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/rttp/ what 8 bit/16 bit games should i beat?

[Dec 15,2009 2:50pm - reimroc ""]
Preferably hard games.
[Dec 15,2009 2:51pm - Sacreligion ""]
Zelda 2. Reediculously difficult.
[Dec 15,2009 2:51pm - arilliusbm ""]
The adventures of Lolo
[Dec 15,2009 2:54pm - reimroc ""]

Sacreligion said:Zelda 2. Reediculously difficult.

done that twice.

arilliusbm said:The adventures of Lolo

ok there one game to add to my play list.
[Dec 15,2009 2:54pm - Sacreligion ""]
Also reediculously difficult. Also the first VG music I learned how to play on guitar.
[Dec 15,2009 2:55pm - Sacreligion ""]

reimroc said:
Sacreligion said:Zelda 2. Reediculously difficult.

I only have the last palace left but everytime I try to get there some conveniently timed creature knocks me into a lava pit.
[Dec 15,2009 2:55pm - reimroc ""]
lol that has happened to me before.
[Dec 15,2009 2:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
Crusader of centy for genesis.

Somewhat easy, but awesome. Sega's Zelda.

Just ask me on steam. I've got quite a few recs because that's all I play. Fuck xbox and ps3.
[Dec 15,2009 3:00pm - Sacreligion ""]
I was always a big fan of Snake Rattle N Roll. There was a Pirate game I used to play for Genesis all the time too, but that's not necessarily difficult. Just a lot of scenarios to play with. Super Mario World is always a good way to eat up time too.
[Dec 15,2009 3:01pm - reimroc ""]
I should probably just name off the games I HAVE beaten to help you guys out:

Silver Surfer
Blaster Master
Ghosts and Goblins
Ghouls and Ghosts
Super Ghouls and Ghosts
Zombies ate my neighbors
Castlevania II(sucked my nuts)
Castlevania III
Castlevania IV
Castlevania: Bloodlines
Castlevania: Dracula X(also sucked my nuts)
Rocket Knight Adventures
Sparkster: RKA II
Smash TV
Various Mega Mans
super c
gunstar heroes
alien soldier
target earth

I know I'm missing a few but thats basically the whole list. No RPGs don't count as hard games.
[Dec 15,2009 3:03pm - Sacreligion ""]
I think Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is 32-bit but it's still a side-scroller and amazing. I've seen Yeti play that game more than anyone's ever played a video game. Ever.
[Dec 15,2009 3:05pm - reimroc ""]

Sacreligion said:I think Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is 32-bit but it's still a side-scroller and amazing. I've seen Yeti play that game more than anyone's ever played a video game. Ever.

Beat that too. Its one of my favorite Castlevania games.
[Dec 15,2009 3:06pm - arilliusbm ""]
Rocket knight adventures. Yesss. That game was great. Loved the music in it.
[Dec 15,2009 3:07pm - Sacreligion ""]
Was that the one with the armadillo or whatever the fuck that jetpacky thing was?
[Dec 15,2009 3:08pm - reimroc ""]
Dude I load up that game sometimes just to sit in the options and listen to the music. SO GOOD.
[Dec 15,2009 3:09pm - reimroc ""]

Sacreligion said:Was that the one with the armadillo or whatever the fuck that jetpacky thing was?

Yup. Game is easy on easy/normal but on hard its a shit bitch. The game gives you 1 life, no continues and 1 hit is fatal.

[Dec 15,2009 3:10pm - arktouros ""]
Super Metroid
BATTLETOADS I was never able to beat.
[Dec 15,2009 3:11pm - oscarct ""]
[Dec 15,2009 3:11pm - reimroc ""]

arktouros said:Super Metroid
BATTLETOADS I was never able to beat.

I've beaten super metroid as well. That was a hella long time ago so maybe I'll play it again.

Battletoads is easy if you know what you're doing.
[Dec 15,2009 3:11pm - Sacreligion ""]
Played it once waaay back in the day. I remember it being a good time.

A lot of the Disney games for SNES/Genesis can be super difficult and fun as fuck. Aladdin/The Lion King mostly.
[Dec 15,2009 3:11pm - arktouros ""]
and the MegaMan series, you can't go wrong with any of them including the ones for SNES which are fucking awesome.
[Dec 15,2009 3:12pm - reimroc ""]

oscarct said:http://www.cinemassacre.com/new/?page_id=1177

lol none of the games the nerd reviews are hard....for the right reasons. they're all hard for the WRONG reasons.
[Dec 15,2009 3:13pm - arilliusbm ""]

reimroc said:Dude I load up that game sometimes just to sit in the options and listen to the music. SO GOOD.

