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Christian Melodic Black Metal band forming...

[Jan 25,2005 1:24am - anonymous  ""]
We have: 2 lead guitarists (J and Mike) and a lead singer (Chris). We are serious Christians and we want to reach the lost souls with Christian black metal...also known as white metal or holy unblack! We need a fast drummer who can do awesome blastbeats and crazy doublebass...technical ability is welcomed too. We may also need a talented bass player. Christians only! We are a serious Christian band! Thanks and God Bless.

To apply: send an IM to melsboy617 or petrafan007

We are located in the Greater Boston area
[Jan 25,2005 1:27am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
this is a joke. especially if it's not intended to be one.
[Jan 25,2005 1:41am - mikehuntstinks ""]
if your a christan band than you are not a black metal band, but christan bands and black metal bands do have one thing in common you both hate the jews:satancross:
[Jan 25,2005 3:11am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Christian Blackmetal? That makes no sense at all
[Jan 25,2005 3:15am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
do you need a third guitarist? i have a few friends too... how about five guitarists?
[Jan 25,2005 4:00am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
my_pretentious_erection said:do you need a third guitarist? i have a few friends too... how about five guitarists?

yeah...and six drummers...and attak dogs that pounce on the audience during the set. and some hot death metal bitch vocalist who does all the shows naked spreadeagled. that would be cool.
[Jan 25,2005 8:43am - RustedAngel ""]
[Jan 25,2005 8:48am - Jesus is Black Metal  ""]
You should get Jesus to do some backing vocals maybe he can turn water into wine for his "Black/Whiteish" Metal fans.
Goddamm it, If you guys can get him, then I'm sold(hahahahahaha)
[Jan 25,2005 8:52am - dirteecrayon ""]
Todd said:Christian Blackmetal? That makes no sense at all

[Jan 25,2005 10:11am - paganmegan ""]
stryper goes BM haha
[Jan 25,2005 10:15am - dan.  ""]
i dont think this is a joke. petra is a christian 80s metal band or something. someone im them and see if its real. by the way, 'holy unblack' AHAHHA that rules. when i start my pentecostal white pride band...this shall be the name.
[Jan 25,2005 10:19am - paganmegan ""]
I don't think fenriz would appreciate what supposed "black metal" has come to
Quothorn is rolling in his grave
[Jan 25,2005 10:21am - litacore ""]
where's Steve today?
[Jan 25,2005 10:23am - paganmegan ""]
listening to naglfar and praying?
[Jan 25,2005 10:25am - litacore ""]
[Jan 25,2005 10:28am - paganmegan ""]
what did your post say before you edited it?
[Jan 25,2005 10:28am - Christraper ""]
I really don't need to say anything
[Jan 25,2005 10:29am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Christian BM = KKK Rap.
[Jan 25,2005 10:32am - litacore ""]
paganmegan said:what did your post say before you edited it?

I misspelled *shrugs* as *shurgs*

no kidding! >:]
[Jan 25,2005 10:33am - paganmegan ""]
[Jan 25,2005 10:39am - litacore ""]

hahaha, the truth lies therein!
[Jan 25,2005 10:43am - Abbath ""]
holy fagatron i do not believe this shit
[Jan 25,2005 10:46am - Dissector ""]
This is by far the funniest thing for me to wake up to. Now I know my day is gonna be great after laughing so hard the first 5 minutes I was awake.
[Jan 25,2005 10:47am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:[img]

hahaha, the truth lies therein!

[Jan 25,2005 10:51am - mary ""]
Christian Blackmetal? Oh c'mon.. seriously. I can see the band pics now. Corpsepaint, boots and your WWJD? t-shirt.

[Jan 25,2005 10:56am - Christraper ""]
its too bad they posted anonymously so i cant harrass them on a regular basis
[Jan 25,2005 10:56am - Christraper ""]
oh wait they left their email address! sweet!
[Jan 25,2005 10:56am - Christraper ""]
maybe theyll pray for me.....
[Jan 25,2005 11:03am - vengefulandgodless ""]
anonymous said:We have: 2 lead guitarists (J and Mike) and a lead singer (Chris). We are serious Christians and we want to reach the lost souls with Christian black metal...also known as white metal or holy unblack! We need a fast drummer who can do awesome blastbeats and crazy doublebass...technical ability is welcomed too. We may also need a talented bass player. Christians only! We are a serious Christian band! Thanks and God Bless.

To apply: send an IM to melsboy617 or petrafan007

We are located in the Greater Boston area

The Light Bringer and The Rogue:
The story says he wanted to keep us ignorant Make us mentally frail and call it innocence Knowledge was right there, but he'd threaten punishment against anyone bold enough to reach for it He would cast man out of paradise Just as he had done with the angel of light Our ignorance was key to his tyranny But the serpent came to man and set us free
Knowledge and progress these were Lucifer's gifts To man kind, yet we call this angel villainous What utterly backward morals have we To worship a god who'd keep our minds empty
The constant and vigilant enemy of knowledge, right and ascendancy Yahew, Allah, god all-mighty, still a mythical rogue from every angle we see An Azagthoth, a blind idiot god, an allegorical phantom purveyor of fraud The patron saint of stupidity Whose maliscious streak puts to shame Loki
He whom only thunder hath made greater was only made great by the thunder of the church and just as the mythical knowledge bringer suffered Gallileo and Bruno would suffer on earth

[Jan 25,2005 11:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
HORDE is the only Christian BM band that matters!!!
[Jan 25,2005 11:26am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
HORDE "Hellig Usvart"

1. A Church Bell Tolls Amidst The Frozen Nordic Winds

2. Blasphemous Abomination of the Satanic Pentagram

3. Behold, The Rising of the Scarlet Moon

4. Thine Hour Hast Come

5. Release and Clothe the Virgin Sacrifice

6. Drink From the Chalice of Blood

7. Silence the Blasphemous Chanting

8. Invert the Inverted Cross

9. An Abandoned Grave Bathes Softly in the Falling Moonlight

10. Crush the BLoodied Horns of the Goat

11. Weak, Feeble, Dying Antichrist

12. The Day of Total Armageddon Holocaust

13. Mine Heart Doth Beseech Thee (O Master)

Just can't beat those song titles!

[Jan 25,2005 11:31am - litacore ""]
reminds me of the South Park where Cartman starts a Christian band

"I wanna get naked with O Holy Jesus"
[Jan 25,2005 12:06pm - assuck ""]
"i wanna feel his salvation all over my face!"
[Jan 25,2005 9:34pm - malettey ""]
i don't even know how to begin making fun of a christian black metal band. it just seems like such a feeble attempt to "get back" at real black metal for offending them....i mean, come on!!! "release and clothe the virgin sacrifice"? "crush the bloodied horns of the goat"? "weak, feeble, dying antichrist"? what a crock of shit.
[Jan 25,2005 10:25pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
8. Invert the Inverted Cross

haha,that one is my favorite, Could be a New slayer tune,if they all of a sudden "see the light"
[Jan 25,2005 10:38pm - Aegathis  ""]
Hey Christraper did ya get a hold of these guys yet?
[Jan 25,2005 10:51pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Jan 26,2005 1:12am - litacore ""]
what can I say but . . .

[Jan 26,2005 1:14am - litacore ""]
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

how metal!
[Jan 26,2005 1:26am - mikehuntstinks ""]
i'm all for un black metal death to satan !I'll rape his bitch ass JESUS i HAVE THE POWER NIGGAS! i FEEL THE POWER JESUS
[Feb 5,2005 2:38pm - anonymous  ""]
christian black metal..
antestor (hellhammer plays drums for them y'know)
frost like ashes
Enjoy fellas,
BTW, the 3 heaviest bands in the world actually play for Jesus.. just tah let you know.
[Feb 5,2005 2:41pm - Dissector ""]
who would those 3 bands be?
[Feb 5,2005 2:46pm - Justin ACR  ""]
its ex-cleansed by fire members, there are some good christian metal bands out there, if u dont like old vengeance rising or deliverance, ur missing out!
[Feb 5,2005 2:47pm - Justin ACR  ""]
litacore said:where's Steve today?

