it's just a ride[views:64953][posts:187]_________________________________________________ [Apr 24,2006 12:38am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] A man who has blown all his options can’t afford the luxury of changing his ways. He has to capitalize on whatever he has left, and he can’t afford to admit – no matter how often he’s reminded of it – that every day of his life takes him farther down a blind alley… There is not much mental distance between a feeling of having been screwed and the ethic of total retaliation, or at least the kind of random revenge that comes outraging the public decency. - HST |
________________________________________________ [Apr 25,2006 4:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] And I do walk upon Wan’s Dyke And I do survey the land And I did become the Reaper with my own bare hands+ For I am Wodan, Though, some call me Hermes, Some call me Roman Mercury, God of cargos, God of weather, Hanging God of boundaries, Hanging God of Gibbet Hill Killing God of hidden doorways. Spinning the yarn from Wansdyke to Silbury Spinning the taelbook, telling the tale Telling the tellbook to all and sundry Keltiberians and Irish Gael Then I hear camp followers bellow afar Their shrieking lament for Johnny Guitar: "Look to the farthest far horizon Look to the bloodlust deepest scar Look to the scattering Brythonic uprising For this be the wall of Johnny Guitar There be the ditch that you shall die in Here be the wall that I shall cry on Ditch dug with antler and ox bone shovel This rising wall that shades our ancient hovel." Look to the north a quick mile yonder Look to our Yggdrasilbury Look to the Saxon chasing Viking Look to the Norman chasing Saxon Look to the German chasing German German German German German Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar "Play your gloom axe Stephen O’Malley Sub bass clinging to the sides of the valley Sub bass ringing in each last ditch and combe Greg Anderson purvey a sonic doom." To rage in sound this valiant despair Doom and gloom as each a splendid pair To rage in sound the valiant despair: Not Abraham, Not Moses And not Christ Neither Jove to whom we sacrificed, Not Attis Not Mohammed, But to hilltop Thor We rave and dance and weep and we implore: Look to the farthest far horizon Don’t blame the messenger, Don’t blame the messenger, Look to the farthest far horizon Don’t blame the messenger. Don’t blame the messenger, For I am Death so Ragnarock with me For I am Doom so Ragnarock with me. And I stood upon Wan’s Dyke And I did survey the land And I did become the Reaper with my own bare hands... And then I was King Vikar with his arms outstretched And then I was King Vikar with his broken neck And then I was the villain and the victim and the priest Was grim misunderstanding and was grim as death itself My Wall My Wall caught in the thrall of my Wall My Wall My Wall caught beneath the thrall of my Wall. Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar Play your gloom axe Stephen O’Malley Sub bass ringing the sides of the valley Sub bass climbing up each last ditch and combe Greg Anderson purvey a sonic doom. Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my tidal wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my tidal wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my tidal wall Mothers to your bosoms, Grab your child and sing, As to your breasts cascade and sing: Brothers and fathers, Down to the thing in the middle of the town To judge at the thing These the effeminate priests of Frey That don their drag And shriek through the day That drag their God through the muddiest fields Spilling seed to raise the yields These the odd castrated womb-men On this onerous land of no men There the infernal priestess of Freyja, These her people layer on layer Then the infernal priestess of Freyja Visiting the farms The seething seer Visiting the farms And rarely leaving Mounting the tumulus The people grieving Dodens doddering dead and dying. Hear the modest priests of Ing Who’s harkening always let us sing That let’s us free our tightest waistband Let’s us fertilise our own land Spunked entire nations from one phallus Spunked the vegetation into being Spilled the super seed into the one day superceded earth. Old Mother Fucker She was a cocksucker To give her poor family a home Went down on their ding song And drank for a sing song But ended her sad life alone. Around the church in Yatesbury the dead Lie scattered underneath the sacred yew As Sheila the Witch attending Sunday prayer Praises a God but never tells them who And from my Wall observing Sheila the Witch Praises her God but never explaining which. And every Monday night by the light of Moon Those Meddlesome meddlesome meddlesome bells And the heavy metal of the heathen bells Meddlesome meddlesome meddlesome bells And the bad heavy metal of the heathen bells Meddlesome meddlesome meddlesome bells And the heavy metal of the heathen bells Meddlesome meddlesome meddlesome bells And the bad heavy metal of the heathen bells And Doggen can testify to my claim That the Christians of Yatesbury are Christian in name But their stomping pounding actions attest To their Christianity happiest at rest And Doggen who played at the John Stewart Hall Can attest that its keeper is the heathenest of all Is a shapeshifter tending to her hogweed hidden And her dear Paul wallows in the village pond nay midden For all of us are boundaried by Wan’s Dyke at the west And the great world hill which spies us and can never let us rest Bringing on Iranian Mithra From its home beneath the east Caught always in the thrall of my Wall Caught always in the thrall of my Wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my wall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall Stand in the thrall of my wall Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar Here in the bloodlust deeper scar For here be the wall of Johnny Guitar Play your gloom axe Stephen O’Malley Sub bass ringing the sides of the valley Sub bass climbing up each last ditch and combe Greg Anderson purvey a sonic doom... Don’t blame the messenger of gloom, Don’t blame the messenger of doom, For this be the Ragmarockingest aeion In stillness O’Malley and Anderson play on... play on... play on... |
________________________________________________ [Apr 27,2006 9:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] Zappa Quotes -- Remember there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over. -- You have just destroyed one model XQJ-37 nuclear powered pansexual roto-plooker....and you're gonna have to pay for it. -- He was in a quandary...being devoured by the swirling cesspool of his own steaming desires... uh.. the guy was a wreck -- And are going to you've never danced before! -- Bring the band on down behind me, boys. -- Not a speck of cereal. -- Nothing but the best for my dog. -- You drank beer, you played golf, you watched football - WE EVOLVED! -- It looks just like a Telefunken U-47! -- Don't mind your make-up, you'd better make your mind up. -- They're serving burgers in the back! -- Jazz is not just smells funny. -- Beebop tango introduction: I have a message to deliver to the cute people of the world...if you're cute, or maybe you're beautiful...there's MORE OF US UGLY MOTHERFUCKERS OUT THERE THAN YOU ARE!! So watch out. -- Is that a real poncho or a Sears poncho? -- You're an asshole! You're an asshole! That's right! You're an asshole! You're an asshole! Yes yes! -- Number one ain't you... You ain't even number two. -- We could jam in Joe's garage, we didn't have no dope or LSD, but a coupl'o'quarts o'beer, would fix it so the intonation, would not offend your ear. -- Who are the brain police? -- This is the exciting part. This is like the Supremes see the way it builds up? Feel it? -- A prune isn't really a vegetable... CABBAGE is a vegetable... -- Here's one for mother -- Only thirteen, and she knows how to NASTY -- ARE YOU HUNG UP? -- Diamonds on velvets on goldens on vixen On comet & cupid on donner & blitzen On up & away & afar & a go-go Escape from the weight of your corporate logo! -- Don't it ever get lonesome? -- Eddie, are you kidding? -- I'll do the stupid thing first and then you shy people follow... -- Stupidity is the basic building block of the universe. -- Never try to get your peter sucked in France. -- Kill Ugly Radio -- I'm not black, but there's a whole lot of times I wish I could say I'm not white. -- Help! I'm a rock! -- Another day, another sausage... -- I want a garden! -- Don't mind your make-up you'd better make your mind up. -- from the liner notes of Freak Out. On a personal level, Freaking Out is a process whereby an individual casts off outmoded and restricting standars of thinking, dress, and social etiquette in order to express CREATIVELY his relationship to his immediate environment and the social structure as a whole. -- Great googly-moogly - you're gonna do it too! -- Information is not knowledge, Knowledge is not wisdom, Wisdom is not truth, Truth is not beauty, Beauty is not love, Love is not music and Music is THE BEST -- Gee, it's so hard to find a place to park around here. -- Playing guitar is like fucking -- you never forget it. ... Unless you're really, really stupid. -- There are more love songs than anything else. If songs could make you do something we'd all love one another. -- If classical music is the state of the art, then the arts are in a sad state. -- Beauty is a French phonetic corruption of a short, cloth neck ornament, currently in resurgence. -- Don't cry... Gotta go bye bye... Suddenly die die... Cop kill a creep! Pow pow pow -- Modern music is a sick puppy. -- Some Scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe. -- Most people wouldn't know good music if it came up and bit them in the ass. -- As quoted in Whole Grains, an early 1970's book of quotations -- I figure the odds be fifty-fifty I just might have some thing to say. -- The person who stands up and says, ``This is stupid,'' either is asked to `behave' or, worse, is greeted with a cheerful ``Yes, we know! Isn't it terrific!'' -- The more BORING a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being GOOD PARENTS -- because they have a TAME CHILD-CREATURE in their house. -- The worst aspect of `typical familyism' (as media-merchandised) is that it glorifies _involuntary_homogenization_. -- Gail has said in interviews that one of the things