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[Feb 18,2006 4:33pm - thedeparted ""]
about the dour thing, i have no clue, nothing has been confirmed yet if there is still room.

yeah, ill give you his myspace, not sure of his email
[Feb 18,2006 4:35pm - thedeparted ""]
i sent sly a message asking about you guys, what was up, if dour was on, and all that good stuff. ill let you know when i hear back.
[Feb 18,2006 7:25pm - pam nli  ""]
IWEIPH so needs to be on this

oh and Rich, I think I've wasted no less than 10 emails to DeeDee's
[Feb 18,2006 11:33pm - thedeparted ""]
[Feb 19,2006 12:28am - thedeparted ""]
rev you coming to this?
[Feb 19,2006 3:15am - pam nli  ""]
he better.
[Feb 19,2006 10:45am - thedeparted ""]
amen to that.
[Feb 19,2006 10:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think you guys need to understand that when you try DeeDees for a show, they always screen emails by Mike Starr and he calls the final shots.
[Feb 19,2006 2:55pm - DomesticTerror ""]
sexcrement should play
[Feb 19,2006 2:59pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
DomesticTerror said:sexcrement should play

i think they should always play
[Feb 19,2006 4:00pm - thedeparted ""]
still no clue as to if there is another band playing or not, anyone hear back from sly?
[Feb 19,2006 4:05pm - pam ""]
I'm trying to talk my parents into going, my mom just ain't havin' it.
[Feb 19,2006 11:19pm - cav  ""]
i think the slot is still open, were sitting this one out.
[Feb 19,2006 11:23pm - brian_dc ""]
I just officially contacted the slyster...we will not be playing this one.
[Feb 19,2006 11:33pm - RichHorror ""]
thedeparted said:still no clue as to if there is another band playing or not, anyone hear back from sly?

Not me.
[Feb 20,2006 12:06am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
were playing wooooooo hoo

unity in the grind scene at last
[Feb 20,2006 1:33am - pam ""]
you'll have to draw your name on the flier
[Feb 20,2006 1:33am - pam ""]
we're going to stick out soooo bad.
[Feb 20,2006 1:35am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
pam said:you'll have to draw your name on the flier

oh yeah, i was just kidding. im bored
[Feb 20,2006 1:37am - pam ""]
[Feb 20,2006 1:38am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
yes i win, my boredom is so well deserved now. ha ill buy you a shot of whiskey to make up for it
[Feb 20,2006 1:57am - thedeparted ""]
hah, i just got in, and i was about to at TS to the flyer, then i read on...
so i guess no one else is on the bill?
[Feb 20,2006 2:01am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
id love to play this but theres other bands that need shows a lot more then we do.

either way ill be there, itll be a fun show
[Feb 20,2006 2:06am - thedeparted ""]
sure will be, dee dee's is a good time.
everytime i go outside i feel like im in an old kung fu movie.
[Feb 20,2006 2:08am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
thedeparted said: an old kung fu movie.

its actually the matrix and why they all look the same
[Feb 20,2006 2:09am - thedeparted ""]
[Feb 20,2006 2:10am - pam ""]
I can't wait!
[Feb 20,2006 2:28am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
pam said:I can't wait!

whiskey shots
[Feb 20,2006 2:30am - thedeparted ""]
they have very cold water there, its refreshing
[Feb 20,2006 2:32am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
tap water is gross, but vitamin water rules all with a fist ov doom.

obey the fist !!!!!!!
[Feb 20,2006 2:44am - thedeparted ""]
vitamin water is excellente, sometimes though...you just wanna be a little daring and guzzle from the garden hose and call it a day
[Feb 20,2006 2:55am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
one time growing up i went to a pretty huge house fire in natick, i think i was like 7 or 8. well the firehoses were sprinkling place so i decided to get a drink, an old man comes up to me and say "if you keep doing that you'll get diaherria" well being 7 or 8 i had no idea what the hell he was talking about, so i just thought to myself sweet im gonna get something.

and now children what did we learn.
[Feb 20,2006 9:42am - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
why doesnt anyone ever just call me about things like this? i know some of you have my number at least, and i very rarely spend alot of time here. i think sly's trying to get BoE
[Feb 20,2006 10:13am - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
thedeparted said:vitamin water is excellente, sometimes though...you just wanna be a little daring and guzzle from the garden hose and call it a day

and how
[Feb 20,2006 10:46am - thedeparted ""]
[Feb 20,2006 12:35pm - pam ""]
tap water tastes like shit...probably because I live in New Bedford.
[Feb 20,2006 1:40pm - thedeparted ""]
[Feb 20,2006 1:42pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
new bedford tastes like shit
[Feb 20,2006 3:34pm - thedeparted ""]
urine tastes good
[Feb 20,2006 3:59pm - pam ""]
I so enjoy the banter that keeps these show threads on the front page.
[Feb 20,2006 4:00pm - pam ""]
actually we're lacking a fight. can we get one going?

hey Sean, eat shit!
[Feb 20,2006 4:11pm - not a coincidenc  ""]
hey pam, fuck off init
[Feb 20,2006 5:20pm - pam ""]
small penises make boys do silly things.
[Feb 20,2006 6:45pm - W# in HULL  ""]
pam said:actually we're lacking a fight. can we get one going?

hey Sean, eat shit!

thats not very nice, i still love you :bartnormal:
[Feb 20,2006 8:33pm - pam ""]
[Feb 20,2006 9:25pm - W3 in HULL  ""]
gigggatitty gigggatitty allllllllllriiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
[Feb 20,2006 9:45pm - SLy  ""]
HI guys,
I just put IWEIPH on the show, they were very cool for opening!!!
[Feb 20,2006 9:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I can probably round up some quincy forest scumbags to see IWEIPH
[Feb 20,2006 10:03pm - RichHorror ""]
Booyah! I'm hoping to have my homemade Kill$quad t-shirt in time for this.
[Feb 20,2006 11:29pm - thedeparted ""]
awesome, glad you guys are on the show rich, should be splendid event

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