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Dec 11 (Fri) - RICH HORROR'S PARTY MACHINE #9: Mind Eraser, Rampant Decay, Hirudinea, The Leviathans Mandible [VA], In The Shit - O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA)

12/11 - RICH HORROR'S PARTY MACHINE #9: Mind Eraser, Rampant Decay, Hirudinea, The Leviathans Mandible [VA], In The Shit @ O'Briens in Allston

O'Briens Pub (Allston, MA) - [hirudinea][in_the_shit][mind_eraser][rampant_decay][randomshots][the_leviathans_mandible]
[show listing]  _________________________________
[Dec 13,2009 8:24pm - RustyPS ""]

TLMgrind said:haha that was unmen who were diving off the banisters.
those dudes are crazy/awesome
[Dec 14,2009 1:56am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, they tore it up when we played with them in Brooklyn. Bouncing off the walls.
[Dec 14,2009 9:08am - xmikex ""]

RichHorror said:The best set by In The Shit... that I've ever seen.

That's like Christopher Reeves falling out of his wheelchair and saying it's the most ambulatory you've ever seen him.

p.s. Unmen rules.
[Dec 14,2009 12:35pm - trioxin245 ""]

KPanzer said:
RichHorror said:[img]

That is all.

It looks like you guys are all reacting to the announcement that there are no more hot dogs

this is true. you cant see me because, upon hearing the news, i was reduced to a pile of tears on the ground. this of course was before we all mobilized and began what would eventually be the longest most grueling ground assault on spikes that allston has ever seen.
after all that, rich still had the audacity to order a CHICKEN SANDWICH
[Dec 14,2009 2:34pm - inject-now ""]
such a great show. i am still hurting days later. in the shit was great with a full lineup, nice demo too. good to hear a straight ahead grindcore band done correctly. rampant decay and mind eraser are kings! kings! very fun time.

[Dec 14,2009 3:18pm - RichHorror ""]
You get the gold in the moshlympics.

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