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Christian Melodic Black Metal band forming...

[Jan 25,2005 1:24am - anonymous  ""]
We have: 2 lead guitarists (J and Mike) and a lead singer (Chris). We are serious Christians and we want to reach the lost souls with Christian black metal...also known as white metal or holy unblack! We need a fast drummer who can do awesome blastbeats and crazy doublebass...technical ability is welcomed too. We may also need a talented bass player. Christians only! We are a serious Christian band! Thanks and God Bless.

To apply: send an IM to melsboy617 or petrafan007

We are located in the Greater Boston area
[Jan 25,2005 1:27am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
this is a joke. especially if it's not intended to be one.
[Jan 25,2005 1:41am - mikehuntstinks ""]
if your a christan band than you are not a black metal band, but christan bands and black metal bands do have one thing in common you both hate the jews:satancross:
[Jan 25,2005 3:11am - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
Christian Blackmetal? That makes no sense at all
[Jan 25,2005 3:15am - my_pretentious_erection ""]
do you need a third guitarist? i have a few friends too... how about five guitarists?
[Jan 25,2005 4:00am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
my_pretentious_erection said:do you need a third guitarist? i have a few friends too... how about five guitarists?

yeah...and six drummers...and attak dogs that pounce on the audience during the set. and some hot death metal bitch vocalist who does all the shows naked spreadeagled. that would be cool.
[Jan 25,2005 8:43am - RustedAngel ""]
[Jan 25,2005 8:48am - Jesus is Black Metal  ""]
You should get Jesus to do some backing vocals maybe he can turn water into wine for his "Black/Whiteish" Metal fans.
Goddamm it, If you guys can get him, then I'm sold(hahahahahaha)
[Jan 25,2005 8:52am - dirteecrayon ""]
Todd said:Christian Blackmetal? That makes no sense at all

[Jan 25,2005 10:11am - paganmegan ""]
stryper goes BM haha
[Jan 25,2005 10:15am - dan.  ""]
i dont think this is a joke. petra is a christian 80s metal band or something. someone im them and see if its real. by the way, 'holy unblack' AHAHHA that rules. when i start my pentecostal white pride band...this shall be the name.
[Jan 25,2005 10:19am - paganmegan ""]
I don't think fenriz would appreciate what supposed "black metal" has come to
Quothorn is rolling in his grave
[Jan 25,2005 10:21am - litacore ""]
where's Steve today?
[Jan 25,2005 10:23am - paganmegan ""]
listening to naglfar and praying?
[Jan 25,2005 10:25am - litacore ""]
[Jan 25,2005 10:28am - paganmegan ""]
what did your post say before you edited it?
[Jan 25,2005 10:28am - Christraper ""]
I really don't need to say anything
[Jan 25,2005 10:29am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Christian BM = KKK Rap.
[Jan 25,2005 10:32am - litacore ""]
paganmegan said:what did your post say before you edited it?

I misspelled *shrugs* as *shurgs*

no kidding! >:]
[Jan 25,2005 10:33am - paganmegan ""]
[Jan 25,2005 10:39am - litacore ""]

hahaha, the truth lies therein!
[Jan 25,2005 10:43am - Abbath ""]
holy fagatron i do not believe this shit
[Jan 25,2005 10:46am - Dissector ""]
This is by far the funniest thing for me to wake up to. Now I know my day is gonna be great after laughing so hard the first 5 minutes I was awake.
[Jan 25,2005 10:47am - paganmegan ""]
litacore said:[img]

hahaha, the truth lies therein!

[Jan 25,2005 10:51am - mary ""]
Christian Blackmetal? Oh c'mon.. seriously. I can see the band pics now. Corpsepaint, boots and your WWJD? t-shirt.

[Jan 25,2005 10:56am - Christraper ""]
its too bad they posted anonymously so i cant harrass them on a regular basis
[Jan 25,2005 10:56am - Christraper ""]
oh wait they left their email address! sweet!
[Jan 25,2005 10:56am - Christraper ""]
maybe theyll pray for me.....
[Jan 25,2005 11:03am - vengefulandgodless ""]
anonymous said:We have: 2 lead guitarists (J and Mike) and a lead singer (Chris). We are serious Christians and we want to reach the lost souls with Christian black metal...also known as white metal or holy unblack! We need a fast drummer who can do awesome blastbeats and crazy doublebass...technical ability is welcomed too. We may also need a talented bass player. Christians only! We are a serious Christian band! Thanks and God Bless.

