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the Palladium (Worcester, Ma) - [behemoth][despised_icon][krisiun][morbid_angel][randomshots]
[Apr 10,2006 4:04am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The only person I wouldn't want a real face to face fight with (that I've 'fought' with online) is Powerkok.

Other than that, step up to my face and talk shit, pussy.
[Apr 10,2006 8:04am - DreamingInExile ""]
RichHorror said:The only letdown for me was the lack of 'Angel of Disease'.

I thought the lack of Sworn to the Black was more dissappointing
[Apr 10,2006 8:23am - mOe nli  ""]
i cant believe someone would actually take some kind of action like that just because of someone stating their opinion on an online message board...and not to mention the guy took right off after he did it...lets grow up people and grow some tact/brains/balls
[Apr 10,2006 8:24am - DreamingInExile ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:The only person I wouldn't want a real face to face fight with (that I've 'fought' with online) is Powerkok.

Other than that, step up to my face and talk shit, pussy.

what about Hoser? he ain't a small guy either...
[Apr 10,2006 8:26am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Never had a problem with him that I can remember, but yeah, him too.
[Apr 10,2006 8:33am - robdeadskin ""]
awesome show! Good to see everyone...josh...do you remember smacking a full beer out of my hands? that was funny..you were wasted!
[Apr 10,2006 9:10am - Infant_Skin_Suitcase ""]
Badass show this weekend. Good times, good people. Enough Beer to kill a small elephant...
[Apr 10,2006 9:18am - Anthony nli  ""]
if that story is true about Tom, that's fucking bullshit. So you go up to someone pretending to be their friend and then headbutt them in the face unexpectedly?? That's just cowardly... grow some balls pussy.
[Apr 10,2006 9:49am - anonymous  ""]
pam nli said:I thought that was a joke, someone really did that to Tom?

...I like Tom, you guys can eat it.

Eat me!!

[Apr 10,2006 10:06am - Messerschmitt ""]
sounds kinda funny to me?
[Apr 10,2006 10:10am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Why do so many of you have a problem with Despised Icon? I think deathcore is freakin' awesome. I haven't seen them live yet but I'm working on that.
[Apr 10,2006 10:22am - DreamingInExile ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Why do so many of you have a problem with Despised Icon? I think deathcore is freakin' awesome. I haven't seen them live yet but I'm working on that.

their drummer has great chops, but they SERIOUSLY need a second guitarist and only one singer. they're tight live, but I felt like all their songs sounded the same to me
[Apr 10,2006 10:26am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Well, they're from Canada. Not much brains there. HaHahAh jk
[Apr 10,2006 10:32am - BornSoVile ""]
Heil le Quebecois!
[Apr 10,2006 1:17pm - BSV@school  ""]
all and in alll, this was most anticipated shows in forever and it did not dissapoint. i'd love to hear morbid angel play visions from the dark side and lion's den next time!
[Apr 10,2006 3:08pm - JDDomination  ""]
anyone see the 12 year old go crowd surfin during Behemoth? Im proud
[Apr 10,2006 3:09pm - pam nli  ""]
Crowd surfing is gay.
[Apr 10,2006 3:11pm - dreadkill ""]
pam nli said:Crowd surfing is gay.

if crowd surfers kick me in the head i usually punch them or wait til they fall on the ground and kick them. i hate crowd surfing so much. it is 10 times gayer than moshing.
[Apr 10,2006 3:20pm - pam nli  ""]
dude, you snatch their wallet...it's great.
[Apr 10,2006 4:45pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Third time seeing Morbid angel and the best sofar. Krisiun kicked ass. The sound was better than I expected. I wainted all day at the merch table for the dude to sell me a Krisiun shirt.
[Apr 10,2006 4:49pm - BornSoVile ""]
yeah fuck you to the mohawk dweeb who sat on my head when i was head banging to Krisiun. you suck.
[Apr 10,2006 5:21pm - dyingmuse ""]
I am still feeling the beers 2 days later!!!!

work sucked today!
[Apr 10,2006 6:18pm - Reveille0267  ""]
i second the fuck you going out to the mohawk dweeb.
[Apr 10,2006 6:22pm - dreadkill ""]
pam nli said:dude, you snatch their wallet...it's great.

i grope the women
[Apr 10,2006 6:22pm - dreadkill ""]
i only wish i could sneak my pocket knife in so i cuold sodomize crowd surfers with it
[Apr 10,2006 7:24pm - Anthony nli  ""]
BornSoVile said:yeah fuck you to the mohawk dweeb who sat on my head when i was head banging to Krisiun. you suck.

hah that kid got stranded in Worcester because he missed the last train to Boston. I saw him on the train in the morning when I was coming from Framingham.
[Apr 10,2006 10:06pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
the kid with the blue mohawk and fucked up makeup? i was next to him during krisiun.....kid stunk like ass......god damn i hope when i have kids they dont turn out like that....
[Apr 10,2006 10:08pm - dreadkill ""]
if your kids turn out like that you should behead them and get a vasectomy.
[Apr 10,2006 10:27pm - Anthony nli  ""]
todayistheday nli said:the kid with the blue mohawk and fucked up makeup? i was next to him during krisiun.....kid stunk like ass......god damn i hope when i have kids they dont turn out like that....

yea I was really annoyed when he tried to crowdsurf... I don't want his fat ass on top of my head. It was the same kid.
[Apr 10,2006 10:32pm - the_reverend ""]
and twice even...
[Apr 10,2006 11:35pm - BornSoVile ""]
the_reverend said:and twice even...

