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[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Feb 20,2006 11:33pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, we've never played with STR and haven't played with the rest since our comeback show last summer, where we got cut off after 8 minutes.
[Feb 20,2006 11:34pm - brian_dc ""]
who cut you guys off at that show? I was confused because I didn't see why you guys stopped. But I did see that you guys (your drummer at the time, in particular) were not happy at all about it.
[Feb 20,2006 11:36pm - RichHorror ""]
Or drummer's never happy about anything. Kris Kubrick told us we were done, but I have no idea who actually gave the order.
[Feb 20,2006 11:40pm - thedeparted ""]
which show was this? the legion show?
[Feb 20,2006 11:41pm - RichHorror ""]
If that's the one where RK made the roof fall down, then yes.
[Feb 20,2006 11:47pm - thedeparted ""]
umm, i dont remember the roof falling down, i do remember craig from atnfac being wicked drunk, and brian dc almost getting into a fight with the bar tender...
[Feb 20,2006 11:48pm - brian_dc ""]
part of the roof did come down at the end of Kubrick's set, yesh it did...it was promptly put back up.
[Feb 20,2006 11:50pm - RichHorror ""]
I only heard about the roofalanche second hand. So I dunno. I know RK got shut down early for some reason or another. The reason being the vengeance our legon of the undead wreaked upon them.
[Feb 20,2006 11:51pm - thedeparted ""]
ahhh, i dont remember much either, the beers were abundant and the night was long and lonely
[Feb 21,2006 2:14am - pam ""]
Yay for IWEIPH getting on this! Good call, Sly.

I got a small crowd coming thus far. It's looking good!
[Feb 21,2006 10:13am - thedeparted ""]
ill add iweiph right now, to the flyer
[Feb 21,2006 10:22am - thedeparted ""]
ok all set, rock n roll
[Feb 21,2006 10:35am - thedeparted ""]
[Feb 21,2006 1:16pm - thedeparted ""]
[Feb 21,2006 1:34pm - pam ""]
crap now I gotta go update things...damn you, IWEIPH.
[Feb 21,2006 1:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
you notice how you have an I at the end of STR name
[Feb 21,2006 1:39pm - pam ""]
oh yeaaah, what's that? It stands for idiots doesn't it? you creep.
[Feb 21,2006 1:50pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
pam said:you creep.

you're only making me love you more :ralphie:
[Feb 21,2006 1:51pm - pam ""]
I was talking to the one who made the flier.

There's no possible way you could love me anymore, don't lie.
[Feb 21,2006 1:53pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
it's true, you are married. im sure if i tried loving you more someone might get upset.

thats why i just stalk
[Feb 21,2006 1:58pm - pam ""]
sweet, I've always wanted a stalker.
[Feb 21,2006 2:12pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh im not stalking you, just pointing out that fact.
[Feb 21,2006 2:12pm - thedeparted ""]
hah im sorry, ill fix that
[Feb 21,2006 2:14pm - thedeparted ""]
[Feb 21,2006 2:14pm - thedeparted ""]
all set
[Feb 21,2006 2:15pm - pam ""]
it's still there, why must you mock us!?!? ;)
[Feb 21,2006 2:36pm - cav  ""]
the R in departed is gone again.
[Feb 21,2006 2:43pm - pam ""]
lol, you're a mess man.

The I is gone!
[Feb 21,2006 2:49pm - thedeparted ""]
god damn it!
i fucking suck at life today
[Feb 21,2006 2:50pm - thedeparted ""]

[Feb 21,2006 2:53pm - pam ""]
It's a beauty!
[Feb 21,2006 3:01pm - thedeparted ""]
hah, it only took a week to perfect!
[Feb 21,2006 3:10pm - pam ""]
yeah but...that just means the build up was worth it.
[Feb 21,2006 3:24pm - thedeparted ""]
we've been saving it up, and waiting for the last second to release

taco bell, you hurt my stomach
[Feb 21,2006 3:43pm - pam ""]
I would stab someone for a crunch wrap supreme right now.
[Feb 21,2006 3:47pm - thedeparted ""]
i was gonna get that, but i didnt, instead i ate tacos and a bean burrito, and stole a drink. i felt like a scum bag...but im broke til friday
[Feb 21,2006 6:04pm - pam ""]
Stealing for survival doesn't count.
[Feb 21,2006 6:14pm - brian_dc ""]
and goddammit, you need that sierra mist to live on
[Feb 21,2006 6:17pm - thedeparted ""]
heh, i actually stole raspberry iced tea...but, yes, you do need sierra mist for survival & taco bell is good for your heart
[Feb 21,2006 6:51pm - aterribleguitarist ""]
This show will be the unveiling of my new rack...prepare to be jealous, Brian.

[Feb 21,2006 6:52pm - thedeparted ""]
what did you get now?
[Feb 21,2006 6:53pm - aterribleguitarist ""]
a dbx eq and a power conditioner. I bought it at guitar center from Blue. He gave me a great deal.
[Feb 21,2006 6:54pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm thinking about ditching the BBE for an EQ...the BBE sucks out too much presence
[Feb 21,2006 6:56pm - thedeparted ""]
i have a dbx, dual 15, i just wanted the 31 band, but guitar center sucks, and i was impatient.

which BBE do you have
[Feb 21,2006 6:58pm - brian_dc ""]
[Feb 21,2006 6:59pm - thedeparted ""]
you should talk to rob, see if he wants to sell his EQ, he doesnt use it anymore
[Feb 21,2006 7:00pm - brian_dc ""]
what EQ does he have?

I'd probably be extremely picky about what I want to use
[Feb 21,2006 7:36pm - pam ""]
I love when dudes talk about their stacks. It's like listening to hot people speaking foreign languages. Because I'm a sad excuse for a band member.
[Feb 21,2006 7:40pm - pam ""]
Hey is anyone able to flier for this show? If not I can probably get someone to throw some up at newbies and shit this weekend.
[Feb 22,2006 1:44am - thedeparted ""]
ummm, maybe someone from dour could bring one up for us, they are playing there with ttos.

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