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Wayne from Eternal Suffering is a fag

[Nov 20,2009 2:54pm - EAST COAST CZA  ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:We will be playing Rich's halloween covers show as ES next year. That should be fucking fun. <3 ES

[Nov 20,2009 2:56pm - xmikex ""]
Boring troll is boring.
[Nov 20,2009 2:58pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, Composted definitely is not doing that.

LOL @ Joe sticking up for Porphyria. Simpler times.
[Nov 20,2009 3:00pm - RichHorror ""]
Also, Composted does an ES cover set everytime they play OHHHHHHHHHHHH
[Nov 20,2009 3:01pm - RichHorror ""]
Oh no he didn't!

Yes Laverne, he did.
[Nov 20,2009 3:10pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
[Nov 20,2009 4:50pm - Cooper  ""]
[Nov 20,2009 6:03pm - blue ""]

RichHorror said:
LOL @ Joe sticking up for Porphyria. Simpler times.

Hahahh. I remember how bummed joe was when I told him I was joining porphyria. Classic.
[Nov 20,2009 6:06pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, I definitely don't remember an era of him not hating that band. That says a lot about how much he thought ES sucked.
[Nov 20,2009 6:36pm - pam ""]
I love this thread. Lots of quality manlady fighting.
[Nov 20,2009 9:59pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:We will be playing Rich's halloween covers show as ES next year. That should be fucking fun. <3 ES

as long as you all show up in jean shorts and backwards hats, i'll be there.
[Nov 20,2009 10:43pm - the_reverend ""]
wait, is this wigger era or wigga era?
[Nov 21,2009 11:51am - rhinoplasty  ""]
yes well none of theez bands be brutal , they all be fags . Not like me i will shows youz all just how brutal my football riffs can be . i've been to many many shows and i can tell you for certain i'm better . my girl friend is hotter , i'm much more spiritual , i gotz the devil's tail in my hand more often , and i'm just better .
[Nov 22,2009 3:03am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Nov 22,2009 6:35pm - cryptrob2  ""]
Holy shit ...Wayne in a Scattered Remnants shirt. lol. That pic still kills me. I guess from what a lot people said here he hated us, (Scattered)too. Eh...I still stand by my statement. He was cool to my face but whatever...I still sleep the sleep of angels either way.
[Nov 9,2010 12:50pm - MASSACHUSETTS MOST BRUTAL  ""]
[Nov 9,2010 12:52pm - reimroc ""]

reimroc said:oh man its this thread again.
[Nov 9,2010 1:16pm - Yeti ""]
long live Joe NC.
[Nov 9,2010 1:27pm - nekronaut ""]
Haha when I was 16 my terrible grind band (with my current guitar player Paul in Nachzehrer) did a split with Scum Bitch.
[Nov 9,2010 1:31pm - tomes ov acrimoney  ""]

xmikex said:Boring troll is boring.

haha this dude gets so butt hurt over this band
[Nov 9,2010 2:59pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Heard he's in Father Befouled now and they're pretty sick.
[Nov 9,2010 3:24pm - nekronaut ""]
Decrepitath ain't too shabby either
[Nov 9,2010 3:31pm - scum shit  ""]
this guy used to post pics of him and his fat girl friend filling their fat faces with triple cheese burgers from burger king on his web site and shit like that what a fucking shit bag
[Nov 9,2010 3:32pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Hey, it was Wendy's, get it right.
[Nov 9,2010 4:06pm - xmikex ""]

tomes%20ov%20acrimoney said:
xmikex said:Boring troll is boring.

haha this dude gets so butt hurt over this band

luzl. I loved ES. Gimmie a break.
[Nov 9,2010 4:11pm - mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Only House by the Cemetery longsleeves are real.
[Nov 9,2010 4:36pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Wow, this thread is older than the crust in GG Allins underwear it would put Betty Crocker out of business.
[Nov 9,2010 5:38pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
Watchmaker was an awesome band.
[Nov 9,2010 5:47pm - goatcatalyst ""]
I like Father Befouled alot
[Nov 9,2010 6:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
New interview on Metal Maniacs...

[Nov 10,2010 9:28am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 10,2010 11:05am - Rock Lobstah  ""]
Anyone remember when Metal Update announced that their drummer quit the band due to the other band members intolerance of homosexuality? LULZ GALORE.
[Nov 10,2010 3:58pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Saves me the trouble of making a new thread, sooooo

Anyone selling Eternal Suffering merch or know where I can get some?
[Nov 10,2010 4:29pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

I have hats.
[Nov 13,2010 10:21pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Fuck hats. They make my afro itch.
[Nov 14,2010 7:34am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Woah!_Shut_It_Down! said:Fuck hats. They make my afro itch.

