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Dec 11 (Fri) - RICH HORROR'S PARTY MACHINE #9: Mind Eraser, Rampant Decay, Hirudinea, The Leviathans Mandible [VA], In The Shit - O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA)

12/11 - RICH HORROR'S PARTY MACHINE #9: Mind Eraser, Rampant Decay, Hirudinea, The Leviathans Mandible [VA], In The Shit @ O'Briens in Allston

O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA) - [hirudinea][in_the_shit][mind_eraser][rampant_decay][randomshots][the_leviathans_mandible]
[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Dec 11,2009 10:43am - RichHorror ""]
What he said.
[Dec 11,2009 11:22am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
If I'm not strung out beforehand, I'll show up with my craigslist whore. Type O jersey and all.
[Dec 11,2009 11:25am - RichHorror ""]
[Dec 11,2009 11:26am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
If violence against women is guaranteed, definitely count me in.
[Dec 11,2009 11:28am - RichHorror ""]
I will be legit amazed if no women are manhandled at this "show".
[Dec 11,2009 11:32am - RichHorror ""]
[Dec 11,2009 11:37am - xmikex ""]


[Dec 11,2009 11:38am - xmikex ""]

xgodzillax said:
cd release show is cassette release.

[Dec 11,2009 2:17pm - W3 nli  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Someone give me a ride to this or you're a Christing faggot

or were playing NYC on Saturday or next Saturday New London. umm go to all of them and buy all our stuff and smoke us up and bring whores and smoke us up.
[Dec 11,2009 3:46pm - W3 nli  ""]

[Dec 11,2009 5:09pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
What time does The Leviathan's Mandible go on? I hope to be there, but I also need a nap like a motherfucker.
[Dec 11,2009 5:11pm - RichHorror ""]
I'm guessing 9-ish.
[Dec 11,2009 5:17pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Hrmmm...I guess we'll see what happens.
[Dec 11,2009 7:11pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving shortly.
[Dec 11,2009 7:46pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
I'm on drugs and I'm ready to drink.

Mikey Shea's gonna tear this bitch up!
[Dec 11,2009 8:02pm - the_reverend ""]
why would he care? he's in rockton smoking brocks... er... wait.
[Dec 11,2009 8:06pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
Follow his lead then.
Abandon your kid for a life on the mean streets or you're a pussy.
[Dec 11,2009 9:23pm - the_reverend ""]
wow... in the shit as a 5 piece? one of those pieces being THE xmikex of legends. he sounded great. reminds me of the first time i saw him at chariots of fire. i had no idea he was down with this. awesome. they remind me of how rotten sound should sound and not how they do sound.

on a side note: it is funny when gay dudes hang all over girls to front like they are totally gay. oh hey w3, what's up? btw: your gf is very nice.
[Dec 11,2009 10:32pm - the_reverend ""]
leviathan's mandible was so much better after xgx told them to turn it up man. the signer was possessed by dave maggot and flopped around on the floor. he also said that rich was a good man and we all lol'd.
[Dec 11,2009 11:26pm - titd nli  ""]
damn, forgot about this
[Dec 11,2009 11:26pm - the_reverend ""]
one of the scariest hirudinea sets i have seen yet. broken glass, no bass, and mikeov totally looking like galder.
[Dec 11,2009 11:58pm - the_reverend ""]
rampant decay was fairly scary. and by fairly scary, I mean that mike (nin) was scary. by the end of the set, rich was singing into a bouquet of mics. when he tosed it into the crowd at the end of the set, xgx caught it.
[Dec 12,2009 2:33am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 12,2009 5:05am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Goddammit, I slept right through this. :(
[Dec 12,2009 9:03am - badsneakers ""]
i forgot about this :(
[Dec 12,2009 9:44am - KPanzer  ""]
We were busy on the other side of town, but you know I love all you scumbags dearly, and DFJustin has the best t shirt collection in the world.
Every shirt that kid owns is a showstopper.a 'Born Again ' longsleeve? Motherfucker........
[Dec 12,2009 10:16am - RustyPS ""]
great fucking show
[Dec 12,2009 10:18am - the_reverend ""]
I lost my voice talking about wieners.
[Dec 12,2009 10:30am - RustyPS ""]
you know what you need? more weiners
[Dec 12,2009 10:37am - the_reverend ""]
that, sir, sounds like the gospel truth.
[Dec 12,2009 11:05am - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]

the_reverend said:one of the scariest hirudinea sets i have seen yet. broken glass, no bass, and mikeov totally looking like galder.

At first I was like...

But then I had no beer.
[Dec 12,2009 11:08am - xmikex ""]

the_reverend said:why would he care? he's in rockton smoking brocks... er... wait.

lul. this show was fun shit. Thanks to everyone who watched.

Today = 2 hour Muay Thai test and then a 4 hour drive to NYC to play another show. UGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHhhhHHhHHHhhh.
[Dec 12,2009 11:14am - xmikex ""]





"Wait... wut?"

[Dec 12,2009 11:38am - RustyPS ""]
your vocals were great Mike, SRSLY
[Dec 12,2009 12:54pm - xgodzillax ""]
such a good fucking show. everyone killed it. especially mind eraser! hirudinea suprised me.

and mike, perfect progression of pictures. lol.

thanks for comin out!
[Dec 12,2009 1:20pm - xmikex ""]

RustyPS said:your vocals were great Mike, SRSLY

Thanks dude. I feel like I've been eating cement and gravel sandwiches right now though.
[Dec 12,2009 1:44pm - RichHorror ""]

That is all.
[Dec 12,2009 1:48pm - RichHorror ""]
Every band was great. The best sets by In The Shit and Hirudinea that I've ever seen. Beer spilled, broken glass, wrecked mic stands, holes in walls.
[Dec 12,2009 2:04pm - KPanzer  ""]

RichHorror said:[img]

That is all.

It looks like you guys are all reacting to the announcement that there are no more hot dogs
[Dec 12,2009 2:07pm - RichHorror ""]
Fact. I feared for my life as I gathered the courage to belay that grim news.
[Dec 12,2009 3:04pm - RustyPS ""]

KPanzer said: It looks like you guys are all reacting to the announcement that there are no more weiners
[Dec 12,2009 5:04pm - RichHorror ""]
For when you go posting pics of this around, there's a thread on b9--

[Dec 12,2009 5:20pm - RichHorror ""]

[Dec 12,2009 5:38pm - the_reverend ""]
kid wanted out of the sac. will try to post more after tonights show. wiener levels low.
[Dec 13,2009 5:55pm - TLMgrind ""]
thanks to rich for booking us and him and mike for letting us crash on their floor. we had a blast, all the bands were fucking amazing. thanks to those that watched us,not our best performance but whatever shit happens.

thanks to ITS for doing both shows with us, they were sick as fuck in NYC
[Dec 13,2009 6:33pm - RichHorror ""]
I dunno, sounded good to me.
[Dec 13,2009 6:35pm - TLMgrind ""]
well thanks rich, it was mostly our newest song,we didnt get to practice before we left so it was alittle rough but whatever,its grind,aint supposed to be pretty. stage dives FTW
[Dec 13,2009 6:40pm - RichHorror ""]
[Dec 13,2009 7:26pm - xgodzillax ""]
new york was a shitshow. i remember playing and outta the corner of my eye, seeing people running off the stage banister. shit was a little hectic. an asian steven tyler impersonator was on bar duty and the place upstairs was filled with cougars, trannys and simbas that needed to be put out to pasture. it was, um, fun? lol
[Dec 13,2009 7:28pm - TLMgrind ""]
haha that was unmen who were diving off the banisters.

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