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Mon Jan 31 @ The Middle East - Dead to Fall, The End, Raising Kubrick, The Taste of Silver

[Jan 27,2005 10:04pm - lady czerach NLI  ""]
You're effin' crazy, Nicholas. But I like the sound of that... Heavy Flotation.
[Jan 27,2005 11:07pm - Timma ""]
that ladies and gentlemen, is brilliant journalism.
[Jan 28,2005 4:14pm - blue ""]
oh man. how do you think of this crap nick?
[Jan 30,2005 1:31pm - j of existence  ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:Where have all the good men gone? To ManRay, of course! Shawn, Brian, and Kyle of Throwing Shrapnel were seen leaving ManRay's eponimous "Campus" night after a rousing evening of sex and candy. The deep growls? The permeating sneer of distortion tinged guitar lines? "It's all just for show," says Shawn, formerly of Tasty Buttocks, "Our real passion is doing pig piles with the thirty or forty nude men."

But where does that leave the current state of hardcore? "Wide open for a randy good time!" says Jim of Bane of Existence, "I've been looking for a something to do with myself when I'm not trying to pet the cat 'the wrong way.' You know the expression, 'How many members of Bane of Existence does it take to get wild with Bleeding Through?'" Jim looks at this reporter with a wink and a slight nod, "Just one, when his friends aren't around!"

Yet, fine readers, one can't help but wonder where the rumor mill will strike next.

Especially when Heavy Rotation is changing its name to...HEAVY FLOTATION?? That's right. Jessica Smith of HR is now the proud owner of a baby dolphin. "When it comes to pets," says Jessica next to a 1700-gallon pool, "I don't goof around!"

nick you really don't value your life do you? consider yourself dog food.
[Jan 30,2005 1:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
at least if you're gonna mock me spell my name right !

and woah some journalism, not even knowing our drummers name. for shame for shame !
[Jan 30,2005 1:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i like when people make me laugh... thanks nick
[Jan 30,2005 2:47pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
j of existence said:nick you really don't value your life do you? consider yourself dog food.

oh hush, man. have a sense of humor. imagine if I e-threatened you everytime you had a laugh at my expense? take a deep breath, see the irony, have a giggle, and cheer up. It's a sunday!
[Jan 30,2005 2:48pm - j of existence  ""]
ill giggle when im stomping on your fucking head you cock sucker
[Jan 30,2005 2:49pm - lady czerach NLI  ""]
Hey Jim, did you get my e-mail?
[Jan 30,2005 2:49pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
stomping on the head of my cock with your lips?
[Jan 30,2005 2:51pm - j of existence  ""]
son you really must hate life!
[Jan 30,2005 2:52pm - j of existence  ""]
lady czerach NLI said:Hey Jim, did you get my e-mail?

yea i did we cannot do that one sorry
[Jan 30,2005 10:11pm - blue nli  ""]
oh man. lets all just get along.
[Jan 30,2005 11:13pm - danny p  ""]
wow. uncalled for.
[Jan 30,2005 11:43pm - Timma ""]
is it fucking monday yet?
[Jan 31,2005 8:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
It's monday, time to rock!

[Jan 31,2005 9:42am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I hope some of you can make it, I assume Jim won't, too busy crying over a ridiculous gossip column style post that doesn't even really make fun of him.
[Jan 31,2005 10:21am - anonymous  ""]
I wish I didn't have class today or I would camp outside the middle east like a hippie at a phish concert....minus the granola and birkenstocks, which would be replaced by jager and sugar daddys.
[Jan 31,2005 10:22am - timMa ""]
goddamnit, I need to start remembering to log in...
[Jan 31,2005 10:54am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
watch at TTOS and RK merge into Silver Kubrick, as we share 4x12 cabinets and Jewish heritage!
[Jan 31,2005 10:55am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Sylvia Kubrick
[Jan 31,2005 11:25am - subjugate ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I hope some of you can make it, I assume Jim won't, too busy crying over a ridiculous gossip column style post that doesn't even really make fun of him.

nope i won't be there and nope no crying joey just some people you just can't reach little nick is one of those people he knows i already wanna stomp on his head yet he dosen't know when to shut up so i'm still gonna drop kick him
[Jan 31,2005 12:14pm - Timma ""]
how about they merge all four bands to form the mighty
Raising The Dead End of Silver Kubrick Taste.
[Jan 31,2005 12:17pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Taste The Dead End Kubrick

Raising Taste, To End Kubrick

Dead? To Fall, The End - Kubrick Silver
[Jan 31,2005 12:20pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
I'm coming to this. Hopeful not alone like a loser, but probably, because Dave and Phil are going to Gwar.
[Jan 31,2005 12:21pm - Timma ""]
Raising to End The Silver Taste of Dead Kubrick
[Jan 31,2005 4:26pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Kubrick's Dead, taste the end.
[Jan 31,2005 4:29pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Taste Kubrick's Raising Silver End
[Jan 31,2005 4:45pm - mOe  ""]
I just heard moshing isnt allowed....Gay
[Jan 31,2005 4:45pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i will be at this show, obviously
[Jan 31,2005 4:46pm - attendmyrequiem nli  ""]
I'm planning on going
[Jan 31,2005 6:00pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I'm going.
[Jan 31,2005 6:01pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
actually load in was 1 minute ago, maybe I should get going.
[Jan 31,2005 6:12pm - dread_104 ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:how now brown cow is a palindrome

woc nworb won woh ???

not the same.

