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Pam appreciation thread

[Aug 11,2006 2:44pm - secret agent man  ""]
seriously..that girl is fucking beautiful. There...i said it.
[Aug 11,2006 2:45pm - sacreligion ""]
[Aug 11,2006 2:45pm - RichHorror ""]
This dude's gonna feel silly when he finds the penis.
[Aug 11,2006 2:46pm - powerkok ""]
ya...Pam's hot shit.
Cool chick.
Too bad shes married, you freekin perv's.
[Aug 11,2006 2:46pm - powerkok ""]
and the whole cock thing...I guess....
[Aug 11,2006 2:47pm - RichHorror ""]
Hey, hermies need love too.
[Aug 11,2006 2:47pm - sacreligion ""]
but they gotta pay!
[Aug 11,2006 2:49pm - anonymous  ""]
pam is definitely hot. I wondered why no one nominated her in the "hottest metal/hardcore girl thread."
[Aug 11,2006 2:50pm - RichHorror ""]
Because there was no hermaphrodite sub-category.
[Aug 11,2006 2:57pm - dreadkill ""]
her cock is fuckin uuuuge
[Aug 11,2006 2:58pm - RichHorror ""]
Eh. It's ok.
[Aug 11,2006 2:59pm - sacreligion ""]
Hermaphroditic porn. Starlets with both organs. You should see the box. Beautiful chicks with dicks that put mine to shame.
[Aug 11,2006 3:02pm - anonymous  ""]
sacreligion said:Hermaphroditic porn. Starlets with both organs. You should see the box. Beautiful chicks with dicks that put mine to shame.

[Aug 11,2006 3:03pm - dreadkill ""]
pam's balls are pretty nice too. no one ever mentions them. they are the unsung heroes of pam's body.
[Aug 11,2006 3:06pm - sacreligion ""]
oh my god they're as smooth as eggs!
[Aug 11,2006 3:07pm - pam ""]
Awww you guys. Me and my giant penis and unsung balls are blushing.
[Aug 11,2006 3:08pm - sacreligion ""]
pictures please

[Aug 11,2006 3:11pm - pam ""]
hah. you gay.
[Aug 11,2006 3:12pm - RichHorror ""]
You have the dick of a jewish man, stop lying.
[Aug 11,2006 3:13pm - pam ""]
You weren't complaining last night...
[Aug 11,2006 3:13pm - RichHorror ""]
I thought it was the clit.
[Aug 11,2006 3:18pm - pam ""]
That's what you said about my earlobe!
[Aug 11,2006 3:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Everything on a woman's body is the clit, as everything not Massachusetts is Europe.
[Aug 11,2006 3:19pm - pam ""]
[Aug 11,2006 3:22pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 11,2006 3:22pm - sacreligion ""]
[Aug 11,2006 3:29pm - pam ""]
Dwyer is just mad no one appreciates him or calls him a beautiful girl.
[Aug 11,2006 3:30pm - secret agent man  ""]
i meant it..if you weren't married and a state away...i'd be working my magic...your fucking GORGEOUS.
[Aug 11,2006 3:30pm - sacreligion ""]
pam hates dudes with terrible grammar you'RE already fucked
[Aug 11,2006 3:31pm - RichHorror ""]
I call Dwyer a beautiful girl constantly.
[Aug 11,2006 3:33pm - dreadkill ""]
pam looks better in pictures than in real life
[Aug 11,2006 3:34pm - RichHorror ""]
I just fell down with laughter.
[Aug 11,2006 3:35pm - anonymous  ""]
She looks like a slop bucket
[Aug 11,2006 3:36pm - pam ""]
dreadkill said:pam looks better in pictures than in real life

While this is true I'm going to punch you when I see you tomorrow.
[Aug 11,2006 3:36pm - RichHorror ""]
What Ken posted is probably the ballsiest thing anyone's ever posted while being logged in. I salute him.
[Aug 11,2006 3:37pm - pam ""]
sacreligion said:pam hates dudes with terrible grammar you'RE already fucked

