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Coffin Series #1 -=- w/ Malamor (NY), Bane Of Existence, Life At Zero (NH), Whoremastery and possibly 1 more TBA

Dee Dee's Lounge (Quincy, Ma) - [bane_of_existence][life_at_zero][malamor][randomshots][whoremastery]
[Sep 13,2005 6:19pm - whoremastery ""]
3 more days till anal sex!!!
[Sep 14,2005 12:34pm - anonymous  ""]
2more days
[Sep 14,2005 4:15pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Day after tomorrow.
[Sep 14,2005 4:17pm - whoremastery ""]
you gonna get raped john boy......
[Sep 14,2005 4:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Can't rape the willing, Worm.
[Sep 14,2005 4:22pm - whoremastery ""]
awesome...my cock will be hard wrapped in razor wire!!
[Sep 14,2005 7:11pm - the old man  ""]
up ya go mutha fucker
[Sep 14,2005 10:05pm - Big Boa  ""]
Make sure you fuckers get there early to see whoremastery's set.
[Sep 14,2005 11:25pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Sep 14,2005 11:41pm - Aegathis ""]
Oh man that totally ruined my child hood memories of mario, haha
[Sep 15,2005 6:35am - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Sep 15,2005 9:49am - largefreakatzero ""]
Looks like we'll just be a 4 piece for this. Our other guitar player had some unexpected family issues to deal with. I'll just bring some of my other personalities along and we'll trade off on the harmony parts.
[Sep 15,2005 10:18am - nate ""]
hopefully all works out for this show. They are saying that Hurricane Ophelia will be making a close pass to our area around 3-4 AM Saturday morning (friday night). I am hoping this does not interfere with the draw and or the show not going on. As of right now though it is still 100% going to happen. I talked with Malamor last night and they are still coming and most of the other bands have still stayed confirmed so this'll be a sick time. Looking forward to it indeed!
[Sep 15,2005 10:27am - RustedAngel ""]
I'm thinking the hurricane will die down a lot between now and saturday since it's already on land practically. They said it's moving really slow too.
[Sep 15,2005 10:29am - nate ""]
yeah that's the problem though, they say the longer it sits over NC it could strengthen... and the longer it sits there the more chance it will come closer to our area because the jet stream is shifting and the hurricane will basically ride the jet stream right towards us... but I'm not worried to much, we'll just have to see what happens...
[Sep 15,2005 10:31am - nate ""]
they (NOAA) projected it pass 200 miles off our coast yesterday, but today they are saying it be closer than 100 miles off the coast... the storm is shifting direction... but like I said, fuck it I'm not majorely worried about it... I just wanna make sure people are to scared to come out and go to this show...
[Sep 15,2005 12:15pm - nate ""]
Ben from Malamor wanted me to ask... any bassist playing this show willing to let them use the bass cab? The have something to drive it, ie. head, but are limited on space to bring all their shit. Anyone?
[Sep 15,2005 1:41pm - NotCommon  ""]
I will be at this show, but I only know Bane of Existence.

Who are those other bands?
[Sep 15,2005 2:08pm - nate ""]
whoremastery is Rob from Teratism's side project, Life At Zero is from NH and has played MA a few times and Malamor is NY death metal, they've been around about 11+ years now, they're latest CD has guest vocals by Frank from Suffocation.
[Sep 15,2005 2:13pm - downsy  ""]
well your other guitar player better be there for jam when I get there ! OR ELSE !!! hahhaahah..

good luck on the show this weekend.

[Sep 15,2005 2:59pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Thanks dude. And Nate, Malamor can probably use Tom's (our bass player's cab). The thing isn't pretty pretty but it works...
[Sep 15,2005 3:23pm - whoremastery ""]
we dont have a bass player or we would let them.....our set is only 10 or 15 min..but, we have 12 songs to play..our songs are short, but thats the point..all songs are true stories!!! fuck the guilty cunts!!
[Sep 15,2005 10:24pm - Big boa  ""]
Last fuckin bump
[Sep 15,2005 11:30pm - spidey ""]
Who's buying me beer??? I drink that shit...
[Sep 16,2005 8:28am - largefreakatzero ""]
Bump for tonight!
[Sep 16,2005 8:36am - whoremastery ""]
yes..i get to spread my std's tonite.......
[Sep 16,2005 10:30am - Mess  ""]
what are the set times? if anyone knows?
[Sep 16,2005 10:38am - largefreakatzero ""]
This what Nate sent me:

Malamor (from NY) 11:15-12:15

Bane Of Existence (from Boston) 10:15-11:00

Life At Zero (from NH) 9:20-9:50

Whoremastery (from Quincy, MA) 8:30-9:00

The show'll be $6 to get in, 8pm doors (show start between 8:30-9:00) and
obviously it be 21+
[Sep 16,2005 10:42am - dyingmuse ""]
i am so there!
[Sep 16,2005 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
crap! it starts at 8:30? good thing I checked.
[Sep 16,2005 10:53am - whoremastery ""]
yes..i need pics of us rev. i hope you make it there on time..
[Sep 16,2005 11:16am - largefreakatzero ""]
Last night, I thought we weren't gonna be able to do this, due to a sick drummer, but I am happy to announce that Nick beat the Triple E and we are there.
[Sep 16,2005 12:16pm - nate ""]
Triple E eh? I've been making sure my kids are in early each day cause that shit has me freaked out... there's been a case or two local to me so I'm not taking any friggin chances... glad to hear he's ok though and that you mofo's are still gonna make it.
[Sep 16,2005 2:11pm - whoremastery ""]
AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! ehem! shaving my balls sorry! few more hours!!!
[Sep 16,2005 2:45pm - largefreakatzero ""]
nate said:Triple E eh? I've been making sure my kids are in early each day cause that shit has me freaked out... there's been a case or two local to me so I'm not taking any friggin chances... glad to hear he's ok though and that you mofo's are still gonna make it.

I don't think he really had EEE, I was just making a bad joke. He was complaining about headache and puking, but he's fine now.
[Sep 16,2005 2:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
i was sick like that yesterday and i had a all headache last week, there is indeed a bad cold going round'

[Sep 16,2005 3:39pm - whoremastery ""]
this show will be sponsered by monastat 7.....few more hours!!!
[Sep 16,2005 4:49pm - Robdeadskin ""]
alot of peeps coming on my end..this is gonna be a good fucking time:shocker::shocked::satancross:
[Sep 16,2005 4:57pm - nate ""]
:skull: As long as it goes over well, IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN :skull:
[Sep 16,2005 6:52pm - DomesticTerror ""]
leaving soon
[Sep 17,2005 1:46am - DomesticTerror ""]
good times.
Life at Zero: couldn' t hear the bass or vocals too well, but the giutars and drumming was tight as hell. would like to see them again.
BOE: good to hear the new vox and guitars. ALWAYS a pleasure to jam with these bro!
Malamor: what can i say? they were sick as hell. gotta grab a cd of theirs.
thanx to Paul for the beers, Dusty for the butts. Nate, you put on one Hell of show!
[Sep 17,2005 1:54am - SPIDEY ""]
had a fackin blast! NE Cunt Grind! bands were sick, rolling rocks were sick, hotties were sick! (don't tell mary jane, bitch is pissed!)
muthafucka please, muthafucka please.
[Sep 17,2005 2:09am - j of existence  ""]
all i can say is AWSOME!!!
great show all bands kicked ass............ sleep now
[Sep 17,2005 2:45am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
fuck boston.
took me forever to get through there.
and fuck my tooth.. it hurtz a lot and whiskey isn't doing anything.
[Sep 17,2005 2:50am - dyingmuse ""]
man i had a great time and all the bands kicked ass!

and malamor...wow!!!! they kicked my fucking ass!!!!!


laz rocked and i heard the singer fine from where i was...the bass was a C hair low...but not badly low.
[Sep 17,2005 2:57am - the_reverend ""]
whoremastery: well, I'm going to let out the secrets. I knew that handinjury was on drums. I knew it once his mask fell off. Scott (teratism) was on guitar. I knew it was him cause the singer.. Um... I heard the singer was in vital remains at one point.... But the singer said "scott" to him so I knew it was him, plus then he took off his mask. Way to keep the secret. You dudes need a vault. anyhow, they played a bunch of tracks that were lividity-esque in their tongue-in-cheek-ness. all songs about the singers life.
a bunch of people missed them play. Dan&mark showed up for a couple songs. Josh, rob, DOM, and a few others... Lame.

life at zero: I made fun of andy mentioning the whole "second guitarist" thing over and over. I actually met the guy in their practice space. He was unable to make this show due to a death in his family. I must say, after watch andy look like was racing, trying not to trip over his fingers while playing, I think that a second guitarist would eliviate that. I'm positive it must be less stressful for him with the new guy. Mike had his own little fan club going on there

bane of existence: second time seeing them with new members. I must say that it wasn't as good ad goodtimes. In those cramped corners, it was a lot harder for the new guys to head bang their way into your hearts (and save spring break in the process). They still sounded awesome and you could a couple things
1) jim's going to sleep good time night after he was headbanging, trying to keep up with the new kids who are head banging machines.
2) dusty was trying to sound more like doug this time in his scream.
I think my favorite song they did was solace. It sounded doublely sick.
[Sep 17,2005 5:12am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No opinion on MALAMOR?
[Sep 17,2005 5:55am - DEATH2ALL ""]
Shit, I wish I went.
[Sep 17,2005 9:05am - dyingmuse ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:No opinion on MALAMOR?

dude...amazing death metal!
[Sep 17,2005 11:19am - the_reverend ""]
I have yet to post that one.

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