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Last Days of Humanity...June 2nd, Worcester MA

Club Marque (Worcester, MA) - [ascendancy][bile][bodies_in_the_gears_of_the_apparatus][inhume][randomshots][rompeprop]
[May 13,2004 12:16am - Terence ""]
Paul FOD said:Bornsovile, all the time bro. And to the dude talking shit on terence your a tard. Terence is trying his ass off to support every DM and grind band in this area. Im sure if he could he'd put your band on there. Anoxia is probably the sickest band in the area (possibly the best DM band going at the moment) and im sure they will get on many of shows. So dont talk shit on terence he is like one of the only people who promotes brutal shit 110 percent.

Thank you so much Paul. I hate when anonymous fags get their gums flapping. They dont know a fucking thing about booking a show, or grinding DM at all, for that matter. People are gay.
[May 13,2004 11:53am - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW shit!! thanks terrence\m/......we got a bunch of new shit for you death/grind heads..............EVERYONES DEAD!!!
[May 13,2004 12:23pm - Terence ""]
Last Days of Humanity
Bodies in the Gears...

[May 13,2004 2:57pm - bitgota  ""]
bump www.bodiesinthegears.com
[May 14,2004 12:10am - Terence ""]
[May 14,2004 10:29pm - Terence ""]
[May 15,2004 10:54am - BITGOTA  ""]
[May 15,2004 12:34pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[May 15,2004 1:31pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Terence said:www.yourethemannowdog.com

[May 15,2004 6:06pm - Terence ""]
[May 16,2004 9:49pm - BITGOTA  ""]
[May 17,2004 12:14pm - Terence ""]
[May 17,2004 12:57pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
URINE looks a lot like INHUME
[May 17,2004 7:30pm - BITGOTA  ""]
[May 17,2004 11:24pm - Terence ""]
[May 18,2004 9:37pm - anonymous  ""]
[May 18,2004 9:40pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Dysentery is a pooping disease
[May 18,2004 10:35pm - jesus ""]
it killed many on the oregon trail
[May 19,2004 4:07pm - DysenteryVokills@school  ""]
Bump this shit!!! so whos planning on going to this intense show???!?!
[May 20,2004 12:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
As long as I survive the MD Death Fest I will be there!

[May 20,2004 12:42am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
[May 20,2004 11:22am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Hey Terence ,I will see ya at this show,I gotta see LDOH,that will be pretty sick live, Inhume is killer too....So if all goes well and i don't get lost (hah) I will be there.
[May 20,2004 11:44am - Terence ""]
awesome Todd, great to hear...its right across the street from the Palladium. See you there man.
[May 21,2004 3:06am - Terence ""]
[May 21,2004 8:12am - BITGOTA  ""]
is this show all ages??
[May 21,2004 8:22am - the_reverend ""]
as the weird old pervert onwer will tell you over and over it's the only place in the city that you can have all ages shows like that.
[May 21,2004 6:07pm - Terence ""]
yknow what, I think it is all ages actually, but I wrote 18+ Let me call Lloyd.
[May 22,2004 11:52am - Terence ""]
[May 22,2004 12:02pm - Mike FOD  ""]
I would have wanted to see Last days of humanity when gore/grind was actually producing good bands, but now, whatever. They don't even have 1 original member, and they can't really get away with that like Napalm Death could. Should be cool to see Inhume though...an hour of ::tap tap tap tap:: - endless blast section.
[May 22,2004 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]
t-dog, I hear you can take on 3-4 people and get them to come with you.
[May 22,2004 2:32pm - Terence ""]
I can take on the world, and all will come with me.
[May 22,2004 3:17pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ill come ON you
[May 22,2004 3:24pm - succubus ""]
i'll take peectures
[May 22,2004 3:35pm - Terence ""]
I'll give beatings.
[May 22,2004 3:37pm - succubus ""]
i'll take photos of that too!
[May 22,2004 3:42pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
ill give head
[May 22,2004 3:45pm - succubus ""]
ok i'll take photos of that...

now spaldino..thank you for not believing the rev and what he said about me last night ...because he LIED
[May 22,2004 4:08pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
hmmm... truth or not... i dont believe it..
[May 23,2004 11:03am - PSHR  ""]
guess none of you have been informed. LDOH canceled, they're not doing MD death fest or the tour. who knows if the tour is even on now.
[May 23,2004 3:14pm - Terence ""]
Thanks for the heads up Drew. I'll give Josh from Bodies...a call and see whats up.
[May 23,2004 4:01pm - Terence ""]
Ok, so Last Days has cancelled MDF and this tour... THE TOUR IS STILL GOING ON THOUGH. 1 more band TBA!
[May 23,2004 5:28pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
get INHUME to play 2 sets... that would be cooler than another band... unless that other band is Birdflesh or Goratory or Rotten Sound or Snow... INFORRRRRRRMER!
[May 23,2004 6:03pm - Terence ""]
Im not sure if another headliner is going to be announced, if not i will probably put 2 more bands on or so, maybe even 3, and start it earlier.
[May 24,2004 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
what about brodequin?
[May 24,2004 11:06am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
what about lee marshall?
[May 24,2004 2:46pm - Terence ""]
I'm still waiting to hear from Evan, its most likely there wont be a replacement for LDOH.
[May 24,2004 4:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[May 24,2004 4:27pm - handinjury ""]

Yeah, what john says.

[May 24,2004 4:39pm - greedkiller  ""]
get TYAG
[May 24,2004 4:48pm - Terence ""]
Ok, so its now confirmed that this show is ALL AGES. Not like it matters because now nobody cares. TYAG cant do it cause Matt wont be available that day.

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