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Russia is the new Norway

[Aug 13,2019 7:17am - Lucien Killoran  ""]

[Aug 13,2019 7:23am - Lucien Killoran  ""]
[Aug 13,2019 10:20am - grandmotherweb ""]
I have many stalkers, including Russian trolls
[Aug 13,2019 10:22am - grandmotherweb ""]

[Aug 13,2019 11:57am - Russian Lucien Greaves  ""]

grandmotherweb said:I have many stalkers, including Russian trolls

Hahahaha, yes...because you are that important. Narcissist much?
[Aug 13,2019 12:34pm - grandmotherweb ""]
yes, I am that important. I am way more important than anon randos like you.
[Aug 13,2019 3:18pm - Jorshy  ""]
You are ugly and unimportant. In fact, nobody outside of the sites that you troll know who you are. You live in a basement in Allston.
[Aug 13,2019 3:34pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you live with your mom
[Aug 13,2019 5:21pm - Jorshy  ""]
I live with A mom...but she is a female who gives birth to children. She is not a female that pretends to be otherwise and calls it LGBTQRTUVWXYT++++----++++-----. She's a very proud woman.
[Aug 13,2019 5:26pm - Jorshy  ""]
You are not a guy, no matter how much you try to act like one. You are in fact, female. Sorry to disappoint.
[Aug 13,2019 5:31pm - Jorshy  ""]
My point is this. Nobody cares what you identify as. I can identify as a Sears Brand washer, but do not expect the Maytag man to come out and fix me for free. No special rights, just be who you are and move the fuck along because nobody really cares about your agenda. We have real (as in reality) lives to live. We have more important shit to deal with.
[Aug 13,2019 5:32pm - Jorshy  ""]
Wait for ittttt......
[Aug 13,2019 6:02pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:you identify as stupid
[Aug 13,2019 10:29pm - #Facts  ""]
She identifies as a guy because no man would have her as a female - She's making excuses and inventing a persona to make up for her failings as a person.
She also identifies as a Nazi because she hates and desires the genocide of an entire religion because of that religion's perceived values (which are false) and wishes for the extermination of "blacks" and "retards" as well. She has never bothered to deny any of it, because there's no denying what is obvious and exemplified in her own words.
Look in the mirror, Charlotte - THERE is the person that you REALLY hate. THAT is the person you really wish would die.
[Aug 14,2019 2:52am - BEATxDOWN  ""]
Your asshole is the new mouth, feed it.

Facts go fuck yourself, your trash just like diddercharolette, TST and TBS and most deathmetal/christian/anyother religious type of music.

You are all the problem.
[Aug 14,2019 12:45pm - grandmotherweb ""]
Alex Jones ain't got shit on me
[Aug 14,2019 2:47pm - DOWNxBEAT  ""]
Alex jones is trash. If you are comparing him to you and think he might have an ounce of "shit on you" then you are trash also.

TRASH conspiracy followers. You are like the same as TST, GARBAGE.
[Aug 14,2019 3:11pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:I am not now nor have I ever been a member of the Satanic Temple
[Aug 14,2019 3:32pm - Jorshy  ""]
Copy, paste. Lazy.
[Aug 16,2019 6:56am - Saxophone Hornet  ""]
[Aug 16,2019 8:38am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:https://disqus.com/home/discussion/channel-disqusoutlet/chechnyan_dictator_tortures_people_to_death_for_being_gay/
[Aug 16,2019 9:14am - Who Cares  ""]
Really, who cares. Dumb crusade. Nobody cares if you want to be a man, just do it and shut the ever loving fuck up about it.
[Aug 16,2019 10:08am - grandmotherweb ""]
stop the global genocide against LGBTQI+ people, you fucking retard.

[Aug 16,2019 9:42pm - FEETxDOWN  ""]

Saxophone%20Hornet said:[img]

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[Aug 16,2019 9:43pm - FEETxDOWN  ""]

DOWNxBEAT said:Alex jones is trash. If you are comparing him to you and think he might have an ounce of "shit on you" then you are trash also.

TRASH conspiracy followers. You are like the same as TST, GARBAGE.