These guys are ex-cleansed by fire members. steve was the drummer for them. there are good christian metal bands out there. Vengeance Rising, Deliverance, Mortification, Believer, Torniquet, Horde, Seventh Angel. Just to name a few.
[Feb 5,2005 4:43pm - metalmatt666 ""]
this whole topic is quite amusing
[Feb 5,2005 5:11pm - metalnazi  ""]
christians are fuckin gay
[Feb 5,2005 5:56pm - Justin ACR  ""]
takes a lot more balls to be a christian in the metalscene then being satanic or aetheist, agnostic, etc.
[Feb 5,2005 6:17pm - armageddonday ""]
Let's hope it's a joke.
[Feb 5,2005 6:20pm - Justin ACR  ""]
i dont think it is
[Feb 5,2005 7:07pm - armageddonday ""]
oh gee...like if we needed more of these.
[Feb 5,2005 7:08pm - 4-String Annihilation  ""]
I don't prefer Black Metal but would support these guys.
[Feb 5,2005 7:11pm - KeithMutiny ""]
jumpin jesus on a pogostick, i just went through this and almost peed myself i was laughing so hard
[Feb 5,2005 7:23pm - metalnazi  ""]
[Feb 5,2005 8:15pm - eddie ""]


actualy i don't care. Just making you realize that it takes just as much MINDLESS faith to believe in the big bang theory or to believe that we came from goo.

Oh its painful to realize your no better!!!

(playing devil's advocate)
[Feb 5,2005 8:29pm - litacore nli  ""]
you know, I grew up during the Reagan era and constantly felt like the underdog--\

really, I think people should have the right to believe what they want, even in invisible men in the sky who will kill you and damn you if you do not worship them and follow a laundry list of ten rules

No really, seriously, my relation to God or whoever is out there DOES NOT need a religion to act as an intermediary. There is a higher power, but part of what makes us human is the different perspectives: order vs. chaos

anyhoo, this is a tired old argument, I think it's a very profound conflict of interest, christian black metal, but that is much like life

I so wish I wish 100% Jewish, my dad coverted from Judaism to Christianity appartently before he died in '76, but I'm not sure why, I think being a Jew is being a badass, on certain fronts.

I just believe in rockin' the metal. VENOMMMMMMMMMM!
[Feb 6,2005 2:28pm - Chris-tian  ""]
litacore if you realised that your father realised that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Jewish Messiah, and the messiah of the world, then you wouldn't be so confused. You should be proud of him. It's not un-Jewish to believe that Yeshua is the promised Messiah that Isaiah speaks of. But of course you claming to be a Jew, do you even read Torah? Read Tanakh? Jews aren't Jew's by race but because of their relationship to God. A Jew that doesn't follow God is as useless as a non Jew who doesn't.

Anyways, I am Chris. I am the singer for this band. You people can laugh all you want and call it a contradiction but guess what, I am gonna preach Christ to the anti-christ through a language they will understand. I am very hardcore in my beliefs and I won't back down to anyone. I used to be a "metalhead" like you guys but I am saved now. I still love metal but I love God more. Nothing will stop us from preaching. Not even death.

And for that idiot nazi, no Christians don't hate Jews, not true christians, because Jews are a part of the same family of God if their faith is in Yeshua the Messiah. Jesus unites the world under God. If you want to be a racist loser be my guest but no Nazi or KKK member is a christian no matter how much they say it. You can twist the word of God around all you want but remeber this, Jesus was a JEW, not white, not black. False christians will always talk crap and people who hate God will always try to discourage us, but nothing short of God's will is going to stop us.

If peopole out there can't understand that the black/death metal community is actually a huge mission field then they will get a wakeup call through our blast beats. Peace out.
[Feb 6,2005 2:56pm - mike.........  ""]
[Feb 6,2005 3:01pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
"If peopole out there can't understand that the black/death metal community is actually a huge mission field then they will get a wakeup call through our blast beats. Peace out."

such faggotry. yeah the black/death scene is just dying to be saved you fucking idiot.

i would go to a show just to heckle this band. please let me know when this goes down so i can prepare some shit stained bible paper to throw at you.
[Feb 6,2005 3:21pm - mike.........  ""]
ninkasz, dont deny it. let the love flow through you.

id love to go to one of their shows too
[Feb 6,2005 5:11pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
How about some Ahmish black metal...You could pull up to shows in a horse and buggy.
[Feb 6,2005 7:45pm - litacore nli  ""]
Chris-tian said:litacore if you realised that your father realised that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Jewish Messiah, and the messiah of the world, then you wouldn't be so confused. You should be proud of him. It's not un-Jewish to believe that Yeshua is the promised Messiah that Isaiah speaks of. But of course you claming to be a Jew, do you even read Torah? Read Tanakh? Jews aren't Jew's by race but because of their relationship to God. A Jew that doesn't follow God is as useless as a non Jew who doesn't.

Anyways, I am Chris. I am the singer for this band. You people can laugh all you want and call it a contradiction but guess what, I am gonna preach Christ to the anti-christ through a language they will understand. I am very hardcore in my beliefs and I won't back down to anyone. I used to be a "metalhead" like you guys but I am saved now. I still love metal but I love God more. Nothing will stop us from preaching. Not even death.

And for that idiot nazi, no Christians don't hate Jews, not true christians, because Jews are a part of the same family of God if their faith is in Yeshua the Messiah. Jesus unites the world under God. If you want to be a racist loser be my guest but no Nazi or KKK member is a christian no matter how much they say it. You can twist the word of God around all you want but remeber this, Jesus was a JEW, not white, not black. False christians will always talk crap and people who hate God will always try to discourage us, but nothing short of God's will is going to stop us.

If peopole out there can't understand that the black/death metal community is actually a huge mission field then they will get a wakeup call through our blast beats. Peace out.

this guy RULES! I feel like I'm watching 'Saved!'
Chris, more power to ya. You believe what you want, and better yet--PUT IT TO ACTION with your Ministry of Metal.

I have a right to my non-Christian viewpoint, and with your kind permission I would prefer not to be saved by any religion, least of all Christianity. Thanks anyhoo!

Pray for me . . . and SECULARISM
[Feb 6,2005 7:45pm - litacore nli  ""]
Chris-tian said:litacore if you realised that your father realised that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Jewish Messiah, and the messiah of the world, then you wouldn't be so confused. You should be proud of him. It's not un-Jewish to believe that Yeshua is the promised Messiah that Isaiah speaks of. But of course you claming to be a Jew, do you even read Torah? Read Tanakh? Jews aren't Jew's by race but because of their relationship to God. A Jew that doesn't follow God is as useless as a non Jew who doesn't.

Anyways, I am Chris. I am the singer for this band. You people can laugh all you want and call it a contradiction but guess what, I am gonna preach Christ to the anti-christ through a language they will understand. I am very hardcore in my beliefs and I won't back down to anyone. I used to be a "metalhead" like you guys but I am saved now. I still love metal but I love God more. Nothing will stop us from preaching. Not even death.

And for that idiot nazi, no Christians don't hate Jews, not true christians, because Jews are a part of the same family of God if their faith is in Yeshua the Messiah. Jesus unites the world under God. If you want to be a racist loser be my guest but no Nazi or KKK member is a christian no matter how much they say it. You can twist the word of God around all you want but remeber this, Jesus was a JEW, not white, not black. False christians will always talk crap and people who hate God will always try to discourage us, but nothing short of God's will is going to stop us.

If peopole out there can't understand that the black/death metal community is actually a huge mission field then they will get a wakeup call through our blast beats. Peace out.

this guy RULES! I feel like I'm watching 'Saved!'
Chris, more power to ya.
[Feb 6,2005 8:30pm - anonymous  ""]
Chris-tian said:
If peopole out there can't understand that the black/death metal community is actually a huge mission field then they will get a wakeup call through our blast beats. Peace out.

what blastbeats? you don't even have a drummer!
[Feb 6,2005 10:10pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
holy fucking shit! my sides hurt from laughing so hard... i gotta go invert my inverted cross now... bye guys...
[Feb 7,2005 9:25am - litacore ""]
litacore nli said:this guy RULES! I feel like I'm watching 'Saved!'
Chris, more power to ya.

oops, I double posted mid-rant. That's what I get for using dial-up

could it have been . . . SATAN?

