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DIECAST, Manifest, Hell Within(formerly Twytch) and Cheech. Friday August 27th...

Club Fuel (Lowell, Ma) - [cheech][diecast][hell_within][manifest][randomshots]
[Sep 1,2004 1:41pm - Warfare  ""]
We know who you are big mouth. Stupid mistake. You think a computer makes you untouchable? Some people do not care about jail. Take it as a threat.
[Sep 1,2004 1:44pm - assuck ""]
first of all, i live in chelmsford, right near the lowell line. bring it.

second of all, i've never been "finged" before. (they call em fingers, but i've never seen em fing).

third: i am so far from a dungeons and dragons nerd its ridiculous

fourth: i am not a death metal fag, i only like a select few straight up death metal bands. (obituary, morbid angel, mortician)

fifth: what the fuck is the right to core?

sorry sir, but everything you said is wrong and retarded and uninformed. die.
[Sep 1,2004 1:44pm - Matt HellWithin  ""]
Assfuck. Checked out your site. My fucking 6 year olad nephew looks like he could kick your asses. Wise up son.
[Sep 1,2004 1:46pm - assuck ""]

I will live my life in fear from now on.
[Sep 1,2004 1:46pm - blue nli  ""]
shush already. we all know twytch was a nu metal band, stop trying to deny it.
[Sep 1,2004 1:47pm - assuck ""]
assfuck. what a witty play on words.
[Sep 1,2004 1:47pm - assuck ""]
thank you blue
[Sep 1,2004 1:47pm - Matt HellWithin  ""]
Okay fuckhead. I'd strongly advise keeping that cock-hole you calla mouth shut before it gets shut for you.
[Sep 1,2004 1:48pm - assuck ""]
am i the only one having fun with this?

i hope so.
[Sep 1,2004 1:49pm - BHC  ""]
Hey assfuck-I'm going to look forward to wrapping my doc around your forehead. I hope it was worth it.
[Sep 1,2004 1:52pm - assuck ""]
what the fuck is a doc? are these hardcore terms?

if you want to come find me, i can give you a hint:

i live within walking distance of the driving school HELL WYTHYN works at
[Sep 1,2004 1:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm almost positive he lives in lowell.
but that doesn't matter since nothing is gay that people fighting over something posted on a messageboard.

I can't wait til I'm watching court TV and the defendant is all "but he posted that we were FAGs on RTTP".

plus, opinions are like asshole, we all got 'em.
[Sep 1,2004 1:54pm - BHC  ""]
It's not a matter of finding you. Who the fuck has time for that? If our paths cross, I promise you, I will knock your fucking teeth out. Go back to your candlelight vigil or whatever you queers do with your time. Fucking geek.
[Sep 1,2004 1:55pm - assuck ""]
exactly, rev. my opinion has pissed of the entire metalcore haven that is lowell.
[Sep 1,2004 1:56pm - assuck ""]
god damn this is entertaining

what a good way to kill time before work
[Sep 1,2004 1:56pm - BHC  ""]
Who exactly lives in lowell?
[Sep 1,2004 1:56pm - assuck ""]
metalcore does
[Sep 1,2004 1:58pm - BHC  ""]
Maybe you and the good ol' rev can play Lord Of The Rings together?
[Sep 1,2004 2:00pm - assuck ""]
i'm not sure how to play lord of the rings...

do i get to wear a cape? 'cause that would be super-cool! (pushes glasses up bridge of nose)

[Sep 1,2004 2:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I can't really comment cause I like metalcore, growing up a few towns away from converge/cave in.
[Sep 1,2004 2:03pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm wearing a shirt today that says
"Computer Wizard"
I cast magick missle!
[Sep 1,2004 2:05pm - assuck ""]
you cant cast a magic missle unless you utilize the orb of inseperable embers first. duh.
[Sep 1,2004 2:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to have to bring out my sowrd +2 against ogres on this one.
[Sep 1,2004 2:07pm - assuck ""]
pikachu wont be happy about that
[Sep 1,2004 2:13pm - assuck ""]
i'm off to work. i cant wait to get back and read all the whitty interpretations of "assuck" you guys can come up with.
[Sep 1,2004 3:54pm - blue nli  ""]
the_reverend said:I can't really comment cause I like metalcore, growing up a few towns away from converge/cave in.

i beat you, i grew up the town over from cave in, AND grew up in the town piebald is from.

im more scene than you!
[Sep 1,2004 5:14pm - Johnny "Fuckin" Hardcore  ""]
I don't care what anyone says...yup, opinions are each their own. I went cuz I'm good friends with the Cheech and Hell Within boys & have been goin to Diecast shows since I can remember. Lowell hasn't seen anything like Hell Within in how long? Good to see great friends doin what they love and have slit their wrists to create/form. Ya may not like them, ya might like them or have no opinion at all. That's the beauty of a msgboard, you can talk shit, give compliments and shoutouts and not get your nose broken...until the next show that is. Cheech, what the hell can I say? Those guys are some of the coolest, most down to earth guys in Boston. They will always be friends for life and nothing can break that bond!

That's it...I'm out. chicken parm is waiting and I need another guinness.

