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Jan 25 (Sun) - Tinsel Teeth, Get Laid, Rampant Decay, I Destroyer - P.A.'s Lounge (Somerville, MA)

1/25 - Tinsel Teeth, Get laid, Rampant Decay, I Destroyer, The Ferals @ P.A.'s Lounge

P.A.'s Lounge (Somerville, MA) - [get_laid][i_destroyer][rampant_decay][tinsel_teeth]
[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Jan 23,2009 2:14pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jan 23,2009 2:16pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jan 23,2009 2:30pm - douchepatrol  ""]
[Jan 23,2009 2:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Jan 23,2009 8:25pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jan 23,2009 8:26pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jan 24,2009 1:07pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jan 24,2009 6:26pm - W3 nli  ""]
it's only 6:30
[Jan 24,2009 7:07pm - the_reverend ""]
im so there.
[Jan 24,2009 7:11pm - W3 nli  ""]
gimme a ride.
[Jan 24,2009 7:50pm - PatMeebles ""]
Women should not try to impersonate Danzig, and then get naked to distract people from the fact that they're trying to impersonate Danzig.
[Jan 24,2009 11:45pm - ouchdrummer ""]
oh snap?
[Jan 25,2009 1:34am - boblovesmusic ""]
See you all later today!
[Jan 25,2009 1:34am - the_reverend ""]
you got it
[Jan 25,2009 1:52am - ouchdrummer ""]

W3%20nli said:gimme a ride.

yo. if you you wanna come in to BC practice like we were talking about, you could take the red line almost to the show from here.
[Jan 25,2009 3:07am - W3 nli  ""]
you should go too, we could be awesome and come with.
[Jan 25,2009 11:49am - PatMeebles ""]

ouchdrummer said:oh snap?

Just the facts, jack
[Jan 25,2009 12:26pm - the_reverend ""]
then why did danzig have a song called mother?

I wished that this show was happening at the abbey personally. I don't like shooting/standing in front of everyone like an asshole and I have to at this venue.

What time is this over? Carina is trying to get me to shoot thurston moore at the milkyway in between this show... I don't think that is going to happen.
[Jan 25,2009 1:59pm - boblovesmusic ""]
what time will this thing actually start? Picking up a buddy of mine at around 8 and I don't wanna miss a thing, I don't wanna miss one smile, I don't wanna miss one kiss...
[Jan 25,2009 4:49pm - the_reverend ""]
get there asap after you pick your friend up.
I would guess 9pm
[Jan 25,2009 5:29pm - exxon valdez  ""]
i dont wanna miss one nipple
[Jan 25,2009 5:32pm - the_reverend ""]
I think you are talking about the rich horror thread
[Jan 25,2009 8:44pm - the_reverend ""]
here now, the bands are loading in. get down here.
[Jan 25,2009 9:12pm - W3 nli  ""]
if i had a ride in i would be there.
[Jan 25,2009 9:15pm - the_reverend ""]
u r lame.
[Jan 25,2009 9:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I destroyer at 9:30pm.
20 minute sets.
[Jan 25,2009 9:41pm - W3 nli  ""]

the_reverend said:u r lame.

