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Where's my mommy?

[Jul 12,2018 11:15am - WUT  ""]
someone here was talking about you submitting some weird picture of your family too, like along with some underwear that had poop on them or whatever. what is the connection between a family picture and underwear full of poop streaks? do you do yoga, because yoga can def cause poop streaks ive had them.
[Jul 12,2018 12:24pm - grandmotherweb ""]
none of that stuff ever happened.
[Jul 14,2018 2:29am - Alle Gury Jr.  ""]
Do you write poems about me, mommy?
[Jul 14,2018 11:21am - grandmotherweb ""]
TST sure writes a lot of fanciful prose about me, don't they?
[Jul 15,2018 10:04am - WUT  ""]
could you show some? i'm trying to find out how they are victimizing you but haven't seen anything anywhere to make an informed decision.
[Jul 15,2018 11:28am - grandmotherweb ""]

grandmotherweb said:http://returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=91910


[Jul 16,2018 10:38pm - WUT  ""]
thus is not proof.....probs a troll
[Jul 16,2018 11:12pm - grandmotherweb ""]
yeah, a TST troll.
[Jul 20,2018 12:54am - anonymous  ""]
waghablagha crazy sluts
[Jul 20,2018 6:10pm - grandmotherweb ""]
that is an accurate description of TST.
[Jul 23,2018 12:09am - grandmotherweb ""]
Ash Astaroth just took over the TST NYC page, and they are so butthurt about it that they are crying for their mommies right now.
[Jul 23,2018 12:11am - grandmotherweb ""]
[Jul 23,2018 10:02pm - STOP POSTING  ""]
[Jul 24,2018 11:10am - grandmotherweb ""]
OK. just as soon as TST stops spreading rumors about me on the internet.
[Jul 24,2018 12:19pm - An offended Cis  ""]

grandmotherweb said:Ash Astaroth just took over the TST NYC page, and they are so butthurt about it that they are crying for their mommies right now.

Butthurt? Way to use a homophobic insult.
[Jul 24,2018 12:33pm - Hmmmm  ""]

An%20offended%20Cis said:
grandmotherweb said:Ash Astaroth just took over the TST NYC page, and they are so butthurt about it that they are crying for their mommies right now.

Butthurt? Way to use a homophobic insult.

It's ok, I'm sure it was one of her multiple personalities that's a bigot, and not "her."
[Jul 24,2018 5:38pm - grandmotherweb ""]
whatever. cry to your mom about it some more, sweet-cheeks.
[Jul 24,2018 6:16pm - WUT  ""]
through reading these posts i have found that whoever this grandmother person is has some tried and true issues. obsessive compulsion being probably the biggest elephant in the room. i don't see any of this ending with any sort of "win" for her/him, but more or less just an ongoing flame war of sorts. i have to check out now as this thread seems to be a huge waste of ram.
[Jul 24,2018 7:27pm - grandmotherweb ""]
then don't post here.
[Jul 25,2018 7:50pm - TRUTH SERUM SEAMAN  ""]
I ask some questions.

Who is the women in the title also what happened to her child. Not one post here has been directed to the explaination of the actual thread title.

So basically stop beating around the vagina bush and spill the info you fucking slimeball hetro and non hetro human sacks of garbage.
[Jul 25,2018 7:52pm - grandmotherweb ""]
I have no idea why Adam Dodge chose to make this thread about me. none whatsoever.
[Jul 25,2018 11:11pm - WUT  ""]
wait. you used to hate some Ash guy, then some Lucien guy, now some other guy. but the common denominator is you. have you ever thought that maybe you are causing these problems? this seems like some kind of social justice warrior(ess) thing. you confuse and confuse. i really do recommend that you see someone (like a doc) about these things. this is a metal board (or it used to be) but you have been lately posting some really crazy stuff (from what I can see at least). get help if thats what you need because these people here will just shred you.
[Jul 26,2018 1:10am - grandmotherweb ""]
LOL, I've been here much longer than you.
[Jul 26,2018 7:39am - WUT  ""]
that wasn't my point, and your response was very childish.
[Jul 26,2018 12:22pm - grandmotherweb ""]
TST is a problem to me. this forum is the only place they will engage with me, and all they can do is make up lies for attention.

how childish of them.
[Jul 26,2018 12:24pm - grandmotherweb ""]
observe how they make up lies about other people, too: https://www.change.org/p/protect-child-abuse-survivors-petition-to-stop-attacks-against-child-abuse-and-ritual-abuse-survivors-and-neil-brick
[Jul 26,2018 2:30pm - WUT  ""]

grandmotherweb said:TST is a problem to me. this forum is the only place they will engage with me, and all they can do is make up lies for attention.

