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Since you're all ugly, post pictures of yourself with girls to prove you're not some closet homo internetz nerd with nothing better to do than troll messageboards every hour of your fucking life...

[Aug 14,2008 1:30am - Dave_Maggot ""]
[Aug 14,2008 5:39am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
all cameras are now banned forthwith from the hands of dwyer
[Aug 14,2008 8:52am - ouchdrummer ""]

alexc said:is it just me or are like .001% of these chicks attractive?

I think my wife is real attractive. Check us out all dressed up. I hate the watermark bullshit.


Thanks for the photobucket advice too.
[Aug 14,2008 8:55am - ouchdrummer ""]
didnt work... what happened?
[Aug 14,2008 8:57am - ouchdrummer ""]
oh, so small....
[Aug 14,2008 9:02am - ouchdrummer ""]
there we go
[Aug 14,2008 9:04am - ouchdrummer ""]
i know, i dont look very death metal, but you guys dont know how brutal my sweet little wife is.... LOOK OUT!!
[Aug 14,2008 9:12am - sxealex ""]
o/ hi, i are homo internet nerd
[Aug 19,2008 2:19am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 19,2008 2:23am - the_reverend ""]

BenFo said:[img]
Fuck Liar Liar. This is the real claw.

[Aug 20,2008 2:13am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Shannon and Nicole:


VilEffigy and Majewski lurking:


Pooptastic / COPREMESIS :


Dennis The Menace:


Corporate Death:


Ruben Rosas, Greg Drudy / Relapse and Cpt. Chris "Horse" Andrews:


Kelly ex-DEATHRUNE / ex-MORTAL DECAY, Anita / Somberlain and Liz / ex-Boston's Dead:



[Aug 20,2008 2:39am - BenFo ""]

the_reverend said:
BenFo said:[img]
Fuck Liar Liar. This is the real claw.


I don't get it.......
[Aug 20,2008 7:30am - the_reverend ""]
you are wearing your own shirt
[Aug 20,2008 8:24am - GodlessRob ""]
nothing wrong with that.
self promotion.
[Aug 20,2008 6:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Roadtrip to NYC with Marsi:

Hartman / MDK:


Don Decker:

Mr. Messageboard:

Will Rahmer:

[Aug 20,2008 6:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I love how photogenic no one here is.
[Aug 20,2008 6:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Will and I look like we're playing rock, paper, "spicy meatball" - haha.
[Aug 21,2008 6:10pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Last night's Metal Night:

[Aug 21,2008 6:18pm - pam ""]

sever said:[img]

Do I spy a mullet?
[Aug 21,2008 6:29pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Notice in every Dwyer pic, he's making sure you see his band shirt.

[Aug 21,2008 6:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No I had a ponytail. Steven Segal style, haha.
[Aug 24,2008 10:32pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]



[Aug 24,2008 11:27pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]




Longsleeves keeping the sun off my fresh ink.
[Aug 24,2008 11:55pm - blue ""]
props on the oppressor shirt.
[Aug 25,2008 12:07pm - aaron_michael ""]
boredom strikes.

and Al Caprelian(High Pressure weatherman)
[Aug 25,2008 12:44pm - badsneakers ""]
[Aug 25,2008 12:45pm - badsneakers ""]
[Aug 26,2008 5:44pm - sigmund freud  ""]
It seems to me that the need to show everyone pictures
of yourself standing next to hot girls to prove your NOT a
homo..is an excellent indication that you enjoy the taste
of a mans penis in your mouth.
[Aug 26,2008 6:07pm - J Dwyer  ""]
[Aug 26,2008 6:54pm - Hoser ""]

aaron_michael said:boredom strikes.

and Al Caprelian(High Pressure weatherman)

Aaron Michael? You look more like a Wang Michael to me....I mean...maybe it's just me....
[Aug 27,2008 9:03am - aaron_michael ""]
I'd think it was the other way around. You know, like Aaron Wang, or Lee.

You'd be surprised to know I have a German last name. Weird, eh?
[Aug 27,2008 9:58am - Conservationist ""]

aaron_michael said:You'd be surprised to know I have a German last name.

Not really. If a hybridization, often one aspect can absorb the other, or skip generations, as Plato reported regarding an Ethiopian/Greek miscegenation.

You could also be adopted, or as shows up through Eastern Europe, a multigenerational hybrid.

[Aug 27,2008 9:59am - Conservationist ""]

pam said:[img]

This should be the forum mascot picture.
[Sep 4,2008 6:43pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
A few more CIM ones:




[Nov 12,2008 2:22pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I love this thread.
[Nov 12,2008 3:00pm - ouchdrummer ""]

ouchdrummer said:there we go

ouchdrummer said:toggle post by ouchdrummer at Aug 14,2008 9:04am *whine*icanttakeit*whine*
i know, i dont look very death metal, but you guys dont know how brutal my sweet little wife is.... LOOK OUT!!

I love this thread too dwyer... not because of ALL the pics of you, but because the my own personal brown sunshine is on it. And like i said, she can be much tougher than she looks.
[Nov 12,2008 5:30pm - hunterhunter ""]
[Nov 12,2008 7:41pm - archaeon ""]
Me and coco awwwww

[Nov 12,2008 7:47pm - Martins ""]
I'd fuck it.
[Nov 12,2008 7:59pm - RichHorror ""]

Me with fire.
[Apr 17,2014 10:49am - John Dwyer's Ego  ""]
I just wanted to bump this because I'm better than everyone else.
[Apr 17,2014 1:08pm - Yeti ""]
ugh these were the worst, I'm so glad this crap stopped.
[Apr 17,2014 2:11pm - hypocrite  ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:Notice in every Dwyer pic, he's making sure you see his band shirt.


Almost like how you parade around with your anti religion shirt now so you can prove to everyone that you're not a Jesus cock sucker?
[Apr 17,2014 3:41pm - Yeti ""]
Conqueer the Faggogay hahahahahahahaha
[Apr 17,2014 8:33pm - Godcrusher ""]
Ha, the one comment out of the WHOLE thread to pick out. Genius.
[Apr 20,2014 10:10pm - Dan Hammer  ""]
You said to post pictures of ourselves with chicks here, right?
[Apr 22,2014 8:38am - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 22,2014 11:59am - TRUTH  ""]
Dan Hammer couldn't get laid to save his life.
[Apr 22,2014 1:01pm - Dan Hammer  ""]
You insults are quite humorous and well-thought out. Please don't ever stop being your wonderful self, Carmine. You truly enrich the content this forum has to offer.
[Apr 22,2014 1:02pm - HookedonMetal ""]
With Leather Leone from Chastain


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