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Post your band history

[Aug 29,2008 10:57am - thuringwethil ""]
I had a bunch of old shit on my ipod, it was fun listening to. Was trying to remember where my taste in music / playing abilities were at then.

of course this is gonna date the motherfuck outta me but I don't give a shit anymore.

Carnivore (1985) -- Guit/Vox -- no, I wasn't aware of the real Carnivore at the time. This was the summer I first heard Venom.

Out of the Blue (1986/7) -- Guit -- blech to that name but we did some decent rock covers like Cheap Trick and Hendrix. 'Among the Living' had just come out and I was totally into Anthrax at the time. No one else in my universe was.

Chernobyl (1987-9) -- Guit/some vox/bass -- started to do originals. Listening to the old rehearsal tapes is kinda funny, because it's mostly us making poop jokes. We were the only band on campus. The Dean of Students hated our guts.

Justine (1991-4) -- Bass -- one of my favorites. People were split on us because even though the recordings were awesome we were kinda sloppy live. I had just started using distortion on my bass. Crowning achievement was opening for Wargasm.

Bloarg (1992-4) -- Guit/Lead Vox -- Just me and my friend Nicole on drums. We looked for a bass player for the longest time but no one came through. I was sick of Guns and Roses and Whitesnake and all that Poodle Rock and TOTALLY into Nirvana before they got unreasonably huge. A lot of our music was like Babes in Toyland. Thankfully this is one of the better documented bands I was in, so I have tons of tapes and vids. I miss Nicole. She moved to London.

The Tulips (1994-5) -- Bass -- I was more of a hired gun but damn that band was fun. Straight ahead noise rock. My first CD I ever played on, I still love listening to it, totally smug.

Champale (1994-6) -- Guit/Lead Vox -- this actually ended up being one of the sickest bands I ever played in. Finally a frontperson in an all-girl band. I don't like playing guitar that much anymore but my playing / songwriting was actually starting to take off finally. I wish I still had some of our live videos.

Mourn (1997-8) -- Bass -- OOOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH. So fucking Metal. Finally. Three 7"-es total, I played on the last one. The drummer was gonna be in Unearth but he kinda freaked out for some reason. Band disintegrated with one cryptic phone call. Bummer, I really miss this one.

Maggotzoid (1999-2001) -- Guit -- HAHAHA, this was a crazy metal band with an even crazier singer. You know that drag bar Jacques in Boston? Well Belinda our singer used to perform there doing a hybrid hip-hop/Slayer performance art thing, and this band was the logical extension of her sci-fi / Voivod writings she'd done like, 19 years before. Totally certifiable individual. She freaked out on me once because she couldn't find her bike helmet. We recorded an awesome CD though, I can burn it for anyone who gives a fuck. The bass player and drummer later joined that REAL metal band Neptune (all the guitars are made out of scrap metal).

Pornbelt (2001-2003) -- Bass -- You may've heard of this one. Totally balls-out distorted, riot grrl crazy rock. Tried to get the band back together this year for a reunion show but the unfortunate update is that it doesn't look like it's gonna happen. Bummer, we had a really good re-rehearsal earlier in the year but I think the singer really wants to focus on school. The good news is you can hear the songs on myspace now.

Disemboweller (2003) -- Bass -- Tried for a long-ass time to get some metal going. We dead Death covers and a few originals. Unfortunately drummer drama led to a quick, and unfortunate demise. But then a certain kickass blonde female guitarist came to jam in our room and that led to something really fuckin' awesome.

I miss the Megan. Seth is now in that awesome band Herugrim (the latest I think is that he ain't moving to Australia???). Jason is moving to Dorchester September 1st.

Spoorloos (2006-present) -- Guit/Bass/Vox/Synth) -- My bedroom acoustic black folk project. I have to get off my ass and finish a few songs, they have some potential. Basic tracks are all recorded. If this goes live I probably just have my friend Slamber on the drums. Keep ya posted.

Wuornos (2006-??????) -- Guit -- All female metal death. Brutal lyrics from deathchick. Who knows what'll happen with this. It'd be a shame to have lasted even less time than Mythic, but hey. Anything can happen. Available on myspace (I think as Wuornos666 . . . . )

Karada Tokase (2008-present) -- Bass -- back to wicked fast, old-school, straight-up, no high fructose corn syrup Punk/HC. ZJD Ryan writes some really fuckin' awesome songs so I'm psyched for this. Looking for a drummer, only missing element. Click my username for the myspace link.

Untitled black industrial/ambient project (2008-present) -- various -- also so psyched to be working with Liz and Sam, holy god. This is going to be sick and mean and HOPEFULLY listener unfriendly. Kind of in the writing stages presently, but will post soundfiles as the project develops.


I hope I can edit this in 2009 so I don't have to fuckin' re-type everything.
[Aug 29,2008 11:07am - thuringwethil ""]
come on, people!

there's other musicians on this board!

I wasn't ashamed to post my old Grateful Dead cover band!
[Aug 29,2008 11:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i just started my music career 5 minutes ago
[Aug 29,2008 11:10am - largefreakatzero ""]
You intimidated us all with your thorough, detailed description of your long history of music. I have drank too much / done too many drugs over the years to really remember anything useful, but my 19 years of guitar / bands could be summed up by 1 word -- FAIL.
[Aug 29,2008 11:12am - thuringwethil ""]
Failure is sublime and beautiful.

Just watch that show 'The Venture Brothers' for unassailable proof.
[Aug 29,2008 11:14am - aril  ""]
illusion (1995-2002) - solo stuff; wrote music on the computer using various tracking programs.. i've got about 400 songs written.. including computer grind, black, and melo-death metal

AWT (1997-1999) wrote music for the computer game "A Witch's Tale" which ended up falling through

Khand (1998-present) Ambient/Neofolk/Epic keyboard music. currently seeking somebody to release the demo.
Wrapped Around a Tree (2000-2000) picked up playing guitar in 2000 (yes, I'm a newb at guitar) to join my friend's shitty-ass band for a month. Broke the band up in a month
Abaroth(2002-2005, 2008-) New England black metal band. currently working on an ambient track for the new release, might rejoin fully in the future.
Bahamut's Curse (2005) - blackthrash solo project. nothing officially released.

Herugrim(2007-) Epic Pagan metal. guitar/backup vocals.

Crown of Sorrow (2008-) acoustic/folk/ambient project. should have a release soon.
[Aug 29,2008 11:16am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Stone Orchard
Reliving the Nightmare
Fuck Is My Signature
Applied Science
[Aug 29,2008 11:20am - aril  ""]
i have no idea how i failed to mention my other black metal project
Infernecron (2005-present). 2 demos released on french and german labels. split in 2007 with CNV and Frozen Forest.
[Aug 29,2008 11:32am - Aegathis ""]
Coffin Birth (2003-present) Poseur Blackened Death metal
Leukorrhea (2004-2005) Detah metal (as it was described in Mikes profile for the longest time till he realized it was spelled wrong)
Zircon(2006-2007) Worcestershire Black metal
Belphegor (2008-) Austrian Gang banging Blackened Death metal.
[Aug 29,2008 11:32am - ouchdrummer ""]
radon chalk - bass (lame hippie rock)
brujah - bass (real goofy stupid rock about cocks, vaginas, and fluffanutter)
8 lbs cock - bass (same as brujah)
cateleptic episode - guitar (deftones-ish, kornish)
zaknefain - guitar (in flames-ish, soilworkish)
fairhaven - drums (deftones-ish, tool-ish)
without - drums (almost tool-rip off)
seraphim biocide - drums (in flames-ish, killswitch-ish)
ever - drums (mazzy star-ish, portishead-ish)
blacken the sky - drums (Rush-ish, tool-ish, in flames-ish)
ouch - drums (fucked up experimental death-ish metal)
boarcorpse - drums (brutal death metal.... i can FINALLY play this stuff correctly.)

hmmmm.... not to proud of this list, but on the other hand I am totally pround of the way i play now, so i dont really care. I guess its what makes me who i am.
[Aug 29,2008 11:33am - W3 nli  ""]
three slayer cover bands

component 2001 - 2002
killgrip 2002 - 2003
throwing shrapnel 2004 - 2007
holy fuck (va) 2007 - 2008
strong intention ten day tour
thousands will die 2008 -

fuck you.
[Aug 29,2008 11:34am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Spinny5-DJ'd for these dudes, played some wicked sic breakbeat breakdowns that got tha pit jumpin
Mastamindz-Moving up in the world, in addition to my role as DJ I also pulled security shifts, making sure only the most nubile young boys made it backstage for M-1's groupie needs
Asystole-Supposedly I was their DJ too, but mostly I just got paid to google pictures of horse dongs for the vocalist
[Aug 29,2008 11:34am - ouchdrummer ""]
and the first half of that list, was before i was 16. (to put that into perspective am 27 in two weeks.)
[Aug 29,2008 11:37am - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah, and "Emily degraff and her amazing tits." i was one of the amazing tits. her actual boobs were amazing though, truely breathtaking. My first band was when i was 12. I feel like i should mention that. And yes, we actualy played out. My childhood was all sorts of fucked up. I took bass lessons in walpole mass at that age cause my mom teaches piano and she sends all her students there for sheet music, my bass teacher introduced me to a band in need of a bass player, i lied and said i was 16 when i was 12, got into the band, no one found out for two years.
[Aug 29,2008 11:38am - the_reverend ""]
this thread rules.
I made shitty electronic noises from 1997 til 2001 under the name escape analog hell.
[Aug 29,2008 11:42am - Inject-Now ""]
Cursed For Eternity (94-99) guitar/vocals -black/death/thrash metal

Destro (96-97) bass/vocals - grindcore

Hirudinea (99-present) vocals, guitar/vocals - black extreme metal/hc

Ninnixu (01-present) bass, drums, vocals, keys/effect, samples. used to be a "band" (alex onslaught, and chad groulx were involved) but now is just me. - black metal

Witch Tomb (02-present) guitar/vocals - black/death metal

Rampant Decay (07-08) bass/vocals - hardcore

Deathgod Messiah (08-present) drums - black metal

Embryonic Cryptopathia (05-present) vocals - grindcore/death metal

Die On The Steps (08-present) everything - militaristic post punk, neofolk

December Wolves (04-05) bass - black extreme metal

[Aug 29,2008 11:45am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Spinny5-DJ'd for these dudes, played some wicked sic breakbeat breakdowns that got tha pit jumpin
Mastamindz-Moving up in the world, in addition to my role as DJ I also pulled security shifts, making sure only the most nubile young boys made it backstage for M-1's groupie needs
Asystole-Supposedly I was their DJ too, but mostly I just got paid to google pictures of horse dongs for the vocalist

[Aug 29,2008 11:47am - largefreakatzero ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:Spinny5-DJ'd for these dudes, played some wicked sic breakbeat breakdowns that got tha pit jumpin
Mastamindz-Moving up in the world, in addition to my role as DJ I also pulled security shifts, making sure only the most nubile young boys made it backstage for M-1's groupie needs
Asystole-Supposedly I was their DJ too, but mostly I just got paid to google pictures of horse dongs for the vocalist

[Aug 29,2008 11:47am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the ole double haha
[Aug 29,2008 11:49am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
-Weapons Of Mass Destruction (1998-2000)-Guitar-Terrible wannabe Metallica band, but they were the only kids in my school that listened to any form of metal that wanted to be in a band. We covered For Whom The Bell Tolls and it was horrific. We also had 3 guitarists, 2 of which also sang...terribly. We played tons of parties and school gigs though, so it was a good experience for a first band.

-Skeletor (2000)-Guitar-Weapons Of Mass Destruction decided we needed a better name, and Skeletor was that name. We had a He-Man & The Masters Of The Universe bedsheet as a backdrop. We lasted about 3 months, and I don't think we ever wrote anything differently from WMD, haha.

-Upon Crimson Wings (2000-2004)-Guitar/Backing Vocals-When I met Dave Maggot in my junior year of high school, I was exposed to a wider variety of metal, and more quality metal at that. At first we were called In God's Descent, but decided that sucked. Then we called it Fatal Embrace, and realized it was already a band. Finally we landed on UCW after a story that Dave had written. It transformed from blackened death metal to melodic death metal, then before we broke up we added more brutal and thrashy elements. We may be doing a reunion CD since we never got to end the way we should have.

-Sedate (2002)-Guitar-Dave Maggot's younger brother Joe had a band called Sedate and were hurting for members. Dave and I decided to help them out a bit, but it didn't work out for us in the longrun. At the time it was black metal with some Gothenburg style death metal mixed in.

-Curbstomp Castration (2002-present)-Guitar/Vocals/Drums/Fake French Accent-One day Dave put a sign on my amp in our old UCW practice space that said "Fuck with anything and you get a curbstomp castration." Being the bored weirdos that we were, we decided it was a good name for a goregrind band from Quebec. Thus we spoke with fake French accents and everyone just moved around on all instruments. There were/are limitless members; anyone could be in it at any given time. We only did improv sets and they sucked so bad they were good. Eventually we started jamming this stuff out with good ol' MSD and maybe if we're bored we'll record something someday.

-Terminally Your Aborted Ghost (2002/2005-2008)-Guitar/Vocals-Originally started as somewhat of a fun project between 3 straightedge dudes that worshipped CODC and Discordance Axis, then eventually turning into weird, slammy death metal with grind aspects, TYAG actually went somewhere when it probably shouldn't have, haha. We were really doing it as a half-joke but it caught on. Since Devon (vocals) was a little too gung-ho about it, I left since my main focus was UCW. In 2005, the "classic" lineup as some people call it fell apart and I was offered to join again. We did a tour, various in and out of state shows, an EP then went on indefinite hiatus until we got a sweet record deal in 2007. That fell through and then broke up for 8 million reasons.

-Strappado (2004-2005)-Guitar/Gurgles-Evan (Sexcrement) and I met at Mass Art in 2001 and always wanted to do a project together. After UCW broke up and his band Veritas (formerly If Tomorrow Comes) broke up, we started doing what would become Strappado, a technical death metal band. We recorded a 2 song demo with Darren Cesca (Goratory, ex-Arsis/Burn In Silence/Pillory), then put the project on hold to do TYAG full time. Now Strappado is back in action, sans-MFR since I have 10,000 other things going on.

-Sexcrement (2005-2006)-Guitar-When TYAG went on indefinite hiatus, 3 of us started Sexcrement, groovy as fuck death metal, with Adam from Goratory (since all of Goratory was busy with Burn In Silence) and Josh Staples. Obviously we had a fanbase before playing our first show since we had local legend Adam Mason fronting the band, haha. We played some of the most ridiculous shows ever, and quitting the band was the hardest decision ever, but it was inevitable due to the amount of travel I had to do, along with time taken away from what is supposed to be my career as an illustrator, haha.

-The Death Perception (2006-present)-Guitar/Backing Vocals-Chris Helme (Smite The Righteous, ex-The Accursed/Polaris, etc.) had mentioned he wanted to do some sort of grind project with me a year or two prior to actually starting to write. We finally found the time to do it, and have written 14 out of a proposed 24 songs for a CD whenever we can get it done. One of the key aspects to this project is the slew of guest vocalists; I think there are only 3 or 4 songs that do not have a guest vocalist.

-The Body Farm (2006-present)-Guitar/Vocals-When I quit Sexcrement I was deadset on not playing music for a while, but it had to be done. Overall The Body Farm is experimental metal, and will most likely be more of a studio project since bassist Max Lavelle is now in Despised Icon and Eliot (drums) and I have Composted and a slew of other things going on.

-Composted (2007-present)-Guitar/Potty Mouth/Live Samples-Composted is the bread and butter of my musical history so far; every aspect of being in a band that I love is there: being an ass, not giving a fuck about what we do, playing decent shows, getting people to have a good time, and most of all play slammy/groovy/dynamic/somewhat technical music without having to try to hard. Plus Rich Horror ate 2 cakes on stage once.

-Super Secret Project (???-???)-???-??? MYSTERY, huzzah!
[Aug 29,2008 11:54am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Oh, and in 2001 I did a solo techno project on Fruity Loops called Squink, haha.
[Aug 29,2008 12:04pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I haven't done anything with music in a while

Nameless electronic project 1998-2000 -My uncle gave me a sampler and I picked up some doofy music creation software with 13th birthday money, then I decided it would be an awesome idea to spend most of my summer making shitty ambient and some retarded hip-hop beats. I found a cd of this shit last month when I was helping my parents clear out their basement and it's fucking horrible.

R.A.D. 2001-2003- Acoustic grindcore. Or "Flight of the Conchords" if all their songs were about WCW, dick jokes, the Holocaust, and Ted Nugent hunting kids we knew for sport. After about two weeks of that and seven or so 2 minute songs we filled out a 70 minute cd-r with power electronics tracks made on "MTV Music Maker" for Playstation 1. And as an aside, R.A.D. stood for Radical Awesome Dudes.
[Aug 29,2008 12:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Years are very estimated.

COW (93-95) - bass - Weird, Sabbath-meets-Cromags-meets-Van Halen-meets-Biohazard-meets-Happy Flowers stuff. Did a Skynyrd cover and several nursery rhymes. Mike (vox for A Poor Excuse and For the Worse) sang, Jeff (guitars in CFL) played drums, Shane (guitars and vox in Rectangle Club) played guitar, and I (hilarious interwebs lulz and Viking metal tomfoolery) played bass.

Albino Monkey Stick (94) - vox / tabloids - The above, with everybody on different instruments, and me in a Mexican wrestling mask singing tabloid headlines. We also had a song where the lyrics were taken from a Wendy's training video (something about "white, red, and green" being the order you make a burger in).

Mind's Eye (95) - bass - Not exactly Overcast. The other two guys are out in LA now, doing video game music now (Devil May Cry and other Capcom shit, mainly).

Rasta Aliens (95) - me on drums, for some reason - Basically me and a couple of friends using the equipment from Mind's Eye to make really loud noises with lots of feedback at 4 in the morning on any given night. We covered "Lost me Cookie at the Disco", the Oppressed, several TV theme songs, and a Dead Kennedies song or two.