that makes our relationship work is the fact that we hardly ever get to talk to each other. -- The language and concepts contained herein are guaranteed not to cause eternal torment in the place where the guy with the horns and pointed stick conducts his business. -- My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can. -- I like having the capitol of the United States in Washington, D.C., in spite of recent efforts to move it to Lynchburg, Virginia. -- He [Barney Frank] is one of the most impressive guys in Congress. He is a great model for young gay men. -- Children are naive -- they trust everyone. School is bad enough, but, if you put a child anywhere in the vicinity of a church, you're asking for trouble. -- It would be easier to pay off the national debt overnight than to neutralize the long-range effects of OUR NATIONAL STUPIDITY. -- Nuclear explosions under the Nevada desert? What the fuck are we testing for? We already know the shit blows up. -- Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. -- Star Wars won't work. Star Wars won't work. The gas still gets through; it could get right on you. And what about those germs, now? Star Wars won't work. -- Washington, D.C.: a city infested with statues -- and Congressional Blow-Boys who WISH they were statues. -- Thanks to our schools and political leadership, the U.S. has acquired an international reputation as the home of 250 million people dumb enough to buy 'The Wacky Wall-Walker.' -- Stupidity has a certain charm -- ignorance does not. -- The real question is: Is it possible to laugh while fucking?" -- The single-child yuppo-family that uses the child as a status object: `A perfect child? Of course! We have one here -- he's under the coffee table. Ralph, stand up! Play the violin!' -- Americans like to talk about (or be told about) Democracy but, when put to the test, usually find it to be an 'inconvenience.' We have opted instead for an authoritarian system disguised as a Democracy. We pay through the nose for an enormous joke-of-a-government, let it push us around, and then wonder how all those assholes got in there. -- In every language, the first word after "Mama!" that every kid learns to say is "Mine!" A system that doesn't allow ownership, that doesn't allow you to say "Mine!" when you grow up, has -- to put it mildly -- a fatal design flaw. From the time Mr. Developing Nation was forced to read _The Little Red Book_ in exchange for a blob of rice, till the time he figured out that waiting in line for a loaf of pumpernickel was boring as fuck, took about three generations. ... Decades of indoctrination, manipulation, censorship and KGB excursions haven't altered this fact: People want a piece of their own little Something-or-Other, and, if they don't get it, have a tendency to initiate counterrevolution. -- If it sounds GOOD to YOU, it's bitchen; and if it sounds BAD to YOU, it's shitty. -- The computer can't tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design, but what's missing is the eyebrows. -- In the fight between you and the world, back the world. -- Let's not be too tough on our own ignorance. It's the thing that makes America great. If America weren't incomparably ignorant, how could we have tolerated the last eight years? -- Lord have mercy on the people in England for the terrible food these people must eat. And Lord have mercy on the fate of this movie and God bless the mind of the man in the street. -- Interviewer: "So Frank, you have long hair. Does that make you a woman?" FZ: "You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?" -- If your children ever find out how lame you really are, they'll gonna murder you in your sleep.... -- As quoted in Whole Grains, an early 1970's book of quotations -- I'm not a man for all seasons but I'm doing something right. -- There is no hell. There is only France. -- ``Conducting'' is when you draw ``designs'' in the nowhere -- with your stick, or with your hands -- which are interpreted as ``instructional messages'' by guys wearing bow ties who wish they were fishing. -- Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid. -- The bassoon is one of my favorite instruments. It has the medieval aroma -- like the days when everything used to sound like that. Some people crave baseball -- I find this unfathomable -- but I can easily understand why a person could get excited about playing a bassoon. -- Whatever you have to do to have a good time, let's get on with it, so long as it doesn't cause a murder. -- Politics is the showbiz of industry. -- Let's just admit that public education is mediocre at best. -- Without deviation from the norm, 'progress' is not possible. -- The last election just laid the foundation of the next 500 years of Dark Ages From 1981 -- Look, just because you have got that fuckin' thing between your legs it doesn't make any diference. If a girl does something stupid I am going to call her just as I would a guy. -- A world of sexual incompetents, encountering eachother, under disco circumstances... Now can't you do songs about that? -- A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules,often with the assistence of unsuspecting musicians. -- There is no such thing as a dirty word. Nor is there a word so powerful, that it's going to send the listener to the lake of fire upon hearing it. -- fuck that! when did mediocrity and banality become a good image for your children? -- Why do you necessarily have to be wrong just because a few million people think you are? -- Life is like highschool with money. -- Information doesn't kill you... Senate Hearing on "Porn Rock", 1985 during an exchange with a Born Again Christian. -- Where ever you're going, don't walk the first. If you do, people will think you know where you're going. -- A drug is not bad. A drug is a chemical compound. The problem comes in when people who take drugs treat them like a licence to behave like an asshole. -- Flatulence can be cruel! -- Speed: It will turn you into your parents. -- 1970 public service announcement regarding drug (namely, speed) use -- Sopranos!? That's why God made the rocket launcher and grenade! -- Zappa & I were talking about the difficulties of getting good performances of music each of us write. I asked him if had had as many problems with sopranos and I had had. That was his response! I got to drive him around Columbus Ohio in April 1984 for the week he was at Ohio State participating in the 1984 National Conference of the American Society of University Composers. We spent lots of hours together during that week and stayed in touch thereafter. -- E. Michael Harrington -- There were 45 men in the jail cell, the toilet and shower had never been cleaned, the temperature was 110 degrees so you couldn't sleep night or day, there were roaches in the oatmeal, sadistic guards, and everything that was nice. -- Zappa 1969 interview This had happened during the days of Studio Z in Cucamonga (1963). Frank was released on bail (his father took out a bank loan to pay for it). Frank had been busted for "conspiracy to commit pornography," after making a silly recording of suggestive sexual sounds (giggling edited out) for someone who had asked him to provide a "special" tape recording for a stag night. That someone turned out to be Detective Willis of the San Bernadino Vice Squad. Their conversation was recorded by a hidden microphone and this was used as evidence at Zappa's trial. More info from "ZAPPA - A Visual Documentary by Miles", Omnibus Press, 1993, ISBN 0.7119.3099.6 -- Winos don't march. -- Reporter: This is a personal thing, I think that if you wanted to make top ten hits and sell millions of records, you could. Frank Zappa: Yeah, but who wants to go through life with a tiny nose and one glove on? -- I was writing all kinds of positive and negative canons and weird inverted this and retrograde that and getting as spaced-out mathematically as I could and I was going "Wait a minute (laughs), who cares about that stuff?" I had always liked rhythm and blues so here I was stuck between the slide rule and the gut bucket somewhere and I decided that I would opt for a third road someplace in between. -- From an 1972 interview to Martin Perlich. On giving up writing serial music. -- It is always advisable to be a loser if you cannot become a winner. -- I knew Jimi (Hendrix) and I think that the best thing you could say about Jimi was: there was a person who shouldn't use drugs. -- From the second of two FZ interviews which were transcribed from an imported CD called "The Frank Zappa Interview Picture Disk". Conducted sometime in early to mid 1984. -- Sometimes you got to get sick before you can feel better. -- The emotion of every player is the most important thing, what stands behind this chord or tone. If you leave that out, the music does not touch you. -- Interview from Keyboard June 1980. He outlined his expectations of keyboardists, and discussed plenty of other topics pertinent to the keyboard chair in his band -- It's better to have something to remember than nothing to reget... -- Why do people continue to compose music, and even pretend to teach others how to do it, when they already know the answer? Nobody gives a fuck. -- If you wind up with a boring, miserable life because you listened to your mom, your dad, your teacher, your priest or some guy on TV telling you how to do your shit, then YOU DESERVE IT. -- From the Real Frank Zappa book. A mind is like a parachute. It doesnt work if it not open. -- You've got to be digging it while it's happening<BR> 'cause it just might be a one shot deal From Waka/Jawaka -- There will never be a nuclear war; there's too much real estate involved. Zappa on the Tonight Show, C.A. 1988 -- Heaven would be a place where bullshit existed only on television. (Hallelujah! We's halfway there!) -- Television. Sometime probably in 1988. The Real Frank Zappa Book p. 234 -- Don't expect anything,don't expect fun, don't expect friends.. if you get's a BONUS -- Golly, do I ever have alot of soul!! -- A reference from "We're only in it for the money" regarding his ability to strum, sing dance, and make merry fun all over the stage! -- Shoot low, they're riding Shetlands -- European Zappa distributors Music For Nations on the occasion of some anniversary of theirs. -- Everyone in thes room is wearing a uniform, and don't kid yourself -- Live at the Circle Star, from 20 Years on the Road, when notified there were "cops in