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On the subject of true satanism and paganism in local bands

[Feb 19,2012 1:48am - Unclepauly ""]
Not really... I'm out in the open and honest while you hide
[Feb 19,2012 1:49am - Unclepauly ""]
Just say who you are and we can handle it
[Feb 19,2012 1:49am - Unclepauly ""]
face to face
[Feb 19,2012 8:47am - Hipster Metal is Raviolis  ""]

Unclepauly said:And there lies the problem... Instead of saying something worthwhile you make a juvenile joke ...

That's what hipster "metalheads" do.

Mallcore is when punk invaded metal.

Punk is leftist shit.

Leftism is a mental disease. It's a subset of a disease called Narcissism.

If you let these people ruin your life, or your musical genre, they will.

All while living do-nothing useless lives and talking up their "important" participation in their local punk bands.
[Feb 19,2012 9:29am - Fake British Tea Drinker  ""]
[Feb 19,2012 9:36am - Dr. Reality  ""]
[Feb 19,2012 9:37am - Dr. Reality  ""]
[Feb 19,2012 10:00am - Jungian Hipster  ""]

Unclepauly said:and yes I can say that the old Morbid Angel would CRUSH any fucking band in terms of Magick and Acausality

I don't think this term means what you think it means.
[Feb 19,2012 10:16am - Stuff White People Like Metal is Hipster Raviolis  ""]
[Feb 19,2012 10:29am - ghoulash nli  ""]
Im so glad that the days of "true" black are over. I mean comon', grow the fuck up. It is just music and entertainment and if you think its any more than that you're deluded.
[Feb 19,2012 10:39am - ghoulash nli  ""]
...and another thing. I hate idiots who say things about bands they don't actually know abou. I mean this idiot didn't any anyone in morbid angel but I'm sure if he knew Trey he'd have very different opinion on the satanic status of this band. Hey buddy get the fuck out of here and take your stale over played ideas with you. Our metal is doing just fine without you.
[Feb 19,2012 11:02am - punk potenza  ""]


[Feb 19,2012 11:10am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Feb 19,2012 11:22am - so kvlt it hvrts  ""]
Uncle Pauly sounds like a high school girl who just discovered The Doors are think Jim Morrison is wicked deep, maaaan.
[Feb 19,2012 11:24am - KEVORD ""]
[Feb 19,2012 11:30am - Arist nli  ""]
By seabrook accent does he mean "kid, bub, guy, dude bub kid guy"?
[Feb 19,2012 11:57am - Punk potenza  ""]

Alx_Casket said:[img]



god damn it is the walking dead on yet?
[Feb 19,2012 12:33pm - Nigger Cock  ""]
Unclepauly loves me.
[Feb 19,2012 1:00pm - Magick Johnson  ""]
Unclepauly took too many acausal painkillers
[Feb 19,2012 1:37pm - Stuff White People Like Metal is Hipster Raviolis  ""]

ghoulash%20nli said:Our metal is doing just fine without you.

Which is why none of it is half a tenth as good as old Morbid Angel

[Feb 19,2012 1:49pm - Burnsy ""]
Half a tenth is .05. Simplest terms, man.
[Feb 19,2012 2:04pm - ancient master nli  ""]
[Feb 19,2012 3:01pm - Homer Seabrook  ""]

[Feb 19,2012 3:05pm - Guitar Center  ""]
[Feb 19,2012 4:57pm - Stuff White People Like Metal is Hipster Raviolis  ""]
[Feb 19,2012 6:27pm - Ghoulash ""]

Burnsy said:Half a tenth is .05. Simplest terms, man.

[Feb 19,2012 7:58pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Feb 20,2012 6:40am - frankovhell  ""]
I love how the only people who try to appose Paul's opinion are faggot anon's. Point proven. haha.

Also who is the fag in keene? I will beat you faggot. Metal heads don't exist here so you are probably a job for a cowboy douche floor puncher monkey.
[Feb 20,2012 6:44am - frankovhell  ""]

ghoulash%20nli said:...and another thing. I hate idiots who say things about bands they don't actually know abou. I mean this idiot didn't any anyone in morbid angel but I'm sure if he knew Trey he'd have very different opinion on the satanic status of this band. Hey buddy get the fuck out of here and take your stale over played ideas with you. Our metal is doing just fine without you.

And who is exactly is "your" metal anyways?
[Feb 20,2012 8:54am - haley broehl osment  ""]

frankovhell said:I love how the only people who try to appose Paul's opinion are faggot anon's. Point proven. haha.

Also who is the fag in keene? I will beat you faggot. Metal heads don't exist here so you are probably a job for a cowboy douche floor puncher monkey.

pick a spot niggerlover. dont not show up or my point is proven. haha
[Feb 20,2012 8:56am - haley broehl osment  ""]

frankovhell said:I love how the only people who try to appose Paul's opinion are faggot anon's. Point proven. haha.

Also who is the fag in keene? I will beat you faggot. Metal heads don't exist here so you are probably a job for a cowboy douche floor puncher monkey.