Violent Few (97-98) - bass/backing vox - Terrible, terrible Oi band. We played with the Bruisers and managed to get on stage at the Rat at least once, so I guess it was worth it. I was the token mohawked fellow amongst the shaven.

Ugly Stick (probably 97) - drums - Basically just formed because Jeff was in a terrible tough-guy hardcore band (Full Contact), they were supposed to play with Slapshot, and couldn't for some reason. So we did. Had songs exclusively about people we knew would be at the show, and why they sucked, as well as a country song called "Let's Find Some Beaver". We covered the Bruisers, with me on guitar, and I did a guitar solo where I fell down a lot. Annoyed the sound guy at the Living Room greatly.

Victim 21 (98-99, 03 or 04) - bass / backing vox - Super fast hardcore stuff with some powerviolence mixed in. Tim from Nadir played drums, Jeff from CFL sang, and Nick from All Those Opposed played guitar. We got back together for a 5 year anniversary and got really drunk a lot. Wrote two of our songs in Mario Paint, and had a great one called "10-10-Suck My Dick," one about Gator, and one about aliens killing people at Hampton Beach.

Ritalin is the Answer (02-04 or so) - bass / vox / programming - Powerviolence with electronics and other weirdness. Started off as a way to annoy my girlfriend, we "practiced" in her living room with me and my boy Bill making drum machine noises. Eventually turned into a live band of sorts, and pretty much just had songs about people we knew that sucked. Josh_hates_you played drums at one point.

Dangerface (05) - bass/vox - No, not the oldschool metal band. Sabbath and Discharge and Type O Negative and Sheer Terror, pretty much. Basically me and the other guys from COW, minus Mike.

Glasfear (0?) - every goddamn thing - Solo black metal / folkish stuff. MIDI is fun.

Herugrim (nao) - bass/vox - You'll just have to wait and see.
[Aug 29,2008 12:11pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I'm probably forgetting some shit.
[Aug 29,2008 12:19pm - aaron_michael ""]
Laced- vocals/guitar - total At The Gates worship but with more low end vocals.(no other members continued with music after)

The Gacey Prospect- bass - metalcore/bordering nu-metal. Changed their sound after I joined (members now in In Dire Need, Always & Forever, and All Hands on Deck)

Fetus Punt - vocals/guitar - Pig Destroyer/Agoraphobic Nosebleed worship.(members now in In Remembrance, and Voyager)

A Year and a Day - vocals - Spazzy "hardcore" in the vein of Converge/DEP(band is now Bound in Blood)

Shading The End - bass - Groove oriented death metal(band is now Proteus)

In Dire Need - bass - death metal influenced hardcore(then members went on to Betrayed By All, Tommy and the Terrors, and japan)

Held Hostage - vocals - metalcore. never played a show since they weren't organized enough to stay together.

Black My Heart - bass - tough guy hardcore. never practiced, never played a show, changed my mind a week after saying yes.

Hang 'em High - vocals - tough guy hardcore(members went on to Hammer Bros and solo projects)

Cross My Heart - bass - Pop punk. I don't talk about this.

Dysentery(NH version) - bass - do you have to ask?(then members went on to Black Mass, Putrescene, and The Mammon Machine)

The Mammon Machine - vocals/bass - Two man technical death metal with a drum machine.

Hive Smasher - vocals - death metal with a touch of grind influence.(ex members of Entropy, Eviscerate, Trinity Test, and Brutal No.2)

Dirt Bath - guitar/vocals - Solo project. Slow, ambient, acoustic/"triphop" in the vein of GY!BE, Telepopmusik, Isis, Portishead, and A Silver Mount Zion.
[Aug 29,2008 12:20pm - metal_church101 ""]
PDA (1998-2001) - Lead guitar - Cover band. Covered old Metallica and Black Sabbath and shamefully Godsmack. I know, lame.

Safe Haven (01-02) - Lead Guitar - Original punk metal band. First original band that I was in. Nothing to write home about.

Blackout Frenzy (03-06) - Lead Guitar - Original metal band. Was a founding member. Left to do more old school thrash and death metal stuff.

Bloodshed Unreal (06-present) - Lead Guitar - Original metal band. Not sure how you would describe. There are elements of thrash, hardcore, and what not in there.

What can I say. I suck. :duffbeer:
[Aug 29,2008 12:21pm - Notorious_D.U.G. ""]
Rowan (1991-1991) - Guitar - Started with my cousin in his basement with some other dude Rowan. Kid was a musical genius so we named the "band" after him. We only had 3 cover songs we played before we just got bored; Peter Gunn theme, Paranoid, and Modern Day Cowboy by Tesla.

Bane of Existence (2000-2005) - Vocals - Loved and hated being in this band. If it wasn't for my back problems and some other issues I might've still been a part of it. Oh, and fuck AJASH!

I know . . . lame.
[Aug 29,2008 12:21pm - xanonymousx ""]
aaron you were in black my heart?
then later formed cross my heart?
[Aug 29,2008 12:22pm - Martins ""]
You used "slew" a ton of times in that, Mr. MFR.

Let's see

Sydofex(whocares - whocares) - guitar - shitty band I started with Carlos on bass (singer of Archaeon), his brother on drums, his cousin on guitar. This was basically Metallica-inspired nu metal garbage. Went through some stupid turmoil, I got kicked out for no reason, then came back after Grant had joined and Carlos' cousin had left. By then we had decided to change our name to...

Archaeon (2004 or so - present) - guitar - This is when we started to get serious. We even played eXposure at the Palladium after which, Carlos' brother left his drumming duties and Jackson took his place. We weren't really sure of our sound back then and wrote a SLEW of melodic pseudo-technical metal heavily inspired by Death. Years later, we've decided to take on a more brutal sound but still try to be musical about it. Now we have Mike on bass, Carlos on vocals, and EliotFuckingBayless on drums. Lots of fun. Expect more from us soon.

[Aug 29,2008 12:29pm - archaeon ""]
unnamed first band (2001-2002/3?) we all started playing instrument at the same time, played a blink 182 song in front of my whole school in 5th grade. we were absolutely terrible.

Caution (2003-2004) We started off as a like pop punk worship band but then formed into a Metallica worship band as we grew older.

Sydofex (2004-2005) see martins

Archaeon (2005-present) see martins

Mortalis (2006-2008) I ended up joining because their old guitar player was being flakey and my first time ever playing with the band was at sasaugefest part deux. Tim wrote an albums worth of songs which we recorded drums for but never finished. we broke up due to lack of interest on mine and jacksons part because we were more interested in doing archaeon. Tim is willing to reform if anyone wants to play sum thrash braaa.
[Aug 29,2008 12:30pm - aaron_michael ""]

xanonymousx said:aaron you were in black my heart?

I don't really consider it, but threw it in the list just to be funny.
Justin(original singer) asked me to play after IDN broke up, and then a little under a week later, I told him I couldn't because of school and moving to NH.
[Aug 29,2008 12:31pm - aril  ""]
I was asked to play in IDN at one point too and practiced with them once, but it fell through.
[Aug 29,2008 12:35pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
Drums for S.O.K (sons of kojack) 96-99 :
<jazz, rock, funk, jam, whatever. pretty much a late 60-early 70's GDead worship band.>
*Played parties and just had fun.

Guitar for Mortencia (mOe, Kessaris, Meg, Corey, Me) sometime in college: <thrash, death, to fucked up to remember how to play songs.>
*I'm sure my antics were stressful for most of the members of the band, seeing as they were and currently still are, great musicians..(in contrast to me) We played with Ed Gein, Despised Icon, In Dire Need & more at the assland fish and game. My first venture into playing live "metal."

Guitars for Shitheel (Cheif, Zarbo, Corey) later in college:
<no frills, angry, inebrio-core. spent most of my time being drawn on by other members of the band whilst passed out.>
*Wrote a couple songs and never did anything with it. It was unfocused but raw and pretty fucking heavy. Kinda started formulating the basis for Dysentery riffs.

Guitars for Vermicular Decay (M. Rawls, Abominable Putridity Alex, Me)
after college:
<My interpretation of mongo smash or "eternal" slam.lol.>
*We wrote essentially a full album, developed a ton of artwork and layouts, got signed by Pathological in Spain and then Rawlsy split and wentkoo koo. Tracks were destroyed by various parties within the band out of spite, and principle.

Guitars for Dysentery (Willy, E-rock, Dr. Greez and I )current:
<slamming mass death grind / 'mastering the ancient diapers'>
[Aug 29,2008 12:36pm - xmikex ""]
Whenever - Present: Bunch of dumb frustrating shit. My two favorite shows ever were at a burger place in Puerto Rico, and a basement in the middle of nowhere in Illinois. Betrayed By All is playing with Merauder on Saturday in Long Island. Maybe someone will actually buy some merch, probably not. Being in a band is lameass.
[Aug 29,2008 12:40pm - archaeon ""]
forgot one

The Glass Menagerie (2007-present) Coheed & Cambria worship, i play drums and write probably 80 percent of the music for it. check out a siq live vid bra


[Aug 29,2008 12:45pm - Yeti ""]
Stone Orchard - really well written uh...kind of thrashy deathy stuff. i wish i could redo the vocals, i sounded horrible.

Sacreligion - if you frequent this site, then you hate us.
[Aug 29,2008 12:48pm - orgymf@work  ""]
i don't rememmber years too well at all
but here we go....

in high school, me and edmaggotfeast were in a bunch of different punk bands together
(t.y.t.y., the smurfs, c.c.b., the s.t.d.'s, armistice, the assholes, and c.c.p.t.)

in 1998 we started Maggot Feast.
we made a demo (ten songs, noisily recorded, old school style grind)

we started writing some droning/noisey/doom type shit....with some fast death metal parts mixed in....played a show with Anal Blast, played live on rttp (no one seemed to like it much)

then we decided it would be funny to do some "mock-satanic" death metal, so we wrote and recorded the song "Adversary of Mankind" (which would have been the album title, but we stopped at that song)

we recently decided to give up on M.F. because we have been dragging the name around for years with nothing to show for it.....

in 1999 i tried out for anal cunt, seth told me i was in.....
8 months later john gillis was in the band, so my tryout, and one drunken practice that i barely remember was the extent of that.

i was in a technical death metal band called "agony under glass" with James Swords, and Scott (goat throat) McFadden, and two kids whose names escape me......2000 i think......we wrote two songs, never got to play out, but i think James may still have a recording of this shit....which would rule, because it was some really good shit....but i haven't seen that kid in forever

me and Goat Throat and "Death Metal Jim" Lawler started a bunch of garbage noise/grind bands that never went anywhere between 2002 and 2005
(rotted prostitute, boring orafice, torched orphanage, pissgasm, and hawaii is gay)

during that time period, me, Goat Throat and Ben Goldberg (Benvocator)
started the dumbest band ever
"Ukranian Burger Harvest"
screaming about burgers, beer, wrestling and rape jokes....no guitar or bass.

completely pointless joke band.
lots of fun though.
a few demos kicking around, played a few shows, had a blast with it.

also during that time period, me, Death Metal Jim and our friend Renob had a really stupid noise project called "Shiatsu Excavation"
it was 3 microphones hooked up to a 4 track, and we attempted to (improvisationally) turn vocal noise into music.....it was awful, but funny as shit.....

we would usually put random crap like keyboard noises, guitar and samples on the fourth track.

I occasionally do stupid shit on "Fruity Loops" noise/tardcore/electrogrind etc. when i get bored

if i do it myself, i put it out under the name "Orgasmic Tortures"
and i have a bunch of shit recorded with my drunken friend "Offensive Joe"...the "band" was called "Joe and Orgy's Abortion Clinic"

at the end of 2005 Wayne (baronvonblastbeat) contacted me saying he wanted to put down the drumsticks, pick up the guitar, and start up Scum Bitch again.... so he asked me to play drums.

we recorded a fuckload of demos, and drum tracks for an album.....right now he is looking for a label to release the album (which i'm assuming he will put guitar and vocals too if anyone puts up the funding)......

but we had to cut the whole thing short when he moved to texas (i think he's looking to reform the band down there)

and currently i am in a band called "Channel 62"
it's Basically old school grind/fast hardcore (picture a cross between Spazz, The Queers, Hellnation and Lack of Interest), and the lyrics are all stupid personal jokes.

me and Kenny from the Doosh Bags were trying to start a grind band called "Fat Attack".....4 or 5 fat guys playing fast and screaming about beer and food....almost like U.B.H. but with bass and guitar.
but our situation fell through.
maybe someday?

also...another "maybe soon" situation
Rob Brown and Scott Darby were talking about reforming whoremastery
and if they do, i may end up playing for them.
[Aug 29,2008 12:48pm - mOe ""]
Spekulit (1998-2002) - My shitty high school numetal band I had with my cousin and best friend Mark who was in Cipher for like 3 years but now does session work all around NYC. We started out as straight up numetal but then I grew out of it by my junior year in high school and got into post punk, so we kinda became this wierd, jazzy ambient deftones-y....thing.

The Dead Love the Living (2002-2003) - JUST gotten into heavy music, so we didnt quite know what we were doing at all. Kinda sounded like ETID with toughguy breakdowns. It sucked.

Beard of Bees (2003-2004) - Post Emo indie rock/screamo band I had with Blue on bass/guitar and Meghann. Was more of a college band than anything else, though.

For the Sake of Dying (2003-2004) - First legit band I did. Based out of NJ. AILD-type Metalcore with other influences thrown in. We were taking a stab at more DM material later on but it kinda fell on deaf ears in NJ since DM didnt get cool to those kids until like 2 years ago. We played some pretty big shows in the area, but it fizzled due to me moving back to college for my Junior year. This was also a band I had with Mark, my cousin.

Raising Kubrick (2004-2005) - You know the deal with this. Good friends needed a drummer, so I obliged. Played a ton of shows, didnt write too much material. Put out a split with The Taste of Silver. Last show happened on my birthday.

War On Our Shores (2005-2006) - Probably the most fun band I've been in to date. Had all the axes from The Hostage Heart in the band. We were just straight up moshy metalcore mixed with whatever the hell we wanted. Played some good shows, some bad ones but i wouldnt trade it for anything. We got Nate Johnson in the band towards the end bringing our Nate count up to 3, but just couldnt hold it together. The band isnt broken up, but we arent getting back together anytime soon on account of Biz Nate being in California working corporate for GC.

The Final Battle/Deadwater Drowning (2004-2006) - The heaviest and most promising venture I was in that just couldnt get it right. Started out with just me and Steve (the finite/dwd) in Morgan Storage putting songs together. Nate and Seth soon followed and we got Mark from Mercury Switch on guitar after a while which lead to me being MS. Heavy, balls out deathcore. Played some AWESOME shows, including the 7a7p reunion in Binghamton, NY (youtube videos of that set are on the internet). Couldn't keep it together, mostly because of me living in Western MA and going through a bunch of shit personally. Played shows, got in a few fights, drank copious amounts of beer. If there was ever a project I wish i could resurrect it'd be this one.

Mercury Switch (2006-present) - Awesome band that I wish wasnt so inactive. Have had two albums on Indianola records with a lot of tour experience. I joined in time to write the new album and record it. Its still in the mixing/touch-up phase but I'm proud of it. Its more metal than anything they've put out, but more melodic and hard-rock-y. Its not gay, I swear. Stay Tuned.

Running With Karma (2006-2008) - Dancy indie rock stuff based out of western MA. Wrote and recorded the new album, "Ferocious." Good stuff, but too much drama.
[Aug 29,2008 12:49pm - Monster_Island ""]

thuringwethil said:
of course this is gonna date the motherfuck outta me but I don't give a shit anymore.

i can sympathize haha ...

1987 - Drugged ... hardcore/skate/punk ... huge Misfits influence in fact covered where eagles dare and london dungeon had 4 originals ... totally sucked but fun as hell ... i ( 15 yrsold ) played drums and my 14 year old pal played bass ... this 18 year old guitarist ( funcking nut ) used to pick us up and bring us to a beach house that he claimed was his grandmother's summer home ... it was funny that he had to breakin for us to practice lol ... lasted 6 months til the cops got the dude on a B&E !!!

1988 - Mortuary ... Death metal influenced Thrash ... we had 3 songs then it all soured after a few months to fistacuffs between two guys

late 1988 thru late 1993 - HeadRot ... Death Metal/Grind ... guitarist from Mortuary and my self started the band with the intention of being as heavy as we could ... the band went thru a few lineup changes , played with some of the legendary Death Metal / Grind bands of that time and finally dismembered after a frustrating search for a bass player in the final year of existence ... last show on 12-19-1993

late 2006 thru present - GUTBUCKET ... dont even know what the youngin's consider us ... Horror/Death/Grind/Sludge ??? ... Old Guy Core ??? HAHAHA ... we are just two bass guitars and me on drums ... everybody does vocals ... no vocal effects or triggers are used ... and hey we might suck but at least we dont blow

[Aug 29,2008 12:55pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Monster_Island said:late 2006 thru present - GUTBUCKET ... dont even know what the youngin's consider us ... Horror/Death/Grind/Sludge ??? ... Old Guy Core ??? HAHAHA ... we are just two bass guitars and me on drums ... everybody does vocals ... no vocal effects or triggers are used ... and hey we might suck but at least we dont blow

i don't care what anyone calls it, gutbucket fucking rules! -l-
[Aug 29,2008 1:03pm - Monster_Island ""]
thanks Orgy ... i think you should do some stand up while we set up and between song brackets on Sept 7th ... then we would rule
[Aug 29,2008 1:37pm - The True CNV  ""]
1992-?- Chaotic Dreams- Bass- Basically did a bunch of Metallica , Sabbath, and Megadeth covers

1994-95'-all instruments-Dead Salvation- juvenile death metal that sounds like a GBK demo tape. Had a 1 song demo

95-? Urathane- Bass- basically a waste of time.

