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Faith based Metal

[Apr 13,2007 3:12pm - sxealex ""]
they have 3 vocalists.... haha
[Apr 13,2007 3:14pm - xanonymousx ""]
yeah the way i put it, if bury was slipknot and slipknot was actually good then you would have xDEATHSTARx
[Apr 13,2007 3:26pm - Yeti ""]
ArrowHead NLI said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:"Christian" metal is criminally underappreciated and it's because people are so against people with beliefs. Listen to these bands and hopefully your hearts will soften a little.

I love how he even prefaced his post with this, and you dickbags STILL jumped at the opportunity to attack his beliefs. Which, in turn, proves his own statement that much farther.

Jaweh, Atheism, or Satan, you're all still a bunch of fucking sheep. Don't for one second think your own yard is different than the guy next door. Simply a few different lawn ornaments, nothing more.

Belief is personal, and thus unattackable and infinitely defendable. Why you even bother jumping all over this thread I'll never know. Maybe it's the only way you can feel secure in your OWN beliefs?

Funny thing is, I hate christianity. Still, I find myself embarrassed by the people pretending to defend my own beliefs in this thread. So, it's okay to listen to Blind Guardian sing tales of Middle Earth, I can hear Iron Maiden sing about the pharos in egypt, but as soon as a band sings about Christ I gotta turn off the radio and spout my vulgar opinions about the wretched nature of religion?


you raise a good point. however people dont slaughter each other and stomp all over anyone who opposes them in the name of Tolkien, or Imhotep. i feel that it is justifiable to shit on Christianity because they feel its right to shit on anything anyone does that rubs them the wrong way, and they are the ones that get away with it. i understand that two wrongs dont make a right, but opposition can rightfully be met with opposition. that is my opinion, i am not trying to wage a war. Christianity and Catholicism are now suffering the oppression they waged for centuries, and they are fucking crying about it. i'm not saying in any way that its wrong to believe, but that is the beauty of it all, when one says "sucks" someone says "awesome".
[Apr 13,2007 3:26pm - Yeti ""]
and Mr. Arrowhead, i'm not trying to rile you up, just stating opposition. a "free exchange of ideas" if you will.
[Apr 13,2007 3:31pm - sxealex ""]
i would hate anyone oppressing me. in anyway from anyplace. i personally feel that thinking about this stuff is a waste of time energy and frustration.
[Apr 13,2007 3:33pm - Yeti ""]
in all actuality it really is. i mean if you can think and debate about it in a civilized manner, and hear all viewpoints, there is really nothing wrong with it. but thats never the case. its always "you're wrong, i'm right" "no you're wrong, i'm right!" "LETS FUCKING FIGHT ABOUT IT!!".
[Apr 13,2007 3:37pm - Yeti ""]
and CTB, i think your threads get the most reaction. i must commend you for standing up for your beliefs, even in the face of such rampant opposition. and potentially looking bad in the face of "the metal elite".
[Apr 13,2007 3:38pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
pam said:RichHorror said:What if they preach about booze, beer and banging?

I am beyond OK with that. I am a happy little boozer.

Am I the only one that got the Korpiklaani reference?
[Apr 13,2007 3:43pm - y_ddraig_goch ""]
Why Christian metal is an oxymoron.

"I lift my hands to thee, you are the light, you are my copilot!"
Christian lyrics

"I swing the hammer in a terrible arc. Gore and blood flow from their wounds, Lord Odinn's ravens shall have feast!"
Unchristian lyrics

which one sounds better with metal?
[Apr 13,2007 4:02pm - Lamp ""]
[Apr 13,2007 4:03pm - sxealex ""]
Yeti said:in all actuality it really is. i mean if you can think and debate about it in a civilized manner, and hear all viewpoints, there is really nothing wrong with it. but thats never the case. its always "you're wrong, i'm right" "no you're wrong, i'm right!" "LETS FUCKING FIGHT ABOUT IT!!".

troo but...
thats not what i mean. even a civilized convo is a waste of time IMO. infact even thinking about is there a god is a waste of time. my reasoning:

if there was a god would it fair for him to punish you for not believing in something that you were not give senses to percive and after putting you in this world? the same world with religious wars and shit. you will never know what comes after you die untill you die. And if you think you know you will never be able to prove it to someoneelse. so quit wasting your time and relying on symbols to lead your ideas. i say just be a good person according to yourself. that way you wont forget what you feel. there really is no higher standard worth acheving.
[Apr 13,2007 4:05pm - sxealex ""]
im telling this to myself i mean everyone else can do what they want im not trying to push it.
[Apr 13,2007 4:15pm - the_reverend ""]

look at their phone number
[Apr 13,2007 4:24pm - Murph ""]
whenever I tell my mom how much I'm not down with Christ, her response goes something like this:

"You come out with stink like that. Poop! You poop mouth. Get all that poop out of your mouth."

here's a soundbyte for those still interested http://www.moviewavs.com/php/sounds/?id=go...te=poopmouth.txt&file=poopmouth.mp3
[Apr 13,2007 4:38pm - Lamp ""]
sxealex said:troo but...
thats not what i mean. even a civilized convo is a waste of time IMO. infact even thinking about is there a god is a waste of time.

