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Top 5 Heavy Bands that have Done No Wrong

[Jan 3,2012 10:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
You wanted a fucking music conversation so hear ya go.

My list of the Top 5 heavy bands that have put out nothing but top quality releases for the majority of their careers - with the exception of maybe one less-than-brilliant but still solid release.

1. Type O Negative
2. Emperor
3. Death
4. Godflesh
5. Alice In Chains

Runners Up:
Motorhead, Nevermore

Commence disagreement and fist shaking

[Jan 3,2012 11:03pm - ark  ""]
1. Metallica
2. Metallica
3. Metallica
4. Guns n' Roses
5. Metallica
[Jan 3,2012 11:03pm - demondave ""]

in B4 Bova flavored Raviolis

[Jan 3,2012 11:06pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Jan 3,2012 11:08pm - demondave ""]
yup. I got in right before.
[Jan 3,2012 11:22pm - Manowarrior  ""]
1. Type O Negative - Gay
2. Emperor - Hipster
3. Death - Dead
4. Godflesh - Gay
5. Alice In Chains - Gay And Dead

Oh wait, I forgot that faggot from Type O Negative is dead too. One less shitty band in the world.

[Jan 4,2012 12:14am - Mark r  ""]
Morbid Angel until 2010...I even liked Heretic quite a bit. Oh well.
[Jan 4,2012 12:18am - Mark r  ""]
I don't know who I would really pick. grave digger comes to mind. I don't hate 34.788% Complete, so My Dying Bride is also up there. I personally like every Pain of Salvation album, even the widely panned last four.
[Jan 4,2012 12:30am - goatcatalyst ""]

[Jan 4,2012 12:35am - goatcatalyst ""]
And also Thorns!!!
[Jan 4,2012 12:46am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Jan 4,2012 9:49am - MetalThursday ""]
[Jan 4,2012 9:53am - Fake Ark  ""]
Bolt Thrower
[Jan 4,2012 9:54am - posbleak ""]
[Jan 4,2012 9:58am - dreadkill ""]

Mark%20r said:I don't know who I would really pick. grave digger comes to mind. I don't hate 34.788% Complete, so My Dying Bride is also up there. I personally like every Pain of Salvation album, even the widely panned last four.

pain of salvation after remedy lane = pieces of shit
[Jan 4,2012 10:00am - burnsy ""]
Enslaved, duh.
[Jan 4,2012 10:24am - Alexecutioner ""]
1. Meshuggah
2. Skinless
3. Dying Fetus
4. Decapitated
5. Blood Red Throne

Specifically chose bands with more than 2 full length releases, otherwise i would have included

Defeated Sanity
The Faceless
[Jan 4,2012 10:30am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 4,2012 10:32am - dreadkill ""]
[Jan 4,2012 10:32am - Alexecutioner ""]

arilliusbm said:lol

never heard of that band. NSBM i assume?
[Jan 4,2012 11:03am - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:

1. Type O Negative
2. Emperor
3. Death
4. Godflesh
5. Alice In Chains


Type O - No argument
Emperor - Got pretty boring in the 2000's
Death - Not a fan of anything after Human. It just kind of bores me, I always thought the shit was overrated.
Godflesh - One of my favorite bands, but after he fagged out on that tour I was gonna see them at because his girlfriend dumped him, I lost alot of faith.
Alice in Chains - Great band, but definitely not in my top 5 or even top 20.

I would say off the top of my head:
1. Type O Negative
2. Faith No More
3. Saint Vitus
4. Motorhead
5. Manowar

thats just off the top of my head though, with no thought put into it (in before "like all your other comments" or something)
[Jan 4,2012 11:05am - Mark_R ""]

dreadkill said:primordial

That's one I overlooked
[Jan 4,2012 11:16am - Fake Ark  ""]
meh, quick list.
Bolt Thrower
Type O Negative
[Jan 4,2012 11:22am - arilliusbm ""]
Horrible bands. Horrible lists.
[Jan 4,2012 11:22am - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
other bands that have done no wrong (totally off the top of my head):
Disgorge (mex.)
Acid Bath
[Jan 4,2012 11:25am - Alexecutioner ""]
Aril's List:

1. Alcest
2. Alcest
3. Alcest
4. Alcest
5. Alcest
[Jan 4,2012 11:26am - Alx_Casket ""]
Type O
Forgotten Tomb

Your mom's a heavy band.
[Jan 4,2012 11:30am - arilliusbm ""]
Alcest isnt heavy. Neither is Type O.
"heavy" is subjective, just like "sludge"
Your all arrested.
[Jan 4,2012 11:31am - Alx_Casket ""]
It is subjective, which is why all our opinions are valid.
[Jan 4,2012 11:34am - dreadkill ""]

arilliusbm said:Horrible bands. Horrible lists.
you know you love primordial, aril aril nemtheanga o'doyle doyle von frankenstein
[Jan 4,2012 11:34am - arilliusbm ""]
Igor Stravinsky wrote heavy music.
[Jan 4,2012 11:34am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Jan 4,2012 11:36am - Alx_Casket ""]
Composer =/= band. Dumass
[Jan 4,2012 11:41am - arilliusbm ""]
Orchestra = real band. Not faux poseur "heavy" music with electric amplification and distortion. BRING BACK HEAVY TO ITS ROOTS.

[Jan 4,2012 11:41am - arilliusbm ""]
Also, stop replying seriously to jest comments.
[Jan 4,2012 11:43am - arilliusbm ""]
I just wanted to make the point that "heavy" is a broad term. I could give a very broad answer, but every band has done wrong. Nobody is perfect.
[Jan 4,2012 11:47am - dreadkill ""]
the beatles
[Jan 4,2012 11:49am - DYA is NO U  ""]
I really want to be able to put Type O on a list like this, but I just can't deal with the lyrics on Dead Again. It's like the end of Newhart, where they wake up and it's all just a dream. Want to like that record so fucking bad, can't deal.
[Jan 4,2012 11:49am - Alx_Casket ""]
Stravinsky wasn't an orchestra either. Your definition of heavy is different than mine. Genre nomenclature is in itself subjective, which is why discussing it is so easy to start flamewars about. This is a "what do you think" thread, not a "post before aril waves his opinion shlong in your face as gospel."

And I will never stop making trollbreaking replies to your posts <3
Deal with it, you raunchy broad term.
[Jan 4,2012 11:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i purposefully left it open-ended for maxium discussion abilities.
[Jan 4,2012 11:58am - Fake Ark  ""]

DYA%20is%20NO%20U said: I just can't deal with the lyrics on Dead Again.

amen? i do like the record, but i feel that.
[Jan 4,2012 12:00pm - Fake Arkrillius  ""]

arilliusbm said:Also, stop replying seriously to jest comments.

arilliusbm said:I just wanted to make the point that "heavy" is a broad term.

[Jan 4,2012 12:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
Stravinsky wrote FOR an orchestra you dimwitted dingbat.
I never wave my gospel schlong in threads. I make asshole statements to broaden discussion. My opinion is no more valid than anyone elses'. Genre nomenclature ia subjective but also has substance when being used in the correct context.
[Jan 4,2012 12:06pm - Alx_Casket ""]
It's simply about following instructions, aril. The thread asks for heavy bands, not some composer who wrote heavy stuff. You could have also misinterpreted the thread and listed Symphony X as a heavy band just because of Michael Romeo.
[Jan 4,2012 12:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
I wouldn't be such a dick under this arilliusbm name if you guys weren't so easy to annoy on the internet.
Problem with arilliusbm? Take it up with Jim.
[Jan 4,2012 12:09pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Try harder, your trolling is under scrutiny. I do like how you always tell me to not take you so seriously, as if I'm ever actually butthurt about it, haha.
[Jan 4,2012 12:10pm - Garth Algar  ""]
I'm gonna have to go with Michael Bolton. Personally, I celebrate the man's entire catalog. Also Thin Lizzy even though the early shit is very heavy at all.
[Jan 4,2012 12:11pm - Garth Algar  ""]
isn't very heavy
[Jan 4,2012 12:13pm - burnsy ""]
Missy Elliot.
[Jan 4,2012 12:14pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
John Tesh


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