[Feb 7,2005 10:50am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Ninkaszi187 said:i would go to a show just to heckle this band. please let me know when this goes down so i can prepare some shit stained bible paper to throw at you.

Normally I'm not into taking things to the level of violence, but I think a little physical "heckling" might be in order hehehe...
[Feb 7,2005 10:51am - BestialOnslaught ""]
With CBF, I'd at least not take it to that level out of respect for Steve, but now that he's not involved, well... It's time to throw some Hebrew-worshipping scum to the lions!
[Feb 7,2005 10:51am - paganmegan ""]
I would go just to yell "fuck jesus"
[Feb 7,2005 10:57am - litacore ""]
Chris-tian said:litacore if you realised that your father realised that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Jewish Messiah, and the messiah of the world, then you wouldn't be so confused. You should be proud of him. It's not un-Jewish to believe that Yeshua is the promised Messiah that Isaiah speaks of. But of course you claming to be a Jew, do you even read Torah? Read Tanakh?

just mind your own fucking beeswax:middlefinger::satancross::whipper:

I am secular, and I'm staying that way because I used to be a Christian, and not only are you hypocrites but you never listen to any side of a debate except your own.
[Feb 7,2005 12:10pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Go to hell.
[Feb 7,2005 9:39pm - J  ""]
This is J (Jay, Joseph, Rex Hartman, etc), one of the guitar players. This band is NOT a joke, sorry to disappoint you. We are serious.

[Feb 7,2005 10:08pm - anonymous  ""]
i don't know what to say other than i am dishearted that people so shunned for their musical taste and dress, (Black clothes, corpse paint, long hair ect.) would be so hypocritcal of people seeming different from themselves. You go through crap because you are different. why turn around and do it to someone else. you don't here these guys putting down any secular bands. i am in the band and my influences range from Death, witch hunt, crytopsy, vader dying fetus. ect..) if there was no secular black metal there would be no "christian" black metal. That being said, the idea of christian music is almost non existant. The idea that God created music would mean music was pure. so there are no "evil" notes or "evils" sounds. the difference is the motives behind them. i know our motive is purely to make good metal. If it be black, death, whatever. whats in a label. we are not out to convert. we are out to play shows and be an ear for anyone who wants to ask any questions. Simple. we have our own idividual motives but those are worked out in our prayers. I play in the band because i want to focus on people. i don't understand enough about heaven to say thats my goal in the band. I know i was depressed angry and fearful in everyday life. i now have no worries and i know it's from the Lord. I know tempers flair but i got respect for true metal heads. they are as solid in there music and live for there music as much as we live for God. I hope you stop thinking of God as your enemy.
[Feb 7,2005 10:14pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
jesus said take it to the hole!
[Feb 7,2005 10:17pm - anonymous  ""]
and we are not "black metal". it is admittedly contradictory. we can and will play very extreme black metal. but we know we will never be part of the black metal "culture". and we are not asking to be accepted. we are asking for a drummer and bassist
[Feb 7,2005 10:18pm - anonymous  ""]
p.s. steve kurian and CBF were the balls!
[Feb 7,2005 10:19pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
KillerKadoogan said:jesus said take it to the hole!
[Feb 7,2005 11:18pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:and we are not "black metal". it is admittedly contradictory. we can and will play very extreme black metal. but we know we will never be part of the black metal "culture". and we are not asking to be accepted. we are asking for a drummer and bassist

The term christian black metal is a contradiction.
The fact that you want to play extreme black metal while being a christian is, in itself, a contradiction.

If you want to play music for your god, go join a church band. If you want to play black metal, then drop the religion. Black metal isn't for christians, quit kidding yourselves.

If you want to play your garbage don't bother using the term "black metal" with anything you do, seeing as you clearly have no idea what black metal even is. If you could actually comprehend such a thing, you would understand that even the term demands respect. Stop your futile attempt to corrupt black metal, as your band will be nothing more than a testament to failure.

Do us all a favor and die, you christian swine.
[Feb 7,2005 11:27pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
anonymous said:i am in the band and my influences range from Death, witch hunt, crytopsy, vader dying fetus. ect..)

Ahh... Very Black Metal ;)

Also, there's no secular Black Metal, don't make that mistake... Black Metal stands firmly against you and your foolish beliefs, it's not made for you and all you do if you listen to it is defame/blaspheme your own god anyway...
[Feb 8,2005 12:00am - J  ""]
Call it what you will but, musically, we are black metal. So, are you going to call it another style of music because the lyrics are Christian but the music is the same? ...
[Feb 8,2005 12:31am - anonymous  ""]
if any of you where adults and lived in reality you would realize "black metal" is fantasy bull crap. black metal is about hate and rebelion and anti-christian. and don't tell me it's not because you be full of it and kidding yourself. do you think these guys in succesful black metal bands with wives and kids are truely rebelious and full of hate? do you really think they listen to nothing but "black metal" all day. No! at best black metal is entertainment the way all music is. It time to put down the dungens and dragons, move out of your moms basement and grow up. you bash christianity in futile rebellion. time and time again history backs up the bible.
Here is a history lesson.
real black metal isnt satanic....i know thats hard to imagine, they burned churchs and are anti christian but the black metal movement is nordic aka they are all followers of the viking religion. the reason they burned churchs was because the vikings ruled much of europe and the romans did not know how to control them so they converted them to christianity and that was the fall of the vikings and the black metal movement was aimed at returning scandinavia to its viking state, not because they were satanic, but of course americans get everything screwed up and think oh they are burning churchs, cool satanic. so that is why most american black metal has been like that... of course there are exceptions but thats the main causeur. "black metal" fantasy for viking cultism. its a joke. the vikings fell and the romans fell all while draining the blood of Christ's followers. where is the roman empire and the viking warriors today? something to think about
[Feb 8,2005 12:33am - MyDeadDoll ""]
ummm... i just wanna know why this guy keeps posting anonymously. jerk.
[Feb 8,2005 12:50am - mikehuntstinks ""]
I plan to form my own christian gansta rap band called NIGGAS 4 JESUS!
[Feb 8,2005 1:11am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha... I didn't realize that VENOM, SARCOFAGO, MORTUARY DRAPE, SABBAT, MASTER'S HAMMER, BLASPHEMY, ROTTING CHRIST, PROFANATICA, BEHERIT and BESTIAL WARLUST were all followers of Viking traditions! News to me!

And I don't think anyone thinks their favorite Black Metal bands like their lives 100% hatefully, except for a small handful of Black Metal elitists... The important thing is that they have dark and malicious intent in creating their music, or it will simply not be Black Metal...

Fuck, I can't believe I'm arguing with this troll...
[Feb 8,2005 8:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
this thread healed me! praise jesus!
[Feb 8,2005 8:34am - korpse-l- ""]
[Feb 8,2005 8:35am - korpse-l- ""]
[Feb 8,2005 11:03am - litacore ""]
anonymous said:we are not out to convert.


Chris-tian said:If peopole out there can't understand that the black/death metal community is actually a huge mission field then they will get a wakeup call through our blast beats.

so which is it, are you proselytizing or not?

