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MDF 2011

[show listing]  _________________________________
[Mar 22,2011 9:26pm - haupty  ""]

nekronaut said:
hauptpflucker said:Are you going Mike?

Angela and I are both going.


[Mar 22,2011 9:35pm - demondave ""]
just got my tix - need hotel
[Mar 22,2011 9:39pm - demondave ""]
Never been to MDF any suggestions for Hotel?
[Mar 22,2011 9:40pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
i just found out I have a friend living in Baltimore and MAY be able to stay there for free...

but I'm already kinda obligated to stay in the Mad Russians room. He rented the exact same room we had last year the day we checked out after last years MDF.
[Mar 23,2011 7:18am - AndrewBastard ""]
only the Mt Vernon Hotel is Reel Big Fish
[Mar 28,2011 2:38am - nekronaut ""]

haupty said:
nekronaut said:
hauptpflucker said:Are you going Mike?

Angela and I are both going.



That was directed to Andrew, not you.
[Mar 28,2011 2:58am - Lamp ""]
I stayed at a hotel 20 minutes outside of town last time and didn't have a problem with it at all... it was real cheap compared to the other options.
[Mar 28,2011 8:42am - AndrewBastard ""]
why at me? :(
[Apr 26,2011 2:36pm - AndrewBastard ""]
I can only go for sat and sunday...might be able to catch the end of fridays shows as I have a half day.
[Apr 26,2011 2:48pm - AndrewBastard ""]
anyone driving down friday afternoon? ill take turns driving and provide gas and beer and other stuff...like blow jobs
[Apr 26,2011 5:10pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
I hope there are still tickets left for this. I still have to buy one and figure out what I am gonna do. I have a car.
[Apr 26,2011 5:16pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Scott, are you willing to go down on Friday after noon and only attend Saturday and Sunday? If so, I'll ride down with you...I cant get friday off but I do have Monday off for the drive home. I can log hours behind the wheel and gas $$ etc
[Apr 26,2011 5:16pm - AndrewBastard ""]
we'd actually probably make it in time for the last few bands on Friday... I just have to work a half day on Fri.
[Apr 26,2011 7:29pm - Botorious N.I.G.  ""]

Lamp said:I stayed at a hotel 20 minutes outside of town last time and didn't have a problem with it at all... it was real cheap compared to the other options.

And it kept you out of the hood, so you didn't get raped.
[Apr 27,2011 9:38am - AndrewBastard ""]
got tix for Sat and Sun yesterday...cant leave till friday afternoon

[Apr 29,2011 3:29am - boblovesmusic ""]
DEATH BREATH has issued the following statement regarding their cancellation:

"Production difficulties with the complexity of the band being spread all over the world made an error in the schedule, so we simply had to cancel as we felt we couldnīt achieve a good performance. To do a one off show is actually more difficult than we thought. We are very sorry for this and wanna say thanks for understanding to the fans and the promoter."

Also, DEVOURMENT has cancelled, as a member in the band must attend to some family matters.

As a result of these cancellations, IN SOLITUDE (Sweden) will be making their first US appearance, and SKINLESS will be playing their last ever show, and it will be with the original line up. Please note that IN SOLITUDE will be playing on Saturday, and SKINLESS will be playing on Sunday.
[Apr 29,2011 3:32am - NuclearWinter ""]
In Solitude fucking rules, this is great news. Skinless still sucks.
[Apr 29,2011 3:45am - boblovesmusic ""]
In Solitude is a trad heavy metal band right?
[Apr 29,2011 4:05am - Lamp ""]

NuclearWinter said:Skinless still sucks.
[Apr 29,2011 4:15am - NuclearWinter ""]
In Solitude is the rightful successor to Mercyful Fate. That silly GHOST band is playing too, apparently.
[Apr 29,2011 8:08am - AndrewBastard ""]
dont care about either of the drop offs and dont care about either of the new additions...

I've never heard In Solitude though so if Grinrods comparison is on point, I'll dig them
[Apr 29,2011 11:00am - saxlbeckett  ""]
I am buying some second hand tickets to this tonight. Are you still down Andrew?
[Apr 30,2011 1:48pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Scott: talked to Serge last night and he's def going down on Thursday so I'm 100% with you...

We'll leave Friday afternoon-ish?
[May 7,2011 12:48pm - AndrewBastard ""]
bumping the original thread....we're back in business.

Sonar will be re-opening before MDF, and technically they already have. These last couple of days have been incredibly confusing and stressful, but we are currently back to the regularly scheduled program. And don't worry, beyond plan B is a plan C, because that's how we roll. See you in a couple of weeks.
[May 19,2011 5:35pm - nekronaut ""]
Definitely there for Thursday.. apparently Ryan(MDF) hooked Angela and I up with a pair of four day passes though, MIIIIIIGHT be staying all four days.

Need to stay with somebody from Friday on.. Andrew, I'm looking at you
[May 19,2011 5:43pm - AndrewBastard ""]

I'm getting pretty psyched for this...NEXT WEEKEND!
[May 19,2011 5:57pm - nekronaut ""]
..but you're so pretty!
[May 19,2011 11:25pm - late_rising ""]
probably not at the top of everyone's most-anticipated sets, but I'm totally psyched to see these guys:


[May 19,2011 11:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[May 25,2011 10:23am - demondave ""]
Getting my shit together for the ride down
[May 25,2011 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
[May 25,2011 10:30am - the_reverend ""]
collecting stuff until noon.
go for a swim and go out shopping and clean car
taking out the little one for some us time + food shopping
pack everything
go to sister's graduation
sleep a few hours at brothers
drive to maryland for 2pm
[May 25,2011 11:30am - demondave ""]
I've made a list and am checking it twice.

Just got a message from a friend that I thought we backing out, but he is still going. He hasn't gotten his tickets yet though...
[May 26,2011 5:22am - the_reverend ""]
see everyone there!
[May 26,2011 6:22am - reimroc ""]
don't worry rev. i'll keep an eye on the place while you're gone.
[May 26,2011 6:51am - nekronautloggedin  ""]
En route.
[May 26,2011 8:09am - RustyPS ""]

reimroc said:don't worry rev. i'll keep an eye on the place while you're gone.

in Garret speak, "keep an eye on" means "rub his cock on everything"
[May 26,2011 8:16am - The_reverend ""]
watch out when you're in connecticut there are tons and tons of cops at the rest area
[May 26,2011 8:40am - AndrewBastard ""]
working today... leaving tomorrow morning. wont be there till friday afternoon/evening-ish
[May 26,2011 8:46am - reimroc ""]

RustyPS said:
reimroc said:don't worry rev. i'll keep an eye on the place while you're gone.

in Garret speak, "keep an eye on" means "rub his cock on everything"

you know me way to well
[May 26,2011 11:57am - eddie ""]
thunderstorms friday and saturday...

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