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Jan 30 (Sat) - Cold Northern Vengeance, Sewer Goddess, Deathgod Messiah and Vaettir - Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA)

January 30th: Cold Northern Vengeance, Sewer Goddess, Vaettir, Deathgod Messiah @ Anchor's Up!

Anchors Up (Haverhill, MA) - [cold_northern_vengeance][deathgod_messiah][randomshots][sewer_goddess][vaettir]
[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Jan 30,2010 1:51pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
White Hen is my favorite convenience store. Just thought I'd throw that out there....
[Jan 30,2010 1:54pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
White Hen's Power is my favorite graveland song
[Jan 30,2010 2:13pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Black Chicken is also a good convenience store.

Yo Semite Slarm: do you have a black hoodie? I want you to look really cute up on that stage tonight; a couple big time record execs are gonna be there and we need to show them what's what.
[Jan 30,2010 2:17pm - blessed offal  ""]

AndrewBastard said:Black Chicken is also a good convenience store.

Yo Semite Slarm: do you have a black hoodie? I want you to look really cute up on that stage tonight; a couple big time record execs are gonna be there and we need to show them what's what.

i have some plastic swords you guys could tape to your belts so you look even darker than beherit
[Jan 30,2010 2:23pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
I want to look darker than Living Color...
[Jan 30,2010 2:25pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
well i certainly do not want to shake your faith in the jewish people
[Jan 30,2010 2:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
bah.. Might not be able to make this tonight I guess.
[Jan 30,2010 2:50pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jan 30,2010 2:51pm - blessed offal  ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:well i certainly do not want to shake your faith in the jewish people

[Jan 30,2010 2:56pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
how can the BerENSTEIN Bears not allow jews? Look at that last name! I guess they are filled like self loathing and denial.
[Jan 30,2010 2:59pm - blessed offal  ""]
looky here cletus! we gots ourselves one o' those self-hatin' jews! there aint nothin' i hate more than a jew that doesnt understand and appreciate his own rich semitic heritage! let GET 'IM!
[Jan 30,2010 6:10pm - blessed offal  ""]
im leaving now be there at 630ish. better be some niggaz there alreadyy
[Jan 30,2010 7:36pm - the_reverend ""]
the turn out is m'eh so far, but vaettir sounded wicked good. reminded me of mayhem in the early 00's.
[Jan 30,2010 8:12pm - goatcatalyst ""]
you saw mayhem in the early 90's? you wizened mage, you.
[Jan 30,2010 8:37pm - the_reverend ""]
naw, cause they dont sound like they are in a tin can.

there is a sizeable ammount of people here now. I'm surprised at some of thefaces that i'm seeing turn up
here. cool to see.

deathgod messiah get the award to biggest word jumble of a name. they also were really good. odd seeing McSlarter on bass and mike on drums.
[Jan 30,2010 9:16pm - the_reverend ""]
sewer goddess was a star studded line up of people. it sounded a lot like rabies era skinny puppy, but had some doomy sounding drums done by mikeovdrums. there was also a pro-wrestler who played with something in the front of the room.
[Jan 30,2010 9:28pm - the_reverend ""]
el frio vegnazia del nord is setting up now. hilarious.
[Jan 30,2010 11:58pm - the_reverend ""]
oops, forgot to link the pictures here.
I was trying to get my fire going.
[Jan 31,2010 12:07am - vaettir ""]
Thanks for the pics Rev, and to all the killer bands that played tonite!!
[Jan 31,2010 6:08am - Paul CNV  ""]

The show was a success...Thank you, to all the true metalheads, heathens, and devil worshipers that came out and supported this special show... It ruled! To many more in the devil's name!!!
[Jan 31,2010 6:22am - Paul CNV  ""]

[Jan 31,2010 6:25am - Paul CNV  ""]
If you missed it... Yup! You are a fucking poser
[Jan 31,2010 9:04am - pleasurecorpse ""]
killer show! thanks again, Paul for having me and my star studded line up!
[Jan 31,2010 10:09am - KPanzer  ""]
I'm on a Mexican radio!
[Jan 31,2010 10:14am - the_reverend ""]
a mexican whoah...oh... radio?
[Jan 31,2010 11:57am - Paul CNV  ""]
Dude, I posted a pic of myself... Yup....Poser....

