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[Jul 10,2006 12:05pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Oh no,not another SHITTY local Metalfest.I went to the first Sayonara Metalfest and the best thing about that show was the roasted pig.What a snoozefest!!!!!
[Jul 10,2006 12:43pm - ShadowSD ""]
Did you guys go to the same show as us? I counted five great sets and six or seven good performances. Sure the rest ranged from mediocre to awful, but still, that many enjoyable sets is very rare for a local show. That plus the metal community vibe of the show and the endless slabs of free pig and cow all for ten bucks a ticket was a steal; I can't compare any local show to it. We had a great time playing at this fest as well as hanging out. My only complaint would be that the staff at the bar (not associated with Jay or the concert itself) were a bunch of assholes, but the endless supply of free beer for bands and our freedom to smoke weed openly in the forest made me forget about it very quickly.
[Jul 10,2006 12:47pm - RichHorror ""]
With a few exceptions, that is possibly the worst lineups I have ever seen. If they do it again this year hopefully they'll turn down the suck.
[Jul 10,2006 1:09pm - ShadowSD ""]
If you think there are are only a few shows with worse line-ups, you haven't been to .1% of the truly shitty local shows put on in recent years.
[Jul 10,2006 1:10pm - RichHorror ""]
You're right. I have no desire to waste my money.
[Jul 10,2006 1:14pm - ShadowSD ""]
eddie said:yeah this show did suck. The only bands i enjoyed were the last two, inheritance and csdo.

OK, then we all HAVE to be talking about two different shows. We (Suicide Dream) went on in the afternoon following Inner Self Lost, and CSDO played either immediately after us or the band after that, so they were offstage well before 5 pm. The fest, however, went on until 9:30.
[Jul 10,2006 1:14pm - pam ""]
I believe the highlight of this fest was me getting really baked in the woods.
[Jul 10,2006 1:15pm - RichHorror ""]
I count three bands on that bill that aren't vomit-inducing. What a great time.
[Jul 10,2006 1:17pm - pam ""]
There were a few good ones. Didn't Norseth drop off? I don't remember much.
[Jul 10,2006 1:18pm - RichHorror ""]
If they dropped off, it was a blessing.
[Jul 10,2006 1:30pm - ShadowSD ""]
RichHorror said:I count three bands on that bill that aren't vomit-inducing. What a great time.

Three? On that list, I count The Accursed, Inheritance, Norseth, Sacreligion, and (I'd like to think) ourselves as bands who I have seen play great sets on multiple occasions. CSDO, Screams of Erida, Inner Self Lost, Hypersolid, Anamalech, and Bodice Ripper are by no means my favorite bands, but they all have redeeming qualities and are good at what they do.

[Jul 10,2006 1:32pm - ShadowSD ""]
Heh, I just saw my post earlier in this thread from a couple years ago where I tell every one to fuck off. It's still quite amusing.
[Jul 10,2006 5:03pm - eddie ""]
ShadowSD said:eddie said:yeah this show did suck. The only bands i enjoyed were the last two, inheritance and csdo.

OK, then we all HAVE to be talking about two different shows. We (Suicide Dream) went on in the afternoon following Inner Self Lost, and CSDO played either immediately after us or the band after that, so they were offstage well before 5 pm. The fest, however, went on until 9:30.

no we're thinking of the same show. i was playing with the pig's leg while drunk and high as hell, and i clearly remember seeing inheritance then a thrash band right after that. i'm pretty sure it was csdo, since they were the only thrash band on the bill.
[Jul 10,2006 6:54pm - ShadowSD ""]
I remember clearly, CSDO's slot was soon after us because we were loading into our drummer's truck on the side of the stage while CSDO was setting up. So Inheritance could not have played before CSDO, (unless they were playing on the other stage). And I'm 100% sure that CSDO's slot was at four something and nowhere near the end of the show; it was light out for hours afterwards.

[Jul 10,2006 7:25pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
the highlight of this show was our keyboardist tripping balls underneath a tree off of some bad shrooms during our set
[Jul 20,2006 8:20am - Josh_hates_you ""]
[Jul 20,2006 10:38am - Yeti ""]
eddie said:ShadowSD said:eddie said:yeah this show did suck. The only bands i enjoyed were the last two, inheritance and csdo.