[Feb 8,2005 11:03am - Christraper ""]
This thread is gay and theses guys suck wicked bad. Whether black metal is satanic or not its still anti-christian by definition so starting a "christian black metal band" would not only be contradictory but pointless. People already laugh at the fuckers passing out pamphlets for jesus on the streets. What do you think is going to happen if you try to play out with this bullshit? You guys could be incredible musicians but youd still get laughed off the stage. Youd probably get your asses kicked too. Besides who the fuck are you to assume that people who support black metal want to be "saved"? You think these people havent had a bible shoved in their face before? We know what its about and we want nothing to do with it. I honestly dont give a shit what your personal beliefs are unless you start preaching them to me and thats exactly what you assholes are planning to do with this crap. Are you guys masochists or something? This will accomplish nothing other than you guys spending time in the hospital when some drunken satanic meathead decides to pummel you. Turning the other cheek wont do you any good in this situation.
[Feb 8,2005 11:10am - paganmegan ""]
Christraper said:This thread is gay and theses guys suck wicked bad. Whether black metal is satanic or not its still anti-christian by definition so starting a "christian black metal band" would not only be contradictory but pointless. People already laugh at the fuckers passing out pamphlets for jesus on the streets. What do you think is going to happen if you try to play out with this bullshit? You guys could be incredible musicians but youd still get laughed off the stage. Youd probably get your asses kicked too. Besides who the fuck are you to assume that people who support black metal want to be "saved"? You think these people havent had a bible shoved in their face before? We know what its about and we want nothing to do with it. I honestly dont give a shit what your personal beliefs are unless you start preaching them to me and thats exactly what you assholes are planning to do with this crap. Are you guys masochists or something? This will accomplish nothing other than you guys spending time in the hospital when some drunken satanic meathead decides to pummel you. Turning the other cheek wont do you any good in this situation.

Well put. My two cents : I think most people who listen to black metal have already written off christianity or just don't give a shit about it and are the least likely going to respond to this envangelist bullshit. Black metal and metal in general are best blasphemous and politics and things like that just take away from it

[Feb 8,2005 11:27am - Josh_hates_you ""]
(picture of animated dinosaur licking a girls cooch)
[Feb 8,2005 11:43am - KillerKadoogan ""]
change that picture

everytime i look at this thread it asks me to sign in for fantasticzoo
[Feb 8,2005 11:53am - Josh_hates_you ""]
open it in msn instead of explorer. there is some gay thing in explorer that disables passwords when typed in the url or something like that.

fantastic zoo is hilarious.
[Feb 8,2005 12:13pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 8,2005 6:58pm - anonymous  ""]
in response to litacores question of proselytizing. Christians can not convert. its not humanly possible for man to "convert" an other man. The choice of God is made between God and the individual. However, God is not to be assumed of. You can't just declair this is where i am at with God and not investigate it at all. You also can not go on what others say about God. Read the bible for an unbiased point of view. That is why we can not and are not out to convert. we are here to say whatever any other artist says. their thoughts and experiences on life. God and Christ are the biggest part of our lives. so that is most certainly going to come through in lyrics. but no one is born christian. I loved music more than i loved God when i started playing music 10 years ago. I loved the music first. God now takes president over music but i play because i will always love music and God made me that way. as to our own individual goals and how we view the metal scene varies from member to member. Just remember this post was not started to cause debate. it was started because we need a drummer and bassist. if you look at us and count us foolish so be it. don't waste your time writing. but you obviously have questions other wise you wouldn't bother. i have a question for anyone reading. How many of you grew up catholic?
[Feb 8,2005 7:35pm - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 8,2005 7:36pm - anonymous  ""]
....get the fuck out of metal
[Feb 8,2005 7:51pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Ok, back to the subject of the band looking for new members...

If anyone joins this band, they're gonna have trouble! Muahaha!
[Feb 8,2005 7:53pm - Abbath ""]
you guys should sing about numbers: "Numbers are the essence of all things and the metaphysical
principle of rational order in the universe"
[Feb 8,2005 7:54pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
KillerKadoogan said:change that picture

everytime i look at this thread it asks me to sign in for fantasticzoo

Yeah, really!
[Feb 8,2005 11:35pm - anonymous  ""]

They will rock !
Burn Satan Burn Eternal suffering for al who follow the destroyer of man you and satan shall burn!
[Feb 8,2005 11:40pm - anonymous  ""]
JESUS Saves !!!!!!!! My My I hope that there right? well better to be wrong than to go to hell and burn!
[Feb 8,2005 11:42pm - J  ""]
We will stop at nothing.
[Feb 8,2005 11:44pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
you boys have fun playing make-believe.

i'll fix you some lemonade.
[Feb 8,2005 11:49pm - ekklesiaMortifis  ""]
well maybe we will turn satan into liar after all? well one will never no if they dont have drummer already now...

God I pray for Megiddo and me possibly partially completeing this vision. God Pray for those who come against Megiddo and hope they are changed in you and accept your son.
[Feb 8,2005 11:58pm - ekklesiaMortifis  ""]
KillerKadoogan said:you boys have fun playing make-believe.

i'll fix you some lemonade.

They are eh! Killer God Loves you! well I hope you are right! because when talked with them they wern't about fun and games. They want to play some great metal and want talk about there faith. Just like any other black metal band talks about there faith in satan. So God bless you too.

[Feb 9,2005 12:14am - hoser ""]
thats it morons...give them assloads of publicity before tey even have a band.....youve made them famous before they even started with your unwanted, un cared for, and ignorant responses......Good job tards...your mouths get ahead of you again!!!
[Feb 9,2005 12:23am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i fixed it you homos.
[Feb 9,2005 12:42am - anonymous  ""]
i love how open minded you all are to learning and accepting people of faith who happen to believe in something you dont, how about you get out of your little shells and maybe try to listen and learn from people, i love god and you dont have to but at least give me and those guys the courtesy to respect there beliefs. i dont go around telling you you're an idiot for not believing in god so dont bash others for believing in something.
[Feb 9,2005 9:34am - litacore ""]
anonymous said:Read the bible for an unbiased point of view.

yeah, unbiased my eye
[Feb 9,2005 9:37am - korspe  ""]
yah. they're gonna be huge because of all of your publicity! don't you see! they're already topping the charts!!!
[Feb 9,2005 9:40am - korspe  ""]
[Feb 9,2005 9:44am - paganmegan ""]
No one that listens to black metal will listen to your music/go to your shows if you're fuckin kum- by -yah-ing us with this jesus loving shit, and no bible beaters are going to go to your shows because they will be listening to stryper

Oh and the bible has been translated so many fucking times, and all the shit described in it is worse than second hand information, so it's just a liiiiiiiiiittle biased , considering it's goddamn ANCIENT

[Feb 9,2005 9:48am - korpse-l- ""]
the bible = the biggest fairytale in history
[Feb 9,2005 10:01am - Christraper ""]
Christraper said:This thread is gay and theses guys suck wicked bad. Whether black metal is satanic or not its still anti-christian by definition so starting a "christian black metal band" would not only be contradictory but pointless. People already laugh at the fuckers passing out pamphlets for jesus on the streets. What do you think is going to happen if you try to play out with this bullshit? You guys could be incredible musicians but youd still get laughed off the stage. Youd probably get your asses kicked too. Besides who the fuck are you to assume that people who support black metal want to be "saved"? You think these people havent had a bible shoved in their face before? We know what its about and we want nothing to do with it. I honestly dont give a shit what your personal beliefs are unless you start preaching them to me and thats exactly what you assholes are planning to do with this crap. Are you guys masochists or something? This will accomplish nothing other than you guys spending time in the hospital when some drunken satanic meathead decides to pummel you. Turning the other cheek wont do you any good in this situation.

[Feb 9,2005 10:11am - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:
They will rock !
Burn Satan Burn Eternal suffering for al who follow the destroyer of man you and satan shall burn!