uniform" in the audience. -- Children are naive-they trust everyone. School is bad enough, but, if you put a child anywhere in the vicinity of a church, you're asking for trouble. -- Zappa expressing his opinion pertaining to raising a child. He was saying that institutions such as schools and churches, which have the power to control and brainwash your child, are totally over rated, and shouldn't always be recognized as a genuinely good thing. -- The ONLY thing that seems to band all nations together, is that their governments are universally bad.... F.Z. in German television interview -- If we can't be free at least we can be cheap. -- Whoever we are, whereever we're from, we should have noticed by now our behaviour is dumb, and if our chances are expected to improve, it's gonna take a lot more than trying to remove, the other race, or the other whatever, from the face of the planet altogether -- Dumb All Over, You Are What You Is -- Nobody looks good bent over. Especially to pick up a cheque. Guitar Magazine 1984 -- The essence of Christianity is told us in the Garden of Eden history. The fruit that was forbidden was on the tree of knowledge. The subtext is, All the suffering you have is because you wanted to find out what was going on. You could be in the Garden of Eden if you had just keep your fucking mouth shut and hadn't asked any questions. Playboy Interview, April 1993 -- When we talk about artistic freedom in this country We sometime lose sight of the fact that freedom is often dependent on adequate financing. -- If you want to get laid, go to college, but if you want an education, go to the library. Quoted in the Pittsburgh Press in the summer of 67. -- A lot of things wrong with society today are directly attributable to the fact that the people who make the laws are sexually maladjusted. from "I Seem To Be a Verb" by R. Buckminster Fuller, 1970. -- The gorilla is on an island,eats bananas and has a good time all day long. He plays out there in the bushes. Some Americans find out about the gorilla and they hear how BIG he is - you know.They're very impressed with the size of the beast. So they catch the gorilla & they stick him in a boat & bring him back to the US. They show him off to everybody & make a bunch of money. ...Then they kill him ! The song King Kong.1968 tour Wisconsin. -- Well, you know I've been here many times, and only certain hours of the day when I'm here am I asleep; the rest of the time I'm actually awake. -- I have a filler on a dat with zappa being interrogated by a couple of swedish fans/state officers(who knows) which they are arguing over the pornographic contents of his work. he tells them he has been spying on them, and claims that their porno industry is bigger than that of the US. it's pretty funny. btw-this is from thew '88 tour. -- I can gross out anybody in this room. Said during a concert at Mount Holyoke College in the early 1970s. -- Anything played wrong twice in a row is the beginning of an arrangement. -- I saw this in an email .sig at someone who sent in a comment to "Elephant Talk"- the King Crimson email newsletter. -- Outdoors for me is walking from the car to the ticket desk at the airport -- Regarding secondhand smoke in "The Real FZ Book" -- My music is like a movie for your eear -- Here I stand hoping against hope that it's a chick with a low voice -- At a concert in Beloit, Wisconsin 1968 or 69 a guy in the audience yelled out, "Eat me Zappa". -- Don't clap for destroying America. This place is as good as you want to make it. -- Zappa introduced "Billy the Mountain" by revealing that Billy and Ethel took a vacation trip across the united States, destroying it in the process. This was Zappa's response to the applause and cheers from the audience. Cleveland Colliseum, 1971 -- If it can be conceived as music, it can be executed as music, and presented to an audience in such a way that they will perceive it as music: "Look at this. Ever seen one of these before? I built this for you. What do you mean, 'What the fuck is it?' It's a goddam ETUDE, asshole." -- This is a really nice place. Don't fuck it up. Chrysler Hall, Norfolk, Virginia in the Spring of 1984. A very genteel place to see fine compositions performed live. Usually the opera folks hang out there. -- The whole Universe is a large joke. Everything in the Universe are just subdivisions of this jo post was too long read more at your own risk |
_______________________________________________ [May 2,2006 8:20pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] [img] |
_________________________________________ [May 2,2006 8:54pm - intricateprocess ""] [img] |
_______________________________ [May 2,2006 9:05pm - retzam ""] I really like this thread. |
________________________________________________ [May 21,2006 6:36pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] [img] |
__________________________________________ [May 21,2006 6:59pm - davefromthegrave ""] whiskey_weed_and_women said:What do you mean, John 3:16? For God so loved the world, every man packs an M-16 Says the boy to the fiend What do you mean? What do you mean, John 3:16? For God so loved the world, every one packs an M-16 I wanna wake up from this dream I caught the bullet, I was stumblin like a mulet Drink white Russian; game, Russian roulette Flight Continental six o'clock in the mornin Briefcase full o' cocaine on my way out, I tipped the doorman Jumped into the cab said, ";Hail Mary, full of Grace"; Yesterday communion was the Mafia's reunion Confessed to the priest, evade the apple, I ate the peach Slept with Vanity, sold my soul to Robin Leach Devil music in my ear, no fear, I'm pumpin Def Leppard Slow down, here comes the narc' with the German shepherd I got the plan, man, meet me in the van I got this kid from the Sudan bringin tecs from Iran What do you mean, John 3:16? For God so loved the world, every man packs an M-16 Says the boy to the fiend (All around the world) (uh-huh) What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean, John 3:16? For God so loved the world, every one packs an M-16 Says the girl to the fiend So in the streets, the product must be clean Five-eleven, the young one went to heaven Yo with the gun to his head; yo he was already dead Sunday mornin in court, the judge got Wyclef confessin ";Yo, I murdered Steve Austin,"; now I'm wanted by Bionic Woman Women bring you more miseries like that movie Stress go to India, smoke hashish with Ghandi My bills of rights is to make sure you're alright Superman left the gang, cause his weakness was Crips-tonight Godfather got the cottonballs to his cheeks Pig couldn't fly straight so you die in your sleep I stay awake only to see Nicodemus The young one got murdered, the day was the Sabbath What do you mean, John 3:16? For God so loved the world, every man packs an M-16 What do you mean, says the boy to the fiend Why we killin for the green? What do you mean, John 3:16? For God so loved the world, every man packs an M-16 Says the girl to the fiend (All around the world) I wanna wake up from this dream I know this drug dealer, who drive a black beamer Dreadlock cut off once by this girl named Delilah Pretty little dancer, voice like Tina Turner Chickenheads are you a virgin? Yeah right, so was Madonna! S-s-sinner, sinner, seek the master If not, feel the explosion from the day after Bit by the vampire, worked for the mobster Two to the head - and now you swimmin with the lobsters We got'cha got'cha, set up in Oklahoma You caught a bad one like a kid catchin pneumonia So storyteller, what's the moral of this story? Live reality and don't get caught up in your fantasy What do you mean, John 3:16? For God so loved the world, every man packs an M-16 Says the boy to the fiend (All around the world) Aren't we all human beings? What do you mean, John 3:16? For God so loved the world, every man packs an M-16 But the dream.. is still for green.. so we die in the steam What do you mean, John 3:16? what song is that? |
________________________________________________ [May 21,2006 7:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] JOHN 3:16 |
______________________________________ [May 21,2006 8:40pm - Mr Huxtable ""] shit..i thought those were Screwdriver lyrics. |
________________________________________________ [May 21,2006 8:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] Mr Huxtable said:shit..i thought those were Screwdriver lyrics. back to NH with you, the future isnt ready for your kind. back back to where you belong. |
________________________________________________ [May 29,2006 4:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping While my guitar gently weeps I look at the floor and I see it need sweeping Still my guitar gently weeps I don't know why nobody told you how to unfold you love I don't know how someone controlled you they bought and sold you I look at the world and I notice it's turning While my guitar gently weeps With every mistake we must surely be learning Still my guitar gently weeps I don't know how you were diverted you were perverted too I don't know how you were inverted no one alerted you I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping While my guitar gently weeps I look at you all Still my guitar gently weeps Oh, oh, oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh, oh oh, oh oh Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah The hottest songs from The Beatles |
_________________________________________ [May 29,2006 6:16pm - baptizedinresin ""] where is that first post taken from? |
________________________________________________ [May 29,2006 7:05pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] baptizedinresin said:where is that first post taken from? it's taken from the title of this thread. it's the speech bill hicks would give to end his show. |
_______________________________________________ [Jun 1,2006 3:36pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] Mott the Hoople and the Game of Life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Andy Kaufman in the wrestling match. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Monopoly, twenty one, checkers, and chess. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Mister Fred Blassie in a breakfast mess. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Let's play Twister, let's play Risk. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah See you in heaven if you make the list. