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Now Find a show to go to!

Apr 9 (Sat) - MAN WILL DESTROY HIMSELF (CAR), INTHESHIT, OILTANKER (CT), HELLHOUND, NO SECOND CHANCE email intheshitboston@gmail.com for address - Gay Gardens in Allston (Allston, MA)


[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Apr 10,2011 6:01pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Apr 10,2011 6:20pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Apr 10,2011 6:43pm - xgodzillax ""]
ITT: I wasn't even at this show. And from what I've been told by numerous people, sean didn't hit that bitch, no one did.
[Apr 10,2011 7:18pm - xgodzillax ""]
So alexc got beat up, left and stood at the top of the drive in attempt to jump someone, who's friends have no problem fighting got "jumped"? It just sounds like he did a come at me bro, and a multiple person fight ensued. Cool story bro. Strength in numbers only works when the "numbers" aren't a group of pizza thrashers in sick leather pants. A lesson should be learned here, don't hit someone multiple times, then attempt to bottle them only to be pushed away, and attempt to bottle someones girlfriend.

All you should be glad I wasn't there. That is all
[Apr 10,2011 7:19pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

xgodzillax said:ITT: I wasn't even at this show. And from what I've been told by numerous people, sean didn't hit that bitch, no one did.

no one actually hit her, she was PUSHED off people numerous times by males because she kept saying "come at me bro...come at me bro" and pulling a jersey shore then proceeding to actually use catwoman claws on people aka sean...

later on sean said "come at me bro" to alex c and alex c accepted the come at me bro but then got punched pretty hard by booley.
[Apr 10,2011 7:34pm - xmikex ""]
2 people who weren't at the show fighting about imaginary things.

we have an internet.
[Apr 10,2011 7:39pm - xmikex ""]

Headbanging_Man said:but obviously someone got jumped without any physical provocation

I respectfully disagree with this deduction.
[Apr 10,2011 8:01pm - Lamp ""]
You know what rules? The fact that I was watching Man Will Destroy Himself and rocking out while all this bullshit was going on, and had no knowledge of anything whatsoever.
[Apr 10,2011 8:11pm - frankiechairs  ""]
soooo ahmmm, thanks to everyone who checked out No Second Chance, and said kind words, we appreciate you guys checking out a hardcore band on a metal show!
[Apr 10,2011 8:25pm - xmikex ""]
haha Lamp is the man. some of my favorite live sets ever have been rocking out to be band by myself while the rest of the club is fighting over moronic shit.
[Apr 10,2011 8:31pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

xmikex said:
Headbanging_Man said:but obviously someone got jumped without any physical provocation

I respectfully disagree with this deduction.

Fair enough, but obviously someone threw a first punch or bottle, and I remain doubtful that this was necessary or justified. But then, I'm one of those fools who doesn't think that "talking shit" is a real justification. I'm always willing to be corrected, but so far no one has explained just why Alex got "beat up" in the first place, except maybe that Sean thought he was "running his mouth" (boohoo).
[Apr 10,2011 8:41pm - xmikex ""]
Honestly, I was right there and I'm still in the dark as to how most of it started/went down. But much like you, I know my friends and have faith that they didn't show up to the show thinking it was Monday Night Raw.

I prefer to let history remember this as the night Oiltanker rocked the shit out of Allston, and the world collectively thanked Robin and myself for being born.
[Apr 10,2011 8:51pm - Lamp ""]

xmikex said:I prefer to let history remember this as the night Oiltanker rocked the shit out of Allston


Also, I oughta formally introduce myself to you sometime in person, considering I sang along to Fatalist last night.
[Apr 10,2011 8:54pm - xmikex ""]
Awkward head nods or gtfo.
[Apr 10,2011 9:08pm - W3 nli  ""]
Sorry alex and I know what this is over and his internet and IRL mouth got himself into trouble.

Don't like it tough shit boohoo
[Apr 10,2011 10:02pm - xmikex ""]
Can I just point out that in the middle of all this Mike sidled over to me and said in a monotone voice "Oh my god..... What Halpin-ed?"
[Apr 10,2011 11:14pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Apr 10,2011 11:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Mike, loling to that is in the same boat as liking your own status.
[Apr 10,2011 11:50pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Apr 11,2011 9:56am - robing ""]
Who fought who?
[Apr 11,2011 12:19pm - W3 nli  ""]
Some dood hit jay with a pillow and ross wanted to kill them, no fight was fought
[Apr 11,2011 1:15pm - xmikex ""]
There was a brief under card of me vs. some drunk idiot who wouldn't stop shoving my girlfriend. The feather-weight main event that followed was (as Matt put it) "mildly entertaining."
[Apr 11,2011 1:22pm - Boozegood ""]
The remaining IG-88 uploaded his consciousness into a computer core destined for Death Star II. He succeeded in being uploaded, and was preparing to activate his program to take over all droids in the galaxy when it was destroyed. With his consciousness in the Death Star II, he would literally become the Death Star.
[Apr 11,2011 6:06pm - Ghey_Faguettes ""]
Seriously. Girl jumped on Sean and tried clawing his eyes out so he pushed her off. Didn't actually hit her. Stupid.
[Apr 11,2011 9:11pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Apr 12,2011 7:46am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

xmikex said:Can I just point out that in the middle of all this Mike sidled over to me and said in a monotone voice "Oh my god..... What Halpin-ed?"

so glad I made it this far down the page, total payoff
[Apr 12,2011 8:32am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nil said:Only Faggot Arboretum is real
[Apr 12,2011 2:38pm - C.dEAd  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
xmikex said:Can I just point out that in the middle of all this Mike sidled over to me and said in a monotone voice "Oh my god..... What Halpin-ed?"

so glad I made it this far down the page, total payoff

hAHA, I felt the same way. A+
[Apr 12,2011 5:48pm - Earthworm  ""]
hi there. i would like to add something to all of this fun discourse you are all enjoying.
the next time I drive 700 miles to play a show in Boston, and everyone decides that they want to get all aggro and empty the floor to go and beat each other up, please at least have the common courtesy to beat each other up worse than i do to myself while i'm there.
[Apr 12,2011 6:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Boston Slapfight
Boston Catfight
Boston Feelings Beatdown
[Apr 12,2011 6:08pm - xgodzillax ""]

[Apr 12,2011 6:53pm - W3 nli  ""]

Earthworm said:hi there. i would like to add something to all of this fun discourse you are all enjoying.
the next time I drive 700 miles to play a show in Boston, and everyone decides that they want to get all aggro and empty the floor to go and beat each other up, please at least have the common courtesy to beat each other up worse than i do to myself while i'm there.

sorry about that chief, nothing but love and respect for MWDH.
[Apr 12,2011 6:58pm - Earthworm  ""]
oh, there's nothing to be sorry about. we had a great time, and will definitely do it again, as soon as we can.
[Apr 12,2011 6:59pm - W3 nli  ""]
next time we party, no escape.
[Apr 12,2011 7:46pm - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]
I cant watch that video nick posted on my phone but alex in that pic is grrrreat

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