[Feb 9,2005 10:14am - litacore ""]

why didn't I put this in sooner? I must be desolate--
[Feb 9,2005 12:47pm - J  ""]
The only publicity we want is for the Lord.
[Feb 9,2005 12:53pm - vengefulandgodless ""]
anonymous said:if any of you where adults and lived in reality you would realize "black metal" is fantasy bull crap. black metal is about hate and rebelion and anti-christian. and don't tell me it's not because you be full of it and kidding yourself. do you think these guys in succesful black metal bands with wives and kids are truely rebelious and full of hate? do you really think they listen to nothing but "black metal" all day. No! at best black metal is entertainment the way all music is. It time to put down the dungens and dragons, move out of your moms basement and grow up. you bash christianity in futile rebellion. time and time again history backs up the bible.
Here is a history lesson.
real black metal isnt satanic....i know thats hard to imagine, they burned churchs and are anti christian but the black metal movement is nordic aka they are all followers of the viking religion. the reason they burned churchs was because the vikings ruled much of europe and the romans did not know how to control them so they converted them to christianity and that was the fall of the vikings and the black metal movement was aimed at returning scandinavia to its viking state, not because they were satanic, but of course americans get everything screwed up and think oh they are burning churchs, cool satanic. so that is why most american black metal has been like that... of course there are exceptions but thats the main causeur. "black metal" fantasy for viking cultism. its a joke. the vikings fell and the romans fell all while draining the blood of Christ's followers. where is the roman empire and the viking warriors today? something to think about

actully the term black metal was first applied to music that by todays starndards wouldnt even be considered to be the black metal by genra. The whole viking thing started later when varg and samoth where burning churches they most definanlty where satanists. But on another note black metal is a fantasy and this is coming from a guy who played it for 6 years.
[Feb 9,2005 12:54pm - litacore ""]
[Feb 9,2005 12:58pm - grundlegremlin ""]
Christianity= mind control cult.
[Feb 9,2005 1:44pm - swamplorddvm ""]
J said:This is J (Jay, Joseph, Rex Hartman, etc), one of the guitar players. This band is NOT a joke, sorry to disappoint you. We are serious.


I know.

Go to hell.:satancross:

[Feb 9,2005 1:44pm - swamplorddvm ""]
korpse-l- said:the bible = the biggest fairytale in history

Stories taken from the Sumerians.
[Feb 9,2005 2:13pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
vengefulandgodless said:But on another note black metal is a fantasy and this is coming from a guy who played it for 6 years.

Having heard your current band, I'm very skeptical. What BM band were you in?
[Feb 9,2005 2:14pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
J said:The only publicity we want is for the Lord.


What a homo.
[Feb 9,2005 2:49pm - anonymous  ""]
Holy Unblack will hit the boston and New England area like never heard before!
[Feb 9,2005 2:51pm - Christraper ""]
thats because itll suck wicked bad
[Feb 9,2005 2:52pm - litacore ""]

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world
[Feb 9,2005 4:38pm - J  ""]
anonymous said:Holy Unblack will hit the boston and New England area like never heard before!

[Feb 9,2005 4:52pm - anonymous  ""]
[Feb 9,2005 5:01pm - J  ""]
As Mike would say, "Let the chaos ensue."

[Feb 9,2005 5:36pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Don't think New England won't hit back...
[Feb 9,2005 5:49pm - Ekklesia  ""]
the saints praying is powerful thing! Satans demise in N.E. is at hand!
[Feb 9,2005 6:22pm - jabu  ""]
"play for Jesus"
[Feb 9,2005 8:06pm - mikehuntstinks ""]
jesus kicks satans nigger ass any time any place!
[Feb 9,2005 10:09pm - J  ""]
who are you Ekklesia and how do you know the song "Satan's Demise"?
[Feb 9,2005 11:32pm - Ekklesia  ""]
the possible drummer for Megiddo
[Feb 10,2005 12:38am - Ekklesia  ""]
[Feb 10,2005 6:09am - psychogirl ""]
i'm happy there's no band in my area intend to make jesussound... i would go mad...
[Feb 10,2005 6:33pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
Are you guys gonna play ''The Awakening?''
[Feb 10,2005 6:51pm - J  ""]
Yeah we'll play it if you don't mind "metalcore."
[Feb 10,2005 7:15pm - Strep_Cunt ""]
J said:Yeah we'll play it if you don't mind "metalcore."

Oh yeah, this isn't for CBF. My mistake.
[Feb 10,2005 8:50pm - J  ""]
[Feb 11,2005 12:17am - J  ""]
eat the bread
drink the living water
deliver the slave
under the yoke of sin

piss on satan
kill all evil
take your sword
praise the King
[Feb 11,2005 12:21am - dan.  ""]

[Feb 11,2005 12:23am - dan.  ""]

[Feb 11,2005 11:22am - J  ""]
Satan does not hail you.
[Feb 11,2005 11:24am - paganmegan ""]
yes hail satan

I sold my sooooooooooul
[Feb 11,2005 11:25am - KillerKadoogan ""]
satan can hail me all night long, if you know what i mean.

by the way, i think we should play some shows together once you guys are ready to go.

Exploding Christ
[Feb 11,2005 11:26am - korpse-l- ""]
J said:Satan does not hail you.

shut the fuck up:moe:
[Feb 11,2005 11:32am - litacore ""]
ok then well while we're on the subject, God does love you


that love is hinged upon your asking forgiveness, reciting a scripted set of words, and accepting the Risen Jesus AFTER (not necessarily you, but John/Jane Doe Christian) may have led of life of rape, murder, arson, and bad taste

your retort? ________________*sound of crickets*______________
[Feb 11,2005 11:41am - dan.  ""]
theres no arguing with christians.
[Feb 11,2005 11:43am - litacore ""]
dan. said:theres no arguing with christians.

true. They only listen to their own points of view. That's what makes an extremist. :whipper:
[Feb 11,2005 11:47am - dan.  ""]
fuck i didnt mean to post that i wasnt finished writing. what i meant to say was....

theres no arguing with christians. your dealing with a bunch of cunts who, when questioned about their beliefs, quote the bible. thats like someone asking me if my car runs well and me saying "WELL JUST LOOK AT IT!".

so in conclusion


[Feb 11,2005 11:52am - litacore ""]
who's THAT a picture of?
[Feb 11,2005 12:04pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Feb 11,2005 1:27pm - J  ""]
litacore said:ok then well while we're on the subject, God does love you


that love is hinged upon your asking forgiveness, reciting a scripted set of words, and accepting the Risen Jesus AFTER (not necessarily you, but John/Jane Doe Christian) may have led of life of rape, murder, arson, and bad taste

your retort? ________________*sound of crickets*______________

He loves you whether you accept him or not. He loves you no matter how many times you sinned or how bad your sins were. He still loves you when you curse him out. The only difference is when you repent and are forgiven, you are no longer his enemy but his child. He wants you to KNOW his unconditional love.

I really don't care how "gay" people think this sounds, but it's true. The love of God can and will break through your hardened heart.
[Feb 11,2005 1:28pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Attn: Christian BM bands

God is awesome...you are not.
[Feb 11,2005 1:33pm - litacore ""]
J said:litacore said:I really don't care how "gay" people think this sounds, but it's true.

you guys always know what's true, dontcha? :bow:
[Feb 11,2005 1:34pm - Abbath ""]
BestialOnslaught said:J said:The only publicity we want is for the Lord.


What a homo.

hahahahahaha, then why in the hell would you make a thread?!
go do your christian metal, whatever, but don't try to put the black metal banner underneath your band, you'll never be wanted

"Discover something old
Discover something new
You have everything to fear
You're hated here."
[Feb 11,2005 1:48pm - J  ""]
Do you expect me to tell you a lie?
[Feb 11,2005 2:19pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
Abbath said:BestialOnslaught said:J said:The only publicity we want is for the Lord.


What a homo.

hahahahahaha, then why in the hell would you make a thread?!
go do your christian metal, whatever, but don't try to put the black metal banner underneath your band, you'll never be wanted

"Discover something old
Discover something new
You have everything to fear
You're hated here."

I told you, we are looking for a drummer and a bassist (and possibly a keyboard player). That was the original intent of this thread.

[Feb 11,2005 2:22pm - paganmegan ""]



[Feb 11,2005 2:25pm - litacore ""]
[Feb 11,2005 2:27pm - DreamingInExile ""]
paganmegan said:stryper goes BM haha

LMFAO!!! >:]
[Feb 11,2005 3:45pm - dan.  ""]
stryper is way to brutal for these fags. they came strait with the message. they didnt try to hide behind a label like black metal. they were like


and then they played calling on you or something awesome and everyone cheered and all was well.

hailz the mighty stryper

these kids are total fags ruining the sterling reputation if this messageboard.

this thread wins for the horde reference, church lady, jesus lamb and my image postings. it loses for having total jesus loving hippie fags in it.