OK, then we all HAVE to be talking about two different shows. We (Suicide Dream) went on in the afternoon following Inner Self Lost, and CSDO played either immediately after us or the band after that, so they were offstage well before 5 pm. The fest, however, went on until 9:30.

no we're thinking of the same show. i was playing with the pig's leg while drunk and high as hell, and i clearly remember seeing inheritance then a thrash band right after that. i'm pretty sure it was csdo, since they were the only thrash band on the bill.

someone threw that pig leg at me whilst we were playing.
[Jul 20,2006 10:49am - Yeti ""]
in terms of supporting the cause and what its trying to do, this show went very well. it was a good time where you could meet people. but of course, thats not how it was looked at. it wasnt someones clique of cool bands so that means it sucked ass.
[Jul 20,2006 10:59am - Dissector ""]
We are definitely thinking of the same show. We played this show and it was fucking horse shit. We played second "stage" which was barely stage. We played under a blue tarp and there was only one microphone stand and we have two singers. We asked for another mic stand and the guy said he would go get one, about 10 minutes later (at this point already cutting time into our set) he came back with no stand. I asked him about all the stands backlined on the mainstage since, there was about four behind the stage not in use and he said that we couldn't use those that they were for main stage only.

Plus, we were supposed to go on in the middle part of the day but as soon as we got there in the beginning of the day the guy told us we were going to open 2nd stage. We were bullshit because we were told what time we were going on like a week prior to the date and we already told our friends when we were going out. Needless to say we weren't happy and the people that showed up later to see us and missed us also weren't happy.

Plus, the abundance of suck bands on that bill made me want to puke.
[Jul 20,2006 11:02am - Dissector ""]
Plus I was bummed out that Inner Self Lost wasn't Enter Self, I saw the bill real fast and thought it was Enter Self and when I re-read it again I was pissed off.

And on top of that we had to play with 13 Winters.
[Jul 20,2006 11:54am - ShadowSD ""]
Yeti said:in terms of supporting the cause and what its trying to do, this show went very well. it was a good time where you could meet people. but of course, thats not how it was looked at. it wasnt someones clique of cool bands so that means it sucked ass.

Ha, that's great.

[Jul 20,2006 11:54am - ShadowSD ""]
Although listening to Dissector, perhaps a little bit of it had to do with a split between main stage bands and the second stage bands due to the quality of the set up on that stage (which I am hearing about now for the first time). Personally, we had no problems.

By the way, Tony, back me up here if you happen to remember, since you guys played main stage around the same general time that we did - didn't CSDO finish their set hours before the fest ended?

[Jul 20,2006 11:57am - vomitthesoul ""]
I was at this show and I gotta say is zzzzz......
[Jul 20,2006 12:07pm - Dissector ""]
It was a combination between the guy who ran it being a fuckwad and that there were only about 3 or 4 good bands out of 28.
[Jul 20,2006 12:18pm - vomitthesoul ""]
Dissector said:It was a combination between the guy who ran it being a fuckwad and that there were only about 3 or 4 good bands out of 28.

Sounds like the Locobazooka tour this year.On second thought,CSDO is the only good band on that bill
[Jul 20,2006 12:22pm - ShadowSD ""]
Dissector said:It was a combination between the guy who ran it being a fuckwad and that there were only about 3 or 4 good bands out of 28.

Well I mentioned above five bands that I would classify as very good, and six or seven that would at least fall under the category of good, but of course these things are always to some degree a matter of opinion.

I also thought Jay was pretty cool to us, and managed to plan and run the fest without being a hard ass to the bands, but maybe others were treated differently because we already knew him and had worked with him previously? But I looked at it this way, he was able to put together a show with local bands and a HUGE overhead, and still break even. Anyone who has accepted the financial risks of putting on a fest knows that that's a huge accomplishment.

Most importantly, though, I have to point out that no one would still be arguing about a two year old show if the spambots hadn't bumped this thread again.
[Jul 20,2006 12:41pm - sacreligion ""]
jay's a fuckwad because he had to handle two stages, deal with 28 bands, make sure the caterers were all set, deal with the owners, and make sure 600 people weren't completely out of control...but he didn't drop everything for dissector so he sucks

his band headlined and played for 15 minutes because he let everyone else eat up more time than they were allowed
[Jul 20,2006 12:45pm - Yeti ""]
yes you are right Shadow. i can see Dissectors point about being dicked around, that would definitely piss me off as well. the rest is just a useless argument.
[Jul 20,2006 3:47pm - Dissector ""]
sacreligion said:jay's a fuckwad because he had to handle two stages, deal with 28 bands, make sure the caterers were all set, deal with the owners, and make sure 600 people weren't completely out of control...but he didn't drop everything for dissector so he sucks

his band headlined and played for 15 minutes because he let everyone else eat up more time than they were allowed

I don't expect him to drop everything for us, I do expect him to let us play on the time slot we were given and I do expect adequit accomodations like a fucking Microphone stand! I didn't know mic stands were so hard to come by at concerts these days.

