you got,so injoy MDB good luck at the dead season show.
Arron Hatred Alive
[Apr 6,2005 5:34pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
if your having fun it shouldnt matter what everyone else thinks .hatred alive is hated around here by many and they just play anyway. i dont see a point in bands slamming other bands. yeah, you dont like MDB tough shit. instead of calling them slipknot fags you could just say you dont like them and be constructive about it instead of pissing them off
[Apr 6,2005 5:37pm - powerkok ""]
Its cuz everyones tuff while online. And when confronted their pussies start quivering and leaking, and they siss their panties.
[Apr 6,2005 6:54pm - Hatred  ""]
powerkok said:Its cuz everyones tuff while online. And when confronted their pussies start quivering and leaking, and they siss their panties.

true so true lol:doublehorns:
[Apr 6,2005 7:48pm - anonymous  ""]
What did everyone think of Your Funeral?
[Apr 6,2005 7:50pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
I enjoyed them. not anything overly spectacular but i did really enjoy them
[Apr 6,2005 8:03pm - anonymous  ""]
I liked the guitarists,I thought they were pretty tight
[Apr 6,2005 9:09pm - hatred  ""]
not my kind of music so i cant say if there good or bad
[Apr 6,2005 9:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
anonymous said:What did everyone think of Your Funeral?

no one tell the singer you don't like his vocals, he will be offended and then your opinion will not be credible, and you only listen to death metal.
[Apr 7,2005 12:12am - hatred  ""]
:doublehorns::doublehorns:im sure he wuold two lol
[Apr 7,2005 12:15am - sideburns  ""]
whats with that girls side burns in the random shoots holy shit
[Apr 7,2005 4:08pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
haha damn thats harsh man
[Apr 7,2005 4:29pm - xMattx ""]
Nick from shadar logoth said:if your having fun it shouldnt matter what everyone else thinks .hatred alive is hated around here by many and they just play anyway. i dont see a point in bands slamming other bands. yeah, you dont like MDB tough shit. instead of calling them slipknot fags you could just say you dont like them and be constructive about it instead of pissing them off

isnt the point of hardcore to make a spectacle of yourself and cause drama?

[Apr 7,2005 5:09pm - EAT SHIT  ""]
Well the dead season show we played at last night went very well. And can you believe people actually liked us!!! Its amazing. I guess because they are there to have a good time and not to pick apart bands. *I.E. Regulars at the Kave* And Nick, u made a great point on one of your recent posts. Thanks bro!
[Apr 7,2005 8:28pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
and what point would that be? congrats on getting fans. playing ushuias rules
[Apr 7,2005 8:30pm - Nick from shadar logoth  ""]
xMattx said:Nick from shadar logoth said:if your having fun it shouldnt matter what everyone else thinks .hatred alive is hated around here by many and they just play anyway. i dont see a point in bands slamming other bands. yeah, you dont like MDB tough shit. instead of calling them slipknot fags you could just say you dont like them and be constructive about it instead of pissing them off

isnt the point of hardcore to make a spectacle of yourself and cause drama?


sometimes i wonder, hahaha:tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4::tmnt4:

[Apr 8,2005 2:44pm - anonymous  ""]
xMattx said:

isnt the point of hardcore to make a spectacle of yourself and cause drama?


This is the greatest thing ive ever read haha

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