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O'Briens Pub (Allston, Ma) - [abnormality][porphyria][sexcrement][valasyrka]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Sep 12,2006 10:46pm - porphyria  ""]
[Sep 12,2006 10:49pm - sacapapadoo ""]
yea dude their opening cause glens suit of satanic armor never came in so hes bummed and dosent want to play last
[Sep 12,2006 11:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Finishing up the EMBALMER layout tomorrow, if it's done at a decent time I will drive the 75 miles for this.
[Sep 13,2006 2:58am - BornSoVile ""]
Okay so I got the food,
64 Hot Dogs
10 lbs Hamburgers
10 lbs Hot Sausage

Plenty of Cheese, Ketcup, Mustard and even Relish. EAT THAT SHIT!

Veggie folk are encourage to bring their own grub.
[Sep 13,2006 7:10am - Farten_Dust ""]
Hey sac or josh,one of you guys mind if i us your bass cab tonight?
[Sep 13,2006 10:00am - blue nli  ""]
shawn, ill bring your bass cab if you want.
[Sep 13,2006 10:23am - sacapapadoo ""]
you can use my cabs if you want doood
[Sep 13,2006 11:23am - mcmahon ""]
where's a decent spot to park? is BU parking lot behind shaws (star market) still friendly after hours?
[Sep 13,2006 11:26am - blue nli  ""]
mcmahon said:where's a decent spot to park? is BU parking lot behind shaws (star market) still friendly after hours?

eehhhh id be careful with that. you should be able to find a spot on harvard ave, if not more than likely on cambridge street (adjacent to harvard) or any of the streets of of it.
[Sep 13,2006 11:27am - the_reverend ""]
parking is rediculously easy on the streets.
[Sep 13,2006 11:39am - mcmahon ""]
Nice, it's been a while. you'd think I would remember since I used to live on wadsworth ave. though, i didnt have to worry about parking then.
[Sep 13,2006 12:56pm - sacapapadoo ""]
aw shit i just realized that this shows going down in 8 hours!! whore
[Sep 13,2006 3:17pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Less than 4 hours, bitches.
[Sep 13,2006 3:18pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
I'm already packed & ready to go.
[Sep 13,2006 3:38pm - sacapapadoo ""]
yea me too man this is going to be fucking sick!!!!!!!!!!!
[Sep 13,2006 4:03pm - BSV@school  ""]
I'm fired the fuck up. I'm ducking out of work early. At this rate I might be there at like fucking 6!
[Sep 13,2006 4:03pm - Infant_Skin_Suitcase ""]
Yea this is gonna be badass for sure
[Sep 13,2006 4:45pm - SinisterMinister ""]
Jay you gots my tuner?
[Sep 13,2006 4:53pm - jere nli  ""]
fuck it looks like rain... anyone mind if I use their guitar cabs? my truck has no cap
[Sep 13,2006 4:55pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
SinisterMinister said:Jay you gots my tuner?

It's in my rack, which is in Mikes car, which is going to O'briens, where I'll see you & give you your tuner. :krusty:
[Sep 13,2006 4:56pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
jere nli said:fuck it looks like rain... anyone mind if I use their guitar cabs? my truck has no cap

Pussy! Suck it up & ride with your cab on your lap!
[Sep 13,2006 5:11pm - Farten_Dust ""]
sacapapadoo said:you can use my cabs if you want doood

Thanks mang!

See you niglets there in a few hours.:doublehorns:
[Sep 13,2006 5:41pm - DreamingInExile ""]
FUCK! I want to go to this... I have no way of getting there though.
[Sep 13,2006 5:48pm - porphyria  ""]
jere nli said:fuck it looks like rain... anyone mind if I use their guitar cabs? my truck has no cap

i'm sure you could use either mine or blue's if you get this in time.
[Sep 13,2006 6:00pm - the_reverend ""]
mark: you are a dick. I was in andover
[Sep 13,2006 6:01pm - jere ""]
Thanks bro!
[Sep 13,2006 6:04pm - Kevord ""]
DreamingInExile said:FUCK! I want to go to this... I have no way of getting there though.