97-? Downpoint- Drums, vox, guitar- generic hardcore with metal tinge. Good for a chuckle. Recorded a 2 song demo CDR

98-2000- Shiver- Drums- I actually kind of liked this band. a lot of weird influences and experimentation. Opened for Malevolent Creation and Nile

2002-Present- Cold Northern Vengeance- all instruments- Formed during a blizzard as a 2 piece project. Pure Occult Black Metal art

2006-present- Martyrvore- vokills- Death metal that worships natural disasters

2006-present- Perception- all- Experimental in the vein of NON and Blood Axis.
[Aug 29,2008 1:38pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Monster_Island said:thanks Orgy ... i think you should do some stand up while we set up and between song brackets on Sept 7th ... then we would rule

no problem man.
haha, glad ya like my stand-up....
if the other bands are ok with it, i would gladly do some stand-up between sets!
[Aug 29,2008 1:46pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Highschool(1997-99): NoMeansYes (guitar/vox) at the time this was a snotty dwarves/zeke sounding punk band but they went soft and I bailed...

2002-2006: Horn of Valere (vocals/guitar) Epic Heathen Black Metal...a few releases one on Deathgasm records and a US tour in 2005 with Kult ov Azazel, BloodStorm and Teratism.

2002-present(kinda): Shayol Ghul....solo BM project

2005-present: Cold Nothern Vengeance (bass and now guitar)

2007-2008: Blessed Offal... (bass)

2006-present: PanzerBastard (guitar and vocals) Crusty Rock/Hardcore/Metal

2008-present: Deathgod Messiah (dont ask)
[Aug 29,2008 1:49pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

1990-1992 DEAD BEAT

[Aug 29,2008 1:50pm - aril  ""]
I'm awaiting the rebirth of HoV
[Aug 29,2008 1:53pm - Kinslayer  ""]
HoV wants a rebirth but I'm so fucking busy. Plus I need a small practice amp at my place to write with. Mine just died and I'm broke right now...
[Aug 29,2008 1:54pm - aril  ""]
i've got an xtra somewhere, I believe.
(also, not sure if you saw my message about that split)
[Aug 29,2008 2:18pm - tomxnli  ""]

corpus_colostomy said:Drums for S.O.K (sons of kojack) 96-99 :
<jazz, rock, funk, jam, whatever. pretty much a late 60-early 70's GDead worship band.>
*Played parties and just had fun.

Guitar for Mortencia (mOe, Kessaris, Meg, Corey, Me) sometime in college: <thrash, death, to fucked up to remember how to play songs.>
*I'm sure my antics were stressful for most of the members of the band, seeing as they were and currently still are, great musicians..(in contrast to me) We played with Ed Gein, Despised Icon, In Dire Need & more at the assland fish and game. My first venture into playing live "metal."

Guitars for Shitheel (Cheif, Zarbo, Corey) later in college:
<no frills, angry, inebrio-core. spent most of my time being drawn on by other members of the band whilst passed out.>
*Wrote a couple songs and never did anything with it. It was unfocused but raw and pretty fucking heavy. Kinda started formulating the basis for Dysentery riffs.

Guitars for Vermicular Decay (M. Rawls, Abominable Putridity Alex, Me)
after college:
<My interpretation of mongo smash or "eternal" slam.lol.>
*We wrote essentially a full album, developed a ton of artwork and layouts, got signed by Pathological in Spain and then Rawlsy split and wentkoo koo. Tracks were destroyed by various parties within the band out of spite, and principle.

Guitars for Dysentery (Willy, E-rock, Dr. Greez and I )current:
<slamming mass death grind / 'mastering the ancient diapers'>

i miss vermicualr decay. alot. so much potential.
[Aug 29,2008 2:18pm - Kinslayer  ""]
I didnt see the message about a split, no...
[Aug 29,2008 2:28pm - Mikeofdecrepitude ""]
Shading The End/Fall of Decrepitude/Proteus (all the same band)

Now happily in Galadriel
[Aug 29,2008 2:38pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

Martins said:You used "slew" a ton of times in that, Mr. MFR.

Correction: I said "slew" 2 times.
[Aug 29,2008 2:42pm - C.DEaD  ""]
The only thing I ever did was tryout for Asytole. I failed.
[Aug 29,2008 2:44pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
Sedate- (95 to 96. 2002-2004-2006.) started out as a punk(?) band with me on rhythm guitar. all my friends were in it. even rttp's very own pam was in it at one point. from 95 to 96 we never played a note of music. then we broke up. my brother re-started the band in 2001 and me and mark fucking richards joined in, in 2002. then we left and they got new members and turned into a black metal band. i would later join and quit 4 or 5 more times.

in thy veins- (99-2000.) i started doing vocals in 98 and by 99 i was still trying to perfect em. so i tried out for beyond the sixth seal. didnt make the cut but i got noticed by ross "n roll" mchugh. and we started a blackened death metal band with gene banks(rip.) and were later joined by seth and terence from ascendancy. we practiced for a few months. it wasnt working out with me in it. i still hadnt perfected my vocals. so i left and they changed the name to vengeance in blood.

Upon Crimson Wings-(2000-2004) i met mark fucking richards in 99. my senior year(his junior year) in high school. i had just moved to town switched schools and had no friends besides my band at the time. so i heard mark talking about corosion of conformity in art class, and i chimed in saying "they used to be a punk band." so then we became instant besties fo life. i left my band. mark and i started UCW. then the rest is what he said in his last post.

From Darkest Skies- 2005-2005. melodic death metal. i was fresh out of sedate for the 5th time. and these guys found me online. i joined. we wrote a couple songs. i think the band broke up. then got back together like 2 days later. in that little gap, i went on my way. then they were in a band called rohis.

Beat To Death 2006-2006. soilent greeny death metal. greg the bassist from UCW had this going with my friends Andy and Mark gibbons. then i was invited in. we wrote 4 songs. made a demo, played one show. the music was fun as well. but it didnt work out.

Curbstomp Castration. (see above for what mark said.)

Composted. (2007-present.) SLAMMA LAMMA A DING DONG!

[Aug 29,2008 2:48pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Dave, you forgot Beat To Death.
[Aug 29,2008 2:50pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
[Aug 29,2008 3:04pm - Martins ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
Martins said:You used "slew" a ton of times in that, Mr. MFR.

Correction: I said "slew" 2 times.

Each of those slews weighs 1000 pounds.
[Aug 29,2008 5:14pm - sever ""]
2000 - TTX
2002 - Terminal relapse (both of these were shitty middle school bands)

2004-2005: Pathogenic, take 1. (Blackened Melodeath)
2005: Blood Aristocracy. (Death/Thrash)
2005-2006: Pathogenic, take 2. (went nowhere)
2006: Of Birth (doooooooooooom)
2006-2007: Pathogenic, take 3. (started to make progress... then it went nowhere. more death metal oriented.)
2007: Pathogenic, take 4. (played a bunch of shows, got a record recorded... and then went nowhere. even more of a death/core approach.)
2007-present: Screams of Burial (evil and abrasive death metal)
2008: Pathogenic, take 5. (switched everything around and went extremely brutal tech/slam. fell apart, again.)

my solo projects:
Cloudscapes Dissolve/Aspara - atmospheric rock/metal
Immurement - experimental death/grind
[Aug 29,2008 5:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh shit i fergot about Pathogenic
[Aug 29,2008 6:17pm - nosey  ""]
thuringwethil how old are you, you look so young?? wtf?
[Aug 29,2008 6:27pm - MASlayer  ""]
I was only in one band...DEMISE. We changed the name to EXPERIMENTS IN FEAR but essentially were the same band. Hear/see us at http://www.myspace.com/demiseboston for a cool nostalgic trip!
[Aug 29,2008 6:40pm - narkybark ""]
Demise, eh? Greetings from a member of PBA. Old men and nostalgia unite!
[Aug 29,2008 6:59pm - samYam ""]
Leukorrhea: 2000 - Present (Death Metal)
[Aug 29,2008 7:03pm - Evil Brendan  ""]
E.I.F.- Guitar-Terrible punk/hardcore band(1995)

Tacit- Vox-My first attempt at a "real" band. Vision Of Disorder/Early Korn worship.(1996-1997)

Scapegoat-Bass/vox-Metal band that sounded like a cross between Pro-pain/Machine Head/Merauder/Agnostic Front(1996-1998)

Thorium-Bass/Vox-Pretty cool band that was a cross between Death metal and Tool (1997-1999)

Gargantua Soul-Bass-Mixture of Metal/Alternative/Rap/pop(1998-2001)

Calyx In Ruin-Vox-Sounded kinda like: Snapcase/VOD/Unsane/Blood Has Been Shed(2001-2003)

A Thousand Falling Skies-Bass/Vox-We were one of the first bands to do the kind of "metalcore" that is so fucking played out and gay now(2002-2005)

The Sons Of Montana-Bass- Unsane type music with melodic singing(2005)

Invocation Of Nehek-Bass-"Deathcore?"(2005-2006)

100 Demons-Bass-CT hardcore band (2005-2007)

Dry Kill Logic-Bass/Vox-Former "NU" band that turned into a pretty good metal band(2006-2008)

Pristina-Vox/Bass-Metal/Noise/Crust etc (2003-Present)
[Aug 29,2008 7:23pm - blue ""]
1997 - Angst (Guitar)
This band consisted of me on guitar and Timma on his dad's drumkit. It was a total joke sloppy punk/metal with 1 song and one lyric: ANGST.

2000/2001 - The Third Impact (Bass)
Shitty hard rock/metal band that I played bass for just to actually jam with some people because I knew no one who played/listened to metal in highschool.

2001-2005 - Raising Kubrick (Guitar)
This was my first time actually playing with people who listened to/played metal, and started out as a few friends playing together at college just for something to do. Eclectic death/grind/core with female vox. 1 full length and a split CD. We played a lot of shows. This band was a total joke until Moe joined on drums in 2004.

2002-2003 - Spider Gates (Guitar)
Shitty black metal band that consisted mostly of old RK members. Recorded a demo and got bored.

2003-2004 - Beard of Bees (Guitar/Bass)
Heavy-ish indie rock band that was more or less a dick off college band as Moe has already indicated.

2005-2007 - Porphyria (Guitar)
Technical death metal chock full of football riffs. I loved playing in this band with such awesome dudes, we played an assload of shows and wrote 3/4 of a new album that never got recorded. Got to play with Suffocation which ruled. Fun times all the time. We broke up and everyone but Tom still plays in bands.

2006 - Beer (Guitar)
Dickoff thrash band that me and Kessaris did from time to time at 2 AM when we were high enough.

2005-2007 - Reverend Grundarr and the Unholy Trinity (Bass/Vocals)
Insanely drug induced grindcore. This band was all about playing with bros and smoking way too much weed. We released an EP and recorded another at god city but never got to release it. I left the band due to lack of motivation and they fizzled out in the upcoming months.

2007-Present - Dysentery (Bass)
Painfully brutal slam death metal. Started to jam with these guys cus they practiced 5 minutes from where I was living. Turned out they all liek teh surprise buttsecks. We're getting ready to release our debut full length next month.

2007-Present - Parasitic Extirpation (Guitar)
The band that Tim and I started immediately after Porphyria's breakup. A total RTTP supergroup. Technical death/grind with tons o slam. Have played a few shows so far, just released our first EP, currently working on writing a full length. Will be in full show overload swing this spring.

2008-Present - Can't tell you yet lulz (Guitar)
More wigger slam.
[Aug 29,2008 7:33pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
spider gates!! lol. i forgot about that.
[Aug 29,2008 7:41pm - Hoser ""]
1988-1988 - Guitars - Misuse of Power - Horrible Metallica cover band out of my buddies garage. 1 show = Old Home Weekend in Newmarket, NH with Heavens to Murgatroid. We used their equipment too.

1989-?? Guitars = Band name changed daily = 1 show at a high school dance where some dude spit on me.

1995-1997 Guitars = 5lb Bag - out of Fayetteville, NC = played many shows to Include the infamous Mullet Festival in NC.

1999-2003 Guitars and vocals = Resinate= out of Dover, NH. Played MANY shows to include shows with Mental Infection, Dying Fetus...and many other bills that we didn't belong on.

2003-2007 Guitars = Hand Choke Neck = Best band ever. Had a blast...played 982368764873264 shows with countless awesome bands. Best friends I ever had.......hopefully we will reunite one day.

2007-present = closet acoustic guitarist. Monster fan of Andy Mckee.
[Aug 29,2008 8:03pm - porphyria  ""]
lol @ this thread.

1999-2000 - Tripline (Guitar)
I joined this band a while after they started, wrote lots of hilarious music. I went on to start H.S.M. and Robb who did vocals went on to start Invocation of Nehek on guitars.

2000-2001 - Halo Suffocation Machine (Guitar)
Started this band immediately after leaving Tripline. First band to play live on RTTP.

2002-2002 - Letters From The Dead (Guitar)
Filled in on guitar for a period of time, not my style of music, but it was fun times!

2003 - 2007 - Porphyria (Guitar)
Joined as Shawn and Tim were recording the drum machine 3-4 song demo. Finally started practicing as a full band in early 2004. The entire time was cool, we probably could've gotten further if we were all on the same page. It was a good run, easily the most active/fun band I've played in as of yet.
[Aug 29,2008 8:46pm - DEATH FIEND sli sli sli  ""]
this seems like a fun game...

unnamed cover band - bass
this was in many ways the first incarnation of blessed offal as it was me ben and ross fucking around on metallica covers later we got another guitar player and a real drummer (ross was butchering the drums at first) ross went on to do vocals and we incorporated some misfits and pantera covers in there
our only show was at out 8th grade school dance 97-98ish i think
later this band became...

MORBIDITY- 1999-2000 bass
first real band, we played decent death metal, only had one song, lulz

PESTIFEROUS 1999- present, bass-vox, now everything
started out as a black metal side project with members from morbidity, we put out a demo in 01-02 then the drummer and guitarist left forcing me to pick up both those instruments and record two demos myself, im still writing stuff for this project but it is sadly been on the back burner for quite a while

GOAT COMMAND 2003, guitar, vocals.
this band existed solely to play band night at lexington high school and piss off the jazz nerds who dominated said event. we practiced like twice, wrote two songs of noisy barbaric black metal plus a cover of "witching hour" and proceeded to make a spectacle

VIOLATION 2003, bass/guitar/vox
this was my first attempt at a hardcore band with a friend of mine from college, we wrote a bunch of songs but could never find a third member so we gave up, lame

DEATHAMPHETAMINE 2004-present, bass.
i met these guys my freshman year of college as their bass player was graduating i was a shoe-in, many drunken antics ensued and shall continue

BLESSED OFFAL 2004- present, drums
me and ross formed this once i learned how to play drums good
still working on that album.... sigh

xSHE CRIES WHEN IT RAINSx 2005 joke band making fun of emo unfortunately no one on xmyspacex understood that it was xsupposedx to be a xjokex still, probably one of the most hilarious things ive ever done

VEIN - black metal solo project for the glory of VON

you know who we are and what we do (lotsa cocaine)

SEWERGODDESS - extreme depraved power electronics
its kristens thing, but i help out

im not gonna ruin the surprise, this is gonna be cool
[Aug 29,2008 9:23pm - MASlayer  ""]

narkybark said:Demise, eh? Greetings from a member of PBA. Old men and nostalgia unite!

NICE! Digging the tunes on the myspace!
[Aug 29,2008 10:06pm - duanegoldstein ""]
oh man here goes.

biopsy-bass guitar.

jaden-bass guitar backing vox.

strike 3(yes the strike 3)-bass guitar.

Goldsteins Book-guitar/vox.

started playing drums in various funk and or jam bands and stuff notable "bergstrom macarthur" in seattle.

anotherordinaryman-electronic project, programming and sampling during this time I did a lot of cool shit with mike@zero "old school king kong", "human geometry" oh yeah and the "THen" project

Goldsteins Book- Guitar and vox (full circle, yo)
[Aug 29,2008 10:21pm - Whoremastery ""]
CIRCLE OF HATE(1997~1998)
LEUKORRHEA first show in with them 2005 i think..(2008~current)

not sure if all the dates are right..my life is a blurr sometimes

[Aug 29,2008 10:24pm - pam ""]
Smite The Righteous.

[Aug 29,2008 11:11pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Whoremastery said:

holy shit, my old band The Nothings played somewhere wih you guys, maybe The Rat?

1992-1995 guitar for THE NOTHINGS
1995-2001 drums for THE NOTHINGS
1996-1997 drums for an unamed surf cover band, no shows played
1996-1997 bass/vocals,drums for KEVORKIANS ANGELS
2001-2008 guitar/vocals for KEVORKIANS ANGELS
2001-2005 drums for THE GUNMEN
2004 guitar for 30 TON CRACK ROCK one song band with Gillis and Mark
2003-2007 bass/vocals for CONTINUED WITHOUT A FINDING

practiced drums with UPSIDEDOWN CROSS twice for a show that didn't happen cuz the fat blond at Obriens wouldn't let Seth Putnam in the bar

played one show on drums with ADOLF SATAN at Bills Bar when Josh was in jail. Tom from CWAF played guitar.

Practiced 2-3 times with SIEGE on bass, Mark from You're Fired was on vocals. It sounded incredible but went nowhere cuz the other two guys still hate each other

various noise projects and cover nonsense

[Aug 29,2008 11:27pm - Hoser ""]

pam said:Smite The Righteous.


[Aug 29,2008 11:39pm - Whoremastery ""]
the nothings...that rings a bell..we used to play the rat alot..with wrath a.d. verticle smile..toxic narcotic, beyond repair...the best show i played with exeed was a all death metal show(besides us) internal bleeding,ton,dehumanized,repudalation....

man the memories..exceed endend up becoming bane of existence(and for the better!!!!!!!!!!!!)
[Aug 30,2008 12:15am - handinjury ""]
Nemesis (1994-95) -Guitar- Thrash metal in the style of slayer meets metallica.
Anoxia (1997-2001)-Guitar- Recorded 2 cds. Played milwaukee metal fest '99, New jersay metalfest 2000. NE Metalfest 2000. Fustrated with band drama, left band.
Handinjury(2001-2004) -guitar/vocals/bass/drums- 5 song drum machine project, w/ Dan Pevide(anoxia/goreality) on vocals. Evolved into me playing real drums.
Anoxia (2004-2006) -guitar- Re-joined, played some shows. Band lineup didnt work out.
Whoremastery (2005-2008) -drums- Only played 3 shows, but fun times.