I agree completely. We're all going to find out what happens after death when we die so we might as well spend our time on this planet actually living instead of just worrying.
[Apr 13,2007 4:44pm - pam ""]
y_ddraig_goch said:pam said:RichHorror said:What if they preach about booze, beer and banging?

I am beyond OK with that. I am a happy little boozer.

Am I the only one that got the Korpiklaani reference?

Us>Everyone else.
[Apr 13,2007 4:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
the_reverend said:http://calvarybaptistbayshore.org/

look at their phone number

[Apr 13,2007 4:55pm - mOe ""]
well, i'm @ work with nothing better to do
I was born and raised Christian so, yes I do believe in God, Jesus, Heaven, etc. I dont have a problem saying it because if you would just as simply dismiss me as an idiot or wortheless because of an idea/belief I have, i'll just as soon dismiss you for that action alone. However, I do have a problem with ORGANIZED religion. When I read stories from the bible i see STORIES that should be used as ideas by which you live your life. Because, come on thats what they are. Its when people actually see them as factual stories, or just twist around what they say for purposes of personal agenda when I give it the big "fuck off." Most of the things in Christianity that I dont agree with at all are issues of organized religion, or pretty much when man puts his own spin on it. The reason I dont participate in organized christitany that much if at all now is because I got sick of the bigotry and ignorance involved. Most African American based churches are full of this and I dont like it. Who cares what music I listen to, what movies/tv I watch, who I fall in love with; I'm not killing, stealing, or being a bad person in general. Another thing is the superiority complex. "If you're not christian then you need to be and you're of the devil." No thanks. I'm not a bible thumper by any means. What you wanna do with your life is your business. I saw all of this and more in my years growing up going to church. Yes, my upbringing has a lot to do with my beliefs, but at the same time I've lead a pretty swell life. Could be better, yea but it could be a lot worse. Most kids who grow up the way I did end up in much worse situation than me. Whether or not my religious beliefs have anything to do with it, no one can truly know. But if it aint broke, dont fix it.
*shrugs* For all we know no one's right which is why i could care less about what anyone else believes. Lets just hang and have a beer, man. Listen to some tunes, maybe.
[Apr 13,2007 5:31pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
wanna know somthing i could give a fuck less if someone is christian...thanks for spreading some music sure it wasn't really my thing but im not gonna shit on ya for it....people will be what they are so you kinda just gotta deal with it man
[Apr 13,2007 5:31pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
wanna know somthing i could give a fuck less if someone is christian...thanks for spreading some music sure it wasn't really my thing but im not gonna shit on ya for it....people will be what they are so you kinda just gotta deal with it man
[Apr 13,2007 5:31pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
damn double post
[Apr 13,2007 5:49pm - mOe ""]
damn double post
[Apr 13,2007 5:59pm - babyshaker nli  ""]
[Apr 13,2007 6:12pm - Troll ""]
Wow, you kids these days have such a chip on your shoulders about Christianity.
I don't give a shit what people believe in. I judge people on their actions.
Most of our political leaders worship a 45' statue of Molech and burn a fake (maybe real) human body in effigy and then have drunkin' orgies with young boys..uhhh..But hey! To each their own right?! Its just their the taxes and false flag terrorism that gets my nuts tangled!
Christ doesn't tell the PMRC to put advisory labels on CDs or tell Pro-Lifers to bomb abortions clinics. Its all about the ill nature of humanity period.
Fanaticism is part of our nature in one way or another. For each of us it just has different ways of rearing its ugly head.

Shit, I had a point! I forgot where I was going with this?!?! So fuck it nevermind! Hahaha!

I'm buck naked and my hair is wet so, see you human larvae later!

[Apr 13,2007 6:59pm - pam ""]
I was forced to go to Catholic school for almost 7 years. And then Christian fucking Sunday school. Hell of a lot of good that did me, way to waste your money, mom.

The best part is, the priest that married my parents and baptized me is sitting in jail right now for being a boy-toucher. I told them that motherfucker was a scummy piece of shit.
[Apr 13,2007 7:51pm - urinal turd  ""]
my biggest problem with the idea of faith based metal is all the years of the church and everyone else saying that metal is all about the devil and blamed for every problem that every teenager had. like a kid from a shitty family and had a shitty life killed himself because of metal, not because of his shitty parents. i remember for years being taunted by kids in junior high and high school for liking metal and they all assumed i worshipped the devil and all that shit. it's just ironic that the most evil music to them is now thier new tool to convert impressionable teenagers.
[Apr 13,2007 7:56pm - yummy ""]
really too much for me to read at this point, this thread got carried away.
Fact: CTB has never preached his religion here, just made it obvious. Who fucking cares? Listen to what you want regardless of lyrical content. Fish on
[Apr 13,2007 9:34pm - ArrowHead NLI  ""]
Well, theres one point any of you made after my last post I feel the need to adress. Other than that, I think most of you got my point.