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch? Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are we losing touch? If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool Moses went walking with the staff of wood. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Newton got beaned by the apple good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Egypt was troubled by the horrible asp. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Mister Charles Darwin had the gall to ask. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch? Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are you having fun? If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool Here's a little agit for the never-believer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Here's a little ghost for the offering. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Here's a truck stop instead of Saint Peter's. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Mister Andy Kaufman's gone wrestling (wrestling bears). Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Hey Andy, did you hear about this one? Tell me, are you locked in the punch? Hey Andy, are you goofing on Elvis? Hey baby, are we losing touch? If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool |
_______________________________________________ [Jun 5,2006 2:57am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] the wonder years ruled, i dont care what any of you say What would you think if I sang out of tune, Would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song And I'll try not to sing out of key. Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends What do I do when my love is away (Does it worry you to be alone?) How do I feel by the end of the day, (Are you sad because you're on your own?) No, I get by with a little help from my friends Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends Do you need anybody I need somebody to love Could it be anybody I want somebody to love. Would you believe in a love at first sight Yes, I'm certain that it happens all the time What do you see when you turn out the light I can't tell you but I know it's mine, Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends Mm, gonna try with a little help from my friends Do you need anybody I just need someone to love Could it be anybody I want somebody to love. Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends With a little help from my friends. |
______________________________________ [Jun 5,2006 11:48am - nyckz0r nli ""] whiskey_weed_and_women said:The world is like a ride at an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it, you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round and it has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored and it's very loud. And it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: 'Is this real? Or is this just a ride?' And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and they say 'Hey! Don't worry, don't be afraid - ever - because... this is just a ride.' And we kill those people. 'Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride! Shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry; look at my big bank account, and my family. This has to be real.' It's just a ride. But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that - ever notice that? - and we let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because... it's just a ride, and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort. No worry. No job. No savings and money. Just a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy bigger guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, into a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defense each year and, instead, spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would do many times over - not one human being excluded - and we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever. In peace. - another fallen hero Nice BILL HICKS quote. your text here |
_______________________________________________ [Jun 9,2006 1:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] When I was a young girl sitting on my momma's knee she told me to love freedom and to keep my dignity out in the country down in Georgia. In the tallgrass and Queen Anne's lace I began to love America. When I went to elementary school I learned to cuss, learned to pray to a protestant God and in Him we trust. I pledge allegiance to America... in the concrete walls and wooden desks I learned the scriptures of America. When I went to high school I learned how we hate all the fears and shadows we use to segregate the people of America. We hold some lies to be self-evident in America. When I was in Dallas I stood up all night long thinking about ... murder and what it takes to buy a soul in America... ...but it's still my America. Down in Alabama where the crosses burn so bright, way out in the desert where your eyes can't hold the light, and from the mouths of fools who tell you money always makes right... comes the darkness of America, our America. From the glitter of Miama to the wild Alaskan shore, and the greed of the wealthy and the faith of the poor this is all our America. And if they tell you we can't use her freedom anymore, well they don't stand for our America If they tell you miles of freedom is a cost we can't afford, they shore up the government, and keep us hard at war til one by one give up our rights til our borders seem secure, and disagreement will be treason, we'll have no voice anymore. They just don't understand America, my America, our America, my America |
________________________________________________ [Jul 8,2006 10:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] Among life’s cruelest truths is this one: Wonderful things are especially wonderful the first time they happen, but their wonderfulness wanes with repetition. Just compare the first and last time your child said “Mama” or your partner said “I love you” and you’ll know exactly what I mean. When we have an experience – hearing a particular sonata, making love with a particular person, watching the sun set from a particular window of a particular room – on successive occasions, we quickly begin to adapt to it, and the experience yields less pleasure each time. Psychologists call this habituation, economists call it declining marginal utility, and the rest of us call it marriage. – Daniel Gilbert |
________________________________________________ [Jul 12,2006 3:58pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] “The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There’s also a negative side.” –Hunter S. Thompson |
________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2006 4:45am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] On the issue of strychnine in LSD: The following text was written by Alexander T. Shulgin in response to the overwhelming misconception that strychnine is commonly found in street samples of LSD: "The observation of strychnine as being present in any street drug, as a by-product, or a contaminant, or an impurity has never been documented. It is a natural plant product, as are the ergots which are used in the synthesis of LSD. But they come from totally unrelated plants; there has never been a report of strychnine and an ergot alkaloid co-existing in a single species. So if the two materials are together in a drug sample, it could only be by the hand of man. I have personally looked a large number of illicit street offerings and have never detected the presence of strychnine. The few times that I have indeed found it present, have been in legal exhibits where it usually occurred in admixture with brucine (also from the plant Strychnos nux-vomica) in criminal cases involving attempted or successful poisoning. The same argument applies to the myth that occasionally surfaces, that strychnine occurs in the white tufts of peyote. This is equally fraudulent -- it has never been reported in that cactus or any other cactus." Furthermore, it should probably be spelled out that strychnine is not needed to bond LSD to blotter paper, nor is strychnine a breakdown product of LSD. these are probably the two most commonly repeated gross misconceptions. The source of the "strychnine is commonly found in LSD" myth may be somewhat grounded in truth. For example, in "LSD: My Problem Child" Albert Hofmann cites a case in the late sixties of Strychnine being found in an "LSD" sample that was a white powder. However, what is commonly claimed is that strychnine is found in a significant percentage of LSD, specifically blotter LSD, which is *not* true. Shulgin's note that he has analyzed many samples of LSD and never found strychnine is backed up by published analyses done by PharmChem and the LA County Street Drug Analysis program, which likewise never found any strychnine. This is intuitively backed up by the fact that a 5mm x 5mm "standard" square of blotter LSD only weights about 2mg and if the paper itself was made completely out of pure strychnine it is still on the very low end of Strychnine's threshold of activity. Strychnine is not the cause of tracers, cramps, nausea, or amphetamine-like LSD-effects. Its possible that poorly synthesized LSD might have other ergot derivatives in it, which might contribute to the harsh body load that some get on taking LSD. Also, the very close chemical relatives 1-Methyl-LSD and 1-Acetyl-LSD (which break down into LSD in aqueous solution) might be present in some street samples and might contribute to the harsh body load. (Petter Stafford has claimed in his _Psychedelics Encyclopedia_ that 1-Acetyl-LSD is supposedly "smoother" than d-LSD -- thus "strychnine laced acid" may acutally be pure d-LSD, while "pure lsd" may be 1-Acetyl-LSD or some substitute). And the chemicals iso-LSD and lumi-LSD which are breakdown products of LSD might contribute to the body loading on some trips, particularly via a hypothetical synergistic effect. Given this plethora of possible chemicals in street "LSD", its not needed to look to a chemical which has hardly ever been found in analyzed samples to explain variations in the strength and "cleanliness" of street acid. Its also possible that LSD itself simply causes adverse physical effects, particularly muscle cramping, in persons suceptible to it. The reported side effects of LSD (the nausea and apparent CNS stimulant effects) are commonly reported side effects