Looking to get something going in 2009. Possible Anoxia reformation in CA with me on drums.
[Aug 30,2008 1:48am - i_am_lazy  ""]
Shredder (2001?-2002-ish) - Lead guitar......varying lineup, never really played much of anything. Usually attempted Metallica covers, then got distracted by me cooking french fries and popping on a DVD of some sort.

4th Realm (2002) - Lead guitar, kind of vocals......lineup was steady, actual originals written (Minus vocals for the most part), first full band recordings I ever did. Mallcore meets jam band with assloads of harmonized thirds. Never played any shows, though

Sinistral (2002) - Lead guitar......traditional metal, heavily Iron Maiden influenced. Only wrote one full song, never played any shows...seeing a pattern? Oh, never recorded with this one either.

Volatility (2003) - Guitar, programmed backing instruments......solo project. "Released" 3 songs, and whipped up about 4 or 5 copies of it. (One in my possession, one given to a childhood friend, another to her mom, one I think I gave to Brandon Leach, and one to a girl I used to constantly talk to online)...hahaha. Kinda power metal-ish, kinda doom-ish.

Revengeance (2003-2005) - Predominantly rhythm guitar, kind of vocals on one song live once......melodeath-ish stuff, a bit like Eternal Tears of Sorrow looking back on it (Hell, we used to cover Burning Flames' Embrace). Played a bunch of random shows, one at the upstairs Palladium that Vital Remains was supposed to play at before Kenny Lanning fucked them over. (Or it could've been a two-way street, who knows). Fell apart after that show, not entirely sure why.

Powerglove (2005) - Rhythm guitar......was me, Alex, Bassil, and Chris. No bassist at that point, I kinda filled that void with my 7-string, or tried to at least. Was in the band a month-ish, when Spalding tried out on bass there was a decision that 3 guitars was a bit redundant with a bassist, so we parted ways (Well, I was kind of kicked out, but I didn't really fight it.) Bizarrely enough Spalding left shortly after and the guys were left as a 3-piece until Nick joined up.

Deconformity (2005? 2006? I don't remember.) - Guitar......kind of not even really Deconformity at the point I was in. Tony was drumming. Couple basement jams, decided I didn't really fit with the guys, felt like a constant captain bringdown, so I left.

WTF d00d? (2006-present, kind of) - Everything......my out there experimental project, mostly exists in a hypothetical state. The only things that were really made under the banner are two NES-ized songs, a random experiment with wave generators, and a John Cage tribute.

Various other fragments and attempts at forming bands over the years, recorded other solo stuff under various other banners. I can't remember all this shit.
[Aug 30,2008 10:51am - Dave_Maggot ""]
post by pam at Aug 29,2008 10:24pm

Smite The Righteous.


sedate too pam. mwahahaha!
[Aug 30,2008 11:22am - BSV  ""]
Teenage Revolt - first band, Oi!/Streetpunk
Incinerate - Melodic Thrashing Death
Acephalus - (depends who you ask)
Ascendancy - 3 years I think
Abhorred - come on, you guys know them
Sexcrement - still doing it
Strappado - still doing it
Neuraxis - first session tour done, more to come
[Aug 30,2008 11:58am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I've been in over 40 bands, seriously. I've been doing bands since I was about 12-13 and I am 27 now. Here is a bunch of the names of bands I remember, in no particular order:

Monster Truck Rally

Motion Sickness

sic.semper.tyrannis (drummer went on to form Dresden Dolls, bassist went on to form The Cignal)

The Grenades

Jay O'Leary

These Are:

The Taste of Silver

A Sealed Envelope (There Is No Stage V) - with later member of Heuristic, former member of Moment and The Faux

Cant See Ahead - with former member of :30 Seconds Over Tokyo

Ipso Facto

3 Toad Sloth - My first band! Could never find a real, permanent drummer.

No Compliance - first band I was in to play The Middle East and to go to an actual studio. Total Rapcore.



Asian Task Force - first band I was in to release an actual CD, formed in NYC with two virtual unknowns. Pretty popular with the MakeOutClub crowd.

Hoth - never got to play out with this one. Too many lineup issues. Sounded like Black Flag.

Bootie & The HoFish - later changed members and sound a bit and became No Compliance.

Slough - This band is STILL around. We formed in like 1993 in Jr High under the name POSEUR. These guys kinda became more of a jam band and all moved to Alaska, then Colorado together.

Trench - Band sounded like Tool. I did vocals. Awesome. Played the Trance Buddah with this band.

How They Light Cigarettes In Prison - I am somewhat of a luddite. This was my a capella hardcore / metal project. Sort of not broken up since it was me or whoever wanted to sing the songs.

Monuments of Blood & Sand

The BenFest Band - band that formed annually with different members, all friends of my buddy Ben Sherman. We would play for people in his backyard, pretty much all covers of 70's bands. Did this for like 4 or 5 years.

Slaves To The Metropolis - off/on member

Two Live Krew - I think this was the name. I just would resample and remix 2 Live Crew songs. Released a few songs on some compilations.

Heisai Yasokawa's EMPTY ORCHESTRA - my current project, a lot of fun.

There's many many that I missed listing, can't remember, whatever...but maybe it's for the best.
[Aug 30,2008 12:00pm - pam ""]

Hoser said:
pam said:Smite The Righteous.



[Aug 30,2008 12:54pm - Kadooganaut  ""]
Hahaha this is a great idea...

KonfuZd - my first band, started in 8th grade. uber nu metal gayness. I played guitar and we played one backyard show and it was TOTALLY RADICAL BROES. Ryan from Exploding Christ sang.

Blind Driver - slightly less terrible, guitar again, Ryan on vocals again.

Mephitis/Stillborn Inversion - my first band that played a lot of shows. borderline metalcore [i actually found a cd we recorded and was pleasantly surprised top find that we were nowhere near as lame as I thought we were]. sophomore year of high school, Ryan played guitar and I did the screaming, my buddies Chuck and Jonnie P played drums and bass. I'd love to hear what Chucks doing on drums now. Kid could fly on the double bass even back then. We played a bunch of shows at the Sugar Shack in Lowell with a bunch of bands that I've gone back and listened to and I'm glad we held up better than they did, haha. We also got banned from the Westford Parish[grim!] cause everyone MOSHED SUPER HARD BRO.

The Escapist - same line up as Mephitis but we kicked Ryan out and I played guitar and did vocals. lasted about 2 months. and then...

Abhorred, Exploding Christ, Racist Rapist, Arsenal, King Fung Guggy, Everyone Else, Tyrannus and Packrat were all going at the same time for a while:

Exploding Christ - Started as a reason to make fun of all the scenesters in Westford, turned into horrible noise, which turned into horribler noise about hitting women. Played for 2 years as a two piece with Ryan on guitar and vocals and me on drums, and then played for another 6 months or so with Johnny Heidenrich on bass until we all felt dirty and stopped.

Domestic Violence Jamboree
Fuck the Jimmy Fund

Abhorred - the reason I know you fuckers. Thrashed for about 4 years and toured and put out cds and all that fun shit. Good times. Me and Eric/Schwaggz on guitar, my brother John on vocals, Johnny Heidenrich on drums. 2 years with no bass, 1 year with Josh Staples on bass, 1 year with Jeff Hayward on bass. Me and Johnny H were like Scott Ian and Charlie Benante. DRUMMERS CAN'T WRITE RIFFS DOODZ. He's a hell of a drummer but he's a better guitarist than pretty much anyone else I know. I think most of you read my weepy little nostagiabox when we broke up haha.

s/t Demo
Wallowing in Utter Chaos
None Shall Be Spared

Racist Rapist - yeesh. me and Johnny H. making noise and hating everything and everyone and ripping off Anal Cunt. Played one surprise set at HEAVY METAL BREAKDOWN #-something. Exploding Christ/Racist Rapist, Embryonic Cryptopathia, and Abhorred. good show.

Rehearsal rape [cassette demo featuring the infamous "Dwyer is Bald"]
Mustache Men cd

Arsenal - I don't know if I should really count this, but the 5 or 6 practices I was a part of were friggin intense and amazing. Johnny H wrote all the riffs and played guitar, I played second guitar, Mark Kevorkian sang when he felt like it, and John fuckin' Gillis played drums and made my head explode. We smoked a bowl one time and after the fact John G told said he had let his buddy use it on a crack binge the previous weekend. I wondered why one bowlpack got me all fucked up. CRACK RESIDUE.

Diddletang!/King Fung Guggy - I'm still doing this shit off and on, mostly off cause I'm sick of sitting in front of a computer screen making music. A whole lotta garbage and a whole lotta stuff I'm really proud of. Beats beats beats, like 50 cds worth, maybe 20% of which I would still want to put my name on.

BansheeCunt - basically whenever Ryan and I feel like making noise and it happens to get recorded, that's BansheeCunt. We planned on making a full band out of it but I don't think that'll ever happen.

Everyone Else - exactly that. Anyone and everyone I know who happens to be around when jam sessions start. Usually drunken and sloppy and embarassing .not fun to listen to when we sober up.

Tyrannus - my sitting-at-a-computer metal solo thing that I stopped for the same reason as KFG.

Dirt Merchants

Packrat - pretty much the only thing I still do and the reason you all hate me so much.

Within Wheels
Nowhere's Everywhere
Rats in the Room
Making Enemies
[Aug 30,2008 2:09pm - ConquerTheBaphoment NLI  ""]
My First Death (Melodic Death/Metalcore)- Vocals (2004); Released single

Apsiody (Metalcore)- Vocals (2007); Played with bands like Psyopus, Chapter 50, and Emmure

Hraesvelgr (Blackened Thrash Metal)- Vocals (2007)

Oni-Waka (Heavy/Speed Metal)- Drums (2007-2008)

The Cadaveric Manifesto (Progressive Death/Grind)- Vocals (2007-2008); Released 4 song demo; Played with bands like Forever In Terror (Metal Blade), Proteus and Terminally Your Aborted Ghost
[Aug 30,2008 2:18pm - archaeon ""]

BSV said:
Neuraxis - first session tour done, more to come

orly? that rules.
[Aug 30,2008 2:19pm - ConquerTheBaphoment NLI  ""]

pam said:
Hoser said:
pam said:Smite The Righteous.




I was supposed to try out for them 2 years ago when I was living in Quincy but the audition date fell through and we couldn't get anything set up after that.

[Aug 30,2008 3:48pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
DROPDEAD (Political powerhouse hardcore-coming up on our 20 year anniversary)!
I DESTROYER (Darkened heavy thrash,punk and metal)
THE FUZZ (r.i.p.) (Black Flag meets the Stooges and the Swans in a Providence crack alley)
LOLITA BLACK (Dark rock and punk with female vox)
also did vocals with Olneyville Sound System for a run...
and had a dark ambient/electro project called "Opium and Mantra"
that I may bring back one day...
was part of a local superjam/super group called the RedRum Ramrod too
[Aug 30,2008 3:50pm - DomesticTerror ""]
i am most def fucking up the years here...

1991 Eternal Agony-typical high school thrash band that never did anything. w/ andy from RAOV
1992 The Aborted-typical punk band that never did anything
1994 Last Wish-typical dying thrash band that never did anything, but the singer tried to molest me.
1994 Them Dead Fiends- for like a week
94-98 put down the guitar for like 4 years, occasionally filling in live for shitty bands. And jamming to Broken Hope's Loathing every day with Rob Brown in his apt. (my fondest music memories)
1998 - 2006 Teratism
2006-2008 Whoremastery live guitarist
currently getting the "itch" to play and also trying to stifle it.

[Aug 30,2008 3:58pm - DomesticTerror ""]


holy shit, my old band The Nothings played somewhere wih you guys, maybe The Rat?

The Nothings that covered Gypsy Motherfucker? How's Mango?
[Aug 30,2008 4:04pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

DomesticTerror said:

holy shit, my old band The Nothings played somewhere wih you guys, maybe The Rat?

The Nothings that covered Gypsy Motherfucker? How's Mango?

the one and only! he's doing fine, lives in Salem and works in the Back Bay, something to do with focus groups.
[Aug 30,2008 4:21pm - dyingmuse ""]
1990 I was in a band called Winter, and no it wasn't the same doom band Winter. I sang and it was like old school death metal. we had a hurting demo that sucked

1992 - 1995 MournDrear also known as Carrion, Dysphoria and other various name changes. Old School Death Metal - This was my first real band, I was the singer, we played with 100's of bands like Deicide, Vital Remains, Autopsy, Death, Suffocation and tons more. We had a demo called "Proclimation Of Bleeding Tides"

1995 - 1999 I played in various bands and side projects but really was working on SOB the most.

1996 - Present Shroud Of Bereavement Neo Classical Death Doom metal - this has always been my baby and still is. We have 4 releases and a demo, toured and all that crap, we are recording our next record now.


"The Forever Dance" Demo 1997 it was re pressed a few times
so there are variuous titles and artwork for it

"...Of Ages" out on Oak Knoll Productions 2003?

"A Maddening Hue" Split with Withersoul on Oak Knoll Productions 2005

"Alone Beside Her" on Screaming Ferret Records aug 2007

"Entering the Levitation - A Tribute To Skepticism" on Foreshadow Productions Sep 2007


Cool thread, I just wish I had a more accurate memory for band names and dates, I know I am missing a bunch of shit, but whatever.
[Aug 30,2008 4:45pm - Murph ""]
1999-2003 (Drums) Various high school and college projects with members and ex-members of Dour Cursiva, ATNFAC, and the other million bands Craig has been in.

2004-2006 Dour Cursiva (Drums)

2006 The Body Farm (Drums) It's funny to think of how this band grew after I left, and would have been friggin amazing if the other members weren't so ridiculously talented and formed/joined other awesome bands.

2007-Present Dour Cursiva (Drums)

Count in jamming with many individuals in 2006-2007.

[Aug 30,2008 4:48pm - ancient master  ""]

DEATH%20FIEND%20sli%20sli%20sli said:this seems like a fun game...

unnamed cover band - bass
this was in many ways the first incarnation of blessed offal as it was me ben and ross fucking around on metallica covers later we got another guitar player and a real drummer (ross was butchering the drums at first) ross went on to do vocals and we incorporated some misfits and pantera covers in there
our only show was at out 8th grade school dance 97-98ish i think
later this band became...

MORBIDITY- 1999-2000 bass
first real band, we played decent death metal, only had one song, lulz

PESTIFEROUS 1999- present, bass-vox, now everything
started out as a black metal side project with members from morbidity, we put out a demo in 01-02 then the drummer and guitarist left forcing me to pick up both those instruments and record two demos myself, im still writing stuff for this project but it is sadly been on the back burner for quite a while

GOAT COMMAND 2003, guitar, vocals.
this band existed solely to play band night at lexington high school and piss off the jazz nerds who dominated said event. we practiced like twice, wrote two songs of noisy barbaric black metal plus a cover of "witching hour" and proceeded to make a spectacle

VIOLATION 2003, bass/guitar/vox
this was my first attempt at a hardcore band with a friend of mine from college, we wrote a bunch of songs but could never find a third member so we gave up, lame

DEATHAMPHETAMINE 2004-present, bass.
i met these guys my freshman year of college as their bass player was graduating i was a shoe-in, many drunken antics ensued and shall continue

BLESSED OFFAL 2004- present, drums
me and ross formed this once i learned how to play drums good
still working on that album.... sigh

xSHE CRIES WHEN IT RAINSx 2005 joke band making fun of emo unfortunately no one on xmyspacex understood that it was xsupposedx to be a xjokex still, probably one of the most hilarious things ive ever done

VEIN - black metal solo project for the glory of VON

you know who we are and what we do (lotsa cocaine)

SEWERGODDESS - extreme depraved power electronics
its kristens thing, but i help out

im not gonna ruin the surprise, this is gonna be cool

Marcus, you forgot about WORMHOLE already?
[Aug 30,2008 4:58pm - ancient master  ""]
Mason- impulse tracker project
Danger Field (NB hardcore w/ pat flynn from have heart) 99-2001
Ancient Master (acoustic folk black metal worshipping ancient astronauts) 2000, reformed 2006/7
Deathamphetamine (vocals) 02-06
Wormhole - slowed down depressing basement doom starring the magikal chylde
Vysoká- current folk acoustic metal project, influenced by indigenous cultures around the world http://www.myspace.com/vysok
[Aug 30,2008 5:23pm - rustyps ""]
Mine is rather short compared to most of you.....

(Vocals for all btw, I can't play an instrument if my life depended on it)

Fluid (1999) - nu-metal band, our one original song was actually just a Reveille riff played backwards, and we covered Sugar by System of A Down and My Own Summer by Deftones

Nailbedd (2002) - Filled in one time at a show when their vocalist had mono (Nick Porter, now of The Auburn System), but I was like their honorary 6th member anyways since I was good friends with them and was at most of their shows

P.S. (2004-.....) - before I joined, this started as a Nailbedd/Riverton side project, but after both bands broke up, they made it a full time thing. They were together for about a year or two (I think) before I joined. A year after I joined, we were really picking up steam. Then, Jon (one of our guitarists) decided to study a semester in L.A., so he was gone for 6 months, and we played less without him. Right after he came back, our drummer Chris decided he wanted to take a semester in Switzerland, and while he was gone for another 6 months, we stopped playing shows all together (except for one show that we didn't end up playing because we got screwed, but that's a long story). After that, we just couldn't get our momentum back up again. We played some shows here and there in the year after Chris came back, including the single wildest show we ever played in A Terrible Night For A Curse's basement, but that show ended up being our last. It was a good time, and we never officially broke up, so who knows if we'll do something more someday.

Heisai Yasokawa's Empty Orchestra (2007-present) - My current project with Nick (The Taste of Silver), Chris (P.S., Nailbedd), and Mike (Weapons Grade). As Nick already said, shit's a blast.
[Aug 30,2008 5:39pm - aril  ""]
ancient master - i must talk to you. you use impulse tracker
[Aug 30,2008 5:50pm - grizloch ""]
you guys are all ancient

high school rock band "Cerebral Cortex" etc etc etc-01-02- drums then guitar- started off as a project in health class about inhalants, turned into a shitty band, we played our library once...