To apply: send an IM to melsboy617 or petrafan007

We are located in the Greater Boston area

The Light Bringer and The Rogue:
The story says he wanted to keep us ignorant Make us mentally frail and call it innocence Knowledge was right there, but he'd threaten punishment against anyone bold enough to reach for it He would cast man out of paradise Just as he had done with the angel of light Our ignorance was key to his tyranny But the serpent came to man and set us free
Knowledge and progress these were Lucifer's gifts To man kind, yet we call this angel villainous What utterly backward morals have we To worship a god who'd keep our minds empty
The constant and vigilant enemy of knowledge, right and ascendancy Yahew, Allah, god all-mighty, still a mythical rogue from every angle we see An Azagthoth, a blind idiot god, an allegorical phantom purveyor of fraud The patron saint of stupidity Whose maliscious streak puts to shame Loki
He whom only thunder hath made greater was only made great by the thunder of the church and just as the mythical knowledge bringer suffered Gallileo and Bruno would suffer on earth

[Jan 25,2005 11:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
HORDE is the only Christian BM band that matters!!!
[Jan 25,2005 11:26am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
HORDE "Hellig Usvart"

1. A Church Bell Tolls Amidst The Frozen Nordic Winds

2. Blasphemous Abomination of the Satanic Pentagram

3. Behold, The Rising of the Scarlet Moon

4. Thine Hour Hast Come

5. Release and Clothe the Virgin Sacrifice

6. Drink From the Chalice of Blood

7. Silence the Blasphemous Chanting

8. Invert the Inverted Cross

9. An Abandoned Grave Bathes Softly in the Falling Moonlight

10. Crush the BLoodied Horns of the Goat

11. Weak, Feeble, Dying Antichrist

12. The Day of Total Armageddon Holocaust

13. Mine Heart Doth Beseech Thee (O Master)

Just can't beat those song titles!

[Jan 25,2005 11:31am - litacore ""]
reminds me of the South Park where Cartman starts a Christian band

"I wanna get naked with O Holy Jesus"
[Jan 25,2005 12:06pm - assuck ""]
"i wanna feel his salvation all over my face!"
[Jan 25,2005 9:34pm - malettey ""]
i don't even know how to begin making fun of a christian black metal band. it just seems like such a feeble attempt to "get back" at real black metal for offending them....i mean, come on!!! "release and clothe the virgin sacrifice"? "crush the bloodied horns of the goat"? "weak, feeble, dying antichrist"? what a crock of shit.
[Jan 25,2005 10:25pm - Todd(bombshelter)  ""]
8. Invert the Inverted Cross

haha,that one is my favorite, Could be a New slayer tune,if they all of a sudden "see the light"
[Jan 25,2005 10:38pm - Aegathis  ""]
Hey Christraper did ya get a hold of these guys yet?
[Jan 25,2005 10:51pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Jan 26,2005 1:12am - litacore ""]
what can I say but . . .

[Jan 26,2005 1:14am - litacore ""]
ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming

how metal!
[Jan 26,2005 1:26am - mikehuntstinks ""]
i'm all for un black metal death to satan !I'll rape his bitch ass JESUS i HAVE THE POWER NIGGAS! i FEEL THE POWER JESUS
[Feb 5,2005 2:38pm - anonymous  ""]
christian black metal..
antestor (hellhammer plays drums for them y'know)
frost like ashes
Enjoy fellas,
BTW, the 3 heaviest bands in the world actually play for Jesus.. just tah let you know.
[Feb 5,2005 2:41pm - Dissector ""]
who would those 3 bands be?
[Feb 5,2005 2:46pm - Justin ACR  ""]
its ex-cleansed by fire members, there are some good christian metal bands out there, if u dont like old vengeance rising or deliverance, ur missing out!
[Feb 5,2005 2:47pm - Justin ACR  ""]
litacore said:where's Steve today?

These guys are ex-cleansed by fire members. steve was the drummer for them. there are good christian metal bands out there. Vengeance Rising, Deliverance, Mortification, Believer, Torniquet, Horde, Seventh Angel. Just to name a few.
[Feb 5,2005 4:43pm - metalmatt666 ""]
this whole topic is quite amusing
[Feb 5,2005 5:11pm - metalnazi  ""]
christians are fuckin gay
[Feb 5,2005 5:56pm - Justin ACR  ""]
takes a lot more balls to be a christian in the metalscene then being satanic or aetheist, agnostic, etc.
[Feb 5,2005 6:17pm - armageddonday ""]
Let's hope it's a joke.
[Feb 5,2005 6:20pm - Justin ACR  ""]
i dont think it is
[Feb 5,2005 7:07pm - armageddonday ""]
oh gee...like if we needed more of these.

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