Ummm, honestly though... Show was cool... 80 people on a fucking frigid January night is not bad at all. The club owner was very pleased so I will be booking more gigs there!!! Thanks to all the people that came out!!!

Mega ton Metal meltdown thanks to Matt Grindrod for spreading the good word in Haverhill!!! Killer after party!

Sewer Goddess, you guy's fucking ruled !!! The whole time I was watching I was thinking what kind of madness would ensue seeing this Chaos under the effects of psychadelic drugs!!!??? INSANE! Surpassed my expectations!!! Most of the metalheads did not know what to make of it and that made me snicker... Fuck em'... Total acausal trance, razor blades and Lsd please...

Vaettir was tight, getting better!! Great vocals!!!

Deathgod Messiah... Sarcofago worship... Killer~!

Good to see everyone! Still drunk... More shows coming soon!!!

[Jan 31,2010 12:12pm - fake name  ""]
I'm really ashamed to have missed this. DEATHGOD MESSIAH fucking slay.
[Jan 31,2010 1:01pm - boblovesmusic ""]

fake%20name said:I'm really ashamed to have missed this. DEATHGOD MESSIAH fucking slay.

me too... sorry guys :(
[Jan 31,2010 1:25pm - Dr. Sphincto  ""]
Wren you missed a sweet show. All bands slayed.
[Jan 31,2010 1:43pm - boblovesmusic ""]
I know I did, however...
[Jan 31,2010 1:46pm - the_reverend ""]
when it started, there was not too many people there. I thought the night was going to go like that. Then during deathgod, I turned around and the crowd was pretty full.
[Jan 31,2010 1:48pm - Slarcofago  ""]

the_reverend said:a mexican whoah...oh... radio?

i think hes talking about a "mexiCAHHN ...UHHRADIO-OH ...OOH!!"

thanks to all who made this happen, truly a night of cultofago madness,
i've still got this lingering urge to 7" EP
[Jan 31,2010 1:55pm - KPanzer  ""]
Watching DGM for me, was like watching your girlfriend fuck somebody else. They are fucking dirty, ugly and amazing.
[Jan 31,2010 2:21pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Mike Beckwith: "Turn the fucking amp up"

[Jan 31,2010 3:05pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
WHAT WAS THAT masked man doing with the mixing board?
[Jan 31,2010 4:27pm - Slarcofago  ""]
molesting it
[Jan 31,2010 5:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
They say one of the signs that you're an alcoholic is if you feel uncomfortable hanging around in a place with people and don't have a drink in your hand...

That place needs to sell beer.
[Jan 31,2010 5:29pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jan 31,2010 5:29pm - Paul CNV  ""]
[Jan 31,2010 6:47pm - the_reverend ""]
the creepiest part of that picture is cody...
[Jan 31,2010 6:54pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Rev, don't you shoot video clips?
[Jan 31,2010 7:15pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Cody is rocking the executive. The belt-less trench coat that Morty Seinfeld invented.
[Jan 31,2010 7:17pm - Slarcofago  ""]
i found his lack of moccasins disturbing
[Jan 31,2010 7:24pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Slar, come get Ross. I have no car right now...
[Jan 31,2010 7:31pm - Chainsaw Tits  ""]
this is my new name.
[Jan 31,2010 7:33pm - Chainsaw Tits  ""]
this is my new name.
[Feb 1,2010 1:11am - Paul CNV  ""]

More info tba
[Feb 1,2010 1:11am - RichHorror ""]
[Feb 1,2010 9:51am - C.dEad  ""]
Holy shit was an awesome show. Thanx so much to all the people that showed up in the dick-shrivel weather to see a true underground show. A-ron is the man for going to something like this. CNV are the best NEBM/NE band hands down. You can't go near it. Incredible set. Vaettir are just awesome. Best time I've see them. I really enjoyed the quiet, atmospheric parts. So tight. Deathgod Messiah brought the Rossbay stomp and Slartimus Prime made with the hysterics.

Best show ever. So many awesome times were had and I need to get more quarters next time for Rampage. Yes, no drinking sucks but you know, I think we managed *cough*
[Feb 1,2010 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
I only shot a couple minutes and not very good at that.



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