147 DB (briefly "Japanese Tentacle Rape/Porm," I wasnt stoked on the rape reference cause I had dated a girl who was raped (by someone other than me))- 02-03- drums- shitty death metal project started by 3/4 of cerebral cortex who were essentially really sick of the other 1/4, played half a dozen crappy shows

Torso- 03- guitar- slightly less shitty project with 1/2 of 147 db, Psytoxia stole our singer, our drummer decided he sucked and switched to vokills, couldnt find a drummer, Psytoxia stole our other singer, fin

Psytoxia- 05-now- bass- after both the singers from Torso quit Psytoxia their bassist wanted to sing, then play guitar, they booted him for being a herb, asked me to play bass, I happened to own one... the rest as they say is history.

OH FUCK- 08-now- guitar- supremely awful no-think-core between myself and patty vesper and whoever wants to sing, toying with the idea of red-light-green-light-core, which I will inevitably decide is an awful idea in T-minus 2 weeks

Rhino Stomp Unicorn- 04-? guitar, drums, bass, vokills- one man band that will never truly come into fruition until I either learn how to play drums again or learn how to use a drum machine

as yet untitled death metal band- ?-? guitar- old singer of Torso, bored as dick in Oneonta, is gonna be rough methinks, havent really written songs in a long long time

Dwyer was in bands in the year I was born
[Aug 30,2008 5:54pm - J. Mortiz  ""]

No Remorse...(89-90) Covers from Motorhead-Guns and shit plus some older Angeles del Infierno(spain)
Malicious Sight...(91-93) (94-95) Thrashy Death,never made out, 5 song home demo was only thing that came out of it)
Abolished...(92-93)Doom Death, 3 song demo also never made it out.
Garden Of Graves..(94)Death metal, 2 tunes into it, both guitars and bass quit, we got this grunge kid to take over on bass and pretty much killed it.
Downfall then Summoning Hate...Old school Death/Thrash(05-07)Quit the band due to my mental condition...Shit happens kids!
Untombed...(2008-)Grind/Death, New project, lets see how long does it take me to fuck this one up too...
All Vocals...
[Aug 30,2008 6:38pm - joey umbrella  ""]
suburban horrors- high school

as the sun sets- high school

umbrella- after high school

feed us fetus- again, after high school

40sls- next

high/horse- we were together for a bit, got crazy (stabbed at band practice), now starting to practice again
[Sep 1,2008 8:53am - Josh_Martin ""]
The Crackheads (circa 1990) Dumb high school band that played in my basement. Our bass player sold his bass for crack, hence the name. I recently found an old rehersal tape. Sounded like a retarded cross between Celtic Frost and the Accused.

Anal Cunt ('96-'01, '03, '06-'07)
Was in AC for 6 years, did lots of records, toured the world, and we broke up. Reformed a couple years later but I quit after one practice because I had to go to jail. Ended up back in the band again a few years later. Lots more touring and then went to jail again. Lack of drummer is hindering any further activity. No one who can play fast is cool enough to tour. Everybody is a fucking posuer.

Picnic of Love ('96-'08) Super retarded offshoot of AC.

Imapled Northern Moonforest ('97-'00) The most satanic band to ever exist. Just one record because any more than that would be selling out. Was supposed to have 666 copies made but the evilness of the music caused the record pressing plant to sink straight down into Hell after only 200 copies were run. Only played a handful of gigs, including a Japan tour. One reunion show happened in '02 in the grim and frostbitten mountains of Colorado. An unfinished 2nd record is laying around somewhere. If Satan commands it, it will be finished someday.

Fuckin' A! ('97 - ??) Totally awesome cock-rock band that was too lazy to get off the ground. We were really fucking good and I refuse to lose hope that someday we'll do something with it.

Adolf Satan ('02 - '07) My hommage to Black Sabbath. Though ended up more like Black Sabbath if Greg Ginn replaced Tony Iommi. One album and a couple of demos. Toured as far as New Orleans. Probably my favorite band of all these. Unfortunately the singer is a creepy pedophile type that I can no longer put up with.
[Sep 1,2008 8:53am - Josh_Martin ""]
Rev, why are all my posts double posting?
[Sep 1,2008 8:53am - Josh_Martin ""]
Rev, why are all my posts triple posting?
[Sep 1,2008 10:26am - ancient master  ""]

aril said:ancient master - i must talk to you. you use impulse tracker

whats up
[Sep 1,2008 11:50am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

grizloch said:Dwyer was in bands in the year I was born

EVERYDAY DAMAGE played The Rocket (pre-Babyhead / Club HELL) in 1987 when I was 17, our first show we opened for STRANGE FLESH and FANG, the vocalist killed his girlfriend a few years later.

We also opened for VERBAL ASSAULT, KINGFACE and SOULSIDE, we played 5 shows total, 4 in Prov and 1 in Newport.


I need to scan some pics and do some myspace albums for my old bands.
[Sep 1,2008 12:53pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

Josh_Martin said:

Imapled Northern Moonforest ('97-'00) The most satanic band to ever exist. Just one record because any more than that would be selling out. Was supposed to have 666 copies made but the evilness of the music caused the record pressing plant to sink straight down into Hell after only 200 copies were run. Only played a handful of gigs, including a Japan tour. One reunion show happened in '02 in the grim and frostbitten mountains of Colorado. An unfinished 2nd record is laying around somewhere. If Satan commands it, it will be finished someday.

killer description.
[Sep 1,2008 7:37pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Omission (1997-98)-Metal and hardcore. Me and 3/4 of Graveheart- Steve on drums and Graig on guitars. Kicked me out cuz I was an asshole drunk.

Blackout Frenzy- (2003-present)
[Sep 2,2008 11:11am - orgymf@work  ""]

Josh_Martin said:

Adolf Satan ('02 - '07) My hommage to Black Sabbath. Though ended up more like Black Sabbath if Greg Ginn replaced Tony Iommi. One album and a couple of demos. Toured as far as New Orleans. Probably my favorite band of all these. Unfortunately the singer is a creepy pedophile type that I can no longer put up with.

larry is a child toucher?
[Sep 2,2008 11:13am - aril  ""]
larry definitely looks like one.
[Sep 2,2008 11:14am - aril  ""]
ancient master - nothing. ive been using impulse tracker for years now. used to be involved in the tracking scene in the 90s. just awesome that someone else uses it on here. just noticed your band is friends with mine on myspace... nice stuff, I like it a lot.
[Sep 2,2008 11:41am - orgymf@work  ""]

aril said:larry definitely looks like one.

true enough....but that don't mean shit
i hang out with a bald jew who looks like a nazi skinhead
[Sep 2,2008 12:38pm - ancient master  ""]
yeah Ancient Master is now defunct, I do the solo project Vysoka now, along the same lines though

as for IT, when i got a new computer I couldnt figure out how to get the program to work on it, so I ended up not using it for about 6 years now
[Sep 2,2008 12:48pm - Josh_Martin ""]

orgymf@work said:
Josh_Martin said:

Adolf Satan ('02 - '07) My hommage to Black Sabbath. Though ended up more like Black Sabbath if Greg Ginn replaced Tony Iommi. One album and a couple of demos. Toured as far as New Orleans. Probably my favorite band of all these. Unfortunately the singer is a creepy pedophile type that I can no longer put up with.

larry is a child toucher?

Oh, don't be stupid.
It's just when you are as old as he is, even hitting on chicks in their 20s is fucking creepy.
[Sep 2,2008 1:40pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Josh_Martin said:
orgymf@work said:
Josh_Martin said:

Adolf Satan ('02 - '07) My hommage to Black Sabbath. Though ended up more like Black Sabbath if Greg Ginn replaced Tony Iommi. One album and a couple of demos. Toured as far as New Orleans. Probably my favorite band of all these. Unfortunately the singer is a creepy pedophile type that I can no longer put up with.

larry is a child toucher?

Oh, don't be stupid.
It's just when you are as old as he is, even hitting on chicks in their 20s is fucking creepy.

what's stupid about an honest question? i thought you were being fucking literal
[Sep 2,2008 1:44pm - aril  ""]
ancient master: it works if you get this thing called VDM sound. google it and DL it. you pretty much right click the it.exe and click "run with VDM sound" and it emulates a Sound Blaster Pro soundcard and works most of the time. It's the only way I still use it, other than going to Windows 95 or 98.
[Sep 2,2008 3:35pm - kylenli  ""]
99-00 dahmer-bass-(grind)before I knew of canadian band- played at safe n sound in rochester nh when it got changed to a Christian gymnastics place..needless to say we were kicked out after two songs.
00-01 uncle ross-vox-with songs like natty ice and maggot work boot..this was a band we made up to bother my friends uncle named ross ..all songs were about his life as a construction worker and the fact that he only consumed white rice,hot sauce and natural ice beer.
02-03 akeldama(at the gates,hxc,ect) Played guitar and did vocals ..played one show at a highschool.
04 pray for a plague-Vox(gg allin grind) had a lot of fun playing shows at the aviary ..
04-? John ritter the robot(rock rock rock) this was fun went on tour after a couple months of practice. I started to like the idea of playing the drums..
04-? khartoum -drums- at this point I made my friend ship me a drum set from vegas so I could play..
06-08 mjxii-drums rip.
08-now Black Mass -drums death metal,grind,classical . Recording a 4 song ep within the next 2 months..

I also was in dysentery for a couple minutes with aaron and tom from mammon machine..we had a shitty practice space in haverhill over a garage.
I also played a short time with birth rites doing vox.
01-life futuristic puke records vice president...also a client.

[Sep 2,2008 3:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i call for an Uncle Ross reunion/world tour
[Sep 2,2008 4:04pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]
I'm too old to go all the way back, but here's a little bit, from newest to oldest (kinda, and somewhat in order.)

Here are the bands I'm in now...

2008-present - Withered Sun (drums)
Melodic death metal, heavily influenced by At the Gates, old In Flames, Dark Tranquility, etc. Fun stuff, and I get to play in the band with the former drummer (he moved to guitar) which is unusual, but cool. I played a couple shows filling in for them and when The Accursed and Polaris tanked, I had some free time to do this full time. Solid dudes. Come and see us this Thursday at Ralph's (9/4/08)

2005 (in theory) 2007 (in actual practice) - present - The Death Perception (vocals)
Mark pretty accurately described it above. The recording lineup was originally just me and Mark, but I figured we'd hit the studio with the lineup we're going to be playing with, as well as guest vocals by everyone on earth. Live we'll probably have Rich Horror filling in any absent vocalist spots, but anyone who records a song with us and shows up to one of our shows and wants to sing their shit live is welcome. If there's a song missing a guest singer, I'll fix that before we record.

2004-present - Smite the Righteous (drums/last minute vocals for the demo)
I don't know what you'd call it, melodic death/thrash/metal, whatever. Anyway, I joined Shadows of the Unseen (thought I was going to be trying out on guitar because Ryan quit, but there were two Ryans in the band, and I was replacing the drummer, haha.) and we had a handful of shows, and started recording a demo with Oscar from Beyond the Embrace when internal BS put the singer and guitarist at odds and we had to let the singer go and record the demo without him. We changed the name to STR and I re-wrote all of the band's lyrics. Without a singer I ended up singing on that demo as well, and after that and we quickly got Pam to fill the vocal spot. Things went cool for a while, we played some shows and wrote some more stuff, then Pam quit. We took some time off to find a singer but had little luck for a while, so Ryan got bored with that and he quit too. We tried out a bunch of dudes for both vocal and guitar spots, picked the best for the job and they kick ass. We started getting heavier and faster, starting to get some grind and more death metal influence and wrote even better music. We're in the studio now recording 9 songs with Eliot from Composted, and will be playing some shows soon.

Here are the bands I used to be in...

2006-2008 - Polaris (drums)
Progressive metal, kinda tech, kinda groovy. I joined in the summer/fall of 06 and we got to work on working out the old material and writing new stuff. We recorded a CD together called The Human Illusion and broke up about 2 weeks before The Accursed. Sad to see it come to an end, but these things happen.

2001-2008 - The Accursed (drums)
Melodic Black/Thrash-metal with the most diverse array of influences I've ever experienced. We started playing a week after 9/11, so that's what we talked about a lot of the time, in the beginning. Our low point was probably our last show and the CD that should've been great but turned out sub-par, and our high point would be playing Milwaukee Metalfest, New Jersey Metal Meltdown and Minneapolis Mayhem, playing with hundreds of amazing and huge bands and seeing parts of the world most of us wouldn't have seen otherwise. This was the worst band breakup I ever had to endure, we were together for a long time and it took up quite a large portion of my life. I made life decisions based on this band, and it was sad to see it end. Still kinda is, but when it's time to move on, get moving.

1997-2001 - Again Without Feeling (drums)
You could say this was metalcore before it was popular, we kinda made people angry, haha. We had a decent following locally, played a ton of shows that always ended in chaos, but couldn't keep a solid lineup. We recorded a full length CD with our first singer, and a 3 song EP that never got released with out 2nd. We went through half a dozen bass players and after our 2nd singer flaked, one of the founding guitarists quit and we couldn't keep a bass player, so my brother Jon moved to vocals and Metal George picked up the bass and we started The Accursed.

Prior to all that, I spent 4 years in the Air Force and played in two bands that were short lived but fun:

1995-97 - Blindside (vocals) (No, not that Blindside.)
Kinda Deftones meets Snapcase, if that's possible. You could tell by the vocal style that I listened to too much Earth Crisis and Deadguy at the time.

1994-96 - Vent (drums)
Sludgy hard rock, Southern influenced, kinda sounded like a very gay COC meets Crowbar because our singer was on Jonathan Davis' dick, which was kinda terrible. We were forced to break up when the singer split town after stealing a ton of money from the dude he worked for.

Prior to the AF, I was in a ton of shitty bands through all of high school and junior high. I was playing for the marching, concert, stage, show and jazz bands in high school, and outside those I played everything from punk to metal, and even a semi-popular alt-rock band that was a whole lotta ugh, but I've been playing since maybe 87? Gigs as little as backyard BBQ's to the Milwaukee Metalfest, all over the place. Good times, and bad.
[Sep 2,2008 4:12pm - Czarnobóg ""]
I played guitar in a shitty hardcore band in high school called ABOVE AND BEYOND that went from like '89-'92. I don't think we ever put anything out but opened for bands like Slapshot, Eye For An Eye, Malestrom, etc.

Played bass in Providence thrash/punk band called VIOLENT ANAL DEATH from '93-'96. A lot of drinking and drugs were consumed in that period so I can't remember all the shows we played, but if a big touring punk or crust band came through town it was usually us or Dropdead (or both) who opened for 'em. I think we put out a 7" and a CD, probably have tracks on a bunch of comps too.

Currently play bass in UNHOLY GOATFUCKER (after not playing for like a decade). We formed over the winter of 2006. Started as an excuse to get drunk and make some horrible noise, but after a couple of years and a few line-up changes we've gotten halfway okay at playing thrashy black metal. Just posted up a new song (with our current line-up) if anyone's interested in checking us out: http://www.myspace.com/unholygoatfucker666
[Sep 2,2008 4:29pm - orgymf@work  ""]

Czarnobóg said:

Played bass in Providence thrash/punk band called VIOLENT ANAL DEATH from '93-'96. A lot of drinking and drugs were consumed in that period so I can't remember all the shows we played, but if a big touring punk or crust band came through town it was usually us or Dropdead (or both) who opened for 'em. I think we put out a 7" and a CD, probably have tracks on a bunch of comps too.

V.A.D. was the shit....i used to listen to that shit all the time when i was in high school
[Sep 2,2008 4:39pm - theaccurseddrummer ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
-The Death Perception (2006-present)-Guitar/Backing Vocals-Chris Helme (Smite The Righteous, ex-The Accursed/Polaris, etc.) had mentioned he wanted to do some sort of grind project with me a year or two prior to actually starting to write. We finally found the time to do it, and have written 14 out of a proposed 24 songs for a CD whenever we can get it done. One of the key aspects to this project is the slew of guest vocalists; I think there are only 3 or 4 songs that do not have a guest vocalist.

P.S. Let's get on this shit dude, fo reelz.
[Sep 2,2008 4:57pm - DEATH FIEND sli sli sli  ""]

ancient%20master said:
Marcus, you forgot about WORMHOLE already?

ahhhhhh shit, i forgot about a few bands

WORMHOLE - drums, bass, vox doom/crust recorded on tape and then sllloooowwwed the fuck dooowwwwwnnnn, only one song, but its awesome

PENIS CHRIST - drums ultra shithead profanatica goatvomit worship with old casio keyboards and shit
me and jay from hirudinea recorded a demo that was supposed to be a split tape with cumming jehovah from quebec, but it never happened

MOOSEKNUCKLE - this was supposed to be a rock n roll band with lyrics about porking gross chicks, never really happened but we made a logo and put it on our practice space door, so its semi-official

oh and i was a sometimes contributor to ON THE ROCKS, xtian from D.A.'s classic rock coverband, i only played on the cool songs, bass and vox or just vox
[Sep 2,2008 5:18pm - hyper_sludge ""]
a long haired hobbit, a negro, and a white boy - 1999 or so
atrophy - 2002?
driven through (2007)
intestinal miscarriage (about two or three days in 2007)
rejoined driven through on vocals and bass (2008)
[Sep 3,2008 11:37pm - DJ DEATH  ""]
Human Slaughter- Atmospheric Black/Death metal, now Black/Heavy Metal (1996-present) All Instruments
Martyrvore- Satanic Nuclear Death Metal (2002-present) Battery and Bass
Cold Northern Vengeance- Occult Black Heavy Metal (2003-present) Battery, Pianos, Organs, Bass, Lead Guitars
Hells Infinite Six- Raging technical deathmetal (2005-2006) Bass
[Sep 3,2008 11:39pm - the_reverend ""]
idk you were in hells infinite six.
this thread is tops.
[Sep 4,2008 8:12am - GodlessRob ""]
Descent -96-03, This project started with me in my apartment in Philly. I started writing shit, 4 track tascam, shit drum machine, my Charvel Model 6 that I've had since I was 15. Never really went anywhere until I moved back here. In 98 I got a spot at the foster building, found a singer and a drummer. Drummer left cause his girl complained too much about him spending more time with the band than her. Got a new drummer, who ended up helping a few guys break into my space and stole most of my shit. At that time I was trying to write heavy shit cause my influences were thrash and death from the 80's. Everyone else though wanted to do nu-metal. The bands that directly surrounded us at the time were, Comic Book Superheroes, Tung, and directly above us was Room With A View . Man we stuck out like a sore thumb. So the band went on it's first hiatus.