how childish of them.

how would lies about you garner attention for them? it would seem that the attention would be directed to you instead. i don't really understand your logic there.
[Jul 26,2018 3:03pm - grandmotherweb ""]
they are trying to discredit me in the media, because my trolling makes them look bad and hurts their ability to fundraise.

they're probably filing for bankruptcy right now, because they can't afford to pay their lawyers.
[Jul 27,2018 8:39pm - Nick LeQuarter  ""]
yo dis mommy chick be nuts, yo! she think dat evry 1 out to get her. i seen girls like dis yo...bazaaaaaam! hahaha off da rocker! dis the type that make clames dat aint true bout evrything juss to try to lock your ass up! stay away if i was you. she lonely and beat up.
[Jul 27,2018 9:40pm - grandmotherweb ""]
what does that make you?
[Jul 30,2018 8:00am - Joke  ""]
this broad is a joke.
[Jul 30,2018 6:26pm - grandmotherweb ""]

Joke said:this troll is a anon.
[Jul 30,2018 8:33pm - Joke  ""]
poop underwear....so gross
[Jul 30,2018 11:31pm - grandmotherweb ""]
spreading false rumors... typical of anonymous trolls on this forum.
[Aug 1,2018 5:23pm - Joke  ""]
Not false at all. I was there. Good job slinging your shitty, discharge filled undies into his bag. It was so god damned gross.
[Aug 1,2018 6:29pm - grandmotherweb ""]
that never happened. you just made it up for attention, Adam Dodge.
[Aug 2,2018 6:45pm - Joke  ""]
Attention for who? You? Stop saying that people get attention by telling the truth about you, that's just fucking stupid and makes no sense at all. The negative attention is for you and you only, not to draw attention to anyone other than you. Now stop it with the "so and so did it for attention" bit. That's just fucking retarded and you are a doofus for continuing to say that stupid shit. I am not this Dodge guy; nobody cares about you enough to follow your posts here; and yes, you did throw your stanky assed undies in Lucien's bag because you were trying to get laid. Now shut the holy fuck up. Nobody here gives 2 shits about your proxy war against TST on this forum. Bite shit you cum guzzling man thing.
[Aug 2,2018 7:50pm - grandmotherweb ""]
[Aug 3,2018 12:41am - idiot caravan  ""]
I want to say to gmommyweb that a lot of posts that you think are people "engaging you from TST" are not from TST.

like half of the 420 2017 show posts were mine and I was also the one meme'n you.

Long story short, when you give me your panties can they be soiled?
[Aug 3,2018 12:43am - idiot caravan  ""]
Also I wanted to add that TST are pussies and most likely the wackest group to emerge from more than 1 person coming together with an idea ever.

SATAN IS FAKE you fucking morons stop living a fantasy about demons and ghosts, you're worse than fucking christians and muslims.
[Aug 3,2018 12:53am - grandmotherweb ""]
[Aug 4,2018 9:04am - Berflectuous  ""]
Also not a TST fag, and you are a complete douche.
[Aug 4,2018 2:55pm - grandmotherweb ""]
hello, Adam Dodge. did you take a break from stalking TST girls to come here for attention?
[Aug 4,2018 10:14pm - TST REPRESENTATIVES  ""]
Hey guys flash sale at hot topic this week we need to buy some more satan stuff.
[Aug 5,2018 7:45pm - Berflectuous  ""]

grandmotherweb said:hello, Adam Dodge. did you take a break from stalking TST girls to come here for attention?

1ST of all, legit not this Adam fag. 2nd of all....nobody in their right mind seeks attention by burning you. YOU get the attention through this. You're a complete fucking IDIOT.
[Aug 5,2018 7:46pm - Berflectuous  ""]
You are an attention whore, period.
[Aug 5,2018 9:06pm - old wacky  ""]
Old wacky is back at it eh? she's out of her goard, shithouse nuts. Why even respond?
[Aug 5,2018 9:09pm - old wacky  ""]
She will respond with "so and so did it for attention", or "yawn". Always the same posts over and over. She obviously doesn't have many of her faculties, lay off.
[Aug 5,2018 9:12pm - old wacky  ""]
Also Heard that she doxxed a few people here. Girls total scum. Guard your shit.
[Aug 5,2018 9:19pm - Really  ""]
pretty scummy if you ask me

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