Hahah, you know me all too well.
[Aug 11,2006 3:38pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:dreadkill said:pam looks better in pictures than in real life

While this is true I'm going to punch you when I see you tomorrow.

i only said it because you can't see the dick in the pictures. no punching necessary.
[Aug 11,2006 3:39pm - pam ""]
Ken is almost as terrible a friend as you, Rich.
[Aug 11,2006 3:39pm - pam ""]
dreadkill said:pam said:dreadkill said:pam looks better in pictures than in real life

While this is true I'm going to punch you when I see you tomorrow.

i only said it because you can't see the dick in the pictures. no punching necessary.

Don't backpeddle now!!
[Aug 11,2006 3:40pm - dreadkill ""]
but i'm moving back to your region. rich abandoned you for somerville. i'm an amazing friend.
[Aug 11,2006 3:42pm - RichHorror ""]
pam said:Ken is almost as terrible a friend as you, Rich.

At least I put out.
[Aug 11,2006 3:47pm - pam ""]
dreadkill said:but i'm moving back to your region. rich abandoned you for somerville. i'm an amazing friend.

In the span of a few hours you have told me you'd laugh if I died, throw up if I kissed you, and called me ugly.

Five to eye tomorrow!
[Aug 11,2006 3:48pm - RichHorror ""]
Whereas I would eat your shit just to get to your ass.
[Aug 11,2006 3:52pm - pam ""]
RichHorror said:Whereas I would eat your shit just to get to your ass.

[Aug 11,2006 3:52pm - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 11,2006 3:53pm - RichHorror ""]
[Aug 11,2006 3:54pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:dreadkill said:but i'm moving back to your region. rich abandoned you for somerville. i'm an amazing friend.

In the span of a few hours you have told me you'd laugh if I died, throw up if I kissed you, and called me ugly.

Five to eye tomorrow!

i was totally joking
[Aug 11,2006 3:54pm - RichHorror ""]
[Aug 11,2006 3:58pm - pam ""]
dreadkill said:pam said:dreadkill said:but i'm moving back to your region. rich abandoned you for somerville. i'm an amazing friend.

In the span of a few hours you have told me you'd laugh if I died, throw up if I kissed you, and called me ugly.

Five to eye tomorrow!

i was totally joking

I know. I still may hit you though, I do that when I'm drunk.
[Aug 11,2006 3:58pm - RichHorror ""]
You should. Even just asking Ken to fight you is entertaining.
[Aug 11,2006 3:59pm - pam ""]
Yeah cause he like leans away from you and says "naaaaa" *ken giggle*
[Aug 11,2006 4:00pm - RichHorror ""]
And then you punch him in the arm or stomach. It's great.
[Aug 11,2006 4:01pm - xanonymoshhxcdancerx  ""]
we love pam so much she doesn't even have to try out for the wihxc she is soo hardcore
luv ya XpamX
[Aug 11,2006 4:02pm - pam ""]
Then he makes this face...
[Aug 11,2006 4:03pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:And then you punch him in the arm or stomach. It's great.

and then i let out a torrent of goof juice in my pants.
[Aug 11,2006 4:04pm - dreadkill ""]
that face is the best.
[Aug 11,2006 4:10pm - RichHorror ""]
Ken always has a piece of paper between his hand a bottles of Rolling Rock, strictly for safety reasons.
[Aug 11,2006 4:14pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Doesn't Pam have a kid.
No offense but...damaged goods.
[Aug 11,2006 4:15pm - RichHorror ""]
This thread continues to make my day awesome.
[Aug 11,2006 4:18pm - richard semens  ""]
I'd hit it...
[Aug 11,2006 4:18pm - RichHorror ""]
Pam or Ken?
[Aug 11,2006 4:26pm - dreadkill ""]
[Aug 11,2006 4:29pm - RichHorror ""]
I didn't ask you. Go listen to some homo melodic metal you faggot boy.
[Aug 11,2006 4:34pm - dreadkill ""]
i already am
[Aug 11,2006 4:36pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:I didn't ask you. Go listen to some homo melodic metal you faggot boy.

