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Russia is the new Norway

[May 8,2020 6:26pm - nobody cares  ""]
What should I wear? I need knowledge of said person from Louisiana. Should I bring crawfish? Should I make some gumbo? I live in New England you dumb twat.
[May 8,2020 6:27pm - nobody cares  ""]
Go post more Maroon 5....pop-tart.
[May 8,2020 6:30pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:you mean, Russia is so terrified of me testifying against their agents in court, that they send you to intimidate me into silence on this and other forums.


[May 8,2020 6:58pm - nobody cares  ""]
More Bazooka Joe
[May 8,2020 7:01pm - grandmotherweb ""]
more evidence to present in court
[May 8,2020 8:37pm - nobody cares  ""]
[May 8,2020 8:43pm - grandmotherweb ""]
this is you:

grandmotherweb said:

[May 9,2020 7:47am - nobody cares  ""]
Sweet pop song. You're not into metal at all, just here to post your live journal that nobody gives a shit about. And no, I am not DTX. I live in New England.
[May 9,2020 10:48am - grandmotherweb ""]
you are dtx, and you are only here to stalk me with intent to murder me
[May 10,2020 7:47am - nobody cares  ""]
Hahahaha....no. I am not DTX, you are DTX. And nobody wants to murder you. You are just a whackjob that we all make fun of. This is not your live journal. This is a metal forum that we've all been at for many years. You have hijacked the forum. You'll probably get banned from this one as well.
[May 10,2020 2:34pm - grandmotherweb ""]
there are no bans here, dtx
[May 10,2020 5:22pm - nobody cares  ""]
Which is why you post your live journal here. The one that nobody in their right mind gives a shit about.

[May 10,2020 5:25pm - nobody cares  ""]
Go blow a flame and listen to some Maroon 5 about it.
[May 10,2020 5:29pm - nobody cares  ""]
I was honored to have played with Dying Fetus, while you were still deciding what gender you were.
[May 10,2020 6:34pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you never played with Dying Fetus, dtx

no one on this forum gives a shit about you
[May 11,2020 6:45am - nobody cares  ""]
You don't even know who Dying Fetus is. Yes, I did. And I am not DTX, you are DTX.
[May 11,2020 12:38pm - grandmotherweb ""]
no, you didn't, dtx. if you had, then you would tell this forum what band you were in at the time.
[May 11,2020 4:35pm - #Facts  ""]

grandmotherweb said:no, you didn't, dtx. if you had, then you would tell this forum what band you were in at the time.

she said, hoping to goad some poor schmuck into getting himself doxxed.
[May 11,2020 4:54pm - grandmotherweb ""]
fuck off, Aidan kearney

grandmotherweb said:[img]
[May 11,2020 5:00pm - nobody cares  ""]

grandmotherweb said:no, you didn't, dtx. if you had, then you would tell this forum what band you were in at the time.

she said, hoping to goad some poor schmuck into getting himself doxxed.

Yep, she did. I'll give her this much. There are hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of my band and I on this site. She's the sucker. Gobbling upon the dick that she wishes she had.
[May 11,2020 5:03pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you have never had your picture appear on this website, dtx
[May 11,2020 5:05pm - #Facts  ""]
It's hilarious, she whines that others "make fake screenshots for attention" and here she is making fake screenshots for attention.
She is 100% guilty of EVERYTHING she accuses others of.
Every accusation of image tampering, calling others pedos, "samefag" (bigoted term) accusations , accusing so-and-so of being so-and-so, death threats, she is guilty of 100% of it herself, without exception.
[May 11,2020 5:06pm - grandmotherweb ""]
the term for anonymous trolls who pretend to be multiple people by making up different anon handles on this forum is "samefag"

you clearly have no idea who you're fucking with, Aidan Kearney
[May 11,2020 5:08pm - #Facts  ""]
So the rest is true, ok. Got it, thank you for clarification.
[May 11,2020 5:10pm - grandmotherweb ""]

