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the OFFICIAL recap thread for the DEHUMANIZED/SKINLESS show @ AS220

AS220 (Providence, RI) - [anoxia][dehumanized][randomshots][skinless][teratism][the_nightmare_continues][wasteform]
[Mar 6,2005 9:57am - lynch mobb  ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Lynch Mobb sounds like a total faggot, that is a fact.

meh whatever i guess being a nice guy is such a bad thing ya know apologizing to someone after chippin their tooth im pretty sure if he told me i did that right there i wouldve said sorry face to face but whatever. i liked teratism too but oh well.
[Mar 6,2005 9:59am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Well, if he hit you then you should have punched him in the face, throwing a monitor though...it would be really cool if AS220 stopped doing aggressive shows.
[Mar 6,2005 10:02am - the_reverend ""]
I still have a smile on my face from this fucking show. for a while, I was going to shows and there would be like 10 people there.
THIS is how all shows should be... an amazing event that people actual plan to be at.
[Mar 6,2005 11:24am - ArmageddAnne ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Lynch Mobb sounds like a total faggot, that is a fact.

edit: because throwing a monitor into the crowd is gay

Well, let's hope that it won't turn them down...cause this is all we have Chris and I to book shows in PVD right now, the only place that thinks we're actually worth it and who gets back to us when we need a show...
I know Nikki (bartender) and Joey (house manager) were pissed, like really pissed at the end of the night. I'm working tonight and tomorrow so I'll hear from it I'm sure.

I do second Joe on the PA throwing thing, what the fuck is that? If it's broken are you going to pay for it? Cause I'll let you know...
[Mar 6,2005 12:04pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I guess we're really going to see how much of a nice guy he is
[Mar 6,2005 12:22pm - XmikeX ""]
I didn't see anyone throw anything. Lynchie couldn't throw a PA monitor if he wanted to.
[Mar 6,2005 12:28pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
XmikeX said:I didn't see anyone throw anything. Lynchie couldn't throw a PA monitor if he wanted to.

hahaha me neither...and even if I did I probably wouldn't remember anyway..I'm going by Joe's comments.
[Mar 6,2005 12:32pm - XmikeX ""]
I saw Joe Christianni throw a pair of his girlfriend's panties on stage during Skinless. They landed and burned a hole into the stage like acid blood from Alien. Man, that bitch has got some intergalactic hyper AIDS.
[Mar 6,2005 12:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
XmikeX said:They landed and burned a hole into the stage like acid blood from Alien.

haha, I smell a new thread title...
[Mar 6,2005 1:01pm - tbone_r ""]
fucking asshole hardcore kids ruining more venues. hardcore kids are good for nothing i tell you....nothing.
[Mar 6,2005 1:34pm - KeithMutiny ""]
ArmageddAnne said:XmikeX said:I didn't see anyone throw anything. Lynchie couldn't throw a PA monitor if he wanted to.

hahaha me neither...and even if I did I probably wouldn't remember anyway..I'm going by Joe's comments.

i was standing there when it happened, to be honest, i didnt know it was thrown, i just thought something fucked up happend and it got hit into the crowd, or kicked or something.

for the record, if someone threw a pa monitor at me, i would have smashed their teeth in.
[Mar 6,2005 1:45pm - Bradness ""]
ArmageddAnne said: I lose my attention spam

bwhahahaha!! you better have some of that "attention spam" when Cwaf invades PVD on Saturday!

[Mar 6,2005 1:50pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
is that a threat? hhum...I like that!
[Mar 6,2005 1:54pm - Mary ""]
ArmageddAnne said:is that a threat? hhum...I like that!

[Mar 6,2005 1:55pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
[Mar 6,2005 2:02pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
mm processed pig balls
[Mar 6,2005 2:05pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:mm...balls

[Mar 6,2005 2:13pm - tbone_r ""]
attn: markfuckingrichards. i dl'd strappado like you suggested, it was awesome. just thought id let you know
[Mar 6,2005 2:28pm - Anthony ""]
tbone_r said:attn: markfuckingrichards. i dl'd strappado like you suggested, it was awesome. just thought id let you know

Hmm.. I don't get the connection btwn Strappado and this thread.

[Mar 6,2005 2:29pm - tbone_r ""]
i saw him at this show. he told me and my friends to check out his band. i did. i liked. i reported.
[Mar 6,2005 2:30pm - Anthony ""]
Cool man.