Yeti, Murph, and a few others try to make the point that christianity has been responsible for so many heinous crimes that it's okay to have such a drastic, irrational, and intolerant reaction to it. Actually, I believe its that exact kind of drastic, irrational, and intolerant type of attitude that is, in fact, responsible for these horrors you cite. Only, instead of some faux intellectual on a messageboard, the culprits were christians. I'm a practicing satanist. Do I like being represented by the faggots that like to cut up animals and commit murder in the name of satanism? Not at all.

You are revolted by the crimes of the Roman Catholic church, and more specifically: the vatican. In fact, there are MANY branches of christianity not headed by the vatican. In the roman catholics own bible, christ denounced the church, and said the true way to god was personal, and private.

Blaming a faith for the crimes of the jihadists, or radicals, is ignorant. It's half the reason jihad happens in the first place - intolerance for others who perceive the laws of life differently.

Point is, I can see having a heated debate over beliefs if he had posted his views. However, he simply posted a few bands looking for opinions, and even PREFACED it by saying he wasn't looking to debate beliefs. You and Pam jumped down this kids throat. Attacking without provocation. I don't care if you're christian, atheist, buddhist, or satanist. If you're lashing out like that, it's not working for you. Try something else, because your current beliefs have taught you to be all the things you seem to hate christianity for.

And pam, I wasn't trying to imply that all of you were sheep, and I wasn't. I just assumed you already knew it.
[Apr 14,2007 2:34am - sxealex ""]

While history may piss you(and me) off contemporary humanity is a product of it not responsible for it.
As for more current events there is no need to group people based on the acts of others.
Believe me i would disown humanity if it was easy. But im still definately human.
[Apr 14,2007 2:38am - sxealex ""]
ive met some pretty sweet christians. i just hate it when they bring their beliefs to the table like a name drop.
[Apr 14,2007 3:08am - pam ""]
I have no idea what you're talking about, Arrowhead.

Screw all of you. Really.

[Apr 14,2007 3:10am - sxealex ""]
i believe in tom cruise. he is the king of gay.
[Apr 14,2007 3:14am - pam ""]
I wish Tom Cruise would make with getting dead. He's a terrible actor.
[Apr 14,2007 11:07am - Murph ""]
Well, I was not going to say anything, but when "faux intellectual" comes into the conversation, then it becomes insulting.

Your idea that having a "drastic, irrational, and intolerant" reaction to Christianity actually created all the reasons why I'm so anti-Christian is such an overused cliche and downright ridiculous. (So people are murdered because they are anti-murder?) In fact, it doesn't even make sense. Read my reasons above for why I feel the way I do, and not one points to me, or any other free-thinking individual past or present, having done anything to deserve death or blacklisting other than feeling differently and/or setting those feelings in print.

Also, my issue is not just with Roman Catholicism, but with the many offshoots from early Christian tradition that demolished many cultures and beliefs (Arianism, Literalist Christianity, the writings of Justin Martyr and Clement of Alexander to name a few). Roman Catholicism did not fully register itself until the third-fourth century AD, by which time many "godman" traditions were in jeopardy due to politcal and religious furor. (Goodbye to many amazing texts)

And I don't make my argument against Christianity for anyone else to jump ship and join me. I understand fully how radical my feelings are, and maybe somewhat jaded, but it's just how I feel. Your thought that "my current beliefs" have me spinning in circles is another cliche amongst cliches in that rant. Seriously, you write as if what you say is sound and concrete, but is actually rather weak and unsubstantiated.

You're not smarter than everyone else, so stop trying to climb into my head and tell me why think the way I do. "Attacking without provocation" has worked well for many religions, I think its time someone else attacks, except this time with purpose.
[Apr 14,2007 4:02pm - This_Is_Heresy ""]
Once again, very well said Murph.
[Apr 14,2007 4:39pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
It's people who stand for genocide, intolerance, and exclusiveness. Jesus came to be the antithesis of everything humanity does wrong.

Religion sucks, we all agree with that. I personally hate legalism and it's one of the things that is killing this world. I don't endorse wars fought over who has the right translation or who's law is more correct. If you look on my myspace, I have a picture that says, "Free From Religion" and I stand by that.