Round 2- I met a drummer in dec 00 had a spot up in peabody, female singer, shithead bass player. everyone left except for drummer. I started sing and playing guitar. The music, again was not what I wanted to do. The drummer couldn't play metal drums, the stuff we ended up doing sound like a cross between Type-o and Alice in chains, still could have had worse influences but not what I wanted to do. In 02 we got a bassist that wanted to turn us into Ra, I said oh NO FUCKING WAY. Your out. Early 03 we got a guitarist who was far better than any other previous guitarist and I started writing more tech stuff and my drum programing got better to the point my drummer couldn't play it. Band went on hiatus again for a LONG time.

During the first hiatus I tried out for Dogfight. I hated the music and the douchestains from the sec. I walked in the room. Glad I didn't do that.

either 03 or 04 I tried out for Larissa's band Hekseri, I really liked what was going on but it ended up, I think, that I just couldn't do the drive.

at the same time I joined Systematic Chaos, that was a train wreck. It was a revolving door of old and new members leaving then coming back, personality issues, inflated egos and lot's of drugs.

I said fuck it all at this point, but somewhere around that time I was in contact with Jim from BOE and I was planning on joining them until Jim basically told me that it was a joke band, and no they weren't looking to get signed or tour, that they do it for fun. I was looking for something more serious. (I still have the e-mails)

Nov 05 - May 06 I was in a band that I can't say that I was in, nor did I write any songs with said band and no I did not play 2 shows with them or spend an ass load of money on this band. Look at my sig, you can figure it out.

At this point I swore off ever being in a band again. In June 06 I wrote Churchburner and Black. 2 songs that are on the forthcoming Descent album, but I sat on them until oct 07, I just figured I try 1 more time, this being the last hurrah. I put up a post on here and Brandon from BOE responded and now the realization of everything I have ever wanted to do with Descent is coming to fruition. This def. the heaviest, fastest, nastiest shit I have ever written, with 1 VERY OLD SCHOOL black metal tune (something I have always wanted to do). That said we are looking for a guitarist to help complete the album. All the songs are written, most of it is tracked, B is laying bass lines down, just looking for a lead guitarist who digs the tunes, wants to write some solos. Free practice space, food etc. etc.
[Sep 4,2008 9:18am - orgymf@work  ""]

hyper_sludge said:a long haired hobbit, a negro, and a white boy - 1999 or so

this band name rules
[Sep 4,2008 9:31am - ellesarusrex ""]

aaron_michael said:

Black My Heart - bass - tough guy hardcore. never practiced, never played a show, changed my mind a week after saying yes.

were you in the original lineup of this band wirth phill and justin? used ot listen to them getting tatttoed by phill... the band kinda blew up a bit after the line up changed a million times but i never got into them other than demos from practices.
[May 15,2009 3:04pm - thuringwethil ""]

nosey said:thuringwethil how old are you, you look so young?? wtf?

haha 38. :shocked::satancross:
[May 15,2009 3:33pm - brian_dc ""]
Ironbird (00) - Disorganized Power Metal with people who didn't know what they were doing. Did some covers and failed at writing originals. Murph was in that. Craig of Bonestorm/ATNFAC. Cav of Dour Cursiva as well.

Ankhtium (00) - More shitty hodgepodge of Power and thrash metal. Like 4 practices before we kicked out a guitarist and realized we sucked.

Night Eternal (2000-2001) - Thrash/Power Metal thing with Craig, Murph, and Cav. We were sort of hilariously awesome. Recorded a 2 song demo almost officially. Actually wrote a lot of songs but then Craig decided to start growling so we moved on.

Insidious (2001-2002 or 2003) Melodic Death Metal. We wrote a shitton of stuff. Most of which I have no idea what happened to. Played my first show in this band. We all wore different color camo pants. Played with Sorcery...christraper was a high school bud (our friend brought out their cross (of course inverted) and my parents freaked out)...huzzah.

Dour Cursiva (2004 - 2008) - Technical Metalcore or something. First label backing of any sort. Most awesome shows. Professional recordings and what not. I don't care if metalcore isn't cool, I'm proud of this band.

Coital Cephalgia (2008-???) - Band dedicated to br00tality that Pires and Murph and I almost started. We have 1 song. It's awesome. Kind of has a less creative Decapitated vibe to it. But we haven't had a practice in about 4 months.

Mast (2008 - Present) Heavy, occasionally doomy rock. Still keeping the eclecticism going in this band. First time playing as the only guitarist...which is really an awesome experience. I feel like I'm getting so much better. Focused on songwriting and kickin' ass.
[May 15,2009 3:34pm - moran ""]
1997 The Ted Kennedys-Drums: Shitty, shitty comedic punk.

1997-99 Castration-Guitar: An early attempt at doom metal. Wrote two songs and never left the basement.

2000-06 Disengaged-Guitar: I still to this day have no idea how to describe us. We played a ton of shows around New England. Got banned from a couple places and had a blast doing. One of my favorite periods of my life.

2000-04 Full House Crew(FHC)-Guitar: Crusty hardcore tribute to John Stamos. Sold out the Middle East once. Eventually turned into Disengaged.

2007-Present Bearstorm-Guitar/Vocals: Doom band with a Murf and Al from Deadlikedeath and James from RAOV/HotH. Just heavy as hell riffs mixed with a melodic piece here and there. A work in progress.
[May 15,2009 3:52pm - darkwor ""]
Formative years playing drums were Bad Religion covers and many fallen through kid bands.

Shotgun No Blitz (2004/2005) - drums - Poppy Indie Rock. Material written by the guitarist/vocalist. Practiced a few times and played a couple strange shows. Weird time in my life. I played with them because I wanted to be in a band - any band. We parted because they wanted to tour while I was going to school. That never happened though, they could never find a suitable drummer replacement, and when they did, they recorded an entire album that was stolen right out of their practice space. That was the end of that. Funny thing is though, it was the kind of stuff that could compete on an easy listening rock station if they worked their ass off for a few months.

Next few years spent alone working on chops. Sad.

Darkwor (2007-now) It's really hard to be able to play the type of music that you want to play with like-minded people but we've done it with a few member changes and a lot of fucking practice. You'll hear it soon.
[May 15,2009 4:10pm - Sacreligion ""]
Sacreligion. Guitar. 2003-2009(technically)

Amanda & Michael Lirange. Acoustic Guitar. 2006-present.

12 Step Program. Guitar. Summer of 2008.

7 Minute Stagger. Played bass for a few practices and a show in the early fall of 2008.

Enkara. Guitar. Fall of 2008-present.
[May 15,2009 5:11pm - deathchick ""]
(all vocals)

2003- Potro- pretty awful death and roll. my first band I joined in Barcelona while doing a semester abroad. The band was together before I joined, and kept going after I left (now is broken up). The bassist Pablo was probably the best thing about the band. He was born with half an arm and strummed with his stump.

2004- guest appearance with Phantom Limb at the Choppin Block. good times.

Merciless Greed- 2004-5. metal/death metal with my ex on drums. was doomed to fail with the relationship.

2005- guest appearance with TYAG

2005- Pustular- DM with Mark Fucking Richards, Evan, and Devon

2005- Guest appearance with Teratism

2005-present- Abnormality- Death/Grind/Whatever Else

2006-? Wuornos- All female death metal
[May 15,2009 5:21pm - STLUCI ""]

The%20True%20CNV said:1992-?- Chaotic Dreams- Bass- Basically did a bunch of Metallica , Sabbath, and Megadeth covers

1994-95'-all instruments-Dead Salvation- juvenile death metal that sounds like a GBK demo tape. Had a 1 song demo

95-? Urathane- Bass- basically a waste of time.

97-? Downpoint- Drums, vox, guitar- generic hardcore with metal tinge. Good for a chuckle. Recorded a 2 song demo CDR

98-2000- Shiver- Drums- I actually kind of liked this band. a lot of weird influences and experimentation. Opened for Malevolent Creation and Nile

2002-Present- Cold Northern Vengeance- all instruments- Formed during a blizzard as a 2 piece project. Pure Occult Black Metal art

2006-present- Martyrvore- vokills- Death metal that worships natural disasters

2006-present- Perception- all- Experimental in the vein of NON and Blood Axis.

blood axis !!! wow i didn't think anyone knew about them .. if its the one i'm thinking of at least
[May 15,2009 5:26pm - RichHorror ""]
1994 - Cowman & Jared - Improvised noise. Bass & I puked in a bucket and threw it at the crowd.

1994-1996 - Tantra Yana Path - Doom Sludge. Picture Melvins with Buzzov-en with early Rollins Band with Neurosis. Bass.

1996 - Spit Or Swallow - Noise Punk. Our logo made fun of that Drained band that sounded like Biohazrd. Bass.

1997 - Slap Pappy - Punk. Fat Wreck Chords type crap. Bass.

1997 - Law*Tram - If Mr. Bungle was a punk band. Bass & Vocals.

1997 - Stony Curtis - Cheap Trick meets Ace Frehley's solo record. Keyboards.

1998 - Immortal Alice - Husker Du / Dinosaur Jr. type stuff. Vocals & Keyboards.

2003-2007 - It Will End In Pure Horror. Grindcore. Most of you saw or heard this band and are still unhappy about the experience. Bass, Guitar [on one song] & Vocals, just vocals at the end.

2004 - Humanity Is Purged - Isis meets Goatsake sludge with Jay and Eric from In Dire Need. Guitar.

2005 - Chris Evil & The Taints - Angry Samoans/Devil Dogs/Oblivians-type Drunk Garage Punk. Bass.

2007-Present - Rampant Decay. Thrashcore. Vocals.

2007 - Present[?] - Composted. Silly Slam Death Metal. Vocals and I smear food all over my beautiful body.
[May 15,2009 5:40pm - Stabby_McGunnakillya ""]
2000 - All These Years - Started by dan of Seven Day Curse, the music took a back seat to his political propaganda and bad vocals. Recorded a 3 song demo and one song for a compilation.

2001-2002 - The Automata - At the height of metalcores decadence there were 5 guys fresh out of high school and ready to write some bad rip-offs of Caliban and Poison the Well with a focus on the SLAM!!! as was the style at the time. We enjoyed a modest following and recorded a 4 song demo followed by a 6 song EP on life sentence records that we decided to put none of our best material on for reasons beyong my understanding.

unsure of date - Barfneck - Shitgrind garbagecore started with the intention of putting forth as little effort as possible, so little in fact that we've never done a fucking thing.

Present(I think) - Horrifying Condiments - I play the jews harp. The band would collapse without my talents, which would probably be for the best.

Present - Mincery -Br00tal death metal. Coming soon. Lock your doors and hide your whores....

I played guitar in all these bands except barfneck were I never played a fucking thing.

[May 15,2009 5:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Vocalist of EVERYDAY DAMAGE (87-88)
DEAD BEAT (91-92, now reformed)
[May 15,2009 5:43pm - deathchick ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:1987-1988 EVERYDAY DAMAGE

1990-1992 DEAD BEAT


[May 15,2009 5:48pm - RichHorror ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:1987-1988 EVERYDAY DAMAGE

1990-1992 DEAD BEAT


[May 15,2009 9:18pm - badsneakers ""]
96-97 - Flight 800 - noisy, punk, h/c played a couple party's/rehearsal space shows. recorded a demo on a 4track in my friends barn. wish i could find this! -bass

97-99 - Oneless - h/c refused/coalesce type shit. This band was never supposed to be anything other then three friends fucking around the guitarist/vocalist was a drummer and had never played guitar before. Ended up with some cool songs and played some shows. Recorded one demo. After the guitarist and I quit the drummer kept the band going playing metalcore breaking up a couple years ago. -bass

00-09 - Presley - Indie, stoner, noise, improv. While we did write songs we pretty much never played an entire one live. Live we mostly just improvised sometimes playing pieces of our Needless to say we never had a set list or discused what we might play. We were a four piece until 03. -bass/back up vocals
2000 - S/T ep
2003 - S/T full length
2005 - Elizabeth ep
2008 - The Mansion full length
Songs from s/t, full length and Elizabeth are being used in a movie which may or may not come out some day. Our Last show is August 1st 09 at O'Brien's

05-07 - Easter Bloodhounds - Noise rock. The band was a guitar and drum duo until I convinced them to let me join. Wrote and albums worth of material and started recording. I quit for various reasons and they continued on as a duo. They continued writing and recording songs for the album I started with them then deiced to scrap the whole thing about a month ago. -bass/vocals

07-08 The Autimis - Don't know what this band was, metalcore I guess. Filled in on bass, didn't go to a lot of rehearsals, played some shows. Quit because it was boring. Nice dudes just didn't care for the music. -bass

09-present - Who Carries The Lantern - Sludgy noise rock, some grind-ish parts a lot of melodies. Band is a trio, bass, drums, vocals. We started rehearsing the first week of March. Recorded a demo in April and played our first show in May. Scraped three of the songs on the demo already and we're dieing to play more shows. Tons of new material in the works. I'm real excited about this band! -bass/vocals
[May 16,2009 3:17am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Years are very estimated.

COW (93-95) - bass - Weird, Sabbath-meets-Cromags-meets-Van Halen-meets-Biohazard-meets-Happy Flowers stuff. Did a Skynyrd cover and several nursery rhymes. Mike (vox for A Poor Excuse and For the Worse) sang, Jeff (guitars in CFL) played drums, Shane (guitars and vox in Rectangle Club) played guitar, and I (hilarious interwebs lulz and Viking metal tomfoolery) played bass.

Albino Monkey Stick (94) - vox / tabloids - The above, with everybody on different instruments, and me in a Mexican wrestling mask singing tabloid headlines. We also had a song where the lyrics were taken from a Wendy's training video (something about "white, red, and green" being the order you make a burger in).

Mind's Eye (95) - bass - Not exactly Overcast. The other two guys are out in LA now, doing video game music now (Devil May Cry and other Capcom shit, mainly).

Rasta Aliens (95) - me on drums, for some reason - Basically me and a couple of friends using the equipment from Mind's Eye to make really loud noises with lots of feedback at 4 in the morning on any given night. We covered "Lost me Cookie at the Disco", the Oppressed, several TV theme songs, and a Dead Kennedies song or two.

Violent Few (97-98) - bass/backing vox - Terrible, terrible Oi band. We played with the Bruisers and managed to get on stage at the Rat at least once, so I guess it was worth it. I was the token mohawked fellow amongst the shaven.

Ugly Stick (probably 97) - drums - Basically just formed because Jeff was in a terrible tough-guy hardcore band (Full Contact), they were supposed to play with Slapshot, and couldn't for some reason. So we did. Had songs exclusively about people we knew would be at the show, and why they sucked, as well as a country song called "Let's Find Some Beaver". We covered the Bruisers, with me on guitar, and I did a guitar solo where I fell down a lot. Annoyed the sound guy at the Living Room greatly.

Victim 21 (98-99, 03 or 04) - bass / backing vox - Super fast hardcore stuff with some powerviolence mixed in. Tim from Nadir played drums, Jeff from CFL sang, and Nick from All Those Opposed played guitar. We got back together for a 5 year anniversary and got really drunk a lot. Wrote two of our songs in Mario Paint, and had a great one called "10-10-Suck My Dick," one about Gator, and one about aliens killing people at Hampton Beach.

Ritalin is the Answer (02-04 or so) - bass / vox / programming - Powerviolence with electronics and other weirdness. Started off as a way to annoy my girlfriend, we "practiced" in her living room with me and my boy Bill making drum machine noises. Eventually turned into a live band of sorts, and pretty much just had songs about people we knew that sucked. Josh_hates_you played drums at one point.

Dangerface (05) - bass/vox - No, not the oldschool metal band. Sabbath and Discharge and Type O Negative and Sheer Terror, pretty much. Basically me and the other guys from COW, minus Mike.

Glasfear (0?) - every goddamn thing - Solo black metal / folkish stuff. MIDI is fun.

Herugrim (nao) - bass/vox - You'll just have to wait and see.

Update: I quit Herugrim and joined Darkwor and then a hilarious thread happened. LOL
[May 16,2009 12:12pm - MetalThursday ""]
Started with a couple of basement bands as a teenager:

Spicy - (1997) - Satanic Joke Death Metal - guitar/vocals

Boob's House of Barbiturates - (1997 - 1998) - Metal/Punk/Stoner - guitar

Nasty Muthafucka - (1997-1999) - Grindcore/Noise/Funk - bass/vocals

Then some more serious bands:

Acephalus - (1998 - 2002) - Death Metal - guitar

Played a lot of local shows, got to open for a ton of touring bands at The Palladium. Recorded our one CD "Forgotten Shadows" in 2001 with a pre-fame Adam Dutkiewicz from Killswitch Engage at the controls. Had it mastered by Erik Rutan. Then we broke up and never properly released it.

Despoilment - (2001 - 2003) - Death Metal - bass/vocals/programming

Started as the side project of the Acephalus members who were still into Death Metal (Dusty, Nate & I), then became a full-time band after the breakup. Recorded a 9-song album "Forsaken Penetration" with Dave Novin in 2002 as a two-piece. Added 2 more members after that, recorded a 2-song demo with Dave again and started playing live. Did about 7 or 8 shows before breaking up. Briefly got back together with Dusty to record some demo material in 2008, might do another album as a two-piece sometime.

Murder in the First - (2004 - 2005) - Hardcore/Grindcore/Math Metal - bass

First band that I was ever in that I didn't start. Had a lot of fun but never played shows or released anything for the year I was in the band.