what cause i dont have a ride, i asked you assclown.
[Jan 25,2009 9:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw someone here who was short and thought it was you, but no dumb tattoos.
[Jan 25,2009 10:01pm - W3 nli  ""]
dont hate on me because your wife enjoys me to anything you have to offer.
[Jan 25,2009 10:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I, Destroyer: I swear, this band could play at the bottom of a styrafoam cup and would still sound absolutely amazing. Now matter where, when, or to whom, they always so loud and put out a high energy show even if they don't spazz out on stage. I wished they would get on a toxic holocaust show so that dirty punks would circle pit for them. To those annointed by bob, you are now cleansed of christianity. this was the first time in my life that I could hear the wind rushing by while someone swing around their mic.
[Jan 25,2009 10:45pm - the_reverend ""]
Rampant Decay: they sounded great. Wtf! This venue is sounded really good tonight. Im really surprised cause this place usually sounds like butt. Rich wasn't too drunk so he only made the crowd uncomforatble once with he walked after some girls screaming. Rich was stressed out before playing so this was like therapy
[Jan 25,2009 11:30pm - the_reverend ""]
get laid: they were really good too and the sound for them was once again excellent. Weird. They had a lot of awesome metal riffs with a screaming girl lead singer. They were the typical girl punk lead vocals. She actually screamed. the guitarist also did one of the fastest string changes ever.
[Jan 26,2009 1:34am - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 26,2009 2:00am - the_reverend ""]
tinsel teeth: if there was anything out there that I could say about this band is that they are one of the most providence bands that you could come up with. Arab on Radar meets the daughters. I'm pretty sure that if the singer from the daughters, alexis, were a girl, he would be the singer of tinsel teeth. Just like when you go to see the daughters and "uh oh! someone made my pants come down and OH! my dong came out", the singer of TT wears a top that comes down easily. Blah Blah lame gimmick blah blah. I really wasn't expecting that and mostly didn't snap then. Honestly, I thought that the posts in this thread were just people being jerks. What I was really expecting was lots of blood. Maybe her stamping on some xmas bulbs and I had my camera set up to snap bright, colorful blood shots. Anyhow, the music was very bass heavy, but the vocals were really grating on my ears just like a lot of the chinese stars/arab on radar/daughtesr. As it went on, the vocals got better, more screaming. Especially during the last song. It definitely did get crazy during that last song.
[Jan 26,2009 8:17am - aids  ""]
not enough boobs shots...and why are there dots over the nips?
[Jan 26,2009 10:58am - aids baby  ""]
i think that chick is kinda gross.
[Jan 26,2009 11:07am - boblovesmusic ""]
Totally amazing show. Kinda surprised. Rampant Decay and I Destroyer were in top form. Get Laid wasn't really my style, but they were awesome. Tinsel Teeth... not sure what exactly I saw and heard but I liked it! haha
[Jan 26,2009 12:41pm - thatsnotmusic ""]
I didn't see the show last night, but I did see TT play a show at the Hotel Vernon on Worcester on Saturday night. I never really feel compelled to go to a new forum just to give a bad review, but this was special. I was excited to see TT play having heard some mixed things, but generally excited for an interesting performance. When it was mentioned to me that the singer often whips her boobs out, I was thinking it was something along the lines of a short tongue-in-cheek flash and then the music would be a priority in the performance again. When I was waiting for the band to start playing I noticed the singer walking around in a very confused look with a wig on. Then I realized that she seemed to be more trashed than confused. Now, I understand that mostly why I couldn't hear her "singing" is because the PA had blown earlier in the night, but the bass and guitar were so overdriven that they could have possibly been playing the chords to "Material Girl" and I doubt anyone would have noticed. The drummer, being the only person left with a functionally audible instrument, wasn't bad, but he was not able to overcome the task of making up for the rest of his band. I did not enjoy TT's music, but I will admit that I was happy to settle for some nice boobs and a hilariously over dramatic drunk chick dancing them around in front of everyone. TT = not a good band or music, TT = possibly one of the greatest performances for boobs. Anyone have any more thoughts on the 1/25 performance?
[Jan 26,2009 1:09pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
Well...i keep hearing alot about Stephs tits...yeah she definitely
is a bit of an exhibitionist but I certainly think that is second to
her being a great performer. She has a really soulful and powerful
voice and she puts 110 percent into every performance. I would say
she is PVDs version of Wendy O (who also had some boob "slippage"
if you remember ) and the Tinselteeth guys are great musicians who
kill at almost every show I see them play. I know these cats personally
and I can say they are as dedicated to their music as any metal band
on here...they just play a different style. I think they kick ass.
[Jan 26,2009 2:50pm - PatMeebles ""]
This has nothing to do with genre. This is about being a terrible band and then having some wild gimmick so that's what people walk away talking about instead of whether or not they were a good band. I see at least 3 posts in this and other threads that fell for it.
[Jan 26,2009 3:29pm - Never ""]
steph is amazing. If you don't like the band don't stay and watch them preform.
[Jan 26,2009 3:38pm - thatsnotmusic ""]
Don't stay and watch them perform? I'm sorry, I thought that I was being objective and decided that I could patiently wait the next 20 minutes to find out if she puts her boobs back under her shirt and to see if the other songs would be any better. I go to every show considering, at least a little, what a performance would sound like if I was listening to a recording of it and not watching it. If I was closing my eyes, I would have hardly known there was a singer, and I would have been struggling to at least listen to the drums, because the bass and guitar was a wash of garbage. I'm not trying to be cruel, I just figured this was a forum for opinions that won't be mistaken for slander. I don't know these people personally at all and I'm mature enough to assume that they are good people who are at the very least supporting the music scene by trying. I still would never ever buy a CD of theirs.
[Jan 26,2009 3:42pm - brian_dc ""]
liking the music is completely subjective

thinking that steph slipping out of her top at most shows is a little bit gimmicky is also subjective.

I dunno, I think the music is pretty great. I'll say that her voice is my least favorite part of the whole package. But not because i think she should be screaming. I just think I've heard the Yow worship done better.

Either way...it's certainly nothing to get upset about.
[Jan 26,2009 3:43pm - RichHorror ""]
ITT: angry white guys
[Jan 26,2009 3:43pm - brian_dc ""]
[Jan 26,2009 4:00pm - W3 nli  ""]
but I'm Irish.
[Jan 26,2009 4:06pm - Never ""]
it's called shock rock man. The band it pretty tight. Her voice might not be the most fine tuned to your taste- but that's your taste you know?

She lets out a ton of shit when she sings, and doesnt give a fuck and does what she wants. She wears lipstick all over her face and fake wigs and throws herself around. Like stated before I think shes a huge plasmatics fan. Most people went to their shows to see her blow shit up and scream naked.

I give her props I don't have the balls to wip out my boobies. Singing in front of a bunch of people you don't know is hard enough.
[Jan 26,2009 4:07pm - Never ""]
[Jan 26,2009 4:13pm - W3 nli  ""]
i love these threads when other people come to defend people that some people dont like.
[Jan 26,2009 4:25pm - Never ""]
Or I played a show last night with them?

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