of seritonergic drugs such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and buspirone (Buspar), and also are commonly reported (and typically more severe) with other psychedelics like Mescaline. Or its quite likely that the "strychnine" reactions to LSD are entirely psychosomatic. Both Leary ("The Psychedelic Experience") and Lilly ("Programming and Metaprogramming...", "Center of the Cyclone") have each observed this reaction in people who cannot handle the surge of emotion associated with a trip. Further advice would be to avoid methylxanthines (caffiene, theophylline in tea, etc) prior to dosing. Some have noted a possible synergistic effect between them and LSD causing, or contributing, to a harsh body load during a trip. And prior use of dramamine may alleviate the nausea sometimes associated with LSD, and other psychedelic drugs (although it may also effect the quality of the trip -- Shulgin has noted in PiHKAL that he shuns the use of anti-nauseants in order to experience the effects of the psychedelic, both good and bad, with no possible interference). In summary, it can't be said that we know specifically why sometimes acid feels "cleaner" than other times. However, based on the availability of plausible explanations, and the evidence of drug analysis, and general implausiblity of the whole strychnine concept, we can conclude that it isn't due to any concentration of strychnine. Also, while it can't completely be ruled out, the presence of strychnine in LSD is so minimal that the majority of LSD users will never once come across |
________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2006 4:49am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] Introduction LSD has always been a center of controversy in American society, often times because people have been miseducated about its effects or exposed to media bias. Its physiological effects on the brain and body have become more and more apparent in the last few decades when research in neuroscience peaked. The psychological effects of LSD have been often difficult to describe and document very well -- they were first discovered on April 16, 1943 by research chemist Albert Hofmann when a small amount of the drug soaked through his fingers during a routine synthesis. He experienced an imaginative dream-like state for a duration of about 2-3 hours (Hofmann, 1983). Since then, a great deal of work has been done attempting to document the health effects of LSD. Acute Effects LSD is very potent: the effective dose is measured in micrograms (ug) -- however, the lethal dose is literally thousands of times that, making the drug essentially non- toxic. There have been only a few cases of possible overdose where people ingested extremely large amounts of the drug (Allen et al., 1978; Griggs et al., 1977). LSD can be administered a number of ways, the most common: orally through paper, sugar cubes, on a piece of gelatin, or by pill; intravenously; or intramuscularly. A standard dose with noticeable hallucinogenic effects is about 100-200 ug. The intensity of the trip is proportional to the size of the dose -- it is interesting to note, though, that the duration of the trip seems to stay the same at higher doses (Freedman, 1984). The initial effects begin 20-40 minutes with a sense of euphoria and dizziness. Hallucinations then begin to occur, with the trip peaking for 4-5 hours after about an hour since the drug is taken. LSD is best described as a drug that strikes down barriers. The person who uses LSD is likely to feel detached from his/her ego, and can cross between states of consciousness. The user's perceptions are altered, causing visual and auditory hallucinations. One may notice that the walls of room are "breathing" or that motionless curtains appear to be moving. Senses appear to mix: a user might see music, taste colors, or hear visual stimuli. The LSD experience is often difficult to describe by users -- words lose meaning and are often insufficient in describing the effects of the drug; thoughts may seem unclear. Effects taper off after about 6-8 hours and are usually completely gone after a nights sleep. The user's mood is likely to change depending on how he/she feels at various stages of the trip. The outcome of the trip is almost always dependent on two primary variables: the set and the setting. The set refers to a user's expectations of the drug's effects and the user's state-of-mind. The setting is the environment in which the drug is taken. If an inexperienced user takes LSD in stressed condition or in a bad mood, a bad experience may occur. By the same token, taking LSD in a chaotic environment like a noisy rock concert could turn into trouble for someone unsure of the drugs effects. When users on LSD become frightened or enter a state of panic, they can usually be relieved or "talked down" by a friend. With this in mind, probably the best way to use LSD would be in one's home with several trusting supportive friends. The following is a fairly long, but very informative account of one of the first documented LSD trips done by Albert Hofmann in 1943: "4/19/43 16:20: 0.5 cc of 1/2 promil aqueous solution of diethylamide tartrate orally=0.25 mg tartrate. Taken diluted with about 10 cc water. Tasteless. 17:00: Beginning dizziness, feeling of anxiety, visual distortions, symptoms of paralysis, desire to laugh. Supplement of 4/21: Home by bicycle. From 18:00- ca.20:00 most severe crisis. (See special report.) * * * * Here the notes in my laboratory journal cease. I was able to write the last words only with great effort. By now it was already clear to me that LSD had been the cause of the remarkable experience of the previous Friday, for the altered perceptions were of the same type as before, only much more intense. I had to struggle to speak intelligibly. I asked my laboratory assistant, who was informed of the self-experiment, to escort me home. We went by bicycle, no automobile available because of wartime restrictions on their use. On the way home, my condition began to assume threatening forms. Everything in my field of vision wavered and was distorted as if seen in a curved mirror. I also had the sensation of being unable to move from the spot. Nevertheless, my assistant later told me that we had traveled very rapidly. Finally, we arrived at home safe and sound, and I was just barely capable of asking my companion to summon our family doctor and request milk from the neighbors. [...] The dizziness and sensation of fainting became so strong at times that I could no longer hold myself erect, and had to lie down on a sofa. My surroundings had now transformed themselves in more terrifying ways. Everything in the room spun around, and the familiar objects and pieces of furniture assumed grotesque, threatening forms. They were in continuous motion, animated, as if driven by an inner restlessness. The lady next door, whom I scarcely recognized, brought me milk -- in the course of the evening I drank more than two liters. She was no longer Mrs. R., but rather a malevolent, insidious witch with a colored mask. Even worse than these demonic transformations of the outer world, were the alterations that I perceived in myself, in my inner being. Every exertion of my will, every attempt to put an end to the disintegration of the outer world and the dissolution of my ego, seemed to be a wasted effort. A demon had invaded me, had taken possession of my body, mind, and soul. I jumped up and screamed, trying to free myself from him, but then sank down again and lay helpless on the sofa. The substance, with which I wanted to experiment, had vanquished me. It was the demon that scornfully triumphed over my will. I was seized by the dreadful fear of going insane. I was taken to another world, another place, another time. My body seemed to be without sensation, lifeless, strange. Was I dying? Was this the transition? At times I believed myself to be outside my body, and then perceived clearly, as an outside observer, the complete tragedy of my situation. I had not even taken leave of my family (my wife, with our three children had traveled that day to visit her parents, in Lucerne). Would they ever understand that I had not experimented thoughtlessly, irresponsibly, but rather with the utmost caution, and that such a result was in no way foreseeable? My fear and despair intensified, not only because a young family should lose its father, but also because I dreaded leaving my chemical research work, which meant so much to me, unfinished in the midst of fruitful, promising development. Another reflection took shape, an idea full of bitter irony: if I was now forced to leave this world prematurely, it was because of this lysergic acid diethylamide that I myself had brought forth into the world. By the time the doctor arrived, the climax of my despondent condition had already passed. My laboratory assistant informed him about my self- experiment, as I myself was not yet able to formulate a coherent sentence. He shook his head in perplexity, after my attempts to describe the mortal danger that threatened my body. He could detect no abnormal symptoms other than extremely dilated pupils. Pulse, blood pressure, breathing were all normal. He saw no reason to prescribe any medication. Instead he conveyed me to my bed and stood watch over me. Slowly I came back from a weird, unfamiliar world to reassuring everyday reality. The horror softened and gave way to a feeling of good fortune and gratitude, the more normal perceptions and thoughts returned, and I became more confident that the danger of insanity was conclusively past. Now, little by little I could begin to enjoy the unprecedented colors and plays of shapes that persisted behind my closed eyes. Kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, variegated, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains, rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux. It was particularly remarkable how every acoustic perception, such as the sound of a door handle or a passing automobile, became transformed into optical perceptions. Every sound generated a vividly changing image, with its own consistent form and color. Late in the evening my wife returned from Lucerne. Someone had informed her by telephone that I was suffering a mysterious breakdown. She had returned home at once, leaving the children behind with her parents. By now, I had recovered myself sufficiently to tell