[Feb 11,2005 3:50pm - dan.  ""]
oh and the dual posting of litacore and paganmegan, the tipton/downing of messageboards! :NEWHORNS:
[Feb 11,2005 3:54pm - litacore ""]
dan. said:oh and the dual posting of litacore and paganmegan, the tipton/downing of messageboards! :NEWHORNS:

hahaha, which of us is the blonde? (not a trick question)
[Feb 11,2005 3:56pm - paganmegan ""]
HAHAHA the tipton/downing of messageboards, that rules

[Feb 11,2005 4:14pm - Jay_Hawkins ""]
The idea of Christian black metal seems impossible, like it might undo the fabric of the universe or something.

That said, I like Antestor a whole lot, and they are Christian. But it just sounds like BLAR BLARGGG BLAR! anyways.
[Feb 11,2005 4:19pm - vengefulandgodless ""]
Im so sick of this thread
[Feb 11,2005 4:37pm - Chris-tian  ""]
It seems impossible because you tie in black metal music and the black metal culture as one. We do not. We see music as music, and black metal is a style of music, I don't care for nor do I want to get back into the culture, I have had enough of the satanists like Marduk, Dimmu Borgir, Deicide, Immolation, Emperor etc. However I recognize they are talented musicians, even if they are totally confused.

I don't care to be "accepted" into the balck/death metal culture. Our music is not 100% of the black metal style but does have alot of that influence aswell as death and thrash. You can be a christian and still love metal. I am not in this band to be "cool" or be "metal". I could care less about such high school soap opera's like who's metal and whos not. It's complete BS and its a waste of my time. I'm an adult not some teen concerned with only how I look and with what others think, as if I am that insecure. I am here to play music I like and at the same time convey the gospel in the language of metal, so that metalheads can understand what its all about. People don't have to continue living their depressed and angry stoned/high drunken unhappy lives with no vision and meaning. People don't need to drink and smoke themselves into oblivion to cope with how much they hate life. I have been there and done that and almost committed suicide. God is good and showed me what's up and now I see how foolish I was. I amredeemed and saved and now I want to let others know that the same can be done for them.

I don't need anyone's approval to play in this band except God's, infact, the fact that you are all so resistant just encourages me even more. Jesus said they hated Him first long before they hated christians, so I am expecting alot of flack for this. If I follow the one they hated for so long, of course you will hate me too. But that's ok, This train I am on doesn;t make any stops.
[Feb 11,2005 4:45pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
vengefulandgodless said:Im so sick of this thread

You better get used to it, Charlie.
[Feb 11,2005 4:49pm - paganmegan ""]



[Feb 11,2005 4:53pm - litacore ""]
Chris-tian said:This train I am on doesn;t make any stops.

[Feb 11,2005 5:45pm - T$money$  ""]
I'll play drums for you, but you guys already knew that cause we had this conversation earlier
[Feb 11,2005 5:56pm - Xammael ""]
Chris-tian said:...and almost committed suicide.

What a waste that would've been...
[Feb 11,2005 6:02pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
if you dont care to be accepted into the black/death/ whatever metal scene, than i dont know what you expect to accomplish.

have fun playing at Drifters the rest of your life.
[Feb 11,2005 7:43pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
Xammael said:Chris-tian said:...and almost committed suicide.

What a waste that would've been...

You're a real class act aren't you?
[Feb 11,2005 8:17pm - anonymous  ""]
I don't like jesus but satan is still a pussy
[Feb 11,2005 10:04pm - -iLluSiON- ""]
Chris-tian said: You're a real class act aren't you?

Actually, I wouldn't say that. On a personal level with yourself, I guess it's cool that you've found something that you're happy with... but please, don't waste your 'faith' on 'christian black metal'. It's a fucking stupid genre that doesn't belong in music. If you want to be in a Christian metal band, it should be Power Metal, not Black metal. Black metal is based off of Satanism and Paganism, and the whole point of it is to denounce Christianity or any other form of organized religion. If you want to start a "white metal" band, well, all I can say is that you better prepare to get the shit kicked out of you and your band.

Anyone who posts this nonsense on a message board consisting of many people who aren't Christian or fans of Christian music is a pretty stupid thing to do man...

[Feb 11,2005 10:51pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
I really don't care if your personal opinion is that Christian lyrics don't belong to black metal. It's actually kind of stupid to even suggest that kind of thing, but then again THAT'S just my opinion... (see, we'll never getting anywhere argueing over this stupid stuff). The moral of this story is, my cat is meowing and it thinks I should let it out, and personally, I think his opinion is more valid than yours, so I'll be going now.
[Feb 11,2005 11:42pm - Dissector ""]
I'm more ashamed that these guys are "melodic" black metal more than I am that they're christians.
[Feb 12,2005 12:44am - Rex_Hartman ""]
What's wrong with melodic black metal?
[Feb 12,2005 1:05am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i can't believe this thread is still going...
[Feb 12,2005 1:06am - MyDeadDoll ""]
can someone help me "Release and Clothe the Virgin Sacrifice" please? she weighs a TON
[Feb 12,2005 1:11am - BestialOnslaught ""]
The point is not that "Black Metal Culture" is interwoven with Black Metal music, but that to be Black Metal, the music MUST be evil. Do you really think it honors a loving God to play music that is meant to be morally destructive?
[Feb 12,2005 2:30am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
[Feb 12,2005 2:31am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
guyyyys.... FIRST TESTIMENT.

it is like
[Feb 12,2005 2:42pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
The veil was torn in two.
[Feb 12,2005 3:46pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
fuck keyboards.

keytars are where it's at:

[Feb 12,2005 3:46pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 12,2005 3:47pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
[Feb 12,2005 4:22pm - __THeMoor__ ""]
Dissector said:who would those 3 bands be?

Dixie Chicks, John Ashcroft, and Slayer (it's all satire)
[Feb 12,2005 5:58pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
Keytars are so 80's arena rock. Heh.
[Feb 12,2005 9:37pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Christianity is so 1780's...
[Feb 12,2005 10:02pm - InVitroCannibalization ""]
Personally, I don't understand why everyone is making such a big deal about this Christian band. Yeah, this obviously wasn't the best site to post (because 99% of the people who post here are anti-Christian), but at least they had the balls to stick up for their beliefs and not back-down, or just hurl ignorant insults, like most of the people here ended up doing to them. A lot of bands sing about what they are passionate about whether that be gore, decapitation, slaughter, love, sacrifice, food, faith...whatever, so what is so wrong or bad about a band that is passionate about Jesus? Is it wrong or bad just because it is different from the views of everyone else that posts here? I say MORE POWER TO YOU, but you won't find what you are looking for at this website.

[Feb 12,2005 10:30pm - swamplorddvm ""]

Ignorance is what they're spreading.
[Feb 13,2005 2:15am - anonymous  ""]
I don't REALLY understand why believing in someone who showed the greatest love of all is ignorance *SHRUG* but that's just me... asta
[Feb 13,2005 2:23am - swamplorddvm ""]
You believe hes the son of "god"?
[Feb 13,2005 6:31am - BestialOnslaught ""]
anonymous said:I don't REALLY understand why believing in someone who showed the greatest love of all is ignorance *SHRUG* but that's just me... asta

Just shut the fuck up already.
[Feb 13,2005 11:19am - sinistas ""]
I don't consider myself Christian anymore, but there's still way too much hate on this thread. Really.
[Feb 13,2005 1:04pm - Ekklesia  ""]
who said christians dont sing about gore? we sing about the reality if you don't turn to Christ you wil burn for eternity in a fire forever as your skin is tortured for eternity it burns and the pain never ends. Forever you cant get out your head that this band tried to show you the truth satan wants you dead with him separated from God for eternity. in hell you have negitive feelings still you will yell, scream, shake, tremble, and smell flesh burning for eternity. you tell me we cant talk about gore.
[Feb 13,2005 1:26pm - Xammael ""]
Ekklesia said:we sing about the reality if you don't turn to Christ you wil burn for eternity

That's quite the "reality" you've got there. "Fantasy" would be a much better term since you're clearly delusional.
[Feb 13,2005 3:01pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
Xammael said:Ekklesia said:we sing about the reality if you don't turn to Christ you wil burn for eternity

That's quite the "reality" you've got there. "Fantasy" would be a much better term since you're clearly delusional.