my opinions matter to you
[Aug 11,2006 4:39pm - RichHorror ""]
I pray for your death nightly.
[Aug 11,2006 4:49pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 11,2006 4:53pm - pam ""]
[Aug 11,2006 5:29pm - the_reverend ""]
the hunor in this thread will not come to matration until 2013 when pam's kid is searching for a korean book report on stuart little and she stumbles on this page, finding out that pam is really patrick... HER FATHER! dundundunnnn.....
[Aug 11,2006 5:36pm - Hoser_NLI  ""]
I like Pam. She's witty, can take a joke...seems to understand me...and is reeeeally pretty.

Yep, you Pam....I mean you.
[Aug 11,2006 5:43pm - pam ""]
the_reverend said:the hunor in this thread will not come to matration until 2013 when pam's kid is searching for a korean book report on stuart little and she stumbles on this page, finding out that pam is really patrick... HER FATHER! dundundunnnn.....

Zoe is never allowed to use the internet.
[Aug 11,2006 5:44pm - pam ""]
Hoser_NLI said:I like Pam. She's witty, can take a joke...seems to understand me...and is reeeeally pretty.

Yep, you Pam....I mean you.

I adore you, Hoser.
[Aug 11,2006 6:17pm - Dankill  ""]
Pam has got it going on. Unlike the rest of this board. Myself included. And Rich.
[Aug 11,2006 9:22pm - xanonymoshhxcdancerx  ""]
the wihxc got in going on more,but now that pams a member we really got it going on her hardcore moves put us on the map! we finally have some respect!
[Aug 12,2006 2:13am - My_Dying_Bride ""]
RichHorror said:Everything on a woman's body is the clit, as everything not Massachusetts is Europe.


I Am speechless
[Aug 12,2006 3:27am - magh8 ""]
dreadkill said:pam's balls are pretty nice too. no one ever mentions them. they are the unsung heroes of pam's body.

here's an old pic of Pam and her BALLS...


[Aug 12,2006 10:11am - pam ""]
Wow, I sure do have some big balls.
[Aug 12,2006 10:17am - Aegathis nli  ""]
reminds me of a song
[Aug 12,2006 10:30am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Aug 12,2006 10:48am - pam ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:http://www.bumpernuts.com

I love those things.
[Aug 12,2006 11:02am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
ha, they are cool. My brother has them on the back of his 3 wheeler swaying this way and that.
[Aug 12,2006 11:48am - sxealex ""]
[Aug 12,2006 5:12pm - christraper ""]
I appreciate Pam.
[Aug 12,2006 9:18pm - vomitthesoul ""]
This thread is pointless with no pics of Pam
[Aug 12,2006 9:20pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
i think it would cross the creepy line if everyone started posting pictures
[Aug 12,2006 10:26pm - ct borderpatrol  ""]
babyshaker not logged in said:i think it would cross the creepy line if everyone started posting pictures

im sure most of us are willing to take that risk

[Aug 12,2006 10:34pm - vomitthesoul ""]
babyshaker not logged in said:i think it would cross the creepy line if everyone started posting pictures

How do you post pics here?
[Aug 13,2006 4:21am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 13,2006 4:24am - GoatCatalyst ""]
[Aug 13,2006 12:42pm - pam ""]
Almost looks like the broad you were with last night, Dwyer.
[Aug 13,2006 12:42pm - ct borderpatrol  ""]
we want pics of pam, not die winters
[Aug 13,2006 1:05pm - powerkok ""]
sxealex said:GIRL WITH A BIG FACE

[Aug 13,2006 3:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I wasn't with anybody last night, that was Dan's ex-girlfriend if that's who you mean.
[Aug 13,2006 3:54pm - pam ""]
Yeah, I don't know who you're talking about, take a joke.

