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Since you're all ugly, post pictures of yourself with girls to prove you're not some closet homo internetz nerd with nothing better to do than troll messageboards every hour of your fucking life...

[Jul 31,2008 1:20pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
[Jul 31,2008 1:25pm - grizloch ""]
you should all be very thankful that I havent posted the only picture I have worthy of this thread, and that would be a cellphone picture of a deer tick embedded in my right testicle...
[Jul 31,2008 1:25pm - Murph ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:That obese girl is the opposite of a butterface.

I prefer good helmet, bad uniform.

Bad helmet, good uniform = butterface.
[Jul 31,2008 1:29pm - corpus_colostomy ""]

grizloch said:you should all be very thankful that I havent posted the only picture I have worthy of this thread, and that would be a cellphone picture of a deer tick embedded in my right testicle...

Sure it wasnt a dingleberry done migrated up tharr north country?
[Jul 31,2008 7:45pm - aegathis nli  ""]

Grizloch said:
thuringwethil said:[img]

why is that guy so angry at his arm?

[Jul 31,2008 7:48pm - kitchenincident ""]
The added baby weight doesn't make you unattractive. It makes you real. And real is beautiful. Embrace it.
[Jul 31,2008 7:55pm - slypknawt ""]

kitchenincident said:The added baby weight doesn't make you unattractive. It makes you real. And real is beautiful. Embrace it.

hahahahahaha.....now i know your a fat bitch.
[Jul 31,2008 7:57pm - kitchenincident ""]
So telling a woman that she is beautiful makes people fat now? Are you half-retarded or full-blown?
[Jul 31,2008 7:58pm - slypknawt ""]
oink oink!!!!! take the donut out of your pocket you cholesterol queen.
[Jul 31,2008 7:59pm - kitchenincident ""]
Did you look up what inferring is yet?

Guess it's full-blown.
[Jul 31,2008 8:03pm - slypknawt ""]

kitchenincident said:Did you look up what inferring is yet?

Guess it's full-blown.

full blown like your aids hahahahahahahah i craCK
[Jul 31,2008 8:05pm - dertoxia ""]
women are supposed to have some chunk on em, baby fat is sexy(i'll wait for msd to take this to the extreme)
[Jul 31,2008 8:06pm - slypknawt ""]
that autopsy guy still has wicked weird lips.....sorry for having an IMHO but its true.
[Jul 31,2008 8:07pm - slypknawt ""]
the 666 guy.
[Jul 31,2008 8:08pm - pam ""]

dertoxia said:women are supposed to have some chunk on em, baby fat is sexy(i'll wait for msd to take this to the extreme)

I'm just talking getting back to my normal size, not the long-finger-diet. :pukeface:
[Jul 31,2008 8:10pm - slypknawt ""]
what the hell is a finger diet you mean that you eat hands LOL WHUT!!!
[Jul 31,2008 8:13pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
fuck a fuck tard, this has to be someone messing with us. You cant be realZ
[Jul 31,2008 8:13pm - pam ""]
Not funny enough to be Jeff...
[Jul 31,2008 8:14pm - kitchenincident ""]
But stupid enough to be a troll.
[Jul 31,2008 8:18pm - slypknawt ""]
your face is a troll. if you were a fisherman trolling in the sea youd be trolling for donuts! ahahahahaLOL
[Jul 31,2008 8:19pm - slypknawt ""]
ill bet you love DONUTFISH dont ya you little piggy OINK OINK!
[Jul 31,2008 8:36pm - fuck 666  ""]
autopsy 666 is such a fuckin' loser!!
posing with some random girl?? that doesn't prove anything....

"You're some closet homo internetz nerd with nothing better to do than troll messageboards every hour of your fucking life"

[Jul 31,2008 8:37pm - pam ""]
Some real top-shelf pwning going on in this thread.
[Jul 31,2008 8:38pm - slypknawt ""]
is this nick?
[Jul 31,2008 8:51pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Hated And Proud.
[Jul 31,2008 9:00pm - zyklon ""]
Yo Dwyer so which one is your girl?
[Jul 31,2008 9:29pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Laconia this summer...(note the white trash laconia hoodie)


Feeding ducks...also in NH

[Jul 31,2008 9:32pm - Kinslayer  ""]

[Jul 31,2008 9:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Couple more reunion pics for you ladies:



[Jul 31,2008 9:52pm - Grizloch ""]

corpus_colostomy said:
grizloch said:you should all be very thankful that I havent posted the only picture I have worthy of this thread, and that would be a cellphone picture of a deer tick embedded in my right testicle...

Sure it wasnt a dingleberry done migrated up tharr north country?

pulling the little squirming, bloodsucking dingleberry off of my nuts was the most terrifying thing I have ever done, that and I tend to keep both my pooper and my marbles well groomed enough to not have that issue... how I managed to get a tick down there I will never know, but it makes for a good story
[Aug 1,2008 4:27am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]




[Aug 1,2008 2:08pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 1,2008 2:21pm - ZYKLON ""]
So Dwyer which one is your girl? if you have one
[Aug 1,2008 2:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'll never tell.

Who would limit themselves to ONE anyway?
[Aug 1,2008 2:27pm - ZYKLON ""]
I do, it all depends on the girl, if you only fuck worthless pieces of shit of course you're gonna want more, nothing wrong with that.
[Aug 1,2008 2:39pm - archaeon ""]
I think that's how the girls feel about dwyer :whipper:
[Aug 1,2008 2:50pm - ZYKLON ""]
[Aug 1,2008 3:06pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Oh, totally.
[Aug 13,2008 2:03pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]






[Aug 13,2008 2:58pm - ouchdrummer ""]
is there any way to post a picture from my hard drive? I know their probably is, but right now i only know how to link to an image from online.
[Aug 13,2008 5:39pm - DYA / NLI  ""]

ouchdrummer said:is there any way to post a picture from my hard drive? I know their probably is, but right now i only know how to link to an image from online.

Yes. Upload it to photobucket. If you don't know what that is, use the Google. If you don't know what that is, you're fucked.
[Aug 13,2008 5:40pm - DYA / NLI  ""]
LOL @ "donutfish."
[Aug 13,2008 10:12pm - sever ""]
[Aug 13,2008 10:42pm - alexc ""]
is it just me or are like .001% of these chicks attractive?
[Aug 13,2008 10:47pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I host that and posted it before, REPOST!
[Aug 13,2008 10:48pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

alexc said:is it just me or are like .001% of these chicks attractive?

[Aug 13,2008 10:54pm - sever ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:I host that and posted it before, REPOST!

That doesnt change the fact that its hilarious.
[Aug 14,2008 12:18am - halloween  ""]
what the fuck is that fox 64 pic?
[Aug 14,2008 12:26am - ellesarusrex ""]
lol i like the thread on smn that ends with that.. mostly bc im number 3 reason why dwyer sucks :P
[Aug 14,2008 12:31am - BenFo ""]


Fuck Liar Liar. This is the real claw.

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