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hey red sox fans

[Oct 18,2004 1:56am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
powerkok said I'll shit and eat it.

i think i'll hold you to that, and again HOLY FUCK!!!!!!
[Oct 18,2004 1:42pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Guess what! WE WIN!!!
[Oct 18,2004 1:44pm - powerkok ""]
swamp are you feeling ok?
[Oct 18,2004 1:49pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm ok I guess. Be we did win last night, nigga. Not that I care much.
[Oct 18,2004 2:09pm - powerkok ""]
ya...the sun shines on a dogs ass occasionally.
[Oct 18,2004 2:10pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Oct 18,2004 9:12pm - powerkok ""]
before either team wins...I must say the umps are callin alot of bs on the yanks.
[Oct 18,2004 9:59pm - powerkok ""]
game 5 is giving me an ulcer
[Oct 18,2004 10:05pm - dc nli  ""]
did someone score a goal yet?

[Oct 18,2004 10:07pm - the_reverend ""]
game five is giving me nothing, since I'm not pissed baout missing simpsons.
[Oct 18,2004 10:10pm - dc nli  ""]
i almost got hit by a bicycle richtshaw contraption last night! have you seen these things? it's like a bicycle with a carriage seat attached to it --- they use it to transport people from the red sox games to their cars.
[Oct 18,2004 10:13pm - succubus ""]
guess what i'm not watching?
[Oct 18,2004 10:31pm - Josiah_the_Black ""]
guess what you should be watching...
[Oct 18,2004 11:01pm - KeithMutiny ""]
BACK TO NEW YORK.......fuckers
[Oct 18,2004 11:01pm - abhorred ""]
who's your pappi?!?!?!?!?
[Oct 18,2004 11:06pm - the antichrist  ""]
Were coming NY and hells comming with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 18,2004 11:09pm - Kalopsia ""]
the antichrist said:Were coming NY and hells comming with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HA!!!!!! you've obviously never been to Harlem
[Oct 18,2004 11:29pm - the_reverend ""]
you are all fags.
[Oct 19,2004 12:28am - hoser ""]
Kalopsia said:the antichrist said:Were coming NY and hells comming with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HA!!!!!! you've obviously never been to Harlem

Neither have you Kalopsia you big sissy. So please lace those faggity lips shut.
[Oct 19,2004 12:37am - Kalopsia ""]
hoser said:Kalopsia said:the antichrist said:Were coming NY and hells comming with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HA!!!!!! you've obviously never been to Harlem

Neither have you Kalopsia you big sissy. So please lace those faggity lips shut.

oh so now you follow me around with some spy cam? fag boy
[Oct 19,2004 12:46am - hoser ""]
Do you need a shoe lace? I'm willing to GIVE you one if you just lace them cock accepting lips shut.
[Oct 19,2004 12:49am - Kalopsia ""]
hahahahahahaha. you see bud? you know i'm right, and you're wrong, but you're too proud to admit it so u tell me to shut up, when deep down inside, you know the red sox are going back to boston empty handed.
[Oct 19,2004 9:38am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
it's getting so nerve racking....my ulcer is bleeding...guh..GO SOX!
[Oct 19,2004 10:50am - josiah the black  ""]
kalopsia what does that have to do with you never having been in harlem?
[Oct 19,2004 10:52am - dirteecrayon ""]
i've been to harlem...
[Oct 19,2004 12:09pm - harlem  ""]
ya, you've been inside me
[Oct 19,2004 12:53pm - powerkok ""]
ive been to every borough in NYC. the bronx and Harlem are the worst with brooklyn in close 2nd....the red sox will cry on the long ride home tonight.
[Oct 19,2004 7:10pm - Kalopsia ""]
did i ever say i've never been to harlem????? i don't recall saying so
[Oct 20,2004 12:10am - KeithMutiny ""]
UH OHHHH broken record... fuckers... I felt Clark's breeze all the way out here...
[Oct 20,2004 12:11am - Abbath ""]
[Oct 20,2004 12:11am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
Yankees are cheating motherfuckers and now it's all tied up game 7 tomorrow NYC
[Oct 20,2004 12:16am - abhorred ""]
oh my god.....i think i just aged about 5 years in the last 3 days
[Oct 20,2004 12:16am - abhorred ""]
GO FUCKING SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 20,2004 12:19am - Josiah_the_Black ""]
shit awesome

fuck a-rod in his glove-slapping cheating ass
[Oct 20,2004 12:22am - Kalopsia ""]
wow, you red sox fans are the biggest bunch of whiney ass bitches i've ever seen. A-ROD GOT CALLED OUT!!!! GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 20,2004 12:23am - KeithMutiny ""]
Arod eats poo
[Oct 20,2004 12:24am - th3rdknuckle ""]
A-Rod = D-Bag
[Oct 20,2004 12:36am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
he should be fined and made to sit out tomorrows game Ha
[Oct 20,2004 12:41am - powerkok ""]
ohhh cmon!!!
he shouldve punched arroyo in the wigger face while he was at it.
fuckin quivery lipped bag of faggots.
[Oct 20,2004 12:42am - powerkok ""]
a-rod is my new hero for that play alone.
[Oct 20,2004 12:43am - powerkok ""]
nothin like riot police on hand!!
[Oct 20,2004 12:44am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
sure sure this coming from a guy that cheers on super fags like Arod and Jeter or steriod using Sheffield and Giambi
[Oct 20,2004 12:44am - powerkok ""]
I must say tho... before this is over, so no one can say Im jumping ship..I am very impressed with the sox's performance. but fuck them up the ass!
[Oct 20,2004 12:45am - succubus ""]
sooooooooo many cops in boston tonight!

[Oct 20,2004 12:47am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
this is the world series right here, best series last year and of course it will be this years too
[Oct 20,2004 12:48am - Kalopsia ""]
powerkok said:I must say tho... before this is over, so no one can say Im jumping ship..I am very impressed with the sox's performance. but fuck them up the ass!

i second that. and whiskey, weed, and man butt sex.... register on this board, then run your mouth
[Oct 20,2004 12:49am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
haha wow did you think of changing women to man butt sex all by yourself, or did it take a group meeting of yankee fans
[Oct 20,2004 12:54am - Kalopsia ""]
no just me and a-rod
[Oct 20,2004 12:54am - powerkok ""]
see, you cant compliment red sox fans...they are bitter...hence my bitter red sox pix....
and I dont cheer on arod Ive always thought he was a fag...that all changed tonight....and jeter?

best shortstop...EVER.
[Oct 20,2004 12:55am - Kalopsia ""]
you got that right powerkok. no one can deny jeter's skills

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