[Aug 16,2019 11:19pm - grandmotherweb ""]
[Aug 17,2019 3:57am - FLYING DICK THING  ""]

grandmotherweb said:https://disqus.com/home/discussion/channel-saywhateveryoulike/no_one_cares_about_the_satanic_temples_opinions_on_mental_health/

I agree with you but overall no one really cares about that in the first place so it's a normal disposition that isn't anything note worthy.

It's like agreeing that most blue skies consist of the color blue.
[Aug 17,2019 2:54pm - grandmotherweb ""]
that's fair

"Last year, members of the Satanic Temple stalked me in Chicago and took photos of me on a telescopic lens that they posted online. They have pages of blog posts about me going back ten years."

"Yes it’s unsettling, esp since so many journos are snookered by them"
[Aug 18,2019 6:18pm - grandmotherweb ""]
"These kids idolise an internet grifter like Doug ... they may not be the brightest crayons in the pack"
[Aug 19,2019 11:15am - grandmotherweb ""]
[Aug 19,2019 8:33pm - Who Cares  ""]
What is your obsession with queerbaits? Literally every single thing you post is ramming fags down everyone's throats.

[Aug 19,2019 9:56pm - grandmotherweb ""]
yes, you do
[Aug 20,2019 7:45am - Who Cares  ""]
Constantly trying to ram your sexuality down everyone's throats is annoying. Why is it that all of the alphabet soup queers feel the need to do this? NOBODY CARES.
[Aug 20,2019 7:50am - grandmotherweb ""]
why is it that closet cases like yourself feel the need to project your own internalized self-hatred onto the entire LGBTQI+ community?

not all of us have the luxury of staying in the closet forever, like you
[Aug 20,2019 8:39pm - Who Cares  ""]
You live like an advertiser. I kid you not, nobody cares. Do whatever you want. We don't give a single, minute, fuck.
[Aug 20,2019 9:11pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:yes, you do
[Aug 21,2019 7:54am - Who Cares  ""]
And what's with all of the letters?LGBTQ....now there's fucking "I" and plus signs and all sorts of dumb shit. Where does the charade end?
[Aug 21,2019 8:15am - grandmotherweb ""]
the I is for intersex. you don't even know what that means.

I use a plus sign to indicate that the letters continue on, but most trolls like you can't count past 6.
[Aug 21,2019 11:38am - Bjorn Fljiorn  ""]
It's literally stupid. Even hard line liberals are starting to call it out. It's ridiculous.
[Aug 21,2019 11:39am - grandmotherweb ""]
you just made that up for attention

[Aug 21,2019 7:48pm - HANDSxFEET  ""]
What are you thoughts about the underlined manifesto of migrant men from 20-40 in EU that came from northern africa and or war torn middle eastern countries to rape and impregnate as many white european females as possible?

Love how Antifa and try hards like that think they would get a free pass in those countries just because they are here thinking they are fighting for their rights or rights for them to BE here if they would choose to come......little do they know that those same americans would most likely be treated as a trump loving redneck from alabama.

So sad.

oh yea and gay stuff too....dicks on dicks and sciossoring....we know we get it. The 70s and 80s already happened. You want you quilt also....we know we know...JFC!
[Sep 16,2019 12:30am - louis vuitton outlet online  ""]
Stupid filtered SPAMBOT post:
[Jan 2,2020 8:51am - grandmotherweb ""]
have any more Russian churches burned down lately?
[Jan 2,2020 10:15am - Guess what?  ""]
Church, church, Satanic Temple, Satanic Temple, MK Ultra, MK Ultra, Christians, Christians, Transphobia, Transphobia, Pedos, Pedos......

Skipping record, skipping record, get a job, get a job, SSI, SSI.....blah blah blah

[Jan 2,2020 12:24pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:this is literally all you care about
[Jan 2,2020 2:27pm - Guess what?  ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:Stupid filtered SPAMBOT post: 6969696969

[Jan 2,2020 2:39pm - grandmotherweb ""]
kill yourself, pedo
[Jan 2,2020 7:32pm - Guess what?  ""]

Guess%20what? said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:Stupid filtered SPAMBOT post: 6969696969

[Jan 5,2020 5:29pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:have any more Russian churches burned down lately?
[Jan 5,2020 7:20pm - Pfft  ""]

Guess%20what? said:
Guess%20what? said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:Stupid filtered SPAMBOT post: 6969696969

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