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ATTENTION LAURA/ 80sMetalChick!!!

[Sep 21,2005 6:34pm - nate nli  ""]
I appreciate you saying that Scott but she obviously has her own agenda.
[Sep 21,2005 6:35pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Nate if theyre suing you, then for how much
[Sep 21,2005 6:36pm - DomesticTerror ""]
it's amazing...12 hours ago i hardly knew this woman. Now I loathe her down to my marrow.
[Sep 21,2005 6:45pm - nate nli  ""]
For a minute I thought this was a joke of some sort, but I must have been dreaming. It's not enough the people in NOLA have suffered but now everyone has to, even the people trying to help.
[Sep 21,2005 6:47pm - DomesticTerror ""]
What if DeeDee's gets fed up with the press/phone calls and stops booking?
If that were to happen, then this chick and I will have SERIOUS issues.
[Sep 21,2005 6:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
Aegathis nli said:Nate if theyre suing you, then for how much

Dude, fucking email him or call him up those questions-that shit shouldn't be posted here.
[Sep 21,2005 6:53pm - nate nli  ""]
Ooooh the foreshadowing/inevitabilty is killing me.
[Sep 21,2005 7:00pm - largefreakatzero ""]
OK, here's what I just sent to the gay Herald, my wife (an ex-journalist) added the catty comments and annoying catch phrases:

Disconcerting Article - Red Crossed

This response regards today's article by reporter Jenna Wolf headlined "Rock show benefit in Quincy hits sour note," in which Laura Harrison of the American Red Cross contends show organizer Nathan DeMontigny defrauded the organization of $96.

I play guitar for Life at Zero, one of the bands that performed at the "rock show benefit," as Wolf put it. This show was put together on 8/2/2005, long before Hurricane Katrina was even a collection of raindrops. After the hurricane disaster, DeMontigny contacted us and the other 2 opening bands to see if we would play the show for free and have the proceeds donated to the American Red Cross. He made it clear that Malamor (the headlining band from NY) would still receive compensation for playing, since they had to travel so far. All 3 opening bands were fine with the agreement. Where Laura Harrison of the American Red Cross got the idea that Nathan somehow defrauded her is beyond me. The payment to Malamor was part of the cost of putting on this show, and, take it from someone who has traveled all over the place to perform, $100 of gas money does not even come close to covering their travel expenses.

Shame on reporter (intern?) Jenna Wolf and the Boston Herald for running this story without first checking facts. Your reporter got many basic facts wrong, and should probably go back to BU's journalism school: DeMontigny is NOT from Quincy; the name of his production company is Cold Storage Productions (not Cold Stone); and the show was NOT organized on behalf of the Red Cross, to name a few errors in her 194-word article. I also find it appalling that you would so quickly attack -- dare I say, libel -- an individual and an extremely small music scene who were only trying to do a good deed. Believe me, I wish we collected more money at the door -- but the venue was tiny and the crowd smaller than expected.

This article is the kind of garbage I would expect from Fox News. The fact that this debate is over one hundred lousy dollars makes this even more ridiculous. As a representative of the American Red Cross, Laura Harrison should be ashamed. In the time it took to call the Boston Herald and libel an innocent party, she probably could have raised the $100 from a couple of fundraising phone calls.

Nathan DeMontigny has done a lot for our music scene and does not deserve this type of abuse from the media, who apparently are having a "slow news day" -- or perhaps you couldn't resist the overused 'sour note' headline. He attempted to raise money for a good cause and is getting his name trashed over $100 that was part of the cost of putting on this production. I strongly recommend a correction or follow-up article with the real facts and making a concerted effort to clear DeMontigny's name.