Yours truly,
Johnny "Fuckin" Hardcore - Kid at the show with the black slapshot shirt on. Now you know who I am. Say hi next time...especially you ladies out there
[Sep 1,2004 5:47pm - dreadkill ""]
wow, i can't believe what my comments have caused. hey hell within guys, someone asked if twytch was nu metal. i knew the answer to the question, so i responded. twytch was nu metal. you can't deny it. there's evidence recorded and released to the public. all i did was state a fact. assuck, the reverend, and blue all backed up that statement. you claim to have thick skin, yet you cry about the comments made and threaten to kick people's asses. calling me out? someone's been watching too much wwe smackdown lately. either that, or nu-metal's rap culture roots are showing up and trying to recreate the east coast/west coast rap wars on a metal messageboard. it's immature to threaten violence on people over a band. it's only music. i know there are people who don't like my band and i don't give a shit. if i tried to fight them all, i'd surely get my ass kicked and you would too. i just ignore it and continue making the music i want to make. i'd advise everyone to do the same.

over the past year or so i have been getting annoyed that the posers are getting closer to the music i listen to, but it is nothing i can control and ultimately, it gets bands i love, like opeth and mastodon, more fans and more money so they can quit their crappy jobs and enjoy making music with less personal sacrifice. recently, some life and death things have happened to me and it made me realize that music is just music. i have way more important concerns and hope i can do more important things in this world than make music. that's all i feel like saying right now.

so threaten people if you still want to. i really don't care. it'll just make you look like assholes.
[Sep 1,2004 5:52pm - dreadkill ""]
ha, i bet the next comment will be "dreaded silence and hell within both suck. they should play a show together at a gay bar."
[Sep 1,2004 6:33pm - Johnny \\\"Fuckin\\\" Hardcore  ""]
Hell why not...see what happens. I'll go and piss all over the pricks that go
[Sep 1,2004 7:20pm - assuck ""]
i'm back from work, and i gotta say i'm dissapointed in the lack of new versions of my name. oh well.

dreadkill pretty much said it all. not everyone is going to like your band. deal with it.
[Sep 1,2004 8:54pm - It's on  ""]
crew is coming.
[Sep 1,2004 11:34pm - assuck ""]
which crew?

'cause if its the Full House Crew, than I'm excited. I never got to see em live.
[Sep 2,2004 2:01am - the_reverend ""]
I think I remember seeing Johnny "Fuckin" Hardcore dive headfirst off the stage on to the floor. before he hit, sprung into a roll and went right back up. I was amazed. looked like he was going to kill himself (especially cause he seemed fairly drunk), but pulled off a roll perfectly.
[Sep 2,2004 9:29am - Ikillall ""]
i think people need to shutup and let everyone fucking do what they want, we all know some people can kick peoples asses, but who the fuck cares, most of the people on this page are just jealous anyways. and assuck i will call you out, and i will kick your ass
[Sep 2,2004 10:44am - Johnny "Fuckin" Hardcore  ""]
the_reverend said:I think I remember seeing Johnny "Fuckin" Hardcore dive headfirst off the stage on to the floor. before he hit, sprung into a roll and went right back up. I was amazed. looked like he was going to kill himself (especially cause he seemed fairly drunk), but pulled off a roll perfectly.

Yeah I saw the video that a friend took that night...didn't even remember doin that...I had a lot of fun...no matter what, ya just try to make the most of the situation at hand. what's crazy is that I was hammered by the first song Cheech played. I gotta stop this shit!!
[Sep 2,2004 10:47am - assuck ""]
Ikillall said:i think people need to shutup and let everyone fucking do what they want

i stated my opinion. thats doing what i want. its not that hard to think before you type something, dick.

[Sep 2,2004 10:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
are we all picking sides? I fight on behalf of Assuck.
[Sep 2,2004 10:53am - assuck ""]
damn skippy
[Sep 2,2004 10:57am - Josh_hates_you ""]
this is the lamest argument ever.

twytch was nu metal. period.

twytch signed a record deal.

now twytch is metal/metal core.

the devil driver effect is in action.


dont bother responding with a crew comment cause that shit is for high school HxC kids who take pics of themselves with brass knuckles. plus i dont remember your band being on the boston beatdown dvd tuff guy.
[Sep 2,2004 10:59am - assuck ""]
[Sep 2,2004 11:02am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
assuck said:Ikillall said:i think people need to shutup and let everyone fucking do what they want

i stated my opinion. thats doing what i want. its not that hard to think before you type something, dick.

Don't even bother explaning yourself to these idiots. Just call them fags.
[Sep 2,2004 11:06am - assuck ""]
[Sep 2,2004 3:05pm - anonymous  ""]
wow I think you're ALL gay
[Sep 2,2004 3:42pm - ASSUCK ""]
hooray for anonymity
[Sep 2,2004 3:59pm - the_reverend ""]
most of use here aren't gay.
we just have gay fights.
and suck off guys for heroine.
[Sep 2,2004 4:38pm - ASSUCK ""]

i only do it for oxycontin
[Sep 2,2004 5:45pm - Ikillall ""]
I sayAssucks fucking blows men
[Sep 2,2004 6:19pm - deathrattle  ""]
Anytime you racist scumbag.
[Sep 2,2004 6:27pm - Ikillall ""]
hey assuck you want your gibson up your 5 hole pal, ive got nothing to lose, bring everyone you know, ill even hit your mother when shes shows up a the hospital looking at your mangled body

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