her what had happened. Exhausted, I then slept, to awake next morning refreshed, with a clear head, though still somewhat tired physically. A sensation of well- being and renewed life flowed through me. Breakfast tasted delicious and gave me extraordinary pleasure. When I later walked into the garden, in which the sun shone now after a spring rain, everything glistened and sparkled in fresh light. The world was as if newly created. All my senses vibrated in a condition of highest sensitivity, which persisted for the entire day." (Hofmann, 1983). Chronic Effects The long-term effects of LSD use can be both good and bad. There are cases of people who claim to have had their entire lives turned around, for the better, due to LSD use. On the other hand, some people have been hospitalized by so- called "LSD psychosis." In the late 1960s, several studies indicated possible chromosome breakage due to LSD use. Some people report experiencing "LSD flashbacks" -- brief vivid repetitions of a previous LSD experience. The effects of LSD are very strong and profound. Many people have claimed to have discovered their inner selves under the influence of LSD. One interesting analogy was made by Professor Jeffrey M. Blum of the University of Buffalo School of Law: "The problems posed by LSD, for example, in some ways resemble those presented by scuba diving. Each is seen as a form of exploration that opens new vistas. Hence participants often find the activity enormously stimulating and inspiring. Each activity poses a small but significant risk of serious personal harm, these being death in one and aggravation of pre-existing states of mental instability for the other. Untrained, unsupervised use of unchecked substances or equipment are ill-advised in both cases." (Blum, 1990) LSD also has shown to have therapeutic usefulness. It has been successful in treating some forms of schizophrenia (Hoffer, 1970). Another study found notable success in treating terminally-ill cancer patients: two-thirds of the subjects showed positive change in anxiety, emotional tension, psychological isolation, fear of death, and the amount of pain medication needed (Pahnke et al., 1970). Studies that have shown LSD useful in treating alcoholism and other addictions are contradictory and may be inconclusive. Pahnke's group (1970) reported moderate success in treating alcoholism, but Ludwig (1970) found less-than-encouraging results. It's important to note, though, that both of these studies used vastly different treatment styles and dosages of the drug. Some users of LSD experience what is clinically referred to as LSD psychosis, schizophrenic-like disorders that seem to be triggered by using the drug. However, in careful analysis of LSD psychosis patients, it appears that those who have strong family histories of major psychosis or psychopathology are more vulnerable than those who do not (Tsuang et al., 1982). Vardy et al. (1983) reported similar findings, as well as that LSD psychotics have significantly higher rates of parental alcoholism than control groups. In a survey of five-thousand individuals who had used LSD a total of twenty-five-thousand times, Cohen (1960) found 1.8 psychotic episodes per thousand ingestions, 1.2 attempted suicides, and 0.4 completed suicides -- figures consistent with the those of the general population. Regarding dangers of psychosis in therapeutic uses of LSD, Pahnke et al. (1970) notes: "Since 1963 at the Spring Grove State Hospital, and now at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, over 300 patients have been treated with LSD without a single case of long-term psychological or physical harm directly attributable to the treatment, although there have been two post-LSD disturbances which have subsequently responded to conventional treatment." Bad reactions to LSD are almost certainly dependent on the user. It is becoming increasingly easier to diagnose schizophrenics clinically as patients suffering physical disorders -- these people should be very cautious, if not completely avoidant of truly powerful psychoactive drugs like LSD. There are another class of people who use LSD irresponsibly, ignoring important factors like set and setting -- bad reactions, more acute then chronic, are likely to occur here as well. Really the only serious physiological concern about LSD use has been that it may cause chromosome damage -- this was first reported by Cohen et al. in 1967. These findings were seldom replicated, and were contradicted by other studies (Loughman et al., 1967; Bender et al., 1968; Pahnke, 1970). In 1977, Maimon Cohen, one of the invesigators who first reported this a decade earlier, stated that no conclusions could be drawn based on existing evidence (Cohen et al., 1977). The phenomena of LSD flashbacks has been over-sensualized by the media for many years. Flashbacks are associated with highly emotional experiences and often happen to people who have never used psychedelic drugs. A frightening war memory, being raped, or even getting married, can all trigger flashbacks quite some time later. Thus, an emotional experience on LSD can also cause flashbacks. Flashbacks also occur due to post-traumatic stress disorder, associated with victims of disaster and extreme violence -- it is estimated that 1% of the general population suffers from this ("Journey for Better Life," 1992). Conclusion LSD is a very potent drug, but is physically quite safe and non-toxic. Its effe post was too long read more at your own risk |
________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2006 4:56am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] Blunts What are "blunts?" The name, "Blunts," is a street name used to describe a marijuana and tobacco cigar. Other street names include "el-pees" (LP's), According to one source, blunts originated among Jamaicans in New York City in the early 1980's.(1) Blunts take their name from "Phillies Blunt=FC" brand cigars, although other brands of similar make (such as El Producto=FC, White Owl=FC, and Dutch Masters= =FC) are also used for this purpose. (1) Tobacco is removed from the inside of the cigar, and replaced with marijuana. Blunts vs. Joints Smoking marijuana inside the leaf or paper wrapper of a cigar offers several advantages to the user: -The tobacco wrapper slows down the burning rate of the joint. This allows a greater number of users to share the same joint.(1) -A blunt holds more marijuana than a joint, and is convenient to use and store. A single user can smoke it, extinguish it, and easily relight it. "That's what's so cool about a blunt. Just put it out. It fits nicely in the top pocket."(1) -It looks like a legal drug. Even though it is illegal for adolescents to use tobacco products, blunts appear to be commercial tobacco cigars. Policemen, teachers, and parents who ignore cigarette possession in minors are likely to ignore blunts as well. -Nicotine from the tobacco content may add to the effects of the marijuana in a blunt. Nicotine is a stimulant, and marijuana is a minor hallucinogen with some depressant properties. Other stimulant and depressant combinations include cocaine and heroin, cocaine and alcohol, amphetamines and alcohol. At this writing, there appears to be no medical literature evaluating the psychoactive effects of using marijuana and tobacco together vs. individually. However, some of the comments made in one magazine interview are intriguing and may indicate synergistic effects: "The blunt is more effective =FCthan smoking marijuana alone=FC..." "When you smoke a blunt, you get twice as high. =2E . ." "At first, I didn't like it, 'cause it made me dizzy. . . (1) Why are Phillies Blunt=FC cigars used? Many other cigar brands are still being used to make blunts. Users say that the Phillies Blunt=FC brand produces less harsh- tasting or sweeter smoke.(1) The leaf wrapper of a Phillies Blunt=FC is strong enough to hold together through the manipulations of making a blunt. Other brands fall apart. Washington DC Area Trends The emergence of blunts in the Washington D.C. area has been associated with an increase in marijuana abuse among both youth and adults.(2) The peaks and dips in positive test results for marijuana in juvenile arrestees closely resemble increased Washington DC area sales of the Havatampa Co.'s large cigars, including the Phillies Blunt=FC brand.(2) National Trends Articles in High Times, a magazine about substance use and marijuana farming, give methods for making blunts. (2,3) Rap music stars featured in the articles suggested a cultural link between blunts use and rap or hip-hop music.(2) The appearance of tee shirts and baseball caps promoting blunts use in New York, Washington DC, Baltimore, and California suggest that blunts use is becoming a national phenomenon. |
________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2006 4:58am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] You gotta decide how fine you are gonna sift the shake. I know some who remove everything until nothing is left but a fine red dust. I don't like that, it takes too long, and casues too many volatiles to be released as you card it, and makes really lousey joints that pack too tightly and don't draw worth shit. We all roll joints to match our personality, my joins tend to have stuff in them that shouldn't be there, leave things on the tray that SHOULD be, double paper walled, kinda fat in the middle, nice where it meats the mouth, and fulla garbage that gets burnt. Once you got the grass ready you them have to get you papers in order. The way I learned to make a joint was to make a boat out of the paper. Take the paper in you hand so that the gummed side is up and the crease is away from you, the short sides are called edges and the long sides are called sides. You fold the end towards the side, each in turn. First you take the left edge and you fold it about the top corner of that edge, bringing the lower corner up to where it meets the top side and the edge is perfectly in line with the side. Then you do the same thing about the bottom corner, and then you do it for each of the other corners on the other side. You have to make sure all the creases are away from you, then, from where the two bisectors meet on out to the edge you fold agains the crease, you fold in the same place but in the other direction of the original crease You do that with each edge and you get a little paper boat into which you can shift your