Also: Get out of my thread :point:
[Aug 13,2006 4:05pm - anusthemenace  ""]
[Aug 13,2006 7:20pm - anonymous  ""]
pam said:
Get out of my thread :point:

yeah! get out of her thread!:whipper:
[Aug 13,2006 7:30pm - RichHorror ""]
The above picture pleases me a great deal.

Not because it's Pam, just because it's sexy. Besides, Pam tends to be more likely to sit on your chest and go at it from the other directions while she randomly lifts off of you to knock farts into your mouth.
[Aug 13,2006 7:32pm - pam ""]
[Aug 13,2006 7:46pm - anonymous  ""]
guys yur fuck top
[Aug 13,2006 7:48pm - pam ""]
[Aug 13,2006 8:02pm - seveninchtongue  ""]
I'd eat that ass like it was made outta bubblegum...
[Aug 13,2006 8:06pm - RichHorror ""]
It is.
[Aug 13,2006 8:07pm - pam ""]
[Aug 13,2006 8:09pm - RichHorror ""]
We can rebuild her ass, we have the technology.
[Aug 13,2006 8:11pm - pam ""]
This thread is out of control.
[Aug 13,2006 8:13pm - RichHorror ""]
This whole courtroom is out of order!
[Aug 14,2006 12:55am - Dankill  ""]
I'm going to be a gentleman and say, "I'd hit it." and leave it at that. No need to get graphic and tasteless.
I save that for the deserving ones.

Rich, do you know the penal codes of this court? ::waves a dildo::
[Aug 14,2006 2:16am - ct borderpatrol  ""]
you said penal
[Aug 14,2006 3:05am - RichHorror ""]
Dankill said:Rich, do you know the penal codes of this court? ::waves a dildo::

I know what it means to be fat, but not what it means to be touched by a woman. Does that count?
[Aug 14,2006 8:16am - pam ""]
I love that "I'd hit it" constitutes as a gentlemanly comment on this board.
[Aug 14,2006 9:21am - anonymous  ""]
i'd give her a big wet one and i'd grab her b00bs!
or wait..i've already done both!
go me!!

[Aug 14,2006 11:48am - pam ""]
[Aug 14,2006 11:49am - RichHorror ""]
Pam is my personal ball washer. I'm an important CEO and it's essential that my testicles are clean at all times.
[Aug 14,2006 11:50am - Hooker nli  ""]
she has two dicks, and one ball
[Aug 14,2006 12:02pm - fishcakes ""]
[Aug 14,2006 12:03pm - Hooker nli  ""]
[Aug 14,2006 12:04pm - RichHorror ""]
Wow, this just turned into an AOL group.
[Aug 14,2006 12:09pm - fishcakes ""]
I have no skill's
[Aug 14,2006 12:46pm - Yeti ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:[img]

she reminds me of the dude from the movie "Mask"
[Aug 14,2006 12:50pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Rocky Dennis.
[Aug 14,2006 12:52pm - pam ""]
[Aug 14,2006 1:05pm - RichHorror ""]
I've seen pictures of Pam with a very similar makeup job.
[Aug 14,2006 1:12pm - pam ""]
Hey now! The ball washer thing I will stand for, but I don't wear black fucking lipstick!

Eyeliner on the other hand, is awesome.
[Aug 14,2006 1:14pm - RichHorror ""]
Correction, you don't ANYMORE.