When I decided to become a Christian, I decided to do it for the relationship I would get out of it. I didn't and still don't give a crap about what people think about Jesus or religion because opinions don't matter in the long run. I still respect all of you and I think I'm right in asking for it in return.
[Apr 14,2007 4:41pm - Mess ""]
genocide is the only way
[Apr 14,2007 4:42pm - Murph ""]
Well, I understand more clearly now reading Arrowhead's post how he/she was trying to correlate my reaction with the reaction of Christians.

I just don't feel they are the same in any sense, but that is just me.

p.s. thanks a lot Jesus, I shot an 84 today at Middlebrook.
[Apr 14,2007 4:44pm - Murph ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:It's people who stand for genocide, intolerance, and exclusiveness. Jesus came to be the antithesis of everything humanity does wrong.

Religion sucks, we all agree with that. I personally hate legalism and it's one of the things that is killing this world. I don't endorse wars fought over who has the right translation or who's law is more correct. If you look on my myspace, I have a picture that says, "Free From Religion" and I stand by that.

When I decided to become a Christian, I decided to do it for the relationship I would get out of it. I didn't and still don't give a crap about what people think about Jesus or religion because opinions don't matter in the long run. I still respect all of you and I think I'm right in asking for it in return.

Usually, when I think of someone who does everything right, I don't think of someone hanging by nails from wood at the age of 33. Something went WRONG there, if it in fact played out anywhere close to how it is currently perceived.
[Apr 14,2007 4:44pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Also, I love metal and none of you can take that away. If they want to sing about Armageddon from a Christian point of view or whatever, they have that right and it still rocks. There are VERY FEW "Christian" bands who actively write lyrics worshipping Christ. They are believers IN a band and they don't have to write about it all the time to still be Christians.
[Apr 14,2007 4:45pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Murph said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:It's people who stand for genocide, intolerance, and exclusiveness. Jesus came to be the antithesis of everything humanity does wrong.

Religion sucks, we all agree with that. I personally hate legalism and it's one of the things that is killing this world. I don't endorse wars fought over who has the right translation or who's law is more correct. If you look on my myspace, I have a picture that says, "Free From Religion" and I stand by that.

When I decided to become a Christian, I decided to do it for the relationship I would get out of it. I didn't and still don't give a crap about what people think about Jesus or religion because opinions don't matter in the long run. I still respect all of you and I think I'm right in asking for it in return.

Usually, when I think of someone who does everything right, I don't think of someone hanging by nails from wood at the age of 33. Something went WRONG there, if it in fact played out anywhere close to how it is currently perceived.

His purpose was to die and be raised again. It wasn't an accident of what happened. Period.
[Apr 14,2007 4:47pm - Lamp ""]
Christ died for his own sins, not for ours.
[Apr 14,2007 4:49pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Lamp said:Christ died for his own sins, not for ours.

That's your belief but it's not the truth.

I personally do not want to start wars with you people and that's why I haven't "preached". I wasn't going to anyway.

And please, you tell me what sins he committed so I can throw away my beliefs and become a Hindu.
[Apr 14,2007 4:51pm - Lamp ""]
You're such an easily offended fuck.
[Apr 14,2007 5:41pm - Agrippa ""]
[Apr 14,2007 6:25pm - Dankill  ""]
I personally don't give a shit if the band is Christian or not. If the music is good, I'll take it. If it's a buncha crap and cheese put together by some musical hacks to preach, fuck it.
In fact, I like to go out of my way to check out Christian Metal and Hardcore bands to try to dig up those rare gems that stick out among the garbage. You always find at least one here and there.

For example, old Extol is the balls.
[Apr 14,2007 6:29pm - pro christ  ""]
like http://www.myspace.com/apsiody
[Apr 14,2007 6:39pm - NIGGER ""]
[Apr 14,2007 6:40pm - Coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Let me get this straight- your religion preaches that two thousand years ago, a middle eastern virgin was impregnated by a ghost. And the spawn of this ethereal sperm grew up to walk on water and multiply bread loaves and heal the sick and raise the dead and cast out literal demons. And this Love child was not just any ordinary spud, it was God incarnate who willingly submitted to a bloody S&M crucifixation to pay for OUR sins, when it would have been much easier (and less messy) if he would have merely made us sin-proof in the first place. And this Miracle Baby, son of a (cough) virgin, rose from the dead after three days and now gets very upset when heavy metal musicians slander his name. And Moses parted the red sea, Noah had an arc, God rained frogs on Egypt, and Joshua made the sun stand still. And even though Adam and Eve gave birth to two boys (one of whom killed the other ), the human race somehow fruitfully multiplied while avoiding the sin of incest. And remote polynesian islanders will boil in molten lava eternally if they do not embrace the gospel , even if they have never even had the chance to hear the gospel. And the God that gave you a weenie will also zap you with a lightning bolt if thou darest toucheth the weenie which he didst create...

(The Redneck Manifesto )
[Apr 14,2007 6:46pm - pam ""]
Agrippa said:[img]


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