[Nov 14,2010 7:37am - reimroc ""]
speaking of afros any new holla daddies on their way?
[Nov 14,2010 8:00am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Nov 14,2010 8:03am - reimroc ""]
[Nov 14,2010 8:28am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
It got real borrrrrring. I need a new focus for my hate and love made-up words.
[Nov 14,2010 8:46am - reimroc ""]
just find random tards on facebook its not hard
[Nov 14,2010 9:11am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I know. It's also not that fun :( I need to incorporate explosives into this somehow for it to hold my interest.
[Nov 14,2010 11:03am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:
Woah!_Shut_It_Down! said:Fuck hats. They make my afro itch.


[Nov 21,2010 2:54pm - SKINNY WAYNE  ""]

[Nov 21,2010 6:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Nov 21,2010 8:31pm - thirdknuckle ""]
...football riffs?
[Nov 21,2010 8:34pm - Crackhead Kenny Lanning  ""]
[Dec 1,2010 9:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
December 1st, 2009 is when I started this weight loss/getting into shape journey. I can't believe it, but it has already been a year. For the people that care, here is a quick summary of what has happened so far..

I woke up a year ago today and decided things had to change. For those of you that knew me in school 487975 years ago, you know I was always fat. I was 275 senior year in high school, which was 1994. Over the next 15 years I had put on another 90 pounds which brought me to 365 a year ago. Enough was enough and the change would begin upon waking up a year ago today.

First step was pretty easy. EAT LESS and EAT BETTER. I totally cut out regular soda and began eating 3-5 regular meals a day instead of one giant meal and then snacking on garbage the rest of the day. The soda part was tough because I usually drank at LEAST a 2 liter of Coke every single day. Luckily I found Coke Zero, forced myself to drink it and get used to it, and I grew to love it. Now I can't even drink a regular Coke anymore. It tastes like a sugary mess to me now. I also slowly started eating other foods I had never eaten before. I'd always been a "meat and potatoes" type person, but that had to change. This was also difficult, but I found a lot of foods I really did like that were much better than eating a package of Oreos or a gallon of ice cream.

After three months of this, I had lost about 60 pounds. I was finally slightly below the 300 pound mark. Unfortunately, the weight loss was slowing down a lot and it was getting frustrating following a really strict diet and only losing 1-2 pounds a week. I did some research on the internet for TONS of diets that get good results, and I found the HCG diet. It seemed to work for EVERYONE that did it, it was dirt cheap, and the results were there if you had the willpower to actually do it.

I won't get too involved in what HCG is all about (if you want to know more, e-mail me), but I'm happy to say IT WORKED. You basically do short rounds of it which are followed by breaks so you can reset your body. My first round I did 40 days and lost 51 pounds. My second round I did 40 days and lost 43 pounds. My last round I did 23 days and lost 31 pounds. So that comes out to 103 days on the diet (not counting the 3-4 week breaks in between) with a total loss of 125 pounds. I did gain back a little in between each session (usually 5-7 pounds) which was my fault for not following the "maintenance phase" exactly like I should have. In fact, my lowest weight was 197 a few months ago, but now I'm settled in at 205 and maintaining it fine there.

The only problem with losing 160 pounds in 9 months is you have a lot of loose skin and flab still hanging around. I had been doing moderate exercise most of the last year (nothing more than walking my dog and brisk walks on the treadmill) but I decided to bump it up more than a few notches and do P90X. Shortly after starting that, I decided to double that up most days and also do Insanity, TurboFire, Power 90, 10 Minute Trainer, and various other Beachbody workout routines.

It's been 45 days of intense exercise so far and I'm seeing the good results already. I haven't lost any weight yet (which I guess is pretty common, although most people lose doing these workouts), but I can tell it's making a huge difference when I look in the mirror and try on different clothes. I am able to wear size 34 pants now which is great considering I wore a size 40 in high school, and a size 52 one year ago.

According to those silly BMI charts, I'm still considered "obese" being 5'8" and 205 pounds. I don't look at it that way, although I'm still continuing my quest and hope to be between 180-190 a few months from now. I'm not sure that will happen, but that is what I'm shooting for. Considering how much I've done so far, it seems very possible I can reach that goal.

I don't want to turn this into a novel, so I will end it there. I've had probably a dozen people on here e-mail me asking me how I did it and what it was like and how they could do it themselves. I hope this helps anyone interested, and feel free to contact me if you want to know more.

I'd like to thank everyone that helped me make this happen. Thanks to the people on the HCG boards for their advice, the knowledge I've gotten reading the Beachbody forums, and guys like Tackleberry and Splatterbeast for their recommendations based on their body building experience. Also, thanks to everyone for the comments and support over the past year. I won't name names, but you know who you are, and I really appreciate it.

I will check back in later on with more updates. Oh yeah, and if all goes well, expect a HUGE update not relating to a diet to come soon. Thanks to the one helping me make this a reality too. I will find a way to pay you back and I will NEVER forget it!


PS - Here is a before and after picture. 365 before and 197 after.

[Sep 13,2011 2:28pm - george papadopoulos  ""]
goddamn sheep fucker
[Sep 13,2011 2:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
classic thread is classic

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