You can throw away your Marylin Manson shirt, but never the fashion crimes of the past.
[Aug 14,2006 1:16pm - pam ""]
Wrong. I wore very dark red lipstick. NOT black. And I still have my marilyn manson shirt, thankyouverymuch.
[Aug 14,2006 1:17pm - RichHorror ""]
You still looked like a skinner version of that gaytard. I long for pictures of John Moran with mime makeup.
[Aug 14,2006 1:18pm - the_reverend ""]
I didn't want to be left out in the fun.. so I google'd for pam.
[Aug 14,2006 1:19pm - RichHorror ""]
She wishes.
[Aug 14,2006 1:21pm - pam ""]
By that google search it appears people named pam are uniformly blonde haired or black skinned.
[Aug 14,2006 1:22pm - the_reverend ""]
in my book, pam is one of the worst sounding names. I'm convinced that any second, I'm going to see this pam again and she's going to look like a grandma over night.
[Aug 14,2006 1:23pm - RichHorror ""]
She already does. Lucky for her I like my pussy aged like a fine wine.
[Aug 14,2006 1:25pm - pam ""]
Says two guys with receding hairlines...aren't you both like 35?
[Aug 14,2006 1:26pm - RichHorror ""]
Aren't you poor?
[Aug 14,2006 1:27pm - hoser ""]
Bah....her name sounds bad??? What about Rev.....that sounds like something I do to the engine in my Iroc Z just before a race down Long Swamp Rd.

Ha....and you're making fun of her name.....pffffft.
[Aug 14,2006 1:28pm - the_reverend ""]
rich, like good olde pam always says "you ain't p'or if'n ya gotz goburnment cheese."
[Aug 14,2006 1:28pm - pam ""]
I wish. I could get fucking health insurance if I was.
[Aug 14,2006 1:30pm - hoser ""]
Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.
[Aug 14,2006 1:31pm - sacreligion ""]
pam said:Says two guys with receding hairlines

you got a problem with that, buddy? :nuke:
[Aug 14,2006 1:31pm - Yeti ""]
Italian Retard Out Cruising
[Aug 14,2006 1:31pm - hoser ""]
ok so I don't REALLY have an Iroc....but that would be so badass if I did. I would grow a mullet just to spite you all.
[Aug 14,2006 1:31pm - sacreligion ""]
hoser said:Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.

you could have a dodge omni and it'd be the baddest ass car in all of maine because it'd be one of 4 registered cars up there
[Aug 14,2006 1:32pm - hoser ""]
and I would wear one of those Italian Horn necklaces. I would be so fucking hot. I'd wanna fuck me.
[Aug 14,2006 1:33pm - pam ""]
hoser said:Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.

Happy late birthday. And I'm more of a classic car kinda gal.
[Aug 14,2006 1:33pm - hoser ""]
sacreligion said:hoser said:Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.

you could have a dodge omni and it'd be the baddest ass car in all of maine because it'd be one of 4 registered cars up there

Whatever....you probably wear one of those Italian Horn necklaces.
[Aug 14,2006 1:35pm - hoser ""]
pam said:hoser said:Pam digs dudes with Iroc Z's. I happened to turn 31 yesterday...and I have an Iroc Z...it's the baddest ass car in all of Maine.

Happy late birthday. And I'm more of a classic car kinda gal.

My dear, I was only kidding. I am 31, and I drive a 1946 Studabaker (my truck), and a 1967 Chevy Camaro SS, and a 1968 Dodge Dart, and a 1955 Ford Fairlane that I'm not done with yet.
[Aug 14,2006 1:36pm - RichHorror ""]
Pam's too busy washing people's windshields on route 6 to go on dates.
[Aug 14,2006 1:36pm - hoser ""]
Ok....I was lying about all of those classic cars. I really drive a 1996 Chevy K1500 Siverado. It's a great truck.
[Aug 14,2006 1:39pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard pam's going to need knee surgery after so many people on rt6 asked for their windshield washing with a happy ending.
[Aug 14,2006 1:39pm - hoser ""]
hoser said:Ok....I was lying about all of those classic cars. I really drive a 1996 Chevy K1500 Siverado. It's a great truck.


There's my baby now!!!
[Aug 14,2006 1:41pm - RichHorror ""]
the_reverend said:I heard pam's going to need knee surgery after so many people on rt6 asked for their windshield washing with a happy ending.

'Less talk, more suck.'.