I burned the soundtrack on cd it's so good
[Dec 15,2009 3:14pm - Sacreligion ""]
Donkey Kong Country Soundtrack > Most other VG soundtracks
[Dec 15,2009 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
Super Empire Strikes Back and Super Return of the Jedi aren't even fun due to the difficulty.
[Dec 15,2009 3:15pm - arktouros ""]

anybody ever played Out Of This World for SNES? real unique side scroller adventure on a dystopian alien planet, had a movie feel to it and excellent graphics for the time.
[Dec 15,2009 3:15pm - arktouros ""]

Yeti said:Super Empire Strikes Back and Super Return of the Jedi aren't even fun due to the difficulty.

beat em!!!!!!111
[Dec 15,2009 3:15pm - Yeti ""]

Sacreligion said:Aladdin/The Lion King mostly.

Aladdin isn't too hard once you get the hang of how he moves. FUCK THE LION KING.
[Dec 15,2009 3:16pm - arilliusbm ""]

Sacreligion said:Donkey Kong Country Soundtrack > Most other VG soundtracks

[Dec 15,2009 3:17pm - arktouros ""]

arilliusbm said:
reimroc said:Dude I load up that game sometimes just to sit in the options and listen to the music. SO GOOD.

I burned the soundtrack on cd it's so good

THIS song is incredible as are all the other mixes
[Dec 15,2009 3:17pm - Sacreligion ""]
WRONG!(To aril)

RIGHT!(To Ark)
[Dec 15,2009 3:18pm - metal_church101 ""]

Yeti said:Super Empire Strikes Back and Super Return of the Jedi aren't even fun due to the difficulty.

That's because you didn't use the force!!!!
[Dec 15,2009 3:19pm - Sacreligion ""]

[Dec 15,2009 3:20pm - SLAG NLI/ Buried in Packages  ""]
games for SNES/NES

Super Mario 2
Super Battletoads
Strider (impossible)
Super Mario All-Stars
Contra (never beaten and never will beat)
Blaster Master (same as above)
Kid Icarus (also impossible)
[Dec 15,2009 3:22pm - Yeti ""]

SLAG%20NLI/%20Buried%20in%20Packages said:Super Mario All-Stars

are you referring to Lost Levels? once you get the hang of it, it's a blast. i actually play that more than i do the first one.
[Dec 15,2009 3:24pm - arktouros ""]
can get pretty hard.

and, you can't beat Ninja Gaiden games.
[Dec 15,2009 3:26pm - SLAG NLI/ Buried in Packages  ""]

Yeti said:
SLAG%20NLI/%20Buried%20in%20Packages said:Super Mario All-Stars

are you referring to Lost Levels? once you get the hang of it, it's a blast. i actually play that more than i do the first one.

Indeed. I apparently never got the hang of it.
[Dec 15,2009 3:27pm - c.DeAD  ""]
Never beat Contra huh? Fuck, I can't count how many times I've blown through that. I did grow up with it though.

All Contra games are fucking HARD. Gradius, Legendary Wings, Karnov, Ninja Gaiden trilogy off the top of my head are all ridonkulously difficult so give those a go. It doesn't hurt that all of them are tubular either.

[Dec 15,2009 3:29pm - reimroc ""]

SLAG%20NLI/%20Buried%20in%20Packages said:games for SNES/NES

Super Mario 2
Super Battletoads
Strider (impossible)
Super Mario All-Stars
Contra (never beaten and never will beat)
Blaster Master (same as above)
Kid Icarus (also impossible)


super c
gunstar heroes
alien soldier
target earth

all beat
[Dec 15,2009 3:29pm - arktouros ""]
[Dec 15,2009 3:30pm - Yeti ""]
TOOBIN! i've beaten that, but only on PS2. the controller makes it so much easier.
[Dec 15,2009 3:30pm - reimroc ""]
so my to-play-and-beat list is:

contra 3
kid icarus
ninja gaiden series

feel free to add some more fellas...
[Dec 15,2009 3:32pm - SLAG NLI/ Buried in Packages  ""]

This game fucking cheated
[Dec 15,2009 3:32pm - Yeti ""]
Friday the 13th. another game that isn't even fun due to it's difficulty.
[Dec 15,2009 3:33pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Dec 15,2009 3:35pm - SLAG NLI/ Buried in Packages  ""]

[Dec 15,2009 3:36pm - SLAG NLI/ Buried in Packages  ""]

Yeti said:Friday the 13th. another game that isn't even fun due to it's difficulty.

This is 100% true
[Dec 15,2009 3:37pm - reimroc ""]
F13 isn't difficult, its just a TERRIBLE GAME. the fact its so terrible makes it hard.
[Dec 15,2009 3:41pm - SLAG NLI/ Buried in Packages  ""]
I remembered a few more.

Top Gun (not possible or fun)
Wizards and Warriors 1,2 (not impossible, but tedious)
Bayou Billy

[Dec 15,2009 3:42pm - arktouros ""]
when i was a young lad i didn't have the skills to judge a bad game, so i played a lot of friday the 13th, and i never made it far, but walking around the houses screen-by-screen used to scare the hell out of me because jason would be sitting there ready to knife you.

i don't think that game was THAT bad but it was fucking impossible.

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