Sincerely appalled,

Andy Westcott
[Sep 21,2005 7:10pm - nate nli  ""]
Wow Andy! THANK YOU is all I can say!
[Sep 21,2005 7:18pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I'm drafting now. My neighbor/father's best friend is the Entertainment Editor for the Boston Herald. gotta run it by him first.
[Sep 21,2005 7:20pm - RustedAngel ""]
nice job andy and thumbs up to the wife!
[Sep 21,2005 7:29pm - succubus ""]

i've been trying to reach you but i do not want to post on here

i've sent you 2 emails..pls write me back
[Sep 21,2005 7:32pm - nate nli  ""]
E-mailed u back Carina
[Sep 21,2005 7:51pm - dwellingsickness ""]
All I can say is that it is for an organization as big as the Red Cross to have a woman like this Laura Harrison ,"representing" them and accussing Nate ,who obviously was doing his part in trying to help these people out ,of Defrauding the Red Cross of $96 is so retarded..Who is this gonna hurt more in the end, one singled out individual or a "representative" of an International Organization, who is making a big deal over $96..
[Sep 21,2005 8:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
Please tell me that the red cross is more concerned with the hurricane that just destroyed NO and the hurricane about to hit texas than $96.
[Sep 21,2005 8:08pm - largefreakatzero ""]
I heard that thing is now a Cat. 5. Should be interesting...
[Sep 21,2005 8:26pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
wow...i can't add much to this since there is already a solid consensus that i fully agree with.

nate, if you need me to do anything that may be of any assistance, let me know. this is bullshit beyond all comprehension. i guess i'll just leave it at that.

and just a quick sidenote, the author who wrote the article must have been hungry when she wrote it. Cold Stone is an ice cream shop, and she spelled Malamor as Malomar, a delicious marshmallow/chocolate treat. that alone shows an insanely low degree of professionalism
[Sep 21,2005 8:32pm - the_reverend ""]
mallomar (two l's)
[Sep 21,2005 8:41pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
damn you rev and your grammatical majesty. still, malomar is closer to a snack than it is to malamor. fucker.
[Sep 21,2005 11:02pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I am writing to take issue with Jenna Wolf's article "Rock show benefit in Quincy hits sour note", published in Wednesday's Herald (http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional/view.bg?articleid=103543). I performed at the show that evening, and am quite displeased with the lack of factual information that your newspaper has printed. Even more alarming, I heard the story read from your publication on WEEI 850 AM, who has an extremely large audience.
This concert was not organized on behalf of the Red Cross, as stated. It was organized on August 2nd, weeks before Hurricane Katrina ever hit. My band, along with 2 other openers were then asked by the event organizer, Nathan DeMontigny, if we were willing to forgo payment, if any, to benefit victims of the hurricane. We all agreed. Also, Mr. DeMontigny does not reside in Quincy, and the name of his company is Cold Storage Productions, not Stone Cold Productions.
Your article also states that after expenses were deducted from the gate, there was $96.00 left for the charity. This is simply not true. The gate collected a total of $96.00, and the expenses totalled $100.00. This was the cost of the NY band Malamor (which your article misspelled), who required payment for travel expenses, which is quite common with out of state bands. Simple arithmetic will tell you that this concert lost money. $4.00 to be exact.
Red Cross representative Laura Harrison was quoted with the claim that she recieved no money, but neither she nor the article ever mention the money that she had collected at her table inside the club, right by the entrance. I believe her total was $54.00. She has since filed a complaint with her RI headquarters, as your paper accurately reported, but with no proof of any contractual agreement. She cannot provide this proof because there was no contract. It was a verbal agreement made between friends and associates. (I know this because, as one of the performers, I am part of this agreement, along with 12 others.) I have contacted her, asking why she hasn't tried to come to an agreement with Mr. DeMontigny, and possibly write up some type of formal agreement to prevent future miscommunications. She has yet to respond, and her website www.bandsforrelief.net has mysteriously and conveniently stopped functioning. Apparently her only cause is slander.
I find it horrible that the Herald would print such a misinformed, one sided story. Is this standard policy, or is it just reserved for the ravings of fanatical activists? I haven't been able to confirm it yet, but I've been told that DeeDee's Lounge has stopped allowing local promoters to book shows at their venue, all due to the publicity. Other promoters, along with Mr. DeMontigny, have decided to never put on another fund raiser. These consequences may not upset most readers, but it is a major loss to our growing scene. Furthermore, many of your readers and WEEI listeners may now be skeptical about contibuting to smaller fund raising events. This is very unbeneficial to a charitable organization that claims "no amount is too small."
In the future, please conduct your reporting with a certain level of responsiblity. It is not an option. As a news provider, it is your obligation. But who am I to lecture the Herald on journalistic integrity? I'm just a person who has been affected by this sad display of junk reporting.