Aidan Kearney said:So you don't have an Adam's apple, ok. Got it, thank you for clarification.
[May 11,2020 5:12pm - #Facts  ""]
Correct. You don't have an adam's apple, and never will. You're female.
[May 11,2020 5:13pm - grandmotherweb ""]
that's not what you said about me on your blog, Aidan Kearney

get the fuck off this forum before i call the cops on you again for gang-stalking and conspiracy to commit murder
[May 11,2020 5:20pm - #Facts  ""]
I don't have a blog, and I'm not that guy. It's a public forum, idiot. And, for the record, I hope you live a very, very long time.
[May 11,2020 5:21pm - grandmotherweb ""]
you are Aidan Kearney. i'm sure i'll see you in court AGAIN.

grandmotherweb said:you were in the same room with me 3 times, in court. the second time, you wrote the following about me:

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:https://turtleboysports.com/i-got-the-harassment-order-against-charlotte-mcfarland-for-threatening-to-burn-my-house-down-and-he-put-on-a-show-in-court/

"I didn’t think Charlotte was gonna show up today, since it seems strange that someone who doesn’t work has access to a car. But there he was with his Adam’s apple front and center in courtroom 300 when I got to Leominster District Court."


[May 11,2020 6:40pm - nobody cares  ""]
Bahahahaha....this bitch is a loon. Eat this, Maroon 5.

[May 11,2020 6:41pm - nobody cares  ""]
and no, DTX.....I am not DTX.
[May 11,2020 6:47pm - grandmotherweb ""]
yes, you are. tell it to a judge, asshole.
[May 11,2020 6:50pm - nobody cares  ""]
Even though I am nowhere near DTX, as I live in New England....I want to see this majestic court case. I need a good chuckle. Get off of our forum....go live journal elsewhere. I mean, whever you're not banned.
[May 11,2020 7:53pm - grandmotherweb ""]
goodbye, dtx
[May 12,2020 7:13am - nobody cares  ""]
You're as metal as am DTX. Maroon 5....hahahahahaha.
[May 12,2020 7:14am - grandmotherweb ""]
it is an accurate depiction of your stalking habit, dtx
[May 12,2020 7:14am - nobody cares  ""]
How can anyone expect you to know metal when you don't even know which of the 2 genders you are.
[May 12,2020 7:17am - grandmotherweb ""]
how can anyone expect you to know metal when you don't even know how basic functions on this forum work
[May 12,2020 7:18am - nobody cares  ""]
Do you realize that in the past, you have called me:

Brett Killoran
Aiden Kearney
Lucien Greaves

.......like, fuckin' which one am I? I change my name all the time, and you call me a different name for each one. I don't even know who the hell I am now!
[May 12,2020 7:20am - grandmotherweb ""]
I call you dtx, because you're dtx
[May 12,2020 7:27am - nobody cares  ""]

grandmotherweb said:how can anyone expect you to know metal when you don't even know how basic functions on this forum work

Been here WAY longer than you there, chicky. You were still un-banned from every forum on the net when I first got here. Nobody cares about your "transition progress". Literally nobody (the 4 people who post here) giveth a shiteth. The only one's that post are the ones making fun of you. I am not whoever your hated person of the week is.....I'm sure next week my name will be Christian and I will be a pedophile stalker that has intent to murder people (oh yeah, and for attention). You are a flat out NINCOMPOOP. For a robotics (or whatever) graduate and welfare recipient, you sure are dumb.
[May 12,2020 7:32am - grandmotherweb ""]
you had never heard of this forum until I told you about it on Disqus a year ago, n00b

you've been stalking me with intent to murder me ever since
[May 12,2020 7:47am - nobody cares  ""]
Hahahahaha.....not me. You're a looney. Stay on whatever meds you take, because you are seriously a fucking whackjob.
[May 12,2020 7:48am - grandmotherweb ""]
[May 12,2020 7:49am - nobody cares  ""]
[May 18,2020 7:14pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:fuck off, Aidan kearney

grandmotherweb said:[img]

[Jun 12,2020 11:55pm - grandfatherweb  ""]
[Jun 12,2020 11:56pm - grandfatherweb  ""]

grandfatherweb said:[img]
[Jun 12,2020 11:58pm - grandfatherweb  ""]

grandfatherweb said:[img]
[Jun 13,2020 1:30pm - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:
grandmotherweb said:you are dtx AKA Jason Andre Marchand. #GoDirectlyToJail


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