Bane of Existence - (2005 - 2008) - Death Metal - guitar

Joined at the same time as Dusty when Doug & Greg stepped down. Had a great time playing lots of good shows & recording a few times.

Living Monstrosity - (2007) - Death tribute - bass


A quickly assembled Death tribute group that played one show in December 2007.

Zircon - (2004 - present) - Black/Death Metal - bass

Released one CD "Vastlands" on Oak Knoll Productions in 2006. Played countless local shows & toured the east coast.

Rhadamanthys - (2008 - present) - Black/Death Metal - bass/vocals

My new band with Charlie Monroy (ex-Nocturnum). Currently recording demo material and assembling a full lineup.

Side projects on the back burner:

mr. Damage - Thrash - guitar

Songs written but nothing recorded. Looking to collaborate with another Thrash guitarist.

Depraved Indifference - Grindcore/Death Metal - guitar/bass/programming

Recorded some demos in 2002 & 2004. Dormant since then.

[May 16,2009 12:16pm - RichHorror ""]
Up because I forgot one.
[May 16,2009 12:30pm - BSV  ""]
Sexcrement - Was kicked out for being "too intense" which sucks cause I absolutely love that band and everyone involved. I have no idea what went wrong.

Strappado - Havn't talked to Evan about this project in nearly a year. Sucks, Dane moved back to NH which blew cause Blue was playing a lil guitar as well, would love to do it again!

Mischievous - Vox, formely known as Deconformity. All new material as a four piece. More in the classic Death Metal vein. We also do something called The Next Door Project, where we all switch up intsruments and play a song and half worth of maddening Death Metal.

Abnormality - Bass, stoked to be doing this. At first it was moving slooow but now I feel we're really on track and started to really take form. Playing the best bass of life now! Time for a gear upgrade...
[May 16,2009 12:31pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

darkwor said:
Shotgun No Blitz (2004/2005) - drums - Poppy Indie Rock. Material written by the guitarist/vocalist. Practiced a few times and played a couple strange shows. Weird time in my life. I played with them because I wanted to be in a band - any band. We parted because they wanted to tour while I was going to school. That never happened though, they could never find a suitable drummer replacement, and when they did, they recorded an entire album that was stolen right out of their practice space. That was the end of that. Funny thing is though, it was the kind of stuff that could compete on an easy listening rock station if they worked their ass off for a few months.

who else was in that project?
[May 16,2009 1:34pm - barbeloh  ""]
All drums all the time in every band.

'99-'01 Oneiroi - third wave bm. 2 shitty demos. Lots of college shows. Catchy!
Fall '01 - Necrolust - Mayhem/Dark Funeral tribute. 1 show.
'01-'03 - Homonculus - "Clowncore" - carnival inspired slam with a heavy dose of klezmer and punk. Basically a Patton/Gogol Bordello worship. Lots of shows and 3 demos; the second two were actually pretty good.
'02-'03 - Christ Defiled. Mostly ex-Necrolust/Oneiroi members. Black thrash attack! Lots of shows and one awesome demo that made Aura Noir weep with shame. Female dirty vox too!

all bands '99-'03 were in Portland, OR.

'04-'05 I spent playing in various bands in Nashville, TN. For awhile I had an untitled project with Cory from Pustulated that didn't really go anywhere (couldn't find a bassist), we had a few songs. (Then they got back together and put out their last album, not nearly as good as "Inherited," and Andres moved up here and joined Internal Suffering) For about 6 months after that I played in a very Swedish-bm feeling-thing (think Somberlain) called Storming Heaven. The bassist was the son of Patrick O'Hearn (bassist on Sheik Yerbouti, Joe's Garage, and much else) and actually used his dad's old bass for the band. Now he plays in Inferi. This was literally black metal in a trailer in southern Kentucky. Yowza yowza yowza.

In fall '06 goatcatalyst and I founded Ipsissimus.
[May 16,2009 6:29pm - niccolai ""]

BSV said:
Strappado - Havn't talked to Evan about this project in nearly a year. Sucks, Dane moved back to NH which blew cause Blue was playing a lil guitar as well, would love to do it again!

[May 16,2009 6:43pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
Sedate- (95 to 96. 2002-2004-2006.) started out as a punk(?) band with me on rhythm guitar. all my friends were in it. even rttp's very own pam was in it at one point. from 95 to 96 we never played a note of music. then we broke up. my brother re-started the band in 2001 and me and mark fucking richards joined in, in 2002. then we left and they got new members and turned into a black metal band. i would later join and quit 4 or 5 more times.

in thy veins- (99-2000.) i started doing vocals in 98 and by 99 i was still trying to perfect em. so i tried out for beyond the sixth seal. didnt make the cut but i got noticed by ross "n roll" mchugh. and we started a blackened death metal band with gene banks(rip.) and were later joined by seth and terence from ascendancy. we practiced for a few months. it wasnt working out with me in it. i still hadnt perfected my vocals. so i left and they changed the name to vengeance in blood.

Upon Crimson Wings-(2000-2004) i met mark fucking richards in 99. my senior year(his junior year) in high school. i had just moved to town switched schools and had no friends besides my band at the time. so i heard mark talking about corosion of conformity in art class, and i chimed in saying "they used to be a punk band." so then we became instant besties fo life. i left my band. mark and i started UCW. then the rest is what he said in his last post.

From Darkest Skies- 2005-2005. melodic death metal. i was fresh out of sedate for the 5th time. and these guys found me online. i joined. we wrote a couple songs. i think the band broke up. then got back together like 2 days later. in that little gap, i went on my way. then they were in a band called rohis.

Beat To Death 2006-2006. soilent greeny death metal. greg the bassist from UCW had this going with my friends Andy and Mark gibbons. then i was invited in. we wrote 4 songs. made a demo, played one show. the music was fun as well. but it didnt work out.

Curbstomp Castration. (see above for what mark said.)

Composted. (2007-present.) SLAMMA LAMMA A DING DONG!


Children Of The Dying Sun- (2008-present) with Andy from BTD, my brother Joe, and our friend Ryan. it's like every style of music baked into a big musical pie and served to vikings.
[May 16,2009 7:10pm - niccolai ""]
Lethiferous - I was like 13, played bass. Mark Gibbons and Andy From beat to death were also in it. We had no idea what we were doing. Me and Andy wanted to play grind, mark and chris wanted to play thrash. Chris's girlfriend got wicked fat and ate a bunch of twinkies and I couldnt deal with the drama and the quit. He would later jump me and hit me in the face with some sort of club or stick and still has revenge coming. I wonder if he knows he gave his girlfriend after that HPV. Then they got Greg from Upon Crimson Wings/Beat to Death to play bass.

Last years memmories - metalcore band back in the hayday of metalcore. We practiced near UCW and I met Mark.

TYAG - Then when I was 15 I lied about my age to join TYAG. Not sure if I ever came clean about that, but I was 15 and probably wouldn't have been even asked to try out. Was overwealmed by the technicality and still being in highschool and not even old enough to have a job, was going to quit after Inanimately soundless was done but was let go before that.

Rohis - I started a deathcore/glasscasket/in dire need esque band with Andy from Beat to death. He went on to start beat to death, and I carried the rohis name to the next band since we never really used it.

Rohis v2.0 - After Dave Maggot quit From Darkest Skies, Me and the drummer started the real Rohis. I loved alot of the music but the other guitarist was too metal core and we had problems finding a singer so I quit. Brian from the neon hookers sang for us for a while, and I think Joey from IDN sang for us live one time.

The Body Farm - Me and Mark started the body farm. Was supposed to be another glasscaskety band. Kieth Mutiny sang, and Max L from goratory played bass. Murph played with us for a while but the hike was too much for him, and we had eliot play. Not sure what happened with that, but me and Mark got caught up in other projects and stopped talking about the body farm.

Tyag - Me, Devon, And Lupi from rohis re-started the tyag thing. Lupi joined the Army, and we got Anthony Samone and Mark rejoined. Anthony was too far away, so we got Mike B (composted) to play drums with us, and they insisted on having Eliot play bass. Me and Eliot have 'creative differences' so I stopped going to practice and let them do there own thing.

Ive been bandless since. I've got two more Rohis concept albums worth of material but don't have musicians to play it with.

[May 16,2009 8:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 17,2009 9:54am - t2daeek ""]
Handicapped Heroes, bass - 2000 - My first band. we practiced in a garage with no heat between jan/feb of 2000. mostly misfits covers, a radiohead cover, and several really fast and gritty punk originals. we recorded an album on a handheld tape recorder which I duplicated on my moms karaoke machine. members of that band later played with run like hell/end it all. Might have been halfway decent if my parents didn't forbid me to play in bands when I got a D in algebra 1.

aenigma, bass/sax - summer 2000 - mostly radio rock covers... played cook outs in south east MA hoping to make some money when we were all 13/14. wrote a couple songs... nothing spectacular.

Hollow Point, bass - Spring/Summer 2001 - Nu Metal originals. yay. notta too preety good, boy.

Defect In Design, bass - Spring 2002/Spring 2004 - Basically a "better" version of Hollow Point that we started working on when I heard a 14 year old Matt Ponte (former hive smasher) use double bass over the phone. Recorded an album which at the time sounded great. Staind-ish.

Entropy, bass/keys - Summer 2004/Summer 2006 - Dredg-ish alt-rock/metal. Project I worked on with friends from Dartmouth. Band never played gigs... probably 3 in 2 years till we started playing all acoustic at Mirasols in Dartmouth a couple times a month. Most interesting thing we ever did was friend every band on myspace with the name entropy. we thought it was funny. apparently entropy of malden ma was fairly upset with us for this. so if any of you from that band frequent this forum I would just like to say that I hope you found your sense of humor. If not, then please continue gargling semen.

Pathos, guitar, vox, bass, horns, keys, percussion - Spring 2004/Present - Alt-Country/Folk acoustic home project. No performances in 5 years, save a couple solo open mic things. Wilco/Johnny Cash/Fleet Foxes inspired. One track to be released on Lowell and Behold Vol. 2 in the next year or so.

A Dream That Can Last, sax, vox - Fall 2005/Present? - Jam/Jazz/Funk/Rock/Country/Blues... Bar band. pretty good one too. Members now live in lowell, nashville, and new york city pursuing other ventures.

In The Face, Bari/Tenor Sax - Spring 2006/Spring 2008 - Ska/Punk/Booze. On occassion still plays as the In The Face Big Band, 13 piece ska/punk orchestra. Tim now plays drums for Hive Smasher

Hive Smasher, Bass - metal/grind/douchery. going out on tour in a couple weeks. good times to be had.

Heavy Drinker, vox - loud. Stoner/doom/misc mike patton inspired vox. Keyboard player from hive smasher on guitar.
[May 17,2009 10:28am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

niccolai said:Lethiferous - I was like 13, played bass. Mark Gibbons and Andy From beat to death were also in it. We had no idea what we were doing. Me and Andy wanted to play grind, mark and chris wanted to play thrash. Chris's girlfriend got wicked fat and ate a bunch of twinkies and I couldnt deal with the drama and the quit. He would later jump me and hit me in the face with some sort of club or stick and still has revenge coming. I wonder if he knows he gave his girlfriend after that HPV. Then they got Greg from Upon Crimson Wings/Beat to Death to play bass.

Last years memmories - metalcore band back in the hayday of metalcore. We practiced near UCW and I met Mark.

TYAG - Then when I was 15 I lied about my age to join TYAG. Not sure if I ever came clean about that, but I was 15 and probably wouldn't have been even asked to try out. Was overwealmed by the technicality and still being in highschool and not even old enough to have a job, was going to quit after Inanimately soundless was done but was let go before that.

Rohis - I started a deathcore/glasscasket/in dire need esque band with Andy from Beat to death. He went on to start beat to death, and I carried the rohis name to the next band since we never really used it.

Rohis v2.0 - After Dave Maggot quit From Darkest Skies, Me and the drummer started the real Rohis. I loved alot of the music but the other guitarist was too metal core and we had problems finding a singer so I quit. Brian from the neon hookers sang for us for a while, and I think Joey from IDN sang for us live one time.

The Body Farm - Me and Mark started the body farm. Was supposed to be another glasscaskety band. Kieth Mutiny sang, and Max L from goratory played bass. Murph played with us for a while but the hike was too much for him, and we had eliot play. Not sure what happened with that, but me and Mark got caught up in other projects and stopped talking about the body farm.

Tyag - Me, Devon, And Lupi from rohis re-started the tyag thing. Lupi joined the Army, and we got Anthony Samone and Mark rejoined. Anthony was too far away, so we got Mike B (composted) to play drums with us, and they insisted on having Eliot play bass. Me and Eliot have 'creative differences' so I stopped going to practice and let them do there own thing.

Ive been bandless since. I've got two more Rohis concept albums worth of material but don't have musicians to play it with.

after reading this, you come off as a total douchebag
[May 17,2009 11:36am - niccolai ""]
I am a total douchebag.
[May 17,2009 2:55pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
nic and me are like the six degrees of kevin bacon of music
[May 17,2009 3:33pm - alexc ""]
The Hound 2004-2006
Aggroculture 2006-2007
Razormaze 2007-present
[May 17,2009 3:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

BSV said:I have no idea what went wrong.

You don't mess with The Dwyer.

[May 17,2009 5:09pm - Auspicium ""]
Colternal 2000-2002 - Really bad Metalcore
Black Moria 2002 - Just a more metal version of colternal
Ered Lithui 2002-2003 Black Metal. If anyone here still has the MP3s from the demo, get at me. I lost my copy a couple years back.
Auspicium http://www.myspace.com/auspicium 2003-Present. Black metal with neo-folkish and ambient elements
Avulse http://www.myspace.com/avulse 2009-present Raw Hypnotic black metal
[May 17,2009 5:17pm - niccolai ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:
BSV said:I have no idea what went wrong.

You don't mess with The Dwyer.


Yea. Or else he will refuse to fight you in mma.
[May 17,2009 5:20pm - boblovesmusic ""]
no bands yet...
[May 17,2009 5:28pm - Kevord ""]
Oh shit. I thought the dude from Hivesmasher was ex Entropy that was around in the 90's. My mistake. I used to love that band.
[May 17,2009 5:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
ENTROPY ruled, those tapes are cherished.
[May 17,2009 5:50pm - Kevord ""]
I had those casettes in high school. So good.

[May 17,2009 6:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I have something like 8 songs on a CDR
[May 17,2009 7:47pm - Hooker in sweatpants  ""]
the hot cats
dj shorty
attempt to reason
foam n mesh
thunder cobra

[May 17,2009 7:48pm - mike...................  ""]

aaron_michael said:Laced- vocals/guitar - total At The

Held Hostage - vocals - metalcore. never played a show since they weren't organized enough to stay together.

who are you? i played guitar in held hostage and i never remember any singer not named rob or dante.

[May 17,2009 11:13pm - aaron_michael ""]

mike................... said:
aaron_michael said:Laced- vocals/guitar - total At The

Held Hostage - vocals - metalcore. never played a show since they weren't organized enough to stay together.

who are you? i played guitar in held hostage and i never remember any singer not named rob or dante.

the band was basically done but Joe deemed me the new singer after Rob when we used to hang out. I should have put in "never practiced" either to be more accurate. my bad.

[May 17,2009 11:14pm - aaron_michael ""]

Kevord said:Oh shit. I thought the dude from Hivesmasher was ex Entropy that was around in the 90's. My mistake. I used to love that band.

Our bassist and old drummer were in Entropy.
[May 17,2009 11:40pm - i_am_not_me ""]
This thread makes me sad, reminded me I haven't been in a band in over 3 years.
[May 18,2009 11:23am - eric ""]
Asepsis/The Deadening: '99-'02 aprox. Guitar. Technical Death metal. cryptopsy- none so vile worship. made two demos, never got out of Johnny H's basement cause drummers never show up to practice.

Abhorred - '03-'07 - Guitar - started as a thrash/grind hybrid, ended up much more thrashy. LOVED playing in this band. toured a little bit. played the choppin' block 94385734987 times, and were pretty much a house band at o'briens. tons of great memories from the OLD o'bs. released a shitty record and never released an awesome ep thats still sitting on my computer. Depressing to think where this band could have potentially gone.

Noosebomb: 07-08 - Bass - LOUD punk/doom/heavy metal. Fun as hell band to be in. Toured with them once. got SHIT FACED. played with our amps on 11! got shit faced again. released a comp and 7" when i was with them.

Rampant Decay: 08-present - bass. drunken thrashcore! fun as hell to play. get totally shit faced and watch rich horror completely offend all the women at shows.

Cold Northern Vengeance: 08-present - guitar - occult blackened heavy metal! Back on guitar finally. the most technical band iv'e ever played in. Played nashville two weeks ago and a us tour slated for later this year, europe to follow i hope. Love the atmosphere this band creates.
[May 18,2009 11:25am - darkwor ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
darkwor said:
Shotgun No Blitz (2004/2005) - drums - Poppy Indie Rock. Material written by the guitarist/vocalist. Practiced a few times and played a couple strange shows. Weird time in my life. I played with them because I wanted to be in a band - any band. We parted because they wanted to tour while I was going to school. That never happened though, they could never find a suitable drummer replacement, and when they did, they recorded an entire album that was stolen right out of their practice space. That was the end of that. Funny thing is though, it was the kind of stuff that could compete on an easy listening rock station if they worked their ass off for a few months.

who else was in that project?

big mike, shawn malloy, kevin d, your mom
[May 18,2009 11:26am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ha Spam is everywhere
[May 18,2009 11:32am - darkwor ""]
hahahha...haven't seen him around in a while, i guess he called me a bigot on myspace because i bailed on his birthday party at his biological family's house. funny because i don't have a myspace, and i don't speak asian.
[May 18,2009 12:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he was at the free beer tasting i went to yesterday... everytime i run into him its incredibly awkward.
[May 18,2009 12:39pm - The_Rooster ""]
Clitorture: 2001-2007

Blue Ruin: 2005-2005

Unnamed stoner rock band: 2005-2005

Current band (no name yet): Fall of '08-present

Space Lounge: Just play shows with these guys. 2008-present

[May 18,2009 1:19pm - BOBDEAD  ""]
I'm glad thuringwethil posted this thread...there are alot
of talented and musically dedicated muthafuckers on this
board. It definitely gave me a better idea of good bands
out there to try to drag into PVD shows in the future...
[May 18,2009 1:21pm - the_reverend ""]
Spam used to post here back in the before time.
[May 18,2009 2:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:

1999-2000 Dysfunkt - (Bass) First attempt at a band. Metalish but not much direction

2001-2003 Stone Orchard - (Guitar) First serious band. sounded like a cross between old SFU and Amorphis

2003 - Reliving the Nightmare (Guitar) Short lived hardcore project

2003-2004 Sacreligion (Bass/Guitar) Metal with Black, Death and hardcore influences

2004 - Pathogenic (Vocals) - Primative version of band that rules today

2005 - Fuck Is My Signature (Guitar) - Improve Death metal project. Played one show that ruled then drummer left quit for some reason.