*edit* took out my name. yeah, i'm paranoid

[Sep 21,2005 11:06pm - DomesticTerror ""]
dammit! 2 typos...
[Sep 21,2005 11:11pm - nate nli  ""]
and again, WOW Scott, Thank you as well. With all this, and some other people doing things (which I thank you all) hopefully this issue will no longer be an issue and we can all get on with our lives. But like many people are saying, this did not only effect me but it now has tarnished the way people look at charitable groups. No matter how small a voice we all are in the infamous words of the Red Cross "no amount is to small". And even the smallest reply to a paper or radio station about this will have an effect. Thanks again guys, I'll keep you all updated when I get anything more, whether or not this gets dropped or they proceed with this lunatic lawsuit.
[Sep 21,2005 11:12pm - nate nli  ""]
if anyone does write something up and sends it in can you either send it to me or post it here? I will take what everyone wrote to court with me if it comes to it.
[Sep 21,2005 11:13pm - nate nli  ""]
send it to leukorrhea@gmail.com

sorry not logged in and forgot to post e-mail
[Sep 21,2005 11:20pm - anonymous  ""]

intersting. it seemed she understood the deal on the 16th. pretty neat. rather big hole she's digging for herself there.
[Sep 21,2005 11:23pm - DomesticTerror ""]
she's in too deep to retract anything now. i'd sue her. a lot.
[Sep 21,2005 11:38pm - nate nli  ""]
awesome, I'll make sure to send that to her superviser tomorrow and to the Boston Herald. If she takes it down that's fine to, I just saved it into a folder and I have it timestamped digitally so that's that for now... anonymous THANK YOU!
[Sep 21,2005 11:42pm - DomesticTerror ""]
tomorrow i will be writing to the Red Cross.
who else can we write to?
I'm debating writing to Dennis and Callahan, but they'll probably just joke about it and make it worse...
[Sep 21,2005 11:43pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
anonymous said:http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...9FC-4605-88EDFAC490F227EC1881747234

intersting. it seemed she understood the deal on the 16th. pretty neat. rather big hole she's digging for herself there.

this anonymous guy is like Deep Throat.
[Sep 21,2005 11:44pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Chickie, do you have any specific title or ID with the RI Red Cross. I will most certainly be mentioning you. Quite frequently, too.
[Sep 21,2005 11:47pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Sep 22,2005 7:38am - succubus ""]
September 16, 2005

http://www.bandsforrelief.net is now active.

This evening the Bands for Relief effort took place at Dee Dee's Lounge in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Unfortunately, Cold Storage Productions could not donate money to the Red Cross because they had to pay band travel expenses.

This evening, Bands for Relief collected $53.50 from the crowd and from Bane of Existence, who contributed donations from their merchandise sales.

A Very Special Thank You to Tammy, Jim and Jodi who helped out this evening wtih the crowd collections.

Many more thanks to all of the kind folks who turned out for the "first half" of this show and donated as much as they did for Hurricane Katrina Relief.
[Sep 22,2005 8:17am - DreamingInExile ""]
hmmm... interesting how the tables have turned on this event when a couple of well put, professional reading letters were written and sent to the Herald (which is, as stated above, a shoddy excuse for a news paper)

Let's see what happens next

and Carina, I just checked, and bandsforrelief.net isn't working anymore... The plot thickens yet again...
[Sep 22,2005 8:25am - nate ""]
anyone get the Herald this morning?
[Sep 22,2005 8:58am - nate ""]
hmm I went to check on the properties of one of her pages (chickie.org) and it says the page was edited on 9/22/05.... looks like someone rushed to take their page down...

