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[Nov 15,2006 1:02pm - RichHorror ""]


From Ian--

'they're basically pushing the bathrooms back so you can see the stage from the whole bar.
in addition, they're fixing up the floor, bar, ceiling, etc.'
[Nov 15,2006 1:03pm - paganmegan ""]
thanks for the update.
That is cool. Will this increase the capacity, do you know?
[Nov 15,2006 1:04pm - RichHorror ""]
I imagine so, if they're pushing stuff back.
[Nov 15,2006 1:05pm - the_reverend ""]
good bye piss pit... sigh...
[Nov 15,2006 1:12pm - RichHorror ""]
I think they might be getting new mics, PA, soundboard, etc. too.
[Nov 15,2006 1:12pm - shatteredliz ""]
Are you sure that's O'Brien's? I think I'm gonna cry.
[Nov 15,2006 1:13pm - RichHorror ""]
Pretty unmistakeable.
[Nov 15,2006 1:15pm - Anthony ""]
Goddamn these pics are depressing... what about the picture of George Washington?? I hope somebody saved that. Probably not though.
[Nov 15,2006 1:18pm - WhyamIandasshole@work  ""]
They incase the urinal with the trashbag on it in glass and display it on the wall.
[Nov 15,2006 1:54pm - chris_from_shit_fuck ""]
end of an era
[Nov 15,2006 2:12pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Nov 15,2006 2:16pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Too bad I haven't had the pleasureable experience of a sweaty show at O'Brien's but you better bet your dirty ass, I'll be there when it's good and ready.
[Nov 15,2006 2:20pm - Sinislazy  ""]
You haven't been to O'Brien's? That should be like, a stipulation of joining RTTP.
[Nov 15,2006 2:22pm - RichHorror ""]
I think he's a youngin.
[Nov 15,2006 2:26pm - Sinislazy  ""]
Hasn't stopped others!
[Nov 15,2006 2:28pm - dreadkill ""]
he's a younging from nh
[Nov 15,2006 2:57pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
18 and proud. I'm in college right now so it's a little hard to make it to shows.
[Nov 15,2006 2:59pm - Messerschmitt ""]
fuck you pussy! drop out and come to shows! move out of nh while your at it!
[Nov 15,2006 3:08pm - pam nli  ""]
They really need to hurry up. I miss my bar and my degenerates.
[Nov 15,2006 3:36pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
I live in MA currently but my family lives in NH. Believe me, I have made it to shows when I can. Since I have been in college, I've been to at least 4 shows containing bands such as, Dragonforce, All That Remains, Horse The Band, Destructor, Psycho, Twelve Tribes, Dead To Fall and the like. I am working on it....
[Nov 15,2006 3:47pm - Sinislazy  ""]
Dragonforce and Horse The Band? Apologies for questioning your metalness, you've got me beat in spades.
[Nov 15,2006 3:51pm - mcmahon ""]
wow. they're even tossing the mic stands! hah!
[Nov 15,2006 3:52pm - Sinislazy  ""]
everybody else has tossed the mic stands at one point or another
[Nov 15,2006 5:15pm - hunterhunter ""]
guarentee they make OB's into a dance club when they finish....no more sleazy metal shows!
[Nov 15,2006 5:18pm - pam ""]
Don't say such horrible things.
[Nov 15,2006 5:20pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, definitely not true. The staff at O'Briens is comprised of all heavy music fans. The shows will continue to be on the heavy side, just with a better setup. It will, unfortunately, not be as sticky or smelly. But a night's worth of PBR can fix that quick.
[Nov 15,2006 5:23pm - pam ""]
I expect 30 straight days of metal shows when they re-open to make up for lost time.
[Nov 15,2006 5:26pm - W3 nli  ""]
pam said:I expect 30 straight days of metal shows when they re-open to make up for lost time.

why so you can go to one of them
[Nov 15,2006 5:26pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i hate obriens.

i wonder if theyre gonna make the new bathroom always smell like piss too.
[Nov 15,2006 5:28pm - pam ""]
W3 nli said:pam said:I expect 30 straight days of metal shows when they re-open to make up for lost time.

why so you can go to one of them

You mean like your last one at O'Briens, queerface? I go to O'Briens shows all the time...you'd know that if you ever went to one your band wasn't playing.

[Nov 15,2006 5:28pm - pam ""]
I hate you for hating O'Briens.
[Nov 15,2006 5:30pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
I can't vouch for the bathroom either, but that little club is probably the best we have, here's to hoping it gets a nice facelift.
[Nov 15,2006 5:32pm - RichHorror ""]
The two of you start fucking right now.
[Nov 15,2006 5:34pm - W3 nli  ""]
pam said:W3 nli said:pam said:I expect 30 straight days of metal shows when they re-open to make up for lost time.

why so you can go to one of them

I go to O'Briens shows all the time...you'd know that if you ever went to one your band wasn't playing.


thats the funniest statement anyone on this board has ever said to me
[Nov 15,2006 5:35pm - RichHorror ""]
[Nov 15,2006 5:37pm - W3 nli  ""]
on a side note, isnt this how the Choppin' Block was lost. it was getting a facelift and then all of a sudden it was sold and now an irish eatery
[Nov 15,2006 5:38pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't remember it getting a facelift, I just remeber it being sold.
[Nov 15,2006 5:40pm - pam ""]
The Choppin' Block kinda sucked anyway.
[Nov 15,2006 5:41pm - RichHorror ""]
I'll kick you in the crotch if you ever say that again.
[Nov 15,2006 5:42pm - W3 nli  ""]
hey no need to kick her there rich, i mean you could have on nice shoes. you dont wanna ruin them doing anything to that baby maker
[Nov 15,2006 5:43pm - RichHorror ""]
I don't have nice anything.
[Nov 15,2006 5:43pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:The Choppin' Block kinda sucked anyway.

that place sucked
[Nov 15,2006 5:43pm - RichHorror ""]
You are both stupid faggots. My friendship with the both of you is officially null and void.
[Nov 15,2006 5:44pm - dreadkill ""]
RichHorror said:Yeah, definitely not true. The staff at O'Briens is comprised of all heavy music fans. The shows will continue to be on the heavy side, just with a better setup. It will, unfortunately, not be as sticky or smelly. But a night's worth of PBR can fix that quick.

one set by rich horror and the screaming nervous breakdowns will make that place a shithole again.
[Nov 15,2006 5:44pm - RichHorror ""]
I am a shithole.
[Nov 15,2006 5:45pm - pam ""]
Yeah cause standing ON TOP of the bands who were mashed in a corner was awesome.
[Nov 15,2006 5:47pm - RichHorror ""]
You have no appreciation for scumbag dives. When you were there was before you had me in your life, which means when your life was utterly meaningless. That's why you have bad memories of the Choppin' Block.
[Nov 15,2006 5:48pm - W3 nli  ""]
pam said:Yeah cause standing ON TOP of the bands who were mashed in a corner was awesome.

actually yeah it was, i love the fact i got to stand right next to Bongzilla as they sludged thru their set.

i wish i could have said the same for when Cattle D played there or Phobia/Rotten Sound for that matter.
[Nov 15,2006 5:49pm - pam ""]
I have plenty of appreciation. That place was too clean, too small, and full of old people.
[Nov 15,2006 5:49pm - RichHorror ""]
I stand on top of the bands when they play O'Briens, or anywhere else. Standing back away from the bands is for faggots.

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