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6/4 - Exploding Christ, Dissector, It Will End In Pure Horror, Shit Fuck, Kevorkian's Angels, Bitchslicer @ the Junkyard in Wayland, MA

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Mar 29,2006 10:31pm - RichHorror ""]
I intend to. I also intend to smash pills and then put them up my nose.
[Apr 17,2006 2:14am - RichHorror ""]
Kevorkian's Angels has been added to this show. REJOICE.
[Apr 17,2006 7:20am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
YES! This will be one of the best shows we've ever been a part of! I'd just like to say that I will be really fucked up at this show, and the amount of people that are going to be fitting into this room during this show is going to make people pass out for over heating like a jeep with no coolant on a 90 degree summer day, true story.

Ben, re-tool that flyer boy!
[Apr 17,2006 7:21am - RichHorror ""]
Mark Kevorkian has requested that cocaine be present at this show. Someone get to work on that.
[Apr 17,2006 7:31am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I'll find some Columbian kids in Framingham, see if they got the blow.
[Apr 17,2006 11:28pm - RichHorror ""]
Such a nice young man.
[May 5,2006 10:16pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
BUMP for anarchy in a basement, oh BYOB
[May 5,2006 10:18pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This show is complete anarchy.
[May 5,2006 11:18pm - RichHorror ""]
I heard I was getting a sloppy blowjob at this.
[May 5,2006 11:49pm - Dissector ""]
If Tyler drives me home I'm planning on getting as fucked up as humanly possible at this show.
[May 5,2006 11:53pm - RichHorror ""]
Do it anyway! The worst that could happen is tat you have no car and have to go back to living with your ex that dumped you the day your mom died. Oh, wait, no.
[May 6,2006 12:41am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Goddamn I hope I have this day free.
[May 6,2006 12:42am - RichHorror ""]
Call into work dead.
[May 6,2006 1:40am - iren_the_viking ""]
excuse me work, im dead, i will be back in a week
[May 6,2006 1:41am - RichHorror ""]
It could work.
[May 6,2006 1:48am - RichHorror ""]





[May 6,2006 10:58am - Killer Kaduggan  ""]
less than a month
[May 6,2006 12:05pm - Dankill  ""]
I demand beer, BBQ, Blowjobs and serious head exploding metal in order to make my presence known at this show.
[May 6,2006 12:06pm - RichHorror ""]
All these things are guaranteed. I cannot at this time guarantee the gender of those handing out the blowjobs, however.
[May 6,2006 12:13pm - Geraldo_Rivera ""]
Richard, tell everyone that you've changed the name of the band to It Will End in Pure Happyness.
[May 6,2006 12:14pm - RichHorror ""]
I've changed the name of the band to It Will End In Pure Happyness.
[May 6,2006 12:17pm - Geraldo_Rivera ""]
[May 6,2006 12:21pm - RichHorror ""]
MattSPONCH: exactky
MattSPONCH: exactky
MattSPONCH: what the fuck
MattSPONCH: exactly
Cowmaximus: hahahaha
Cowmaximus: Bam Margera owns your wretched soul
[May 6,2006 1:09pm - Rich_Happy ""]
fuck IM conversations.
[May 6,2006 1:11pm - RichHorror ""]
Fuck women.
[May 6,2006 1:14pm - Rich_Happy ""]
[May 7,2006 11:35pm - iren_the_viking ""]
bump so none of you kiddies forget!
[May 8,2006 12:16am - weymouthdoug ""]
you guys better be prepared for the eating machine that is Kevorkian's Angels, especially Nick. The man can fucking EAT! You've been warned...
[May 14,2006 11:34am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Bump for hopefully all the underage girls that Rich will talk to in the course of this day.
[May 14,2006 11:39am - RichHorror ""]
I have to talk to them? Jesus, women are so needy.
[May 14,2006 11:42am - RichHorror ""]
With my nefound riches, I can more or less gurantee this will be record release show for the Dissector/IWEIPH 7".
[May 15,2006 12:51am - RichHorror ""]
So ah... can someone make a new flyer to include Kevorkian's Angels?
[May 15,2006 2:39pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Get Ben to re-tool that flyer, cause that flyer looks bad ass
[May 15,2006 3:11pm - Dissector ""]
chris_from_shit_fuck said:Get Ben to re-tool that flyer, cause that flyer looks bad ass

Hahaha, you said tool.
[May 16,2006 10:38pm - RichHorror ""]
Chris is hungry for manmeat.
[May 16,2006 10:44pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
always hungry, can't get enough of the cock
[May 16,2006 10:45pm - RichHorror ""]
You make me feel like a real woman.
[May 20,2006 3:32pm - Killer Kaduggan  ""]
[May 20,2006 3:33pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i will be play with my band at OBs and then driving as fast as traffic will allow me to be at this
[May 20,2006 3:42pm - Killer Kaduggan  ""]
so we're opening right? what should we bring? when should we be there? what's the booze situation? I vote kegs...
[May 20,2006 4:06pm - weymouthdoug ""]
Jager,meat,cheese,meat,cheese,Jager,coke,test tube,baking soda.....meat,cheese,Jager
[May 20,2006 4:08pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
the problem with kegs is that it's still a kids house, so the less obvious the party situation the better. I'm bringing my bass cab/head, and jon's bringing his cab/head. If people could bring a kit just cause jeff's can only take one more show until it's gone, and we want to make sure it goes out in style.

The money collected at the door will go to paying back me and whomever for purchasing food/drinks/what have you. The booze? Well I might throw down some cash for a couple 30 racks, but I'm still not sure yet. It'd be best to BYOB, but keep it in the garage area or in the actual band area.

Load in I'd say around 2:30/3:00. Rich, if you can get there around 2:15-2:30 with the PA just so we can get that up and running that'd awesome.

Any other comments, get in touch with me on AIM: Nessie117.
[May 20,2006 4:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
so what, no strippers
[May 20,2006 4:34pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
you ruined our surprise
[May 20,2006 6:51pm - weymouthdoug ""]
chris_from_shit_fuck said:the problem with kegs is that it's still a kids house, so the less obvious the party situation the better. I'm bringing my bass cab/head, and jon's bringing his cab/head. If people could bring a kit just cause jeff's can only take one more show until it's gone, and we want to make sure it goes out in style.

The money collected at the door will go to paying back me and whomever for purchasing food/drinks/what have you. The booze? Well I might throw down some cash for a couple 30 racks, but I'm still not sure yet. It'd be best to BYOB, but keep it in the garage area or in the actual band area.

Load in I'd say around 2:30/3:00. Rich, if you can get there around 2:15-2:30 with the PA just so we can get that up and running that'd awesome.

Any other comments, get in touch with me on AIM: Nessie117.

what style bass cab? What style guitar cab?

[May 20,2006 10:13pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
Both cabs are Fenders (not sure on the bass, but I'm about 90%). The bass head is a Behringer, and the guitar head is a Kustom. That's cause we're low end sons of bitches.
[May 20,2006 11:39pm - weymouthdoug ""]
i meant speaker set up, 8x10 bass? 4x12 guitar?
[May 21,2006 4:03pm - RichHorror NLI  ""]
Up for speakers.
[May 25,2006 2:22am - RichHorror ""]
Up, nigga, up!
[May 25,2006 6:31am - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
I believe the bass cab is 4x10 with a horn, and the guitar cab is 4x12. I could be wrong though.

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