She ties her Black Dahlia Murder shirt up to expose her midriff. Making her put it back down is extra.
[Aug 14,2006 1:43pm - pam ""]
Do you actually live in a log cabin? lol.
[Aug 14,2006 1:43pm - the_reverend ""]
I believe she calls it "going to school"
[Aug 14,2006 1:44pm - pam ""]
I get my edjamucation.
[Aug 14,2006 1:44pm - RichHorror ""]
'Picking up Zoe' is the preferrerd terminology, actually.
[Aug 14,2006 1:46pm - sacreligion ""]
RichHorror said:'Picking up Zoe' is the preferrerd terminology, actually.

[Aug 14,2006 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
wow... rich, please remember this combination of painkillers, paint thinner, and nutmeg. you are on the ball today, smoking banana peels style.
[Aug 14,2006 1:49pm - RichHorror ""]
Sobriety is the enemy of comedy.
[Aug 14,2006 1:50pm - RichHorror ""]
I rule at turning an appreciation thread into a Friar's Roast.
[Aug 14,2006 1:50pm - hoser ""]
pam said:Do you actually live in a log cabin? lol.

Yep, that's my house!! I bought it in November of last year. It's quite beautiful...very rustic. BUT, it's very modern inside, it was built in 2001. We have running water, 2 toilets, oil heat, woodstove, refrigerator, washer and dryer, cable TV, Cable Innunet......

Ya, it's nestled on 12 gorgeous acres with moose and deer in my back yard daily. It's a lot like regular life...only quieter and much more peaceful.

[Aug 14,2006 1:51pm - sacreligion ""]
i wish i knew where to find that pic of the girl bangin that dude in the car with her son in the passenger seat looking out
[Aug 14,2006 1:52pm - RichHorror ""]
If Pam leaves her husband for Hoser, it'll be the most amazing thing I've heard of, and I believe her husband can sue Aaron.
[Aug 14,2006 1:52pm - hoser ""]
Oh, the clean air is a plus too.
[Aug 14,2006 1:52pm - RichHorror ""]
This is the No-Tell Motel of the internet.
[Aug 14,2006 1:52pm - sacreligion ""]
i expect to read of hoser's demise when a pack of raccoons come and exile him from the woods
[Aug 14,2006 1:53pm - pam ""]
RichHorror said:I rule at turning an appreciation thread into a Friar's Roast.

Yeah this "lets see how mean Rich can be to me" is way better than the whole compliment thing.
[Aug 14,2006 1:54pm - RichHorror ""]
You are the mannish tall broad to my Groucho Marx.
[Aug 14,2006 1:54pm - sacreligion ""]
in the eyes of some...yes

don't worry pam it's just his way of saying he would like you to pee in his mouth
[Aug 14,2006 1:55pm - pam ""]
sacreligion said:i expect to read of hoser's demise when a pack of raccoons come and exile him from the woods

Jon IS Native American, he could probably orchestrate that as a retaliatory attack.
[Aug 14,2006 1:56pm - pam ""]
sacreligion said:in the eyes of some...yes

don't worry pam it's just his way of saying he would like you to pee in his mouth

He is the best abusive relationship a girl could ask for.
[Aug 14,2006 1:57pm - RichHorror ""]
Broads don't know what to do if you're nice to them. They leave you because they know deep down that they deserve a bag of oranges to the solar plexus, and anything else is confusing to their brains. You see, the female brain is already overfilled with recipes and the like, so the smallest thing causes confusion and despair.
[Aug 14,2006 1:57pm - sacreligion ""]
maybe...but the raccoons have had enough of human occupation

they want to be emancipated

free of these ridiculous thieving accusations and steretypes

[Aug 14,2006 1:59pm - sacreligion ""]
RichHorror said:Broads don't know what to do if you're nice to them. They leave you because they know deep down that they deserve a bag of oranges to the solar plexus, and anything else is confusing to their brains. You see, the female brain is already overfilled with recipes and the like, so the smallest thing causes confusion and despair.

and here i am talking about raccoons like a jerk when i could be paying more attention to insulting pam

jeez im such a n00b
[Aug 14,2006 2:02pm - hoser ""]
My wife might get in on the suit against Aaron too.
[Aug 14,2006 2:04pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah! Fuck that guy, he owns a condo.
[Aug 14,2006 2:05pm - sacreligion ""]
correction: he pwns that condo
[Aug 14,2006 2:06pm - hoser ""]
Nah.....my wife would just empty a load of .00 into my chest.
[Aug 14,2006 2:06pm - RichHorror ""]
Shut up, that's queer like serial.