sift. After having thoughly raked the herb you wind up with a little mound of grass, how big depends on how strong the grass is, how big the papers are, and how stoned you wanna get. I usually use a bit more than would fill a large bowl. You pick the gras up between you fingers and dust it into the paper boat. Try to get it even but don't worry about it you can fix it. Towards the bottom of the mound you run into stuff too fine pick up with your fingers, I consider it a point of grace to card once, and once only, it back into a smalled mound and then try to get at least one good pinch or two from it and let the rest of the shit go back into the baggie until one is scaping for anything green that burns. As you load the paper you are gonna spill dust, just let it go. Make sure you load over the tray and you will either get it with the cleanup card or smoke it some other time. Now you take your boat full of dope and begin leveling it. Stir it about with your finger to balance as much as possible and then you will begin rolling it. Make sure the gummed side is away from you if there is one. You roll it to settle the grass and get it even, and ya try to get it to spread out towards the edges. This is where people who use doller bills use them, I always thought it was too much hassle to fuck with. Once you have it spread to suit your desires you then have to roll the paper up into a joint. This is the tricky part. I always try to finish rolling it so that it is very near the ungummed edge and then to just fold that over and roll it up. Try to get it a bit tighter than you wanna some cause it will looesen as you roll it up. Just before your finished you have to lick the gum. The best I ever saw anyone do that was this little oriental girl I knew who had the most pointed tounge that was always moist. She had absolute control over her tounge, she could make it do things that would give you an orgasm just watching the movements. I being who I am tend to either slobber a bit too much or not get enough on there, it could be better but it works. You finish rolling it up and and then you gotta close the sides. The best way I have found to close the sides is to just roll one end and figure what gets caught gets caught and turn it so the other end is upright and then use a small poker to pull out things which stick out and push in the stuff that needs to go inside. Roll the ends counter to each other and lick to close. I got friends that stick half the damned joint in thier mouths, and others who just touch it to thier tounge. I am undecided, the wetter it gets the better the joint is but it just grates my aesthetics. Let it dry and you gotta joint. I tend to double wrap mine, by rolling that joint in annother, it strengths that fragine middle section and generally keeps a tight nice looking joint. I also tend to tear off that messy end, the one that caught what got caught, to suck on, and use the flashy paper tail to light it. |
________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2006 5:00am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] Hallucinogenic mushrooms have been part of human culture as far back as the earliest recorded history. Ancient paintings of mushroom-ed humanoids have been found in caves in the Saharan desert. Central and Southern America cultures built temples to mushroom gods and carved "mushroom stones". These stone carvings in the shape of mushrooms, or in which figures are depicted under the cap of a mushroom, have been dated to as early as 1000-500 B.C. The purpose of the sculptures is not certain, but these stones may have been religious objects. The Mixtec culture of central Mexico worshipped many gods, one known as Piltzintecuhtli, or 7 Flower (his name presented in the pictoral language as seven circles and a flower) who was the god for hallucinatory plants, especially the divine mushroom. The Vienna Codex (or Codex Vindobonensis) (ca 13th-15th century) depicts the ritual use of mushrooms by the Mixtec gods, showing Piltzintecuhtli and 7 other gods holding mushrooms in their hands.1 The Aztec people had a closely related god of the entheogens. Xochipilli, Prince of Flowers, was the divine patron of "the flowery dream" as the Aztecs called the ritual hallucinatory trance. The Aztecs used a number of plant hallucinogens including psilocybian mushrooms (teonanácatl), morning glory seeds, Salvia divinorum, Datura (tlapatl or toloache) , Peyote (peyotl), and mixitl grain. Psilocybian mushrooms were used in ritual and ceremony, served with honey or chocolate at some of their holiest events.2 With Cortez's defeat of the Aztecs in 1521, the Europeans began to forbid the use of non-alcohol intoxicants, including sacred mushrooms, and the use of teonanácatl ('wondrous mushroom', or 'flesh of the gods'3) was driven underground. In the mid 16th century, Spanish priest Bernardino de Sahagún wrote of the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms by the Aztecs in his Florentine Codex : "The first thing to be eaten at the feast were small black mushrooms that they called nanacatl and bring on drunkenness, hallucinations and even lechery; they ate these before the dawn...with honey; and when they began to feel the effects, they began to dance, some sang and others wept... When the drunkenness of the mushrooms had passed, they spoke with one another of the visions they had seen." According to Sahagún, the psychoactive mushrooms which were ingested by the Aztec priests and their followers were always referred to as teonanácatl though the term does not appear to be used by modern indians or shamans in mesoamerica. 4 The varieties most likely to have been used by the Aztecs are Psilocybe caerulescens and Psilocybe mexicana. Psilocybe cubensis, which is currently quite popular as it is easy to locate and cultivate, was not introduced to America until the arrival of the Europeans and their cattle. During the early 20th century there was dispute amongst western academics as to whether psychoactive mushrooms existed. Though Sahagun had mentioned teonanácatl in his diaries, an American botanist William Safford argued he had mistaken dried peyote buttons for mushrooms. This theory was strongly disputed by Austrian amateur botanist Dr. Blas Pablo Reko, who had lived in Mexico. Reko was convinced that not only did teonanacatl refer to psychoactive mushrooms as Sahagun had written, but that people were still using these mushrooms in Mexico. In the early 30's, Robert Weitlaner, an Australian amateur anthropologist witnessed a Mazatec mushroom ceremony (velada) just northeast of Oaxaca, Mexico. After hearing about the dispute between Safford and Reko, he contacted Reko, told him that the Otomi Indians of Puebla used mushrooms as inebriants, and sent him samples of the mushrooms. Reko forwarded the samples to Stockholm for chemical analysis, and to Harvard for botanical examination, but by the time the samples arrived they were too decayed to be properly identified. The samples had been received at Harvard by ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes. Schultes quickly became a supporter of the idea that Teonanácatl did indeed refer to mushrooms and in the Harvard Botanical Museum Leaflets of April and November 1937 he argued against Safford's conclusions and urged that further work be done to identify the mushrooms. In 1938, Schultes and Reko went to Mexico and after hearing reports of Mazatec veladas near Huautla de Jimenéz northeast Oaxaca and collected specimens of Panaeolus sphinctrinus, which was reported to be the primary psychoactive mushroom used by the Mazatecs. They also collected Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe caerulescens, and possibly a few specimens of Psilocybe mexicana,5 all of which were deposited in the Harvard herbarium. While P. sphincrinus was identified as psychoactive, only two analysis have since detected indole alkaloids in the species, while hundreds of other analyses have not detected any activity whatsoever. The mushrooms which were examined were probably a mixed collection labeled as one species. 6 The investigations of Schultes and Reko came to an end during World War II, and little more was learned until the early 1950's when amateur mycologist R. Gordon Wasson, and his wife Valentina Povlovna, became interested in the traditional use of mushrooms in Mexico. In 1953 Wasson and a small group travelled to Huautla de Jimenéz where they observed an all night ceremony under the guidance of a shaman named Don Aurelio. Two subsequent trips to Mexico led to meeting the Mazatec curandera Maria Sabina who on June 29th 1955 provided Wasson and his companion photographer Allan Richardson with Psilocybe caerulescens during a Velada. In 1956, Heim requested help from Sandoz in extracting the active ingredients of the mushrooms. Albert Hofmann, a research chemist at Sandoz, soon isolated psilocybin and psilocin and developed a synthesis technique. Wasson continued to travel to Oaxaca over the next few years, and with Roger Heim published a description of the Mazatec velada and seven varieties of psilocybian mushrooms in the May 13, 1957 issue of Life magazine. Popular information about the mushrooms soon spread. Experimentation with the mushrooms and the synthesized substances began and "magic mushrooms"7 were soon part of the 60's 'psychedelic' movement. |
________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2006 5:02am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] Psilocybin is juuust fine. I've tried several psychoactive drugs, including hash, LSD-25 and psilocybin. Hash usually doesn't do much - sends me into a half sleep with silly thoughts and spacey soundscape added to music... LSD doesn't do it to me either. It's probably OK if you are after low dose recreation - partying and such... High doses - too blunt, like a mental power tool. It cracks up open your head; Starring You and Your Brain for 12 hours. Every perception magnified thousandfold - it's.. it's a bit too intense. INTENSE! is the keyword. It doesn't accept any apologies or mistakes.. too harsh. I often felt like I had been immersed in some chemical, into a substance so pure and efficient it has no place in nature. Too pure. 12 hours of LSD-25 acid-bath makes you really tired... physically and mentally. But psilocybin, mm-mm, it's juuuuust fiiiine. Voyage to the spiritworld... visions and travels, awesome mental hallucinations. It's a direct ISDN-link