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/rttp/ what 8 bit/16 bit games should i beat?

[Dec 16,2009 10:33am - arilliusbm ""]
Oh reimroc, beat POW for nes.
[Dec 16,2009 10:38am - Martins ""]
Nobuo Uematsu + Yasunori Mitsuda
[Dec 16,2009 10:43am - arilliusbm ""]
Don't forget hitoshi sakimoto.
[Dec 16,2009 10:44am - spaldino  ""]
Akira Yamaoka known for Silent Hill's amazing music, also did Act Raiser and Streets of Rage and shit too. great VG game composer.
[Dec 16,2009 10:45am - arilliusbm ""]
Act raiser is awesome.
[Dec 16,2009 10:48am - c.DeAd  ""]

arilliusbm said:Oh reimroc, beat POW for nes.

I did that. Still one of the best and underappresshed beat em ups ever. The arcade version was tits as well.

That Bowsers Inside Story game looked awesome. I gotta try those games. For DS, play Orcs and Elves. It's like a turn based, grid based action-rpg version of Doom. John Carmack even made it.
[Dec 16,2009 10:50am - Martins ""]
Bowser's Inside Story IS awesome. I bought it on a whim for like 6 dollars + what was on my Edge card, played it for about an hour last night, and it is the balls. The tutorials are kind of lame (but necessary) but the gameplay is intense. Uses both screens and maps different buttons to different characters. There's lots of coordination, action/side-scrolling, and leveling up. I'm really impressed by it.
[Dec 16,2009 10:53am - CrunkIsMySignature  ""]
[Dec 16,2009 10:53am - metal_church101 ""]
Double Dragon or you are a pussy!!!!
[Dec 16,2009 10:56am - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:Don't forget hitoshi sakimoto.

I haven't played the majority of the games he's composed for but I do like the music in Vagrant Story... when it's playing. I'm also about to download FFT on to my PS3 over vacation. I didn't like the soundtrack to FFXII very much. No memorable tracks.
[Dec 16,2009 10:56am - reimroc ""]
[Dec 16,2009 10:57am - c.DeAd  ""]

metal_church101 said:Double Dragon or you are a pussy!!!!

Renegade or you're Fagolian. It was made by the same guys who did DD, River City Ransom, Super Dodgeball, etc....

Really need to check out that Mario game. Sounds hella fun and addictive.
[Dec 16,2009 11:00am - arilliusbm ""]
Pow is extremely underrated, you're right.

Martins get the original fft.
[Dec 16,2009 11:02am - Martins ""]
for PS1, right? Yeah, I'm going to get it on my PS3. It's not updated or anything, just uploaded to the PSN in a downloadable form for 10 bucks.
[Dec 16,2009 11:16am - SLAG NLI/ Buried in Packages  ""]

Bubble Bobble.
[Dec 16,2009 11:17am - reimroc ""]
bubble bobble is a fun game.
[Dec 16,2009 11:19am - arilliusbm ""]
you kids and your downloading old games on networks..

Bubble bobble was the shit. 2nd one sucked though.

Underrated side scroller = boogerman
[Dec 16,2009 11:21am - reimroc ""]
boogerman was AWESOME. so was earthworm jim.
[Dec 16,2009 11:22am - arilliusbm ""]
[Dec 16,2009 11:22am - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:you kids and your downloading old games on networks..

I prefer 0s and 1s on a hard drive over 0s and 1s on a cd.
[Dec 16,2009 11:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Cd... With original artwork and packaging??

I will upload Jazz Jackrabbit2 for pc if you guys want. It was a sidescroller made by epic mega games in the mid 90s that was meant for sonic fans. It's fun as shit.
[Dec 16,2009 11:26am - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:Cd... With original artwork and packaging??

You have a point but I for one never jizzed over any of that stuff.
[Dec 16,2009 11:27am - reimroc ""]
i remember playing jazz jackrabbit. just like full throttle, sam & max and day of the tentacle.
[Dec 16,2009 11:30am - arilliusbm ""]
Well. Make sure you get Auto Potion ASAP for the main character in FFT. Halfway through the game there is a battle that you will lose everytime...unless you have auto potion.
[Dec 16,2009 11:32am - DestroyYouAlot ""]


[Dec 16,2009 11:33am - Martins ""]

arilliusbm said:Well. Make sure you get Auto Potion ASAP for the main character in FFT. Halfway through the game there is a battle that you will lose everytime...unless you have auto potion.

Yessa, thank you for the tip.
[Dec 16,2009 11:42am - arktouros ""]

Pat had that game. Spent 20 minutes too long on it.
[Dec 16,2009 11:43am - arilliusbm ""]
OR of you choose to be a dragoon abs hang in the air the whole time.

Auto potion is easily obtained with experience in being a cleric
[Dec 16,2009 11:45am - Martins ""]
You can change classes right? I don't have to pick a class and then stay like that. Is it like FFV?
[Dec 16,2009 11:48am - arilliusbm ""]
Uhhh you FFT newb. Yea..You can changes classes all the time. You can master classes. Just choose wisely; some classes suck.
[Dec 16,2009 11:49am - Martins ""]
Yes, I have never played fft, that's why I would be about to. Alright, that's fun.

FFX-2 had a sick class system too. LOL
[Dec 16,2009 11:53am - reimroc ""]
are you guys talking about ten or tactics?
[Dec 16,2009 11:53am - SLAG NLI/ Buried in Packages  ""]



Jazz Jackrabbit was a great game.
[Dec 16,2009 11:54am - Martins ""]

reimroc said:are you guys talking about ten or tactics?

[Dec 16,2009 11:58am - arilliusbm ""]
Jizz Jackrabbit will be uploaded tonight if I remember. Sick music too.

FFT is enthralling if you STICK with the game. It's a strategy game, so be prepared for mixed feelings, judging on what you say you like in games.
[Dec 16,2009 12:00pm - reimroc ""]
tactics is fun as hell but can get REALLY hard. good luck getting all the jobs too because some of them are a real bitch to get.
[Dec 16,2009 12:00pm - Martins ""]
I like some tactical stuff. Love suikoden tactical stuff.
[Dec 16,2009 12:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
The only way to sucess in fft is if you build experience through random battles.
[Dec 16,2009 12:55pm - Martins ""]
The only way to success in RPGs is if you build experience through random battles.
[Dec 16,2009 1:28pm - arilliusbm ""]
FFTs random battles are essentially optional, not forced like most RPGs.
[Dec 16,2009 1:29pm - Martins ""]
I guess I'll find out the hard way.
[Dec 16,2009 1:31pm - reimroc ""]
the only way to success in RPGs is to be me
[Dec 16,2009 1:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
Play skyshark for Nes. Way better than 1942 imo
[Dec 16,2009 2:14pm - GUY ""]

[Dec 16,2009 2:28pm - Martins ""]
Remember how I said I was going to download FFT... well it turns out FFVIII is coming to the PSN tomorrow so I'll probably be downloading that instead. I've had a hankering for FFVIII for quite a while. FFT will still be played eventually.
[Dec 16,2009 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
Your arrested....

FFT is on of the best ps1 games.... Ff8 is overrated garbage. OMG A GUN SWORD
[Dec 16,2009 2:44pm - Martins ""]
Because I only liked it because of the gun blade or whatever it was called...

Maybe I'll just buy both because I may be wrong about it coming out tomorrow. It may be next Thursday.
[Dec 16,2009 2:51pm - Conservationist ""]
Stellar 7, you homos
[Dec 16,2009 2:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]


[Dec 16,2009 3:00pm - arilliusbm ""]

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