2005 - Applied Science (Guitar) - 311 cover band. could have been cool if all the member were serious about it.

2005-2006 - Belligerence (Guitar) - Unimpressive thrash. Helped me developed appreciation for thrash and increased my picking speed.

2007-2009(?) NeverSayNever (Guitar) - Booze influenced speed metal. Hope we can start this up again in the future. Status: Indefinite Hiatus

2008 - Fenrir - Acoustic folk with members of the Accursed and Dread Silence

2008-2009 - Retro (Bass) - Classic Rock cover band. 70's, 80's, and 90's hits and other rock gems

2009 - Hard Number 9 - (Guitar-Accoustic) Bluesy rock with originals and covers

[May 18,2009 2:27pm - darkwor ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:he was at the free beer tasting i went to yesterday... everytime i run into him its incredibly awkward.

yeah sounds like he would be there...i've known him for years and years, and i figure i'm good at not making things awkward when i run into people but...man it is unavoidable with that kid. i don't know what it is. maybe it's his history of personal imbalances and his multiple falling-outs with many people i know. but now it feels like i'm getting off-topic here.

dya is right, so much failure in this thread. haha
[May 18,2009 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
i see Spam in the most random places. yesterday it was the beer fest and before that it was collecting archived boxes from my work.
[May 18,2009 3:56pm - moran ""]

moran said:1997 The Ted Kennedys-Drums: Shitty, shitty comedic punk.

1997-99 Castration-Guitar: An early attempt at doom metal. Wrote two songs and never left the basement.

2000-06 Disengaged-Guitar: I still to this day have no idea how to describe us. We played a ton of shows around New England. Got banned from a couple places and had a blast doing. One of my favorite periods of my life.

2000-04 Full House Crew(FHC)-Guitar: Crusty hardcore tribute to John Stamos. Sold out the Middle East once. Eventually turned into Disengaged.

2007-Present Bearstorm-Guitar/Vocals: Doom band with a Murf and Al from Deadlikedeath and James from RAOV/HotH. Just heavy as hell riffs mixed with a melodic piece here and there. A work in progress.

Forgot one.

2003-Present Rummy Rumsfeild and the Klopecs-Vocals: Grind band with one other member and constantly changing drummers. We pick a movie and sample the hell out of it, with the ending result beng that we retell the the whole movie, scene for scene.
[May 18,2009 3:57pm - metal_church101 ""]
PDA (1998-2001) - Lead guitar - Cover band. Covered old Metallica and Black Sabbath and shamefully Godsmack. I know, lame.

Safe Haven (01-02) - Lead Guitar - Original punk metal band. First original band that I was in. Nothing to write home about.

Blackout Frenzy (03-06) - Lead Guitar - Original metal band. Was a founding member. Left to do more old school thrash and death metal stuff.

Bloodshed Unreal (Dec 06-Oct 08) - Lead Guitar - Original metal band. Not sure how you would describe. There are elements of thrash, hardcore, and what not in there.

PyAD (Jan 09 - Present) - Lead Guitar - Original metal band. Elements of Heavy/Doom metal. Cool guys. They wanted me to add leads and fills to their stuff and help kick them over to the speed thrash/speed/death metal side of things. Haven't recorded anything with them or gigged out with them yet.

What can I say? I still suck. :duffbeer:
[May 18,2009 9:38pm - Kevord ""]

aaron_michael said:
Kevord said:Oh shit. I thought the dude from Hivesmasher was ex Entropy that was around in the 90's. My mistake. I used to love that band.

Our bassist and old drummer were in Entropy.

The real Entropy?
[May 18,2009 10:21pm - aaron_michael ""]
[May 18,2009 10:43pm - sinistas ""]
2000 - 2001 : Sigma / Diadems / Despite The Sun - Thrash-influnced metal. Basically the same band, different lineups. Sigma featured Chris from Powerglove on guitar and vocals. I played bass for Sigma, bass / vocals for Diadems, rhythm guitar / backing vocals for DTS.

2003 : Defeatist - Doom / Prog / Folk metal project featuring Chris and Bassil from Powerglove on guitar / vocals and drums, respectively. I played an outdoor show at Brandeis with them on bass.

2003 - present : Dreaded Silence - Melodic / prog metal. Fueling boners everywhere.

2005 - 2007 : Xasis - Acoustic rock - Originally started in 96. Mostly a solo project, but played shows with Ken and Mike of DS.

2005 : Fatti Bobatti and tha Pinktonez - did an acoustic lounge cover of Megadeth's "Sweating Bullets" for a Megadeth Forum tribute cd. Mike from DS provided celebrity impersonations. I got death threats.

2008 - ? : Fenrir - Folk project featuring FIMS, Jon from the Accursed, and Dana from DS. Never really got off the ground, unfortunately.

2008 - present : Scott Green. Yep, doing solo acoustic shows made up mostly of Xasis material with covers thrown in.
[May 19,2009 3:22pm - trampletheweak  ""]
thoracic implosion- drum machine gore grind, terrible songs with dominatus's guitar player matt and some other kid i forget

enemy legion- death metal, i was 15. my first real band in the sense that we practiced weekly. we made a shitty demo with a morbid angel, darkthrone, behemoth, and napalm death cover as well as three originals. this was with matt (dominatus) and the drummer of dominatus's younger brother. we played one show in a garage.

random hardcore band-practiced a few times and wrote a few songs, didnt have a name, my brother and his friend played guitar.

pop-punk band- again no name, i played drums it was fun but nothing ever came of it.

looking for alaska- melodic metal/hardcore- my current band and my first time being in a band that plays out most weeks. we made an ep but dont play song off of it anymore. we are writing and are gonna record soonish.

i play bass in all of these except the pop-punk one
[May 19,2009 3:28pm - Ernie  ""]
Mucopus- 2000? till a couple years ago. guitar and some vox . wrote recorded played a bunch of shit, grew apart from some of the guys and got tired of akward avoiding conversation bullshit that was going on and couldnt take months off work to get stranded in europe so i left and...

Tentacles- guitar.. still lovin it

FACE CAST - i went to a couple practices and then realized they werent joking..

i think thats it
[May 19,2009 5:04pm - Kevord ""]

aaron_michael said:yup

[May 19,2009 9:14pm - metalguy ""]
Fall of Decrepitude - i don't fuckin know - sometime before...
MovetheRabbit -Still don't know - broke up like a year and a half ago
Ravage - don't funkin know - present

New band WE WILL SEE
[May 19,2009 9:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
got another one:

rigel (2009-?) http://www.myspace.com/rigelmetal

experimental stuff
[May 20,2009 8:19am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]

metalguy said:Fall of Decrepitude - i don't fuckin know - sometime before...

Is that Howie?!?

A true adept of the Decrepit Council.
[May 20,2009 8:26am - MikeOvDecrepitvde  ""]

Stabby_McGunnakillya said:

Present - Mincery -Br00tal death metal. Coming soon. Lock your doors and hide your whores....

My buddy Luke from Sleep Terror and touring guitarist with Vile used to have a project under that name. Sick shit.
[May 20,2009 8:32am - RustyPS ""]

metalguy said:Fall of Decrepitude - i don't fuckin know - sometime before...
MovetheRabbit -Still don't know - broke up like a year and a half ago
Ravage - don't funkin know - present

New band WE WILL SEE

uhhhh herro?
[May 20,2009 8:42am - sinofangels-ray ""]
1990- 1992 Nybras
1991-1993 Rancid Christ
2003 - now Sin Of Angels
2008- Grief(a few US shows and European/UK tour)
[May 20,2009 9:00am - thuringwethil ""]
this thread is a HOTTIE
[Nov 9,2013 10:43am - litacore is all about Pantera yo  ""]
[Nov 9,2013 11:50am - boblovesmusic ""]
Wren likes this thread *goes to the metal archives*
[Nov 9,2013 12:52pm - Lamp ""]
Played in a couple bad bands in high school in 2004. One of them already had bass/drums/guitar and they wanted me to do vocals, then play second guitar, then they pretty much instantly decided they didn't like anything I was doing. The other one I played guitar and did a little bit of vocalizing. We played a show at a VFW hall in Exeter, RI and then never practiced again.

Spent several years as a recluse practicing in solitude...

Insufferable Ingrate (2010-2013) - Guitar/vocals. Crossover thrash with blast beats. Took some time to get off the ground for various reasons. We put out an 18 minute tape, did a weekend in Philly and Long Island, played some local shows. I stopped doing it because it was pretty obvious we weren't going to accomplish anything given the attitude of the other band member...

Spinach (2012-present): Guitar. Fastcore assault, short songs. 7" coming out soon, it's right about ready to go to the plant. Easily the most fun thing I have ever done with music.
[Nov 9,2013 1:43pm - boblovesmusic ""]

boblovesmusic said:no bands yet...

Havagrind (2010-2010) - talked about doing it but then didn't do it
[Nov 9,2013 2:13pm - ha ha ha ha  ""]

BSV said:Sexcrement - Was kicked out for being "too intense" which sucks cause I absolutely love that band and everyone involved. I have no idea what went wrong.

ha ha ha ha ha ha
[Nov 9,2013 6:33pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Defying Regularity (2004) Metalcore - First high school band, stupid name. Recorded like one song.

My First Death (2005) Metalcore - First band that recorded a song in a real studio. Didn't play a show though.

Apsiody (2007) Metalcore - Crappy metalcore band that played a couple shows with a couple big names but didn't go anywhere.

The Cadaveric Manifesto (2007-2008) Death Metal - Musically, my favorite band to play in. Had a ton of fun playing shows. I wish our demo was recorded better. My drummer recorded it and refused to fix the fucking thing. Broke up when my bassist joined the military and I followed suit not too long after.

Oni-Waka (2008) Traditional Metal/Rock - Cool little side project I did while in Cadaveric. Played drums for this and there are a couple practices on You Tube :

Dismantle The Cyborg (2009) Deathcore - Played Summer Slaughter with this band. That was one of the best moments of my music career at the time. I joined the Army that summer.

Stasis (2011-2012) Sludge/Doom Metal - My favorite drum project. Really brought out a lot of influences I was starting to really get into. Had a lot of fun playing the couple shows we played. Only wish we got to record. Matt from Martyrvore and Eerie plays drums for them now. Here is our first show in December of 2011:


Skin Drone (2013 - Present) Death Metal - Current project on vocals. It's a studio project for now but we have a lot of interest from people to fill out our vacancies. Really looking forward to where this goes. Here are our links to check out music: http://www.facebook.com/skindrone
[Nov 9,2013 6:46pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Gotta say Dismantle The Cyborg was one of the few deathcore bands I really liked
[Nov 9,2013 8:43pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

1990-1992 DEAD BEAT

[Nov 9,2013 9:36pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
The band I played drums in a million years ago, THE NOTHINGS, is playing a reunion show at Presidents Rock Club in Quincy MA on December 30th. In The Shit is playing plus some band from Weymouth, maybe, called Ira Graves.
[Nov 9,2013 9:48pm - Josh Martin NLI  ""]

Josh_Martin said:The Crackheads (circa 1990) Dumb high school band that played in my basement. Our bass player sold his bass for crack, hence the name. I recently found an old rehersal tape. Sounded like a retarded cross between Celtic Frost and the Accused.

Anal Cunt ('96-'01, '03, '06-'07)
Was in AC for 6 years, did lots of records, toured the world, and we broke up. Reformed a couple years later but I quit after one practice because I had to go to jail. Ended up back in the band again a few years later. Lots more touring and then went to jail again. Lack of drummer is hindering any further activity. No one who can play fast is cool enough to tour. Everybody is a fucking posuer.

Picnic of Love ('96-'08) Super retarded offshoot of AC.

Imapled Northern Moonforest ('97-'00) The most satanic band to ever exist. Just one record because any more than that would be selling out. Was supposed to have 666 copies made but the evilness of the music caused the record pressing plant to sink straight down into Hell after only 200 copies were run. Only played a handful of gigs, including a Japan tour. One reunion show happened in '02 in the grim and frostbitten mountains of Colorado. An unfinished 2nd record is laying around somewhere. If Satan commands it, it will be finished someday.

Fuckin' A! ('97 - ??) Totally awesome cock-rock band that was too lazy to get off the ground. We were really fucking good and I refuse to lose hope that someday we'll do something with it.

Adolf Satan ('02 - '07) My hommage to Black Sabbath. Though ended up more like Black Sabbath if Greg Ginn replaced Tony Iommi. One album and a couple of demos. Toured as far as New Orleans. Probably my favorite band of all these. Unfortunately the singer is a creepy pedophile type that I can no longer put up with.


Anal Cunt from 96-01, briefly in 03, and again from 06-'11 when we broke up for good due to Seths passing

I finally did get Fuckin' A off the ground with Josh Randall and Jeff Hayward. We called the band FUKK. Started as all Kiss covers and slowly added in originals. Band was around from '09-'13. Called it quits due to drummer having offspring and being unable to commit. Too bad we never recorded anything but we had some great gigs.

I am currently putting together a new band. I think Ill be playing fast stuff again. Im starting to miss it

[Nov 10,2013 7:56am - josh hates logging in  ""]
Ritalin is the Answer
Fucking Karate Chop
Socialized Death Sentence
[Nov 10,2013 3:02pm - iorgos ""]
Slippery When Wet ('99 - '01) Teenage angst garbage punk

Fat For A Day ('99 - '00) Ricki Lake inspired punk paranoia

The Flanagans ('00 - '01) Hard Rock Psychosis www.myspace.com/theflanagans

The Entry Point ('01 - '05) Art Rock Innuendo www.myspace.com/theentrypoint

Lore ('08 - present) Prog-Metal Art-Rock Psychosis www.facebook.com/loreband
[Nov 10,2013 8:46pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]

blue said:
2001-2005 - Raising Kubrick (Guitar)
This band was a total joke until Moe joined on drums in 2004.


Didn't notice this sick burn the first time around.

We used to call the drummer that wasn't Moe, LURCH
[Nov 11,2013 3:17pm - Dan_Hammer ""]
Regicide - 2001-2003
System of A Down Cover Band - 2002
Gas Attack - 2005
War on Everything - 2005-2006
Gas Attack - 2008-2010
Skull Hammer - 2009 - 2011
Ravage 2010 - 2012
Sonic Pulse - 2009 - FOREVER!
The Choads - 2013 - ???
[Nov 11,2013 3:26pm - Dan Hammer  ""]

Dan_Hammer said:Regicide - 2001-2003
System of A Down Cover Band - 2002
Gas Attack - 2005
War on Everything - 2005-2006
Gas Attack - 2008-2010
Skull Hammer - 2009 - 2011
Ravage 2010 - 2012
Sonic Poop - 2009 - FOREVER FALSE
The Choads - 2013 - ???

[Nov 11,2013 3:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Black Matter (97-99) neighborhood kid punk/metal
The Overconfident Gynecologists (2001-2003) joke blues rock band
Afar (2004-2007) they play as In Human Form now
Closed Casket (2008-present)
Oneiric Realm - played a couple live shows
Kärsiä - my solo project that I work on whenever I don't have anything else going on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVtw3rMv4cw
Barren Oak - (2009-present)
[Nov 11,2013 3:31pm - ELDERLY BLACK MAN  ""]
^ Turrible, jes' turrible.
[Dec 4,2013 12:22pm - throneofcoldsores ""]
Death Toll Uprising: Metal/Hardcore
Achernar: Progressive Black Metal
Diatribal Revenge: Metal/Hardcore
Noose Over Time: Chaos Grind
Afar: Black Metal/Death Metal
In Human Form: Progressive Black Metal
Ehrlichkeit: (Solo) Black Metal/Noise
[Dec 4,2013 12:38pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Where can I get an Achernar demo from?
[Dec 4,2013 12:41pm - throneofcoldsores ""]
I'm going to try to get all the DTU/Achernar material onto a bandcamp soon...
[Dec 4,2013 12:46pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Awesome, gotta replace the old myspace rips I have.
[Dec 4,2013 12:49pm - throneofcoldsores ""]

Alx_Casket said:Awesome, gotta replace the old myspace rips I have.

Yeah we have an older Achernar demo as well from the first line-up
[Dec 5,2013 11:53am - musical polyglott  ""]
1988-1990 - Chmupapotamis ( Power Dumb core)
1990-1991 - oye oye oye ( Sick of dis shit punk )
1991-1993 - Ass bags ( smutcore)
1993-1994 - The Turd Burglers ( smutcore)
1995-1997 - The Dildoids ( punk smutcore world fusion)
1997-2000 - Purple Choydd ( Pink Floydcore)
2001-2002 - Afghan of Woe ( doom core)
2003-2006 - Waffle iron face lift ( gore core )
2007-2008- Bott Flys ( Black death doom woe metal )
2009-2010- The Newest Testament ( Anti-Religon core )
2011-2013 Ravioli Rhythm ( Jazz fusion food core )
2013 - present - Poopsie Cola ( pop core )
[Dec 18,2013 5:50pm - almudeno69 ""]

I've tried to write you,write me at almudeno69@yahoo.com


litacore%20is%20all%20about%20Pantera%20yo said:http://www.youtube.com/user/newenglandnoise

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