Bruce Willis should've nailed that broad in the taxi. I hate this bitch.
[Aug 14,2006 2:08pm - RichHorror ""]
Meester Bootch.
[Aug 14,2006 2:09pm - the_reverend ""]
pam would never move in with hoser, she wouldn't like the backwards hairdoo.
[Aug 14,2006 2:11pm - RichHorror ""]
And she'd probably have to do work beyond not making dinner and yelling at the dog.
[Aug 14,2006 2:12pm - the_reverend ""]
yeh, like wearing a backwards hairdoo
[Aug 14,2006 2:13pm - RichHorror ""]
And skinnin' critters.
[Aug 14,2006 2:13pm - pam ""]
RichHorror said:And she'd probably have to do work beyond not making dinner and yelling at the dog.

You forgot lounging in bed watching daytime TV.
[Aug 14,2006 2:14pm - the_reverend ""]
she'd do it once she was hungry enough. woman can't live of giving head alone!
[Aug 14,2006 2:15pm - the_reverend ""]
plus, hoser's last name is mcdaniels... not much juice in that thar pantaloons, but it's potent.
[Aug 14,2006 2:15pm - RichHorror ""]
Pam doesn't do that due to the last three letters in the word 'blowjob'.
[Aug 14,2006 2:17pm - the_reverend ""]
either way, being married trumps it anyhow. since all the guys at work tell me marriage means the end of blowjobs.
[Aug 14,2006 2:17pm - the_reverend ""]
well, except for the dude that says she does give them, just not to him.
[Aug 14,2006 2:18pm - RichHorror ""]
You're lucky if you get a firm handshake once they get the ring of slavery.
[Aug 14,2006 2:20pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:The above picture pleases me a great deal.

Not because it's Pam, just because it's sexy. Besides, Pam tends to be more likely to sit on your chest and go at it from the other directions while she randomly lifts off of you to knock farts into your mouth.

best post of all time
[Aug 14,2006 2:30pm - the_reverend ""]
that post needs a diagram.
[Aug 14,2006 2:34pm - dreadkill ""]
or a pornotube link
[Aug 14,2006 3:10pm - hoser ""]
My wife did put her hair on backwards.....but she's still gorgeous.

Her at our wedding:


Her now....with backwards hair:

[Aug 14,2006 3:11pm - the_reverend ""]
aren't you worried she's going to leave you for a chick?
[Aug 14,2006 3:36pm - pam ""]
she's pretty...she can leave you for me!
[Aug 14,2006 3:59pm - RichHorror ""]
And so it begins.
[Aug 14,2006 4:05pm - hoser ""]
Nah....she doesn't even look like a dike.....at least I don't think so. I warned her that she may get chased by dikes because she is also muscular as hell.....but like any women, she rolled her eyes and ignored me. So anyhow....I'm used to it now. Her bangs are like 10 inches long and it looks kinda cute when she sweeps them back. I use them for reigns....easy to steer her around the house with. She's also easy to tie up out at the stable when I stop at the saloon.
[Aug 14,2006 6:55pm - Charles Shultzhitler  ""]
[Aug 14,2006 11:00pm - Dankill  ""]
Patty is coming for your vagina.

Pam, I ment it to be gentlemanly in comparison to showing affection by penetrating you with a blunt object. Like my forehead.
Rich, yes it does count.

Also, I have nothing to offer except a purple 98 neon, no house, no money, a crap job, barber school and possession of as much game as the special olympics. Oh, and the hairline is going bye bye so I'm joining the Hairclub for Horror and treating it with a razorblade and a side of self loathing.

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