Plus, after this show we had 3 other shows booked with this guy, the first show got cancelled and he didn't tell us another band told us the day of the show, the second show got cancelled but we didn't find out until we got there, and the third show we just didn't show up to but I think it got canclled anyways.
[Jul 20,2006 4:22pm - craigforacurse nli  ""]
Dissector said:I do expect adequit accomodations like a fucking Microphone stand! I didn't know mic stands were so hard to come by at concerts these days.

then why didnt you bring one? if theyre so easy to get, i mean. seeing as how you have two singers youd think youd be prepared and bring EVERYTHING you need to play a show, not expect to be catered to like Motley fucking Crue.

this has nothing to do with the show. but that comment pissed me off. grow up and take responsibility for your band.
[Jul 20,2006 10:14pm - Dissector ""]
craigforacurse nli said:Dissector said:I do expect adequit accomodations like a fucking Microphone stand! I didn't know mic stands were so hard to come by at concerts these days.

then why didnt you bring one? if theyre so easy to get, i mean. seeing as how you have two singers youd think youd be prepared and bring EVERYTHING you need to play a show, not expect to be catered to like Motley fucking Crue.

this has nothing to do with the show. but that comment pissed me off. grow up and take responsibility for your band.

How many shows have you played where you had to bring your own microphone and mic stands? We never had to ever befor in our lives. Plus there were about 4 stands behind mainstage that they wouldn't let us use. They had the accomodations jsut wouldn't give them to us.
[Jul 20,2006 10:25pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah. I'd even be a little put off if I went to a basement show and they had no mics for us to use. I've been in bands for over a decade and never had that happen.
[Jul 20,2006 10:41pm - RichHorror ""]
Dissector said:This isn't a serious message board, get out.

Mike Graffeo, ever the young gentleman.

P.S. Fuck this show.
[Jul 20,2006 10:45pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm sorry.

I meant to say that this show was queer as shit and all your bands suck. Kill yourself.
[Jul 22,2006 1:32am - the_reverend ""]
fucking a!
[Jul 22,2006 1:37am - dwellingsickness ""]
damn, Holy fucking spam batman!!
[Jul 22,2006 2:03am - divine intervention  ""]
I thought most of the bands blew dog at both fests. CSDO and Badkarma and may'be Sacreligion were good.
[Jul 22,2006 9:31am - xanonymousx ""]
good show but why is it a summer fest?
summer ends in august
[Jul 22,2006 11:57pm - anonymous  ""]
Summer ends at the end of September.
[Jul 23,2006 12:27am - the_reverend ""]
bad karma are awesome. what that ex-meliah-rage dude does blows everyone away.
[Jul 31,2006 4:08pm - DreamingInExile ""]
h00ray for spam
[Jul 31,2006 4:21pm - the_reverend ""]
if only you knew how many of those I blocked... there was like 50 emailed.
[Jul 31,2006 6:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Do you subscribe to any real-time blacklists? There's a few free ones around.
[Sep 12,2006 3:13pm - the_reverend ""]
this thread is now spam guarded.
[Sep 27,2006 8:07am - vomitthesoul ""]
This show was almost 2 years ago,man how time flies.And what a snoozefst this was.The only band I liked on this bill was CSDO.
[Sep 27,2006 8:09am - the_reverend ""]
what about meliah rage?
[Sep 27,2006 10:18am - ShadowSD ""]
And what about us? *sniffle* :(
[Sep 27,2006 10:19am - ShadowSD ""]
I can't believe this thread is still going. Thanks to the spambots, this fest is getting more promotion after it happened than before.
[Sep 27,2006 10:22am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
there needs to be another one of these at this place...it really is a great place for an outdoor show...kinda in the middle of nowhere though
[Sep 27,2006 10:24am - the_reverend ""]
damn it.. I need to finish my fixes and upload my new sizzle.

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