[Apr 11,2006 9:59am - Troll ""]
[Apr 11,2006 11:18am - jrb2971nli  ""]
pam nli said:I think the highlight of the night for me was watching Jeremy OakKnoll smile and wave to John Dwyer, who promptly flipped him off.

Ya, I kinda did a nod to him, like thinking "hey there you pompous prick"... he gave me a nerdy birdy and ran off. He kept avoiding me that night... like most shows. Boo! :shocked:

Of course everyone else there were very socialable and nice, MG, Pam, Jon H, Dan, Mike,Mark, Sam, Troll and his way too cool gang, all those other bands I bumped into, even Liz. I think that was my highlight of the eve.
[Apr 11,2006 11:29am - i_am_not_me ""]
the_reverend said:dan will get here for the last 2 bands then.

despised icon: their set started off ok and got better as they got in to the set. Both singers kept jumping into the crowd, keeping the limited staff running over to get behind them. Since they were involved the crowd got into it more than they would. I'm guessing this will be the only band where the singer goes into the crowd. The main singer mentioned the fact that they played in ashland and sent a song out to everyone who went to that should. He said that 3 other times they were suppose to play, but eachtime something happened and they couldn't. anyone who missed them is lame. they got a 30 minute set.

I think he mentioned the Ashland show because I yelled that they were better there. The Palladium sound killed them...that, and the lack of the second guitarist.
[Apr 11,2006 12:44pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Infant_Skin_Suitcase said:Badass show this weekend. Good times, good people. Enough Beer to kill a small elephant...

2 small elephants
[Apr 11,2006 7:38pm - todayistheday NLI  ""]
the sound was fine to me for every band on the floor...dont what your complaining about
[Apr 11,2006 7:42pm - anonymous  ""]
$20 dollars for 2 bands is too much? sounds like you need to lay off the bong and get a job
[Apr 11,2006 8:55pm - the_reverend ""]
or see all 4 bands
[Apr 12,2006 11:35am - the_reverend ""]
I've been listening to MA records A-D & F.
gd dave's vocals changed for the genitortures...
[Apr 12,2006 1:32pm - BornSoVile ""]
I almost pissed my pants cause Nick Watchmaker was speaking in french to me.
[Apr 13,2006 10:27am - anonymous  ""]
Krisiun plays the same shit over and over again. They just stick to the same stuff. Their old stuff is cool but come on how much shit can you repeat.
[Apr 13,2006 11:40am - i_am_not_me ""]
todayistheday NLI said:the sound was fine to me for every band on the floor...dont what your complaining about

You could barely hear the guitar at all, and in the rare instances you could, you could only hear the fact that it was there, and not the actual notes being played.
[Apr 13,2006 3:36pm - anonymous  ""]
i cant believe people are dogging behemoth on this site....they are one of the best live bands in any genre of music without a doubt.....no one brings the combination of musicianship, and intensity that they do. After Behemoth, morbid was obviously spot on musically, but they really lacked the stage presence of their predecessors and seemed almost boring (although i fear for my life even saying that, it is the truth)
[Apr 13,2006 3:37pm - Sauron ""]
[Apr 13,2006 4:13pm - Anthony nli  ""]
anonymous said:i cant believe people are dogging behemoth on this site....they are one of the best live bands in any genre of music without a doubt.....no one brings the combination of musicianship, and intensity that they do. After Behemoth, morbid was obviously spot on musically, but they really lacked the stage presence of their predecessors and seemed almost boring (although i fear for my life even saying that, it is the truth)

Behemoth have a cool gimmick, but Morbid Angel played like the metal gods that they are. It's not like Behemoth were bad, they were great! But they are not even close to being on the same level.
[Apr 13,2006 4:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I agree with anonymous
[Apr 14,2006 1:38am - Arrik_  ""]
for some reason the singer of senseless mutilation just came up to tom (rusted angel) all friendly, then headbutted him and threw him over the barricade/bar in the front. if he had done that 1' to closer to me it would have knocked all my gear on the ground. no one knows what's up

HAHA ! I'D would have love to have seen that! (Id like to meet this guy from senseless mutilation, )...Im glad Rev. Gear didn't get damaged,, mabye he will not stay farther away from idiots who attract violence to themselves.
[Apr 14,2006 2:02am - SeedBassist ""]
Arrik_ said:for some reason the singer of senseless mutilation just came up to tom (rusted angel) all friendly, then headbutted him and threw him over the barricade/bar in the front. if he had done that 1' to closer to me it would have knocked all my gear on the ground. no one knows what's up

HAHA ! I'D would have love to have seen that! (Id like to meet this guy from senseless mutilation, )...Im glad Rev. Gear didn't get damaged,, mabye he will not stay farther away from idiots who attract violence to themselves.

Wow....you're just a moron arent you?
[Apr 14,2006 3:40pm - intothepit  ""]
Tom had this coming - he has toned down his shit talking hasn't he ?
[Apr 15,2006 6:56pm - anonymous  ""]
Fuck the morbid angel set they do not behold the same power that they use to have. The set was good but not that great and i think people give them too much credit. Behemoth and krisium played much better. The new aeon musick has come to ragin!!!

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