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Fri June 3rd ~ BOSTON'S DEAD #34 ~ Bane of Existence(Doug's last show with us), Anoxia, Dissector & Scourge

O'Briens Pub (Allston, Ma) - [anoxia][bane_of_existence][dissector][randomshots][scourge]
[Jun 5,2005 8:54am - shatteredliz ""]
Thanks for coming out to the show everyone! Thanks to all the bands. The show was great. No real incidences at my place after, except I still don't know who those guys were that brought a hub-cap into my house. If anyone is missing a Volvo hub-cap, I have it! I think next month we might do another Saturday matinee w/bbq. I'll keep everyone posted!
[Jun 5,2005 9:59am - subjugate ""]
great pic's revie i can't wait to see what carina got too
[Jun 5,2005 10:05am - subjugate ""]
DungGobler said:Scourge was amazing.

scourge were great i am glad i happened accross them on myspace
[Jun 5,2005 11:01am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, they sent me a CD a long time ago... some times on the air, I called them scrooge though.. oopies...

subjugate said:i can't wait to see what carina got too

well, you are going to have to.
[Jun 5,2005 11:05am - dug-a-hole  ""]
butchery said:yeah scourge was my favorite

you must have left right after their set then.
[Jun 5,2005 11:54am - subjugate ""]
the_reverend said:yeah, they sent me a CD a long time ago... some times on the air, I called them scrooge though.. oopies...

subjugate said:i can't wait to see what carina got too

well, you are going to have to.

her pic's are always worth the wait :doublehorns:
[Jun 25,2005 4:01pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
subjugate said:the_reverend said:yeah, they sent me a CD a long time ago... some times on the air, I called them scrooge though.. oopies...

subjugate said:i can't wait to see what carina got too

well, you are going to have to.

her pic's are always worth the wait :doublehorns:

and wait............................................................................................... wow almost a whole month and still none :spineyes:

[Jun 25,2005 4:41pm - rev there  ""]
I've been zinged with a capital Z....I thought I posted them though...I know I'm missing 4 that I need to post....I'll check what happened tonight
[Jun 25,2005 4:46pm - the_reverend ""]
that's carina.
[Jun 25,2005 5:03pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
no "zing" kiddo all is good was just wondering what was up with em as we look forward to seeing all the pic's you and rev take
[Jul 1,2005 8:10am - SUBJUGATE ""]
hum de dum de doo
[Jul 2,2005 9:43am - SUBJUGATE ""]
la la la la
[Jul 5,2005 8:05pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jul 6,2005 1:45pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
hi de hi do hi da
hi de hi do hi da
hi de
hi do
hi da
[Jul 7,2005 7:35am - SUBJUGATE ""]
oh o o o o oH
[Jul 15,2005 10:22am - SUBJUGATE ""]
42 days ago
[Jul 15,2005 12:28pm - Dissector ""]
[Jul 15,2005 12:50pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i know i should be happy with the 121 pix rev took but carina takes some amazingly great pix and we always look forward to seeing em.
[Jul 16,2005 10:02am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jul 16,2005 11:43am - SUBJUGATE ""]
maybe i should have had ascendancy play this show too. . . . . . . . . . . .

inside joke
[Jul 17,2005 11:38am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jul 17,2005 12:51pm - succubus ""]

i suck

ok so aaron told me to go on my laptop and look at the "boston's dead" thread...so i did

ok i guess i didn't do them...starting now...
sorry :(
[Jul 17,2005 7:13pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i apologize for being a pain i just really like your work and look forward to seeing all the pictures you took.

[Jul 18,2005 1:27pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Jul 18,2005 1:30pm - succubus ""]
you won't get to 46! that's for sure!
[Jul 18,2005 2:11pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
lol i know i am a dick, i am sorry for bustin yer ballz but your pix kick ass and like a fine wine they are better with time, i just can't wait too much longer
[Jul 18,2005 2:28pm - succubus ""]
yer not a dick...i feel bad for being so slow..but now i'm worried you'll be disappointed..seriosuly though, thanks for caring =)
[Jul 18,2005 2:34pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
if oyu say so thanks , dissapointed NO WAY!!! NOPE NOT EVER we love what you and revie do thats why we have links your pic's of us to your site
[Jul 18,2005 10:33pm - succubus ""]

bout damn time i know....
[Jul 19,2005 6:42am - SUBJUGATE ""]
no dissapointment here pix are fucking awsome!!!!!!!
[Jul 19,2005 7:49am - succubus ""]
yay! =) thanks jim
[Jul 19,2005 8:00am - SUBJUGATE ""]
not a problem like i said your pix kick ass and i/we love looking at them
[Jul 23,2005 4:38pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
just got a chance to check them out. Awesome. Muchos Gracias!
[Jul 23,2005 4:54pm - succubus ""]
he likes 'em too

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