to the mother earth, forgiving, gentle substance. You hear the chanting of the planet and the spirit of the mushroom. It's a product of the nature, untied to the actions of men and women roaming this planet. Your body disconnected from the circuit, you may often forget it exists. Six hours - not too short, not too long. Perfect. It should be noted that like all 'major' hallucinogens, psilocybin can precipitate psychotic episodes and uncover or aggravate previous mental illness. If you're stressed out or depressed, don't take mushrooms; if you have schizophrenia or something, DO NOT take mushrooms. ACID IS NOT FOR EVERY BRAIN .... ONLY THE HEALTHY, HAPPY, WHOLESOME, HANDSOME, HOPEFUL, HUMOROUS, HIGH-VELOCITY SHOULD SEEK THESE EXPERIENCES. THIS ELITISM IS TOTALLY SELF-DETERMINED. UNLESS YOU ARE SELF-CONFIDENT, SELF-DIRECTED, SELF-SELECTED, PLEASE ABSTAIN. -- Timothy Leary, Ph.D. I think this applies to mushrooms as well. Mushrooms and acid will open your doors of perception, and once open you can never truly close them again. They are more than a purely recreational drug. |
________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2006 5:03am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] Rumors persist about tiny mescaline containing tablets. Some dealers will actually sell microdots as "mescaline" and it's not difficult to find people who will argue that the effects of these tablets are "definitely different than LSD". While many people know that it's just about impossible that a microdot or tiny pill would contain mescaline, it can be difficult to convince someone who just spent money to purchase the rare substance that they most likely bought LSD instead. In cases like this, references can be useful, and a picture is worth a thousand words. A threshold dose of mescaline (the dose at which the smallest amount of recognizable effects can be felt) is somewhere around 100 mg. A normal active dose for most people falls in the 200-400 mg range.1 An average size MDMA tablet weighs around 250 mg, including all binders and fillers. In general, less than half of this weight is actually MDMA. Likewise there are pressed 2C-B tablets which weigh 45 mg and contain 5 mg of 2C-B, about 1/9 of their weight. A standard microdot weighs only 7.5 mg. Assuming that only 1/3 of this material is binders, that means a maximum of 5 mg of active material in the micro-tablet. While there are a few psychoactives which are active in the 5 mg range, mescaline is definitely not one of them. It would be difficult to get a threshold dose of mescaline into a tablet even as large as an ecstasy tablet (similar in size to a standard advil or aspirin tablet). A full dose of mescaline (400 mg) barely fits into a fully packed large capsule with no fillers. At 5 mg of mescaline per microdot, it would take between 50 and 75 tablets to equal a single dose. [img] |
________________________________________________ [Jul 22,2006 5:04am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] hey go listen to george jones and tom waits then join me for some 5am whiskey shots |
_________________________________________________ [Oct 20,2006 11:59pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought they could buy Peace and Understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss and failure is ours too. What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole life-style that he helped create... a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old-mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody... or at least some force - is tending the light at the end of the tunnel. |
________________________________________________ [Oct 26,2006 1:52pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""] I'm gonna take a freight train down at the station, Lord I don't care where it goes Gonna climb a mountain, the highest mountain, Lord And jump off, ain’t nobody gonna know Can't you see, can't you see, What that woman, Lord She been doin' to me Can't you see, oh, can't you see What that woman, been doin' to me I'm gonna find me a hole in the wall, I’m gonna crawl inside and die ’Cause my lady now, a mean old woman, Lord Never told me goodbye Can't you see, oh, can't you see, What that woman, lord, she been doin' to me Can't you see, can't you see, What that woman,lord, she been doin' to me gonna buy me a ticket now, as far as I can, I ain't never comin' back I’m gonna take me that south-bound, All the way to Georgia now, ‘Till the train it run out of track Can't you see, oh, can't you see, What that woman, lord, she been doin' to me Can't you see, can't you see, What that woman, she been doin' to me, oh lord |
________________________________ [Nov 5,2006 3:44pm - W3 nli ""] Tiny bubbles In the wine Make me happy Make me feel fine The song ‘tiny bubbles’ is filled with infinite sadness because it speaks to the kind of tender innocent happiness very few of us can imagine. The kind of happiness that was lost long ago, and that belonged to another generation. Avoidance of disappointment is the underlying issue. It’s like having the opportunity to meet the artist that created the most favoured piece of artwork on your walls, and making a point of avoiding that situation, because there is no upside – and the downside is that the artwork in your home will be forever ruined because this person proves to be no where near as inspirational as you may have hoped, which is precisely why I did not say hello to Buddy Guy when I saw him at his club last month. My prejudice is pretty general, far too broad and sweeping for any racial limitations. It’s clear to me – and has been since the age of 10 or so – that most people are bastards, thieves, and yes – even pigfuckers. – HST Economics does not determine history, but it does provide the backbeat. – The Economist "It's like Cinderella at the ball," Buffett said. "At the start of the party, the punch is flowing and everything's going well, but you know that at midnight everything's going to turn back to pumpkins and mice. But you look around and say, 'one more dance,' and so does everyone else. Everyone thinks they'll get out at midnight. ... And then suddenly the clock strikes 12, and everything turns back to pumpkins and mice." |
_______________________________________ [Nov 5,2006 4:17pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] This thread is making me want to smoke SO FUCKING BAD right now. |
________________________________ [Nov 5,2006 4:35pm - W3 nli ""] come on over, but bring papers |
_____________________________________ [Nov 11,2006 6:04pm - HailTheLeaf ""] This is what I think CBS, the producers of the Letterman show, the networks and governments fear the most - that one man free, expressing his own thoughts and point of view, might somehow inspire others to think for themselves and listen to that voice of reason inside them, and then perhaps, one by one we will awaken from this dream of lies and illusions that the world, the governments and their propaganda arm, the mainstream media, feeds us continuously over fifty-two channels, twenty-four hours a day. What I realised was that they don't want the people to be awake. The elite ruling class wants us asleep so we'll remain a docile, apathetic herd of passive consumers and non-participants in the true agendas of our governments, which is to keep us separate and present an image of a world filled with unresolvable problems, that they, and only they, might somewhere, in the never-arriving future, may be able to solve. Just stay asleep, America. Keep watching television. Keep paying attention to the infinite witnesses of illusion we provide you over "Luciferís Dream Box". The herd has been pacified by our charade of concern as we pose the two most idiotic questions imaginable - "Is television becoming too violent?" and "Is television becoming too promiscuous?" The answer, my friends, is this: television is too stupid. It treats us like morons. Case closed. - Hicks |
_________________________________________ [Nov 11,2006 6:12pm - CaptainCleanoff ""] "non-participants in the true agendas of our governments" You believe in this shit, but are you involved, or just still smoking weed and making yourself more retarded? You HTL, Are the embodement of non participation. Did you vote, Or "just get drunk and watch the daily show" when the dems "won". Fucking hippy moron. If you did vote, good for you, but I doubt it. Watch the next two years and see how the dems fuck up just as bad, if not worse than the republicans. I will be here in two years to tell you I told you so. Good times. |
_____________________________________ [Nov 11,2006 6:18pm - HailTheLeaf ""] wow, totally missing the point of this thread, good for you. |
_________________________________ [Apr 24,2008 2:17am - W3 nli ""] My Stars i love this song.... When I was a young girl sitting on my momma's knee she told me to love freedom and to keep my dignity out in the country down in Georgia. In the tall grass and Queen Anne's lace I began to love America. When I went to elementary school I learned to cuss, learned to pray to a protestant God and in Him we trust. I pledge allegiance to America... in the concrete walls and wooden desks I learned the scriptures of America. When I went to high school I learned how we hate all the fears and shadows we use to segregate the people of America. We hold some lies to be self-evident in America. When I was in Dallas I stood up all night long thinking about ... murder and what it takes to buy a soul in America....but it's still my America. Down in Alabama where the crosses burn so bright, way out in the desert where your eyes can't hold the light, and from the mouths of fools who tell you money always makes right... comes the darkness of America, our America. From the glitter of Miami to the wild Alaskan shore, and the greed of the wealthy and the faith of the poor this is all our America. And if they tell you we can't use her freedom anymore, well they don't stand for our America If they tell you miles of freedom is a cost we can't afford, they shore up the government, and keep us hard at war till one by one give up our rights till our borders seem secure, and disagreement will be treason, we'll have no voice anymore. They just don't understand America, my America, our America, my America |
________________________________ [May 1,2008 4:44pm - W3 nli ""] Albert Hofmann, the Father of LSD, Dies at 102 infect said:another dead hero |