The point is we are dealing with a HOLY GOD who cannot allow sin into heaven, so even though he loves you with an everlasting love, it's would destroy heaven for him to allow a soul in heaven that isn't clean by the blood of His son Jesus. That's the bad news. The good news is, it's pretty simple to repent...the problem is pride really.
[Feb 13,2005 3:04pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
BestialOnslaught said:anonymous said:I don't REALLY understand why believing in someone who showed the greatest love of all is ignorance *SHRUG* but that's just me... asta

Just shut the fuck up already.

Don't tell her what to do.
[Feb 13,2005 3:22pm - Xammael ""]
Rex_Hartman said:The point is we are dealing with a HOLY GOD who cannot allow sin into heaven, so even though he loves you with an everlasting love, it's would destroy heaven for him to allow a soul in heaven that isn't clean by the blood of His son Jesus. That's the bad news. The good news is, it's pretty simple to repent...the problem is pride really.

You are fucking nuts.
[Feb 13,2005 4:50pm - Mathais  ""]
christian Black Metal, if true to its nature, would have lyrics gorier than exhumed or cannibal corpse. For instances, they could write about the crusading into Jerusalem in 1099, killing every peaceful non-christian in sight, and cannibalizing the flesh of muslim babies. Theres also the King Phillips war.

"We peeled their scalps and bled their hair
Killing who we cant convert
Genocide, the answer to our prayers
Will cleanse our lands of pagan dirt"

Just as you invaded, converted and/or slaughtered civilizations throughout history, you have come to claim our sacred genre of black metal. To you we are the heathens like those who lived peacefully in the northern mountains, or on unclaimed american soil. History has lied to you. Vikings did not invade, only retaliate. We will too.
[Feb 13,2005 4:54pm - vengefulandgodless ""]
Mathais said:Vikings did not invade, only retaliate. We will too.

ever hear of king harold of norway
[Feb 13,2005 5:47pm - Mathais  ""]
google seems to think that King Harold was Anglo-Saxon. Whether this is right or not, it doesnt matter. History is not black and white. My only knowledge of western history being twisted to positively portray Christianity comes from Michel De Montaigne's "Essay of Cannibals" which is too long winded to find a good summarizing quote. I was only trying to draw a comparison between christians throughout history, and the christians here at this board. They had the first word, obviously an attempt at getting under the skin of the black metal community (but feel free to argue this) and based on the ridiculous length of this thread, they are also trying to get the last word. We black metallers may appear hostile, even hateful, but were only trying to defend our invaded territory.
[Feb 13,2005 8:40pm - InVitroCannibalization ""]
[Feb 13,2005 8:50pm - Chris-tian  ""]
Invaded territory? You were BORN already liking this style of music? No. It's something that grew on you, a learned behaviour. Or like most poeple you are into it only because your friends are, or because they got you into it.

The point is this, if you feel black metal is a territory to be invaded, then you are probably basing your existance of this genre of music, which is pretty sad. If our having a band that plays just as brutal and beautifully yet praises Jesus instead of satan how does that "bring down" your sacred black metal? If my praising God through a means that you are most familiar with to spread the message of redemption to those who wouldn't hear it otherswise or understand it otherwise "destroys" your balck metal, then, prepare to be destroyed. It's not like I am shoving my beliefs down your thoat. I am not forcing anyone hear to listen to our music or to believe what we believe. I want to play great skillful music and at the same time sow the seeds of the gospel. If you can't handle it, perhaps some looking into your own insecurities is in order. Seeing as you are talking like you feel threatened or less than a man because of our endeavor. Think about it.

And yes it wasn;t a smart idea posting on this website for a drummer and basist, but that's not my fault.
[Feb 13,2005 8:59pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
Hey, it wasn't MY idea. :-P
[Feb 13,2005 9:14pm - drkangel3667  ""]
To each their own... maybe you'll find ppl that like the idea of being preached to in songs... I was never a fan of it and avoid it all costs these days. I won't deny a childhood filled with sundays at church and summers helping out at the nunnery... but turning the one thing i prefer angry and dark into light... sure, whatever.
[Feb 13,2005 9:14pm - Mathais  ""]
All human beings follow a set stage of development. It isnt until we become young adults that our attitudes and opinions are shaped. These are eventually solidified into an identity. Ive been a musician since I was in second grade, in a constant search for the heaviest and most complex music. I was the only kid in my high school that owned an emperor cd (that i know of). A Black Metal musician is my identity, an identity that celebrates individuality, and one that I am proud of.

Now lets think outside the box for a moment. Is it possible that one's "territory" can parallel one's "identity"? certainly. I have no sense of nationalism, and have no spirituality. So i'm just a insecure little boy who was made fun of in high school, and forced to deviate into an underground subculture, to hopefully feel some sort of naive superiority? nah. I just hate Christianity. The statement that "jesus does not belong in black metal, go away" has been repeated so much that its obviously not getting into your head(s). Ill give it one more shot. JESUS DOES NOT BELONG IN BLACK METAL! GO MAKE YOUR OWN GENRE AND CONTINUE POISONING MINDS AND REPRESSING 4 BILLION YEARS OF EVOLUTIONARY INSTINCT.

and finally, your little attmept at psycho-analysis. Religious conflict has nothing to do with masculinity, or lack there of. If you want something to think about, try grasping the enormous void you are filling with religion. Ever look at the sky? feel insignificant? feel scared? feel all alone? cant deal? pray to jesus! he'll give you answers. he'll give you comfort. What would you be without religion? That scared little boy mentioned above. I hope the weight of the world eventually crushes you.

Anywho, I'll try out for your band if you still need a drummer. I play in a satanic band called Abaroth (www.abaroth.com) I hope thats not a problem! LOLz!
[Feb 13,2005 11:08pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
Yea well I'm starting a Satanic Creed cover band so fuck off. Oh and J the long rant about turning the other cheek not helping kicked ass.:satancross:
[Feb 14,2005 12:20am - Rex_Hartman ""]
Mathais said:All human beings follow a set stage of development. It isnt until we become young adults that our attitudes and opinions are shaped. These are eventually solidified into an identity. Ive been a musician since I was in second grade, in a constant search for the heaviest and most complex music. I was the only kid in my high school that owned an emperor cd (that i know of). A Black Metal musician is my identity, an identity that celebrates individuality, and one that I am proud of.

Now lets think outside the box for a moment. Is it possible that one's "territory" can parallel one's "identity"? certainly. I have no sense of nationalism, and have no spirituality. So i'm just a insecure little boy who was made fun of in high school, and forced to deviate into an underground subculture, to hopefully feel some sort of naive superiority? nah. I just hate Christianity. The statement that "jesus does not belong in black metal, go away" has been repeated so much that its obviously not getting into your head(s). Ill give it one more shot. JESUS DOES NOT BELONG IN BLACK METAL! GO MAKE YOUR OWN GENRE AND CONTINUE POISONING MINDS AND REPRESSING 4 BILLION YEARS OF EVOLUTIONARY INSTINCT.

and finally, your little attmept at psycho-analysis. Religious conflict has nothing to do with masculinity, or lack there of. If you want something to think about, try grasping the enormous void you are filling with religion. Ever look at the sky? feel insignificant? feel scared? feel all alone? cant deal? pray to jesus! he'll give you answers. he'll give you comfort. What would you be without religion? That scared little boy mentioned above. I hope the weight of the world eventually crushes you.

Anywho, I'll try out for your band if you still need a drummer. I play in a satanic band called Abaroth (www.abaroth.com) I hope thats not a problem! LOLz!

I'm sorry you feel that way. At least we have a sure foundation to stand upon when the weight of the world becomes to much. At least we run to love when we can't take life anymore. What have you? Your Satanic black metal that just whispers sweet lies to you and promotes hatred? Where will that get you?
[Feb 14,2005 12:36am - -iLluSiON- ""]
The amount of images and responses this thread has now, well, it seems to be equal to the amount of hamburgers you eat a day, Rex. I believe it is time you go on a diet. Stay with your Eucharist and wine.
[Feb 14,2005 12:43am - Rex_Hartman ""]
-iLluSiON- said:The amount of images and responses this thread has now, well, it seems to be equal to the amount of hamburgers you eat a day, Rex. I believe it is time you go on a diet. Stay with your Eucharist and wine.