[Sep 22,2005 8:59am - nate ""]
I wonder if the Red Cross has relieved her of her duties yet?
[Sep 22,2005 9:01am - RustedAngel ""]
nate said:hmm I went to check on the properties of one of her pages (chickie.org) and it says the page was edited on 9/22/05.... looks like someone rushed to take their page down...

did Jim and her break up because of this yet? I wonder if he deleted her website.
[Sep 22,2005 9:02am - anonymous  ""]
It is a shame that when good people attempt to come to the aide of their nieghbors they are trashed by the ignorant as all of the above posters are! I have it on good authority that Laura went to the RI chapter of the Red Cross and signed an agreement to fund raise. How do I know this? I am the person who advised her to do so. The event may have been planned in advance of the hurricane, however; Nate printed both a poster and a flyer advertising the event as ALL proceeds to go to the Red Cross. Laura did not photo shop that poster and Nate if you were an honest man you would admit this. To blame Laura for "ruining your family's move" is a joke. Whyt don't you take responsibility for your actions. Also, as a Red Cross volunteer I do not charge for gas money when I do anything to benefit the victoms of disaster. If the band needed gas money then Nate you should have paid them out of your own pocket. For all of you who trash Laura and the Red Cross...what other organization provides shelter, food and clothing to disaster victims? As a Red Cross volunteer, I can attest to the fact that when your house burns down in the middle of the night noone BUT the Red Cross will show up to help you! Also in reply to the post regarding the Red Cross handling funds inappropriately....their then CEO was FIRED as a results of that decision. If you want your money to go to hurricane victims write a check and note "for hurricane relief" on it and that is where it will go. Laura went out and tried to do a honorable thing....Yoko ONo my ass................thw band did not issue a apology because Mike is their webmaster and refused. What a bunch of liars you people are. Get your facts straight and stop talking about the dollar amount. A theif is a theif. Stealing money meant for Katrina victims.....disgusting!!!
[Sep 22,2005 9:05am - succubus ""]
it's "thief" learn to spell please
and when Nate told Laura that the out of state band needed to get paid why didn't she speak up then? You are disgusting coming on here with your biased facts.
[Sep 22,2005 9:07am - Messerschmitt ""]
i knew katrina was a whore all along
[Sep 22,2005 9:13am - nate ""]
The logo was added to the flyer 3 days before the show, and only on the Cold Storage Productions my space page. Maybe you should re-read the entire post here and see that I had already agreed to pay the band to come from New York travelling expenses. You would also see that I told Laura anything over and above what they got paid would be donated. Since there was not enough money made, $4 came out of my own pocket. You would also notice that she collected $54 that night. Isn't the Red Cross the group that says "no amount is to small"? So she made a donation based on the money collected, at a show from the get go was not a benefit but became one to help people out that needed it. I have nothing to hide, this is and was the deal, Laura can believe whatever she wants but the agreement that her and I had stated anyting above and beyond Malamor's travelling expenses would be donated, and that she could set up a booth at the show. And if you're so correct and pointing fingers here anonymous why not say who you are? I have nothing to hide, what are you hiding from?
[Sep 22,2005 9:16am - nate ""]
edit: forget tracing the IP, we can all guess who it was...
[Sep 22,2005 10:29am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I heard that when the homeless guy outside 7 11 asks for change on the way out, and you say Yeah ok if I have any change after I get my scratch ticket and coffee I'll give it to you, and then you don't have any to give him, he can sue you.

Totally sweet logic.
[Sep 22,2005 11:15am - ArrowHead ""]
An80sMetalChick said:Looks like printed matter speaks for itself:

"All Proceeds to be Donated to the Red Cross"

The Word "All" seems to stand out.

Proceeds: The amount of money derived from a commercial or fundraising venture.

PROCEEDS is indicative of NET, not GROSS sales - retard. Paying a guarantee of $100 to an out of state band for gas and van rental is an EXPENSE, just like booking sound, lighting, providing pay for security or police presence, etc...