[Jan 31,2005 6:33pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i will be at this show!
[Jan 31,2005 6:35pm - succubus ""]
i'm stuck at work still =(
[Jan 31,2005 6:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
mOe said:I just heard moshing isnt allowed....Gay

they say that about downstairs too, but i'm sure you youngsters can marsh it up like thanksgiving time.
[Jan 31,2005 6:58pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
i wish i remembered this show an hour ago.

even though i dont know where the middle east is i might still try to go. how long does it take to get there from worcester?
[Jan 31,2005 7:01pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Josh_hates_you said:i wish i remembered this show an hour ago.

even though i dont know where the middle east is i might still try to go. how long does it take to get there from worcester?

an hour maybe less take mass pike to Allston/Cambridge exit and just stay straight till you reach Mass Ave then take a right it's like 3 blocks from there on the right hand side.
[Jan 31,2005 7:14pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
my friends are all bastards and no one wants to go to boston. lame.

i dont feel like driving there alone.
[Jan 31,2005 7:24pm - lady czerach NLI  ""]
i'm leaving soon for this!
[Jan 31,2005 7:53pm - KeithMutiny ""]
leavin right now, boooooing!
[Jan 31,2005 8:06pm - succubus ""]
Sarah (RK) just called me

sucks that i won't see anyone tonight =)
ps: i hate my job
[Feb 1,2005 1:24am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
awesome awesome show joe.


TTOS - We had a lot of fun ... the CD they gave us needs a good deal of fine tuning, and I think something was wrong with the kick mic cause I hear no kick on this, but heard it live...maybe i am missing something? People were awesome in the audience, great turnout, everyone gets a personalized high five next tiem they see me!!!

Raising Kubrick - Splendid as always. Sound from the PA was a bit muddy but man they sounded brutal. Everyone was super.

The End - Oh I WILL see this band again. Fucking great. Everyone needs to see them. Brilliant shit. Some of the chord shapes they use are like WHA?!?!? Not as "core" as you'd imagine...a lot of intergrity to what they do.

Dead to Fall - I wasn't impressed, but people had fun. I dunnow...too much like...everything else. Still they got the crowd going, so that's cool..

A good time!!! Joe wins this round.
[Feb 1,2005 1:27am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:awesome awesome show joe.

Raising Kubrick - Splendid as always. Sound from the PA was a bit muddy but man they sounded brutal. Everyone was super.

i loved the added bonus of the final chorus. sing a longs rule !

[Feb 1,2005 1:28am - lady czerach NLI  ""]
Yay, fun show!

I had to laugh through Dead to Fall's entire set... it was a very non-Joe show. But the turnout was killer and everyone had a good time. Drink tickets rule!! I have pictures but I'm in no condition to upload them now.
[Feb 1,2005 1:40am - KeithMutiny ""]
everything was great at that show... till dead to fall played

... but thats not my cup of tea
[Feb 1,2005 1:48am - Timma ""]
Kubrick tore it up once again, I had a great time rockin my brains out. and I know the general consensus on dead to fall wasn't great, but I thoroughly enjoyed there set, but then again...it is my cup of tea. to each his own i suppose, g'night.
[Feb 1,2005 1:50am - RustedAngel ""]
pretty cool show. saw lots of cool mofo's. Tim was bugging me to go to this all month, and I did, but he didn't. That's because his gf's grandfather died or something..anyways. I took pictures, I'll try to get them up asap.

arrived at 8:30 and thought I would have missed TOS, but apparently the doors didn't even open until 9.

TOS: I think they played one new song, sounded pretty cool. I always think rowan is going to eat me alive.

Kubrick: came on with a lot of energy with the full force of that beast moe. blue was sporting a porphyria shirt, holy crap. chris was twirling his dong, i mean hair. sarah was lovely in the most brutal way possible.

The End: never really checked these guys out before, but they were pretty good live. A little bit like ion dissonance. 2 people told me they were boring as hell, and the other 2 told me they were good.

said my goodbye's and made the trek back to maine. So no pictures of DTF, but I'm sure they aren't my bag, I have heard them before. Evan's not even drumming for them anymore, so bleh.
[Feb 1,2005 1:52am - RustedAngel ""]
ps. I think I only saw joe once during this entire show..and it was during the end....I probably should have stayed just to see his expression of dead to fall. heh.

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