Also job for a cowboy totally roolz brah XD XD
[Feb 20,2012 12:53pm - Seabrook's nightside  ""]
If OP was truly a satanist he would walk the walk, which he does not. Judging by previous asinine threads and posts he can barely talk the talk. Finger pointing other people and claiming youre not some party d00d when you do a chick drug like blow and assume a faux british accent after youve downed a few at the bar

...excuse me, the "pub"

makes you no different than them. You don't live your life in some esoteric fashion and if you did, you wouldn't be posting on here. If you claimed to be egoless, you wouldn't be starting threads such as this and complaining about these things. You'd be beyond them. Not to sound cliche but you'd literally be out "doing a ritual about it", and not wasting your time on the internet or making ridiculous claims that Morbid Angel was tapping into some supreme knowledge abyss when Trey is just some Quake nerd, Dave went homo, and their last album is proof that they have no integrity to their music or true satanic ideals. Pointing out all of these obvious facts is the equivalent to Popular Mechanics "debunking 9/11" article. I'm debunking uncle pauly girls satanic and occult lifestyle.

Summon forth Mephistopheles or some Goetic demon at your next show and prove to everyone that you walk the walk. Until then you're just some weekend warlock who's satanism and occultism does not extend beyond watching End of Days on TBS and playing Magic: the gathering.
[Feb 20,2012 1:30pm - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Feb 20,2012 1:31pm - unchain_the_wolves ""]
I play in Witch King and when we create songs we try to get the full on feel of nuclear destruction, war, chaos, the sounds a bullets blasting from an M16 into the face of god. We try to write evil sounding metal and Satan and occult topics come into a big part of our lyrics to fit the music. Just my say from a local RI musician..
[Feb 20,2012 2:07pm - Cher  ""]

unchain_the_wolves said:I play in Witch King and when we create songs we try to get the full on feel of nuclear destruction, war, chaos, the sounds a bullets blasting from an M16 into the face of god. We try to write evil sounding metal and Satan and occult topics come into a big part of our lyrics to fit the music. Just my say from a local RI musician..

Omg ur so hard
[Feb 20,2012 2:28pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Feb 20,2012 2:57pm - WarlockCommando ""]
I think Witch King are pretty awesome, especially considering that they are so young.
[Feb 20,2012 3:04pm - Burnsy ""]
Satanism is pretty lame.
[Feb 20,2012 3:05pm - the_mex ""]
[Feb 20,2012 3:08pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Not saying anything about the band..never heard them.
[Feb 20,2012 3:21pm - Uncle Paulke'mon  ""]
A wild POSER appears!

Paul Hamblet uses ACCAUSAL SATANISM!!

ACCAUSAL SATANISM is effective against wild Poser!

wild Posers ego has been depleted!
[Feb 20,2012 3:53pm - totally pauly  ""]
hilarious watching KEVORD ride this guys dick so hard!
[Feb 20,2012 3:55pm - Magick Johnson  ""]
[Feb 20,2012 3:57pm - Czarnobog ""]
eh, i'll bite. pretty sure my band is one of the one's being called out in the original drunk rant. yep, we all live in the city. nope, none of us are "satanists" -- at least in a traditional, practicing, theistic sense -- or pagans, and have never pretended otherwise. (i personally have plenty of interest in philosophical satanism, "left hand paths", esoteric traditions, witchcraft, the occult, pagan history & folklore, etc etc, and read a fuck ton of books that reflect that... but when it comes down to it, no i don't do a ritual about it).

we play black metal that reflects that sortve urban grit and grime of our environment. no one's pretending to be some tortured artist with some heavy vision to lay down or claiming some adherence to any religion (pagan, satanist, gnostic or whatever) and writing 15-minute epics about it. just playing some fast, shitty, aggressive music with lyrical subjects that reflects our interests as a band. don't really care if anyone has a problem with that.
[Feb 20,2012 4:00pm - Czarnobog ""]
also, notshaver totally is paris hilton with a bullet belt.
[Feb 20,2012 4:07pm - Fat acausal penis  ""]

Czarnobog said:eh, i'll bite. pretty sure my band is one of the one's being called out in the original drunk rant. yep, we all live in the city. nope, none of us are "satanists" -- at least in a traditional, practicing, theistic sense -- or pagans, and have never pretended otherwise. (i personally have plenty of interest in philosophical satanism, "left hand paths", esoteric traditions, witchcraft, the occult, pagan history & folklore, etc etc, and read a fuck ton of books that reflect that... but when it comes down to it, no i don't do a ritual about it).

we play black metal that reflects that sortve urban grit and grime of our environment. no one's pretending to be some tortured artist with some heavy vision to lay down or claiming some adherence to any religion (pagan, satanist, gnostic or whatever) and writing 15-minute epics about it. just playing some fast, shitty, aggressive music with lyrical subjects that reflects our interests as a band. don't really care if anyone has a problem with that.

Well you should be worried because uncle pauly has some motherfucking acausal spells and pagan chants lined up for you
[Feb 20,2012 4:12pm - Paul Hamblet  ""]

Czarnobog said:
no one's pretending to be some tortured artist with some heavy vision to lay down or claiming some adherence to any religion (pagan, satanist, gnostic or whatever)

uh, I am
[Feb 20,2012 4:16pm - the_mex ""]

Czarnobog said:also, notshaver totally is paris hilton with a bullet belt.

[Feb 20,2012 4:32pm - NEW BALANCE PUBLIC RELATIONS  ""]
We are very pleased to announce that NEW BALANCE is endorsing Uncle Kracker.
[Feb 20,2012 4:44pm - Troo Kvlt Black Metal  ""]

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