I told you I'd give you a ride if your out of band practice by 7:30.
[Sep 13,2006 6:16pm - the_reverend ""]
kevord: I always forget you are MV too. for somereason I lwaysthink you are in boston
[Sep 13,2006 6:22pm - Kevord ""]
Representin MV for life yo!
[Sep 13,2006 6:44pm - Hungtableed  ""]
This show is going to fucking KILL! I might miss Abnormality as well as a portion of Valasyrka cause' I have to change some brakes in my moms car before I go. I sure as shit will be there (hopefully) for Sexcrement and definitely for PORPHYRIA. It's gonna be a shitty ride hoofin it alone, but I dont care, I got a blunt for the ride. w00t!
[Sep 13,2006 6:45pm - Hungtableed  ""]
what does this shindig cost?
[Sep 13,2006 7:05pm - the_reverend ""]
It wil be $5-$10.. I was just there are minute ago, but I didn't look.
[Sep 13,2006 7:58pm - brian_dc ""]
well. This was piss poor planning on my part. I borrowed a truck to move shit to my new house and I'm not in a position to fuck this person over for gas/putting the car at risk. Fuck.

Hope the show slays.
[Sep 13,2006 8:37pm - hungtableed  ""]
I'm leaving in a minute, as soon as I get this here blunt of homie grown rolled.
[Sep 14,2006 1:03am - hungtableed  ""]
wtf! I got there late with Morbid Mike, the place was sold out, we snuck in the back door, got to see Valasyrka, got caught and then got booted. I'm fucking pissed, but what are ya gonna do?
[Sep 14,2006 1:54am - todayistheday nli  ""]
i was told it would sell out so when i was running late, i figured i wouldnt be getting in. didnt bother trying
[Sep 14,2006 2:44am - the_reverend ""]
if you had just hung out through sexcrement, you could have goten back in for porphyria.
[Sep 14,2006 2:58am - the_reverend ""]
you've got to be fucking kidding me.. I just wrote out a huge review of each band, copied it from my phone to my computer and then accidentally cleared it out... so I re-copied it and it is gone.. mother trucker.
[Sep 14,2006 3:14am - the_reverend ""]
I will have to re-type the rest tomorrow.

the new management at O’Brien’s is so lax on moshing rules, etc...each show I got to there seems to push the rules harder and harder... I wonder if they will break at some point and do no moshing again. This is the first show I saw both stage diving and someone pulled out (since moshing's been allowed that is).

Abnormality: since I forgot to write the review about them before. this is the first real "deathmetal" female fronted local band that I can really think of (hekseri are more gore/trash and RK/others were more metalcore). Mallika's got a 300lb voice in a 90lb bag. granted, it's not as wide sounding (on the low end) as some males on the scene, but she can easily cover the range of any Teratism songs. MikeDOM does a lot of back ups and at many points is yelling at a high pitch that the lead lows. He tosses in a few of the spindaley/noodley solos (more defined and slower than ascendancy's but similar). jere plays more standard deathmetal rhythm and riffs. At one point during their set, his unit started crapping out. With no bassist, he fills out the low end making it impossible to play with out him. they should have turned up the guitars a bunch. while, jay's gotten tighter and more consistent drumming since his goratory days, his triggers sound weird. The kick is a little too punchy. I don't know how trigger units work, but speaking in audio terms, it's too compress with the compression attack limiting the kicks so they fall off abruptly. you can tell that mallika isn't very experienced talking into a mic. At the beginning and when there were technical difficulties, her lack of 100% confidence surfaced. This confidence will come with practice and time. some bands just learn "catch phrases" and repeat them in a death metal voice. This being josh's birthday, he requested Cocaine.
[Sep 14,2006 3:46am - SinisterMinister ""]
Best show ever?
Or The best show ever?
[Sep 14,2006 3:46am - SinisterMinister ""]
God Size.
[Sep 14,2006 3:58am - Eljustin in CZ  ""]
looks like a ridiculous show...cant wait for next week
[Sep 14,2006 5:00am - animalrampage ""]
That is some heavy shit
[Sep 14,2006 6:08am - eat shit and live  ""]
obriens selling out
[Sep 14,2006 6:41am - DEATH2ALL ""]
This show ruled!!
[Sep 14,2006 6:43am - DEATH2ALL ""]
SinisterMinister said:[img]
God Size.

This is Adam getting butt fucked by a midget Staples.

[Sep 14,2006 8:18am - DreamingInExile ""]
Kevord said:DreamingInExile said:FUCK! I want to go to this... I have no way of getting there though.

I told you I'd give you a ride if your out of band practice by 7:30.

we didn't start practice until 8:30 :-(

I just missed the local show of the century.
[Sep 14,2006 8:33am - DreamingInExile ""]

how'd that taste?
[Sep 14,2006 8:45am - succubus ""]
I spoke to carrie earlier in the day and told her I couldn't make it..sorry everyone, i would have loved to come!

on another note, -5 scene pts for Blue!
Aaron told him that you didn't share any veggie dogs with him
[Sep 14,2006 9:13am - anonymous  ""]

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