I'm not Catholic.
[Feb 14,2005 12:50am - Mathais  ""]
Rex_Hartman said:

whispers sweet lies

Asks questions. A little more productive than choking down answers.
[Feb 14,2005 2:00am - ArrowHead ""]
Dear faggot christian blackmetal band members,

1) why is it that whenever someone follows a non christian or jesuit faith that you jesus loving fucks label them confused? It's called faith, not fact, which means you're just plain arrogant and cocky.

2) black metal was labeled and created under anti-christian pretense. It was not a particular sound, moreso a political movement using music and culture as medium. Why grab onto their movement and force your own values OVER it when you could try something new and original, and let people imitate YOU instead.

3) Jesus told you fuckers to keep your relationship with god personal and private. He also protested organized churches. Hell, both christ AND the jews worship writings that proclaim all the churches as the world as misguided and evil. Why then must all you newborn and born again fuckers feel this enormous need to spread your faith publicly and forcibly? Is it really that hard to tuck away your insecurities and hide them like the rest of us do?

4) You denounce satanism multiple times in this thread as misguided or confused. Why? Is it that hard to comprehend, that after taking god's love for man as a given, one might still rationally choose not to reciprocate that love at the heavy cost it demands?

You cocks really come across as having no fucking clue about your own faith, music, or those of others. If you intend to bring forth a ministry, you are ill prepared. I've put in 7 YEARS of concentrated theological study, and even I would have great difficulty finding that substantial ground to launch ministry from. Why not keep your music and your message seperate for now, because I really doubt you'll be ready for when the millions of people as intelligent and educated as myself and some of the others here put your faith to question in public.
[Feb 14,2005 3:38am - Ekklesia  ""]
ArrowHead said:I've put in 7 YEARS of concentrated theological study, and even I would have great difficulty finding that substantial ground to launch ministry from. Why not keep your music and your message seperate for now, because I really doubt you'll be ready for when the millions of people as intelligent and educated as myself and some of the others here put your faith to question in public.

Now whos the arrogant one? God Saved us! I'm not studied and I still know this God can care less about your education! God looks inward not outward! so look in mirror sometime I god sees you burning in hell with someone you think is your friend yourself and satan. so who knows more you and me or God! May Jesus's Blood cover your soul and spirit!
satan sucks and he wants you to think you will live for eternity in a party. GUESS WHAT! NOT! ALL i GOT SAY! MEGIDDO WILL ROCK THE DEVILL OUT OF YOU!

777 :skull: DEATH TO SATAN!
[Feb 14,2005 3:42am - swamplorddvm ""]
Ekklesia said:ArrowHead said:I've put in 7 YEARS of concentrated theological study, and even I would have great difficulty finding that substantial ground to launch ministry from. Why not keep your music and your message seperate for now, because I really doubt you'll be ready for when the millions of people as intelligent and educated as myself and some of the others here put your faith to question in public.

Now whos the arrogant one? God Saved us! I'm not studied and I still know this God can care less about your education! God looks inward not outward! so look in mirror sometime I god sees you burning in hell with someone you think is your friend yourself and satan. so who knows more you and me or God! May Jesus's Blood cover your soul and spirit!
satan sucks and he wants you to think you will live for eternity in a party. GUESS WHAT! NOT! ALL i GOT SAY! MEGIDDO WILL ROCK THE DEVILL OUT OF YOU!

777 :skull: DEATH TO SATAN!

How do you KNOW "god" is real?

[Feb 14,2005 9:08am - InVitroCannibalization ""]
Ekklesia said: InVitroCannibalization,
who said christians dont sing about gore? we sing about the reality if you don't turn to Christ you wil burn for eternity in a fire forever as your skin is tortured for eternity it burns and the pain never ends. Forever you cant get out your head that this band tried to show you the truth satan wants you dead with him separated from God for eternity. in hell you have negitive feelings still you will yell, scream, shake, tremble, and smell flesh burning for eternity. you tell me we cant talk about gore.

Where in my post did I even infer that Christians don't or can't sing about gore? Please inform me, because I did not say anything along those lines. In fact, I was completely supporting your stance by saying that I don't think that there is anything wrong or bad about a band singing about something that they are passionate about (i.e. Jesus). I will reiterate:

"Personally, I don't understand why everyone is making such a big deal about this Christian band. Yeah, this obviously wasn't the best site to post (because 99% of the people who post here are anti-Christian), but at least they had the balls to stick up for their beliefs and not back-down, or just hurl ignorant insults, like most of the people here ended up doing to them. A lot of bands sing about what they are passionate about whether that be gore, decapitation, slaughter, love, sacrifice, food, faith...whatever, so what is so wrong or bad about a band that is passionate about Jesus? Is it wrong or bad just because it is different from the views of everyone else that posts here? I say MORE POWER TO YOU, but you won't find what you are looking for at this website. "

P.S. Trying to reach unsaved souls by using the wrong approach (preaching) will backfire against you.
[Feb 14,2005 12:09pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
InVitroCannibalization said:Ekklesia said: InVitroCannibalization,
who said christians dont sing about gore? we sing about the reality if you don't turn to Christ you wil burn for eternity in a fire forever as your skin is tortured for eternity it burns and the pain never ends. Forever you cant get out your head that this band tried to show you the truth satan wants you dead with him separated from God for eternity. in hell you have negitive feelings still you will yell, scream, shake, tremble, and smell flesh burning for eternity. you tell me we cant talk about gore.

Where in my post did I even infer that Christians don't or can't sing about gore? Please inform me, because I did not say anything along those lines. In fact, I was completely supporting your stance by saying that I don't think that there is anything wrong or bad about a band singing about something that they are passionate about (i.e. Jesus). I will reiterate:

"Personally, I don't understand why everyone is making such a big deal about this Christian band. Yeah, this obviously wasn't the best site to post (because 99% of the people who post here are anti-Christian), but at least they had the balls to stick up for their beliefs and not back-down, or just hurl ignorant insults, like most of the people here ended up doing to them. A lot of bands sing about what they are passionate about whether that be gore, decapitation, slaughter, love, sacrifice, food, faith...whatever, so what is so wrong or bad about a band that is passionate about Jesus? Is it wrong or bad just because it is different from the views of everyone else that posts here? I say MORE POWER TO YOU, but you won't find what you are looking for at this website. "

P.S. Trying to reach unsaved souls by using the wrong approach (preaching) will backfire against you.

The word of God does not return void. Remember that. The Holy Spirit is more powerful than you think.
[Feb 14,2005 12:15pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Rex_Hartman said:BestialOnslaught said:anonymous said:I don't REALLY understand why believing in someone who showed the greatest love of all is ignorance *SHRUG* but that's just me... asta

Just shut the fuck up already.

Don't tell her what to do.

Why not? She's a stupid cunt.
[Feb 14,2005 12:19pm - morkul ""]
I had to see it for myself to believe it. Just too funny.........
[Feb 14,2005 10:30pm - Rex_Hartman ""]
Hey look at me I started this thread!

[Feb 25,2005 12:05am - Rex_Hartman ""]
Revolution in my mind
In my sleep, in my time
You must be issued with vision
Not too many last this long
Conservative, soul life
Straight way, extremist, revolutionary
Born again christian
I am revolutionary
I'm of the old school
I am a metal missionary
I am a revolutionary!!!

Watch out, New England.
[Feb 25,2005 12:34am - dan.  ""]
rex hartman is the lovechild of jack black and richard simmons.
[Feb 28,2005 1:32am - Rex_Hartman ""]
well they do say i look like jack black, but richard simmons, pahlease. lol
[Feb 28,2005 1:32am - ArmageddAnne ""]
can we make this stupid post disappear now before I get mad?
[Mar 2,2005 12:23am - anonymous  ""]
Awwwww is poooaaaaah wittle annie maddd?????
[Mar 2,2005 12:34am - ArmageddAnne ""]
I'm speachless...
[Nov 4,2009 12:00pm - reimroc ""]


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