I'm glad you liked it, our full length is not too far off into the future hopefully.
[Mar 6,2005 3:13pm - Kalopsia ""]
this show fucking RULED!!!!! thanks to everyone that came out. i met a buttload of RttP'ers that night, half of the crowd was from this site, damn it was insane. without a doubt our best show yet, and it was all thanks to YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!! we're definately coming back soon
[Mar 6,2005 4:02pm - dread_104 ""]
Randy Johnson sucks.
[Mar 6,2005 4:02pm - dread_104 ""]
and don't talk back to me!
[Mar 6,2005 4:53pm - the_reverend ""]
tbone_r said:fucking asshole hardcore kids ruining more venues. hardcore kids are good for nothing i tell you....nothing.

that's it.. I'd best ruing hardcore faster.
[Mar 6,2005 5:07pm - Kalopsia ""]
dread_104 said:Randy Johnson sucks.

you're shitty at lying
[Mar 6,2005 5:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Mike, did you hear those CDs yet?
[Mar 6,2005 5:57pm - phobia ""]
does anyone on this thread know who tried to cut my arm off at the after party?
[Mar 6,2005 5:58pm - tbone_r ""]
it was me.
[Mar 6,2005 6:02pm - phobia ""]
ok, i just wanted to know for revenge purposes.
[Mar 6,2005 6:11pm - tbone_r ""]
it wasn't me.
[Mar 6,2005 6:14pm - pisscup ""]
phobia said:does anyone on this thread know who tried to cut my arm off at the after party?

[Mar 6,2005 6:15pm - phobia ""]
i think it was my 'twin'.
[Mar 6,2005 6:16pm - phobia ""]
tbone_r said:it was me.

although i'll accept this for an answer.
[Mar 6,2005 7:00pm - Kalopsia ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Mike, did you hear those CDs yet?

no, i left my shit in the merch box and fucking george took the box home before i remembered to get them out. i gotta wait until practice tomorrow
[Mar 6,2005 9:19pm - diamond_dave ""]
yeah, so another lost equipment report...i lost my bag of cables and accessories...brown/gray doctor's bag...i had about 8 monster cables in there and a couple of stompboxes and some power cables. i think i might have left it onstage when we were done. if anyone has it please let me know, thanks.
[Mar 6,2005 9:22pm - Kalopsia ""]
damn that sucks dude. i think i might have left one of my backup Monster cables there as well.
[Mar 6,2005 9:24pm - ArmageddAnne ""]
did you guys called As220?
[Mar 6,2005 9:29pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
Who was the guy up front during Dehumanizied with the jacket wearing his hood and big sunglasses holding a beer? He's my hero.
[Mar 6,2005 9:35pm - Robdeadskin ""]
i lost a morbid angel hoodie...oh well i was trashed.
[Mar 6,2005 9:46pm - dirteecrayon ""]
nel said: Dude with the afro is sick! Gotta give due credit to the acrobatics.

thats my friend FORBES!!!!!!

did you see him swinging around the pole? fucking insane!
[Mar 6,2005 9:48pm - KeithMutiny ""]
CarrotsandSticks said:Who was the guy up front during Dehumanizied with the jacket wearing his hood and big sunglasses holding a beer? He's my hero.

i belive that was the bassist from skinless, but im not sure.
[Mar 6,2005 10:24pm - thegreatspaldino ""]
dirteecrayon said:nel said: Dude with the afro is sick! Gotta give due credit to the acrobatics.

thats my friend FORBES!!!!!!

did you see him swinging around the pole? fucking insane!

i fucking love Kayo Dot and i also saw him perform with Irepress... he is brutal to the core.
[Mar 6,2005 10:30pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw that grey back on stage all night..
[Mar 6,2005 10:43pm - dirteecrayon ""]
thegreatspaldino said:
i fucking love Kayo Dot and i also saw him perform with Irepress... he is brutal to the core. >>

wow, you're the first person on here that recognized who he was. yeah i love kayo dot and irepress too! he's such a talented guy who doesn't get enough credit.

he's on a track for the red chord called "clients" which should be coming out in may.

have you heard of thought streams? you might dig it --- listen to the entire song though.

"to devour ovaries"
[Mar 7,2005 12:09am - diamond_dave ""]
the_reverend said:I saw that grey back on stage all night..

ok good, i thought that's where i left it...hopefully it got picked up by the cleanup crew and not one of the bands. i'm going there tomorrow when they open. thanks.
[Mar 7,2005 1:42am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Robdeadskin said:i lost a morbid angel hoodie...

I found it at the end of the night, I have it in my car.

I also found a pair of blue sunglasses that I think are Brian's or Dan's from ANOXIA.

Is there a reward?! :spineyes:
[Mar 7,2005 2:54am - deathtrumpet  ""]
the show was great, everyone should consider not arguing about blah blah this and blah blah that the bands were SICK that's what's important. where i'm from (DC area) we don't have metal shows at an art gallery or anywhere for that matter but JAXX so instead of arguing about beer or skinny kids kickboxing in the pit APPRECIATE the slammin music that all the bands brought friday night. back "home" i seriously saw thrones, deceased, khanate and sigh play to about 20 people 2 nights in a row. so appreciate what you have up here in new england. the show was fuckin great, im really glad i finally got to see dehumanized and wasteform..i enjoyed all the music on friday night personally.
[Mar 7,2005 6:34am - handinjury ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Robdeadskin said:i lost a morbid angel hoodie...

I found it at the end of the night, I have it in my car.

I also found a pair of blue sunglasses that I think are Brian's or Dan's from ANOXIA.

Is there a reward?! :spineyes:

Sounds likes chris's. I dont wear sunglasses at night.

[Mar 7,2005 6:47am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
XmikeX said:I didn't see anyone throw anything. Lynchie couldn't throw a PA monitor if he wanted to.

thats funny, cuz he said he did it

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