In a non-profit organization, salaries still get paid, overhead still gets met, and cost-of business still comes out of revenue. The red-cross does it themselves, yet you're clueless to see the same paradigm in the music industry? Worst part is, with the weight of media and a huge organization like the Red Cross behind you, you can be totally wrong and STILL cause a lot of damage with the shit you sling.

You know absolutely NOTHING about business, chickie. You've also gone out of your way to slander and cast negative light upon an already ailing local music scene.

You've officially made yourself public enemy #1 with this. I'll be shooting off a letter myself to the herald concentrating on your poor ethic, lack of professionalism, and lack of tact. I'll also be sending one off the the Red Cross, so if anyone can provide me with Chickie's full name I'd be very grateful.

I'll also be speaking with my attourney (ex-DA of 25 years) on Nate's behalf. He won't represent him cheaply, but he will give me some free advice. At this point, I think the only issues Nate can fight back on is the lack of contract or notarization, slander (which is iffy, and expensive to bring to court), and giving out his personal phone # (which is also iffy if he ever presented it as his "business" number)

In closing, I must say this to Chickie: You're a douche.

[Sep 22,2005 11:33am - babyshaker ""]
ArrowHead said:An80sMetalChick said:Looks like printed matter speaks for itself:

"All Proceeds to be Donated to the Red Cross"

The Word "All" seems to stand out.

Proceeds: The amount of money derived from a commercial or fundraising venture.

PROCEEDS is indicative of NET, not GROSS sales - retard. Paying a guarantee of $100 to an out of state band for gas and van rental is an EXPENSE, just like booking sound, lighting, providing pay for security or police presence, etc...

In a non-profit organization, salaries still get paid, overhead still gets met, and cost-of business still comes out of revenue. The red-cross does it themselves, yet you're clueless to see the same paradigm in the music industry? Worst part is, with the weight of media and a huge organization like the Red Cross behind you, you can be totally wrong and STILL cause a lot of damage with the shit you sling.

You know absolutely NOTHING about business, chickie. You've also gone out of your way to slander and cast negative light upon an already ailing local music scene.

You've officially made yourself public enemy #1 with this. I'll be shooting off a letter myself to the herald concentrating on your poor ethic, lack of professionalism, and lack of tact. I'll also be sending one off the the Red Cross, so if anyone can provide me with Chickie's full name I'd be very grateful.

I'll also be speaking with my attourney (ex-DA of 25 years) on Nate's behalf. He won't represent him cheaply, but he will give me some free advice. At this point, I think the only issues Nate can fight back on is the lack of contract or notarization, slander (which is iffy, and expensive to bring to court), and giving out his personal phone # (which is also iffy if he ever presented it as his "business" number)

In closing, I must say this to Chickie: You're a douche.

only on this web site could someone write a paragraph as professional as that and end it with "you're a douche" i love it
[Sep 22,2005 11:39am - SuperFly ""]
this is why you should keep shows about the music. a benefit show is a nice idea but how much money do you think you're really gonna raise. especially for a local show. anyone involved in this scene knows that if 50 people show up thats a good night. if someone cares so much make a donation, there's a million ways to do so. all this shit could have been avoided.
[Sep 22,2005 11:45am - ArrowHead ""]
babyshaker said:
only on this web site could someone write a paragraph as professional as that and end it with "you're a douche" i love it

Actually, I called her a retard in the first sentence as well. And it's not just this website, I really talk this way.

Ironic, that my own job is in jeapordy due to my lack of "professionalism".. lol

[Sep 22,2005 11:52am - RustedAngel ""]
any money made from a show should be donated to the bands for gas money at least.
[Sep 22,2005 11:56am - CHICKIE  ""]
[Sep 22,2005 11:59am - ArrowHead ""]
There you go, make fun of how she looks. God knows she hasn't given us enough real personal flaws to attack, let's go after the one thing she has no control over.

It's people like you that make fun of me for being short, while missing out on the fact that I'm a COMPLETE ASSHOLE

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